Who will Sarah Palin support if she doesn't run?


  • man - 13 years ago

    Was surprised Ron Paul is not here?Sara Palin only says good things about him

  • G. Scott Cainiac - 13 years ago

    I don't see any way she would endorse Ron Paul, she has nothing in common with him.

    I would imagine that the reason Ron Paul was not included in this poll is because any time there is a poll which includes Ron Paul, Campaign For Liberty, Young Americans For Liberty, and all of Ron Paul's other front organizations will mobilize the troops to go vote for Paul. There have been polls on national media websites that have had to be shut down for that very reason.

    Besides, who really considers Paul a serious candidate? Besides his loyal cultists who give him more than human status, he has no support. If he ever changes his stance on drug legalization, he will lose supporters like rats off a sinking ship.

  • Paul - 13 years ago

    Sarah Palin will endorse Ron Paul. she already endorsed Ron Paul before she was picked by desprate McCain Campaign at last election. And I do not understand why Ron paul's name is not in this poll!
    Ron Paul 2012.

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