Stories of missing white children always receive more coverage than missing black children. Racial injustice is quite unfortunately still abundant in America. Just compare the media coverage of Jahessye vs the disappearances of Baby Lisa and Caylee. If Grandma Shirley Johnson hadn't create a ruckus by traveling to the state capitol in Phoenix requesting increased search assistance ... as well as blast the national media for not giving Jahessye due coverage? There is no way Ms. Johnson would have received the very recent media coverage she has. As a white woman who abhors injustice of any kind, I implore everyone reading this to demand more search-related assistance on the part of law enforcement as well as increased media coveage for this precious young girl...exactly as they have lavished upon little Lisa and Caylee.
DEBI-DEB - 13 years ago
Why isnt this story being coverd on CNN & other MEDIA? Nancy Grace should also be covering the story!
Stories of missing white children always receive more coverage than missing black children. Racial injustice is quite unfortunately still abundant in America. Just compare the media coverage of Jahessye vs the disappearances of Baby Lisa and Caylee. If Grandma Shirley Johnson hadn't create a ruckus by traveling to the state capitol in Phoenix requesting increased search assistance ... as well as blast the national media for not giving Jahessye due coverage? There is no way Ms. Johnson would have received the very recent media coverage she has. As a white woman who abhors injustice of any kind, I implore everyone reading this to demand more search-related assistance on the part of law enforcement as well as increased media coveage for this precious young girl...exactly as they have lavished upon little Lisa and Caylee.
Why isnt this story being coverd on CNN & other MEDIA? Nancy Grace should also be covering the story!