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Can we have morality without religion? (Poll Closed)


  • Rick Moss - 12 years ago

    (Agree with Bernard... though well intentioned, a poorly designed poll. Don't try to put words in the mouths of the respondents. Try to make the answer options clear and non-overlapping.)

    Religious institutions have proven time and time again that they are no more competent at the dispensing of moral principals than godless institutions -- and have seldom if ever lived up to their own principles. So it has been up to humans to develop moral systems outside of the trappings of religion for the sake of survival, and to a great extent we have. Moral imperatives derive from our instincts for survival; they're encoded in our genes. Religion came out of those moral instincts, not the other way around. In a modern society, if it is required that we develop incentives to reward good behavior and, obviously, to punish bad, we can certainly do that without checking the Bible. The threat of eternal damnation obviously doesn't work anyway and is fairly irrelevant when it comes to running a workable society.

  • Intomorrow - 12 years ago

    "True morality is possessed by those who will do what the see to be right even if the consequences are eternal damnation."

    An interesting take on it, Bernard: the rare persons who will risk all. However they are something out of Nietzscheian supermen (or just say Profiles In Courage), etc. Apparently, such Bravehearts are rarer than you might think; this poll is concerned not with the exceptional, but with the hopeless masses-- 'fertilizer' as Nietzsche called them.

  • Bernard Hurley - 12 years ago

    There is and idiotically restricted set of options here. What has religion got to do with morality? Even if what you do is morally right, the fact that you do it because you thing you will be rewarded if you do and punished if you do not just shows you are a snivelling cowardly worm with no moral sense at all and lacking in any courage or human dignity. True morality is possessed by those who will do what the see to be right even if the consequences are eternal damnation.

  • Intomorrow - 12 years ago

    I voted 'Other', and filled in the space next to it with:
    "too many dumb people need religion."

    At this time, anyway.

  • Intomorrow - 12 years ago

    Don't know, but think of it this way: a religious organization can be amoral/immoral to the point a given community might be more moral without the org.
    Take for instance Reverend Phelps and his Westboro Baptist church; now, Phelps and his church can't be taken seriously, the church is small, they are obviously looking for publicity because a church or religious group picketing military funerals is asking for publicity (and if they weren't a church their probability of being assaulted by the kin of fallen soldiers would be higher).
    Publicity means donations: Midwest and South are home to wild-eyed religionists who make donations even to churches protesting the military for protecting America's gays-- and others they consider to be expendables.
    Beyond that, can't say.

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