Do You Hate Websites Which Force You To Use A Facebook Login?


  • Andy - 8 years ago

    I dont mind if it's an additional option. But this is so wrong!!!!!

    Facebook is just trapping people with such stuffs on random websites. People are forced to log into Facebook. This is a wicked mind game by fuckerberg

  • Ailey-ass - 9 years ago

    JOHN SAID everything I was going to:
    What I really hate are the sites that require Facebook for comments, at which point I would be forced to post my real name and contact info, for everyone. And why wouldn't I want to do that? At the very least, because I don't want the occasional nut-job troll to contact me directly over some opinion they might disagree with... but also because there are people that know me in a public way that visit the same forums, and I don't always want to have the same conversation with them as I'm having

  • Blippers - 9 years ago

    Sites that condone this sort of activity this day and age are scum of the internet. It's assumptive, arrogant, and invasive.

    I am not a huge fan of facebook in the first place (or most other social media for that matter), but I reluctantly have it anyways for the sole purpose of keeping in touch with select family/friends over long distances because it is their prime chosen method of doing so. I don't want to use it as some sort of iKey to access websites.

    Plus, after I use facebook to sign in, is every one in my friends list going to be assaulted by some crapola in my stream I didn't want to permit? It's hard enough to say almost day to day what facebook has changed up to invade your privacy with to have this sort of BS requirement making it even worse.

    Require me to use facebook to sign in if you want to guarantee I want nothing to do with your site!

  • Nick - 10 years ago

    this is an anti trust law and privacy violation. It also proves that facebook is not trust worthy.

  • Tony - 10 years ago

    FaceBook are scamming companys for there money. They make companys belive that they can get more people involved in there sites by by introducing ideas that will attracting more visitors such as use facebook to login to sites. You know good and well your not going to use your facebook credital to login.
    You should deal directly with sites that you do your personal matters with and not some social media network.and I belive thats going to be facebook short coming. They seem like they want to get more into your business and personal life then anything else. For a company that does nothing more then share your info with whom ever and make all that money scamming companys is beyond me.

    I'm not a facebook user for your infomation.....

  • jimwho - 10 years ago

    nobody answered the real question as to why I have to have facebook, they could verify me thru my web address on Comcast, must be all about kick backs it usually is jimwho Chicago

  • erin - 11 years ago

    I refuse to use a website that requires me to use my FB login

  • Gary - 11 years ago

    Not only do I not have a facebook account, I also do not want one, and even if I had one I would not use the info on that account just so I can access areas on sites that attempt to force you to. I simply ignore sites that do not give you another option.
    WHY do I have to have a facebook or twitter account to post or access info? That is BS

  • John F. - 11 years ago

    This poll question couldn't be worded strongly enough to express my HATE for sites (and apps) that demand Facebook login. When it's an app, in fact, I delete the app and never use it. It's pretty much the same for websites. What I really hate are the sites that require Facebook for comments, at which point I would be forced to post my real name and contact info, for everyone. And why wouldn't I want to do that? At the very least, because I don't want the occasional nut-job troll to contact me directly over some opinion they might disagree with... but also because there are people that know me in a public way that visit the same forums, and I don't always want to have the same conversation with them as I'm having on the comment board. I'm certain I'm not alone in that predicament, too. If there's any reason for me to hate Facebook overall, it starts here.

  • gwen - 11 years ago

    Nothing to add to the previous comments except to say I am thinking of starting an anti-social networking site :-). You don't have to visit it, register, give your email address or name, it will require no personal information from you at all and won't be filled with inane comments, endless advertising or boring photographs.

    btw I hate Facebook - it seems to be absolutely mindless and I agree with Seb I think it's days are numbered as is the way of all websites- no matter how popular they are something better comes along and it dies of loneliness.

    The only site I find more pointless than Facebook is Twitter. WHAT is that about?

  • Jserrano - 12 years ago

    Can't we SUE? Really, why are we forced to have a Facebook account by unrelated sites? I'm sure they are getting paid to do to this. I smell a class action. They are preventing free speech by doing this.

  • Mr. Sage - 12 years ago

    Yeah I can't stand when sites make me login for the simplest things. I mean--I can watch videos on youtube without having to login, WHY do I have to login, let alone with facebook, to view an answer to a question (e-notes)? Or to like? I don't have to login to edit or read Wikipedia, so why do I have to make an account for a site I'll never visit again, just to view a news story? It's even more annoying than people who upload something they didn't make on youtube and spam the video with "SUBSCRIBE!!!" annotations (look up pirates of the caribbean theme on youtube). The gall is just incredible. I will only sign up/subscribe when I want more, for my own reasons, not because they want to increase their e-peen.

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    I absolutely abhor sites that force you to login for the simplest things using facebook, only to force you to REGISTER once you have logged in, like yahoo does, and that just for a simple 'thumbs up' on a story or comment!!!

    As a matter of fact, yahoo is a frankly hostile organisation as far as respect for private life is concerned. I go there as little as possible and fortunately can usually find alternate sources just fine.

    Thanks for doing the right thing not forcing users to sell their souls for the smallest things.

    Remember, ultimately it's not the people's names that should count, but their ideas.

  • Patrick - 13 years ago

    Why should Facebook be the end all, be all of the internet? There are plenty of sites that offer other methods of signing in to comment, etc. jsyt because you have a name and a picture attached to your log in doesn't mean anything - I could be Sarah J Muthbucker if I wanted to be. Or John B Tyrenters. Who the hell would know?
    I don't use Facebook because I have better things to be doing with my life.

  • Artem Zhirkov - 13 years ago

    Oh, I hate them so much! I neither registered on this bloated and useless website nor I can access it without tricks because currently I live in China where it's firewalled.

  • Charlie - 13 years ago

    I do not even use Facebook so I couldn't log in that way even if I wanted to. Some sites offer you other ways to log in like Yahoo etc. but I found out that when I try to use them, they don't work and still want you to log in using Facebook. I am not going to open a Facebook account just so that I can log into some websites. I just leave those websites because they are just not worth it.

  • Jackew - 13 years ago

    Like Robert Martin, I, too, will not use the Facebook login. Maybe I am too old, but after trying Facebook several times, I have found no use for it -- nor do I like much of what I hear occurring to their users. If a web site wishes to include an "I Like" box, fine, but no logins, please.

  • Robert Martin - 13 years ago

    If the website requires a FaceBook login I do not visit the website.

  • Seb - 13 years ago

    I can't stand how facebook is everywher and I equally can't stand how u have too give out ur email for eveything u want to view or test run. Facebooks days are numbered I would say 5 years befor it meets myspaces fate. Its become overly intrusive and its privacy controls are not desireable. It sucks!

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