Are The Best Practices Working?


  • Michael Jagdeo - 12 years ago

    Last part (3 of 3)

    Kwamsta Monsta

    Why did you go back to the black stuff? I mean, I get that it’s a ‘study’ but it’s really low brow stuff compared to your Yuk Yuks set. Would you do this bit in a place like…say Roosevelt Long Island? Where there are 95% black people? Or in Oakland? Black peeps steal pants right off your legs there you know.
    Would you even preform it somewhere like Jane and Finch? Also, maybe you shouldn’t use the word ‘tribe’ if you are planning to make fun of us.

    Hey Kwamsta – you’re right. If you’ve seen my responses above, I’ve taken a bit of a shellacking for going back to it. I’m going to take a break from it. LMAO you’re right about tribe being a piercing reference. It wasn’t a racial word, actually. It was a social media reference a la Seth Godin’s book on Tribes:



    I’m doing a sociological study of my own. Is it right for a brown dude to make racist black jokes.

    That would make a great study. You can eliminate confounding variables ( by having brown comics and black comics deliver the exact same joke. If the sample size is big enough, and you repeat the study enough, the results could achieve significance.


  • Michael Jagdeo - 12 years ago

    Shit - response got cut are the rest...hopefully...



    Ok, I’ve got to agree with one of the earlier comments that the Yuk Yuks thing was your best work. I know other comedians do the whole race thing…and it works. In this case, (and this is purely positive criticism) I think there is something off about the way you are telling these jokes. Again, maybe it’s your delivery. But it’s almost as though you are telling them as a fact, as opposed to a joke. Which is clearly making some people here upset lol.
    I think you need to revisit the tone you take when telling this kind of joke. Like the ‘if you’ve got money for the happy meal, you’ve got money for the lip balm’ comes off as kinda harsh. Overall the whole race thing is veeeerrrrry sensitive. Maybe lay off it.

    I think they are right, and I also think you’re right. I think my tone is too serious when delivering the joke. Again, like I mentioned to Steve M above, I grew up idolizing Paul Mooney and Richard Pryor, guys who never held back when making fun of black people…but then again, they were black. I’m almost positive a black comedian could do the jokes I’ve written. Ah well…



    I like this direction. Lots you can use for material here. What about ashy elbows and knees? Or the size of their lips. Or the whole stealing thing.

    Thanks, Cain. I like the format. The surprise tag is is making me take the realistic material into imaginary territory (i.e. when I make fun of the girl for being hypocrtical b/c it is in fact her that needs chapstick.
    Ashy elbows and knees, huh? How about: Some of these people look like they’ve been marinated in gravel. Oh man that’s harsh…but I smile and I laugh. It’s funny. Lips is hard to do without getting killed in real life…lol. What do you mean about the whole stealing thing? Like as in they call it Black Friday because the deals are so good that the consumers are getting a steal?


    Martin L. King

    I had a dream….that you once told a funny joke.

    I had a dream that you were more militant. I preferred Malcolm X’s, ‘…by any means necessary’ approach.


    Apu – 11 hours ago
    Good rice, good chutney, good curry, let’s hurry


    From: Adolf

    Hey how bout doing a twitter bit on every race out there. Can you do asians next? Puhleeeeease.

    Hi Adolf – what’s it like driving Dodge Neon for eternity? Don’t tempt me about making fun of every race…
    Why is Chinese medicine so revered? People love acupuncture and Ginseng, yet it is those very remedies that have led to the world’s smallest penises and flattests chests. Have you ever seen that chart that shows what the pressure points are for acupuncture at the doctor’s office? If you could understand the chinese character set, you’d know they read, ‘Prick the eyebrow for small penis. Prick heel for…….small penis.’


    Kwamsta Monsta

    Why did you go back to the black stuff? I mean, I get that it’s a ‘study’ but it’s really low brow stuff compared to your Yuk Yuks set. Would you do this bit in a place like…say Roosevelt Long Island? Where there are 95% black people? Or in Oakland? Black peeps steal pants right off your legs there you know.
    Would you even preform it somewhere like Jane and Finch? Also, maybe you shouldn’t use the word ‘tribe’ if you are planning to make fun of us.

    Hey Kwamsta – you’re right. If you’ve seen my responses above, I’ve taken a bit of a shellacking for going back to it. I’m going to take a break from it. LMAO you’re right about tribe being a piercing reference. It wasn’t a racial word, actually. It was a social media reference a la Seth Godin’s book on Tribes:

  • Michael Jagdeo - 12 years ago

    I want to thank everyone for commenting. Honestly, the first time I scanned the comments I got kinda depressed because I felt like, 'Ah fuck, that didn't go well.' But now after reviewing the comments, they've all come from a place that says, 'Hey man, that didn't go that well...but this did. Continue on that vein of thought and discard this one.'

    Thanks again for your help. It's like having a comedy focus group with you guys, and you tell me exactly how you feel. I seriously take all of these comments into consideration.

    Michael Jagdeo



    His Message:
    I've just started following your site and I've noticed you are posting these short clips fairly quickly. I was wondering how long are you taking to write the jokes...and are you thinking about potential flaws with the material? Maybe take some more time to do some serious writing before posting. I know a several comedians...and many of them won't dare put themselves on youtube unless they know their material is killer. It's easy to get black listed if you've got poor material that is accessible.

    My Response:
    Hey Julio, From a traditional business perspective, you're absolutely correct., it is easy to get backlisted because your brand as a funny person gets hurt if you post something that's not funny. But keep in mind that the blog is about an up-and-coming comedian, and so trying out material that doesn't work is in fact part of the exercise. I want people to see the bad stuff. I want them to see me struggle. I think that's what makes the blog real, you know?


    Steve M

    You were on the right track with the legitimate beef joke in your angry white twitter bitches routine. Stop doing black humor.

    My Response:
    Hey Steve, good to talk to ya again. I think you're right. I'm getting a lot of feedback telling me the legitimate beef joke hit. I love black humor, but you're right; I think I'll stop. I think it's because I love Paul Mooney and Richard Pryor so much. Nobody makes fun of black people more than they do. See, 'Paul Mooney MC Hammer' on Youtube.


    Little Lupe

    What about some jokes about black peeennnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssss?

    I'll give you the best one I've ever heard from, 'The Office UK.'

    Gareth: Alright, it's Christmas dinner. Royal family... having a Christmas dinner. Camilla Parker-Bowles says, "Okay, we'll play 20 Questions. I'll think of something and you have to ask me questions and guess what it is." And what she's thinking of is a black man's cock.
    David: Ha! Trust Camilla! -- It's not racist, is it?
    Gareth: No, no. Um... So, Prince Philip goes, "Is it bigger than the bread bin?" and she goes, "Yeah." Charles goes, "Is it something I can put in my mouth?", she goes, "Yeah." The Queen goes, "Is it a black man's cock?"



    What's the deal with the blacks? I mean who are these people? (said in a Seinfeld accent)

    (completed in said accent)...'I see them in line at the KFC...buying up all of the hot wings! Do they know about the drumstick!?'



    Ok, I've got to agree with one of the earlier comments that the Yuk Yuks thing was your best work. I know other comedians do the whole race thing...and it works. In this case, (and this is purely positive criticism) I think there is something off about the way you are telling these jokes. Again, maybe it's your delivery. But it's almost as though you are telling them as a fact, as opposed to a joke. Which is clearly making some people here upset l

  • julio - 12 years ago

    I've just started following your site and I've noticed you are posting these short clips fairly quickly. I was wondering how long are you taking to write the jokes...and are you thinking about potential flaws with the material? Maybe take some more time to do some serious writing before posting. I know a several comedians...and many of them won't dare put themselves on youtube unless they know their material is killer. It's easy to get black listed if you've got poor material that is accessible.

  • Steve M - 12 years ago

    You were on the right track with the legitimate beef joke in your angry white twitter bitches routine. Stop doing black humor.

  • Little Lupe - 12 years ago

    What about some jokes about black peeennnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssss?

  • Biff - 12 years ago

    What's the deal with the blacks? I mean who are these people? (said in a Seinfeld accent)

  • Fred - 12 years ago

    Ok, I've got to agree with one of the earlier comments that the Yuk Yuks thing was your best work. I know other comedians do the whole race thing...and it works. In this case, (and this is purely positive criticism) I think there is something off about the way you are telling these jokes. Again, maybe it's your delivery. But it's almost as though you are telling them as a fact, as opposed to a joke. Which is clearly making some people here upset lol.

    I think you need to revisit the tone you take when telling this kind of joke. Like the 'if you've got money for the happy meal, you've got money for the lip balm' comes off as kinda harsh. Overall the whole race thing is veeeerrrrry sensitive. Maybe lay off it.

  • Cain - 12 years ago

    I like this direction. Lots you can use for material here. What about ashy elbows and knees? Or the size of their lips. Or the whole stealing thing.

  • Martin L. King - 12 years ago

    I had a dream....that you once told a funny joke.

  • mister sinister - 12 years ago

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur volutpat diam, id tempor tortor gravida in. Integer id quam dui, quis ultricies nisl. Morbi a justo non ligula pharetra accumsan ut volutpat risus. Vivamus interdum, felis ut imperdiet accumsan, orci lectus luctus odio, vel tristique mi sem sed quam. Proin malesuada, velit at vulputate iaculis, diam nisi auctor felis, ac tempus justo quam vel ipsum. Etiam mi enim, vehicula vitae aliquet ut, condimentum eget ligula. Nunc scelerisque mattis mattis. Nulla pellentesque leo est. Vestibulum quis venenatis est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dolor mauris, iaculis ut convallis eu, dapibus quis diam. Aenean sed interdum ante. Aenean nec erat lacus, non dictum sem.

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed cursus nibh a odio aliquet quis ultrices turpis suscipit. Vestibulum rutrum volutpat nulla sed bibendum. Integer vulputate, elit at sagittis fermentum, mauris ante aliquet neque, eget blandit lacus dui et leo. Donec elementum auctor purus, eu feugiat dui facilisis vitae. Nulla eget metus nibh. Nulla ultrices metus id est vestibulum quis facilisis sem convallis. Donec sodales, mi non sodales aliquam, eros orci pharetra quam, sit amet hendrerit enim velit ac odio. Mauris porttitor odio id erat interdum ut fringilla arcu fringilla. Etiam molestie rutrum tellus in blandit. Aliquam accumsan, velit in suscipit dapibus, massa mi facilisis dolor, id tristique risus nibh eget sapien. Nunc fermentum posuere lacus, ac adipiscing tortor sagittis quis. In ac gravida magna. Duis eget malesuada tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ullamcorper auctor tristique.

    Vivamus tortor odio, sodales id commodo in, sodales ac augue. Nam ornare cursus rhoncus. Aliquam ante tellus, dictum vel placerat porta, sagittis non lectus. Sed convallis, elit non mattis tincidunt, sapien velit fermentum tortor, sit amet consectetur nisi eros sit amet sem. Curabitur sed nibh est, vel semper tellus. Praesent sodales erat nulla. Sed non nunc ut est hendrerit fringilla ac eu mauris. Sed ornare nunc nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque felis leo, iaculis id consequat pulvinar, feugiat quis enim. Duis urna lacus, molestie vel venenatis id, scelerisque vitae urna. Phasellus blandit auctor velit, sit amet pretium nulla euismod sit amet. Donec accumsan imperdiet mauris, id dapibus arcu feugiat sit amet. Ut feugiat, sapien at tincidunt egestas, eros augue placerat felis, sit amet semper mi libero tempor ipsum. Fusce mollis quam non massa porttitor nec rhoncus arcu semper.

    Fusce tincidunt tellus in ipsum auctor eget scelerisque mauris volutpat. In gravida, dui et vulputate luctus, sem justo aliquet neque, id bibendum mi eros ut orci. Praesent varius nibh id arcu condimentum a consectetur libero tristique. Integer varius consectetur justo, sed dignissim tortor imperdiet ut. Pellentesque ac libero a eros placerat tincidunt. In ut justo rhoncus nibh malesuada euismod. Praesent ullamcorper erat vitae neque fringilla ac rhoncus nunc pulvinar. Etiam lorem elit, volutpat sed tempor id, ornare non felis. Suspendisse sit amet adipiscing lacus. Ut sagittis scelerisque urna vel rhoncus. Aenean ultricies aliquam congue. Suspendisse magna diam, congue sed accumsan sed, porttitor a dolor. Duis eget malesuada diam. Vestibulum dui mauris, mattis vulputate molestie nec, mollis quis velit. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ullamcorper tincidunt sem, at sagittis libero dictum in. Phasellus vitae ante velit. Quisque imperdiet cursus orci et egestas. Curabitur mi elit, pretium id pulvinar ut, ultrices in quam. Cras et sagittis risus. Duis enim metus, pulvinar vitae dictum eu, ultrices in metus. Vestibulum sapien nunc, pharetra quis feugiat quis, pharetra quis dolor. Proin quam diam, feugiat vitae molestie in, sollicitudin non lectus. Nam elementum augue eget

  • Apu - 12 years ago

    Good rice, good chutney, good curry, let's hurry

  • Adolf - 12 years ago

    Hey how bout doing a twitter bit on every race out there. Can you do asians next? Puhleeeeease.

  • Kwamsta Monsta - 12 years ago

    A follow up question...
    Would you do this bit in a place like...say Roosevelt Long Island? Where there are 95% black people? Or in Oakland? Black peeps steal pants right off your legs there you know.

    Would you even preform it somewhere like Jane and Finch? Also, maybe you shouldn't use the word 'tribe' if you are planning to make fun of us.

  • Kwamsta Monsta - 12 years ago

    Why did you go back to the black stuff? I mean, I get that it's a 'study' but it's really low brow stuff compared to your Yuk Yuks set.

  • Monique - 12 years ago

    I'm doing a sociological study of my own. Is it right for a brown dude to make racist black jokes.

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