Is this cover offensive?


  • ray kelly - 13 years ago

    Your a fuc///// moron, please stay in Britian please don't even think of moving to America we have enought morons already

  • Marvin Kirchner - 13 years ago

    How can it offend when it is nothing but an unguided "inevitable consequence of complex chemistry" (Neil Tyson: and the pixels on the cover of the magazine are just that...pixels... with no design or designer. There is no choice in the matter according to atheist William Provine so atheists are no more than mere happenstance. I could no more be offended by Ricky than I could by a weed or thistle or thorn in my garden. I am just extra careful about the pain it could cause me when I remove it. I wear gloves that I may not be pricked. My spiritual gloves? God's word: John 15:5-8 "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." I would tell him he is a fool (Psalm 14) and that if he wants to amount to anything he should consider truthfully and honestly the full extent of his theories and philosophies regarding his existence which can only lead to his being nothing and seek reason and wisdom and purpose for his life in its only source, God, through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). I pray he will eventually amount to something. God help him for he cannot help himself.

  • Ollie - 13 years ago

    I find some of the comments above much more shocking, and much more offensive, even threatening. Go Ricky!

  • edward lewis - 13 years ago

    some people may think that's comical, some think it"s free speech. etc. etc. but you know who's going to have the last laugh.

  • Ted - 13 years ago

    What do you thing would happen if he made fun of Mohammed?

  • jdcoon - 13 years ago

    Well Ricky...Your only an athiest till you die. Then you"ll "get it"!!! Remember, EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess. You have the choice to do it now, or wait until its to late...but you WILL do it.

  • J.H. - 13 years ago

    I agree that this is not a good poll as the options are not mutually exclusive. I do think it's inappropriate and offensive. But he does certainly have the right to be offensive. And of course they are just trying to be shocking in order to sell magazines!

  • Gabe - 13 years ago

    Psssssss...... Right to offend? If Christians start to mock gays and any other group what would happen? You'll have them in the cover? Get real !!,,,,,,,,.,.,., what comes around goes around ?

  • Eve9.11 - 13 years ago

    How long until we see the spiraling-out-of-control Gervais meet his premature demise?
    This is in no way a threat, but simply a seen-this-crap-already, celebrity burn-out, from super-nova to dwarf, soulless collection of density show before.

  • Eve9.11 - 13 years ago

    How long until we see the spiraling-out-of-control Gervais meet his premature demise.
    This is in no way a threat, but simply a seen-this-crap-before celebrity burn-out, from super-nova to dwarf, soulless collection of density.

  • Bill - 13 years ago

    Horrible survey. Of course it's offensive. It's meant to be offensive. But he could've gone farther if he had the stones to add some Jewish and Muslim iconography. Christians are an easy target. They don't (generally) make death threats when you insult their figureheads.

  • bob - 13 years ago

    Hey Ricky, your picture says more about you than it does those you are trying to shock. I do not get offended very easily, do not like to give those that offend that much power. Do not worry about Christians, but God will not be mocked, and payback is always a B-----h. For a comedian, that is the best you can come up with? Not very funny, not very serious, simply vacuous, been there, seen that. Try the real thing, heard it's a blast!

  • mark - 13 years ago

    Gervais is funny. he's offensive. let's not be little girls about this. If your faith is too weak to handle a picture of an atheist posing like Christ, than Gervais should be the least of your concerns.

    next up in shocking news, there's naked girls in Playboy!

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