Is obesity a national health problem?


  • Pat - 12 years ago

    Obesity is a personal Problem between you and your Fork and Spoon. The knife is an innocent bystander. Your Cup is also innocent.
    Close your mouth and get up and walk instead of using the Fork and the Spoon help make you your own worst ENEMY.
    Quit Blaming Society for a Personal Problem. !!!!!

  • brodave - 12 years ago

    Obesity is a disease and needs to be treated as such.

    It has a mental component the is in part caused by the disease of obesity.

    Research money needs to be redirected from treating symptoms to research of the underlying atomic-level electrochemical processes (RNA/DNA) that cause the disease.

    The medical profession has a long history of classifying the symptoms of diseases that they currently do not understand to diet and/or behavior.

    Identify the causes of the problem and treat them.

  • iamyep2 - 12 years ago

    If you think TAXING SMOKING PRODUCTS, remember a GROUP of POOR PEOPLE,.are being discriminated against, by being FORCED,..TO PAY MORE for a LEGAL PRODUCT,..NOW IT'S Obesity, What's the NEXT TARGET?
    They are TAXING Soda, Sugars, Candy's, Reducing Restaurant Portions,..

    BUT, do you,..think THAT will be the end of the NEW PROGRESSIVE NANNY STATE? IF SO,... you best buy yourself a clue.

    NOW,..THAT my friends, reality.
    I'll leave you with this to think about, it is something I read while still in HS,...great deal of meaning in it.

    {First they came for the Poor, and disabled I was not poor, not disabled, so I did not complain}
    {Next,.. they came for the Gay & Mentally Defectives, I was not Gay or Mentally Ill, I did not complain}
    {Next,..they came for me,...and I found,..there was NO ONE LEFT WILLING TO COMPLAIN}.

    Nough said?

  • iamyep2 - 12 years ago

    Our wonderful politicians are slowly turning WE THE PEOPLE into sheep, REGULATING & TAXIING US INTO TOWING THE GOVERNMENTS PC LINE OF THE MOMENT

  • iamyep2 - 12 years ago

    Our wonderful politicians are slowly turning WE THE PEOPLE into sheep, REGULATING & TAXIING US INTO TOWING THE GOVERNMENTS PC LINE OF THE MOMENT

  • Groovy Butterfly - 12 years ago

    I'm wondering if too many people are reading this question as "Is Obesity something the Government should be handling instead of The Obamas want?", turning it into a political thing connection to the Obamas.........when all it's asking is if national obesity is a problem nationally.

    Just because one is anti-Obama, they shouldn't be anti everything anyone in their administration mentions, does or says, such as: "the sky is blue".
    Just because crazy ol' Michelle Obama might say the sky is blue, doesn't mean it isn't! LOL
    I too dislike Obama, and i too agree that it's a personal issue..........BUT IT'S STILL BECOMING A NATIONAL EPIDEMIC! Sure, 70-80% of people are overweight/obese because of their actions...........but it's still an epidemic.....whether it's a personal reason, or an UNCONTROLLABLE HEALTH REASON[something people OFTEN forget when their making their little jokes about how fat people are always eating twinkies and should just stop eating them to magically lose all their weight]......

    I think if parents[not Michelle and her big-government loving cronies] don't start parenting, and requiring their kids to get off their butts more, this is going to be an epidemic that is going to drain our country dry when my generation, and the one right behind it, starts to age.

    Obesity, like i said in my first post, i think snuck up on parents of my generation simply because they didn't expect electronics to turn their kids into such sedentary zombies..........but if my generation does nothing to change that for the better, now knowing the consequences, then obesity among the next generations teens/early-20 year olds, is just another thing, like teenage-pregnancy and pre-martial sex with you're under 15, that will result from lazy/lax parenting!![and drain more and more money from our pockets in terms of medical expenses]

  • iamyep2 - 12 years ago

    No, it is a personal or sometimes a medical problem,...much like smoking, they now seek to regulate our habits, by taxing us, more & more. Behavioral Rewards and Penalties,...just as a parent might treat a child. you see, THEY know what is best, for you.
    So,..what habit might they decide to tax next? Will it be one you like, this time around? just saying.
    Yet, we all know in today's PC WORLD,..some will now use Obesity,..the way our earlier politicians used smoking, cigarette's,.cigars, etc. .placing heavy taxes on such NON-PC commodities,..on certain groups,...the sin of the moment that would mean they could impose heavy taxes that few would protest, first it was smokers, now the Obese,...who's next, what is next on their list?

    So What might be next? They fully intend to impose medical fee's or charge the Obese,..extra,..on insurance policy's or in Obama Care Fee's,...or both,..taxes on the Obese themselves, my, that seems a cute way to discriminate without disturbing the ever so sensitive leftists purists among us,..they managed to get away with it until now without much protests, they will always be looking for new things to blame, to condemn, to single out, they can add on more new taxes, must admit, it has worked every time so far,...think about it, they are downsizing Restaurant portions, adding taxes to sodas, cookies, sugar,...banning their sale in some cases like schools, more taxes on candy & ice cream, on fast foods,..etc.

    I mean you must believe they do it all for your own good, and that is what they want you to think,..they are becoming your nanny, next they will want to fit you for a bib,..but only,..if you agree to pay the added taxes,...the tax and spend beat,... goes on & on.

    If you will notice,..everything is being made,..political, Cigarettes, Obesity, eating fast foods, etc, Sugar, Candy, Donuts,..the list is growing.
    These things as being blacklisted as politically incorrect,..and are being exploited nowadays,..for our glorious elitists politicians own purposes and for the collection of more & more of the peoples cash always in mind.

    Just my opinion.

  • BruceWV - 12 years ago

    It's a personal problem not a national problem. Weighing 300lbs does not automatically qualify one for a handicap sticker IMO

  • *~ GroovyButterfly ~* - 12 years ago

    OF COURSE it's a National health problem! Just because you don't agree with Michelle Obamas obsessively annoying and intrusive ways of solving Obesity, doesn't mean it's faux, or non-existent!!! This is the fattest generation in American history, and a true learning block for the next generation! I don't blame the parents of my generation so much, because i highly doubt they ever thought things would get THIS bad with our generation because of electronics, but now that we know, there is no excuse for the next generation to not outlive us, like we probably won't out live our parents life-spans - on average.
    Unlike Michelle Obama though, i think the true way to solve this issue ISN'T to dictate what PUBLIC RESTAURANTS can most things, it starts at HOME! Parents need to get their butts off the couch, play with their kids, and PARENT! Don't allow your 5 year old to sit on a computer for hours playing games, don't allow your 6 year old to sit in front of the TV for HOURSSSSSSSSSSS straight, watching Sponge Bob! Send them outside like past generations were, until a certain age. And once they start becoming involved in the electronics-world, put up strong boundaries and time-lines up!!

    But to say this isn't a problem, is like saying there isn't a problem with Education, or Feeding the poor, or Gas-Supply.
    Sure, we might like the Obamas methods for transforming Obesity, Education, Feeding Programs, and Gas/Energy policies, but that doesn't mean these are things that are a-ok, and in need of no change! People shouldn't let their partisanship blind them to the truth.....more than half the nation is over-weight........if that's not an epidemic/crisis-in-the-making[which for the record is going to BANKRUPT IS in terms of medical cost if nothing is changed], i don't know what the heck is.

    Also, i think it's a very dangerous, and dirty/mean thing to assume that all fat people do nothing to stop gaining their weight, and are personally to blame for getting how big they have.
    I'm overweight, and while my current weight now is my responsibility, i think my generation growing up with playstations, tvs, and computers, morphed unwillingly into a sedentary generation as kids, and it just grew - like most habits do, into our early and late teens.

    Once of age, it IS your responsibility to maintain your food intake and weight, but to assume that all fat people walk into wal mart and buy nothing but freaking twinkies and cheesy poofs, and mac cheese and ETC trash-food is freakin insulting and WRONG. I'm pretty over weight, but if you look in my cart there's not a BIT of freakin meat in there, because im a VEGETARIAN! You'll find Tuna, Talapia, Salmon, Salads, Fruits, and a s***-load of healthy things in my cart!! Sure, i have fries in there, and ice cream[a huge fav. food for me] in there as well, but for the last several years my thing has never been gaining the weight off of trash-food-eating, it's losing it! In 5-7 years i haven't gained barely anything, but i've only lost around 20lbs....which for me, isn't good enough. So i have to find a way to motivate myself to exercise more efficiently, and not be so sedentary.........but it has always been a silly, rude, and absolutely ignorant thing to assume that all fat people eat 900000 calories a day, love twinkies, and THAT'S the sole reason they're fat! I've never had a freakin twinkie IN MY LIFE! NOT ONCE! I HATE SWEET S*** THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! hahahaha

  • desertmajestic - 12 years ago

    Many statistics say that obesity related diseases cause more death than guns. To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy "...Fill out the forms and make a 7 day waiting period on fast food."

  • Selia - 12 years ago

    I'm 5' 4" and I weigh 124 lbs. I control myself. Think I never feel like eating half a blueberry pie? Of course I do, but I don't. I'm standing in line at the supermarket and I am the only appropriate weight woman in sight, and I don't mean overweight women - I mean GROSS. Everyone is afraid to say this: how disgusting a person looks who weighs 350+ pounds and they're riding up and down the aisles of the supermarket in the cart because they are too fat to walk. Check out what's in the cart. Oh my God. I accidentally saw Dr. Phil's show one day with a woman who weighed 900 lbs. or so, and he said over and over, it's not about your appearance, I'm just conceded about your health. He said it so many time, me thinks the man protested too much? When I was in grammar (now called middle) school, there was ONE obese boy in the entire 4th grade (there were 4 classes). In my graduating HS class of 980, there were 3 obese girls; yes, we have different body types, some will always run to more weight, but people have become greedy pigs and the national problem is the cost of health care. However, I agree with those who say it is not for the government to solve. One excuse I hear is that people are fat because they are poor and have to eat in MacDonald's. Huh? How come poor people 50 years ago weren't all obese? What were they eating then? But....we have a multi-billion dollar clothing industry that makes clothes for fat people - do you think they support people getting healthy? No way.

  • patti62 - 12 years ago

    It is definitely a national problem, but it is the individual's responsibility to take care of themselves. It is a problem to tax payers in that we are funding Medicaid and Medicare to those who have chosen (by their choices of foods) not to make good choices and/or chosen not to exercise. I know some of it is hereditary but that no excuse no to take care of yourself. Smoking and excessive sugar and fat in our diet are a lot of the culprits that people can control.

  • PapaBC - 12 years ago

    People are Overweight a little - Yes
    Kids are Overweight - Yes

    Do kid chubby kids get out to play, Is there PE in school as there was 20-30 years ago - NO
    Do parent get out from the TV and Computer to do things with their Chubby Kids - Not so often.

    Being Overweight is
    1. A parenting problem
    2. A nanny state probelm where schools and parents can not get kids into a PE class or outdoor activity.

    Leave work a little early or on days off turn off the TV, Turn Off the Computer then do thing OUTDOORS as a family: Hike, Soccer, Bike, Fish, Camp, walk, run.

    Partents need to get off thier duffs and be involved with their own kids.

  • Teacher Remmy - 12 years ago

    Let's call it what it is: fat. Polite euphemisms don't solve the problem. Proper diet, exercise and resisting gluttony do.

  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    Obesity is a national problem but it's not a "government" problem. Big Brother or sister needs to stay out of people's personal business.

  • NancyK - 12 years ago

    Too many really overweight people & too much skin showing!

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