Require health workers to get flu shots?


  • Monica - 13 years ago

    I feel that if you are a healthy person with no underlying health issues, you should have the choice of having the vaccine. Over the years I have noticed that children have been sick with colds, runny noses, coughs, etc. and I think that this is due to the fact that we OVER-IMMUNIZE now and our own bodies do not have the built up natural immunity that it should from certain viruses. I for one would be one that would take termination over immunization because I feel that I am a healthy individual, growing up as a child I hardly ever was sick and as an adult I may have had a bad case of the flu twice. My son has been like myself growing up.

  • Darlene - 13 years ago

    I work in a hospital and happen to have an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. I do not want to get a vaccine which could interfere with my health right now. I need to find out what is going on before I mess with my body by adding a vaccine. I will wear the mask.

  • Elaine Matthews - 13 years ago

    I am a nurse in a large hospital system that is mandating flu shots this year or be terminated. I will be terminated. Not long ago I signed a PERMANENT waiver offered by my employer allowing me NOT to take the flu shot. Such waivers have now been declared null and void. What part of PERMANENT do they not understand? Also, as a healthcare worker I maintain that my personal health and hygiene habits are better than the average visitor in healthcare facilities who is NOT required to have a flu shot to visit. However, the real issue for me is that I have a firm conviction that, like a patient who has the right to refuse treatment, I have the right to decide what goes into my body or doesn't. I choose not to play with the unknown for I have witnessed many adverse reactions to flu shots. Also, through the years I have seen the rise of autoimmune diseases even as the number of people immunized for the flu has risen and have cared for patients suffering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome after having received a flu shot. Flu shots are unstable as the makeup of them does change from year to year and there is NO definitive proof that those virii introduced into the body don't mute and attack the host in other ways instead just providing immunity for the specific strains in that shot. I think foreign bodies, including flu virii, affect the body form and function in diverse ways without being detected because no one is really looking!!

  • Lab tech - 13 years ago

    You're body naturally produces antibodies to any foreign antigen..i think that if u are
    Immunocompromised or have an underlying condition then it would bee in your best interest.but for a healthy individual..there should not be forced..two words...hand washing!

  • glenn - 13 years ago

    Vaccines are mostly poison. Do some homework and Google it, or on Facebook, and YouTube, search Vaccines and Death.

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