Should the Philadelphia Eagles fire Andy Reid?


  • Lenny - 13 years ago

    when i see andy out there throwing all of those int's, then i know it' sall his fault.
    euthanize vick, and remember...young only got a 6 on the wonderlic.

  • Craig - 13 years ago

    Sure he has to go. What do you expect from a guy who couldn't even keep his own kids under control. This will allow him to spend more quality time with his family. Apparently something that was lacking. If this is the "Dream Team" then maybe Philly would be better off with a nightmare!!!

  • Sox - 13 years ago

    He's not the only one that needs to go! But yea, its time for a change. Philly needs a new face and someone who knows how to manage a game... We need a coach that understands the importance of mixing the scheme and clock management!

  • abouttime - 13 years ago

    Yes! I think he should go!!!!! All the other coaches would of been fired by now if they lost THIS many games with the team...
    He has been losing them for 10+ years...

  • Yo Dawg - 13 years ago

    Jon Gruden, Jon Gruden, Jon Gruden. They should get Jon Gruden. Former Eagles coach, superbowl win, still fairly young. What more could you want?

  • heynow - 13 years ago

    Joe Paterno has become available .... ?

  • Me - 13 years ago

    He needs to go. I said it along time ago and still cry it on the mountain tops. Fire Him!!

  • Rich Bailey - 13 years ago

    I think he should go, he responsible for the horrific defense, making Castillo the coordinator was a mistake, also with all the pro bowl players we acquired in the off season and not using them to their strengths is on him. His throw the ball mentality is old and teams have caught on to it, only when they run the ball 30+ times a game do they win but that idiot cant seem to grasp that concept. Time for a change 13 yrs is enough, Im a fan for 40 yrs. and ready for a total makeover REIDS GOT TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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