Who is most responsible for the failure to get the payroll tax cut extension matter resolved?


  • Tread7 - 12 years ago

    Take back the Senate from the crazy libs and Rino's !!

  • ERichardson - 12 years ago

    Maybe we can all agree on one thing, the GOP nominating process is giving all of us time to think about the best replacement of Barry Soetoro-Muslim-Indonesia citizenship aka Kenya, Africa, Did you see USA anywhere? No and you won't! Impeachment is only for a legal elected president. The Socialist Party has tried for 50 yrs to get a Socialist-Communist into our Fed Government, they had the deck stacked 1st in Ill State Senate, then US Senate & Dem Senate & Dem Pelosi as House speaker & thats why 1st time in history the House of Congress did not vet the Dem Nominee, three sessions on John McCain's legality of birth place, Panama Canal US side. Everyone who served should be impeached under their Oath Of Office to Protect Our Constitution! Our Country did not need transformation, nor did we the people need dead people votes, or Micky mouse votes as a mockery to our voting rights law. We did not need the Black Panthers outside the voting booth to intimidate voters at the polling place, even with the video of this incident, Eric Holder would not allow the case to go forward. Barry Soetoro has one agenda, take from the rich & give to the poor, so he can be involved in everyones personel lifes "Dictatorship" Acorn is now registering welfare recipants to vote along with the poor, screeming & fighting all the way against voter ID on the illegals behalf at our voting booths, with a translator provided for directions, bused in by Acorn. The Day is getting closer Election Day & another big house will be waiting for the Soetoro's & Czars, Admin of Socialists-Communsits, Paybacks will be a grand day after the accounting of all illegal activitys from Ill State Senate to the Presidency & all Barry Soetoros vetting information, school records- medical (drug use) Murder for hire (passport Peeker) (Trinity Church Chior Director 47 yr old Donald Young) Larry Sinclair Joe & Boe Biden re; Delaware abuse of Authority in the case of Back Seat of Limo unsafe Homosexual activity & Cocaine) while Barry was a Ill State Senator. Occidental application for Foreign Aid Grant 1980, Harvard Law Public Disciplinary Action Taken under Full Former Name(s) None Barry & Michelle Soetoro signed under Penalty of Perjury on Ill State Gov Form & Both Law Licenses were revoked. Nothing under the Barry team has been Legal>Name Barry Soetoro aka Barry Obama aka Barry Durham aka Barack Hussein Obama. Photo shoped Hawaii Registration of Birth, along with using a dead man from Conn Soc Sec card. Senator Obama school in Kenya, Africa to grandfather Obama being a witch doctor Nairobe close to the Senator school in Kenya, how many of our tax dollars are supporting this project? 4 years plus of corruption will put Barry, Michelle, family members, friends, ect, ect away for a long, long, long time & paybacks will just keep coming in the political arena for a long, long time. Chicago Pay to Play was involved in Barrys Politcal Carrier, Bill Ayer's, Saul Alinsky, Unions, ect, ect, ect. Our whole system of Government has been attack by our elected by we the people politicians, Left, Right & Progressives, all in for whats in it for me, insider trading, Pork for their states, you scratch my back & I'll scratch yours mentality. Yes our Gay, Coke smoking, Imposter, Muslim, half black/half white/ arrogant campaigner in chief who lies, & is deceiteful & a wolf in sheeps clothing will pay his dues for his behavior & all of the America's. Dollar wise "TRILLONS" For The Biggest Hoax Ever Committed Against Our USA in Her History! Now you can think about which canidate will walk the walk & talk the talk 2012! Get informed, & Get Ready for all the headlines after the election & swearing in ceremony, if you don't have this information already, you better get informed, it won't be pretty, it will be tragic for all USA Citizens & our allies around the world. Fool us once, its his fault, fool us twice, its our fault! None So Blind As Those That Refuse to See!

  • ERichardson - 12 years ago

    I have read all the above posts, If everyone of you were knowledgeable about United States of America having no legal president, according to our Constitution! If you are in disbelief fact ck this A. Eligibility Requirement for a nominee to have his name placed on the ballot is USA Naturalborn Citizen & Both Parents also USA Naturalborn Citizens: Barack Hussein Obama Senior born in Africa, USA Naturalborn Citizen? Barack Hussein Obama Jr held dual citizenship at birth Aug 4,62 Mombosa Hospital Kenya, Africa. Parents never married! Stanly Ann Durham married Lolo Soetoro in Honolulu Hawaii 1963 & this family moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. 1964 Stanly Ann Durham Soetoro & Barack were Indonesia Naturalized , Now Barack Jr held Indonesia citizenship, stepfather Lolo Soetoro Legally Adopted Barack, Legally Changed his name to Barry Soetoro as proven on 1965 Fransiscus Assari school Jakarta, Indonesia (Thank You Nancy Pelosi) for posting on the net 2007. Thank you Calif Dept of Justice for posting on the net, Law suit vs Occidental College 1980 Barry Soetoro application for Foreign Aid Grant"Ful Bright Foundation" Citizenship Mandatory for grant: Indonesia! 1981 Immigration Time Stamped Passport of Barry Soetoro-Indonesia Citizenship traveling to Indonesia to visit mother- Pakistan with roomate to visit his family 3 wks, then to India- & Africa to visit fathers family & "Ill" Senator Obama school in Narobi on grandfathers land. If anyone thinks our country is in trouble now, having the #1 illegal in USA sitting in our Oval, transforming our America & our wealth, with arrogance & czars writing the Barrycare bill & the Union leader Trumpka building Barrys ground army, & Acorn doing their dirty voter registrations for Barry, US House of Congress 2007-08 History making event, forsake their Constitutional Oath of Office To Protect our Constitution, Did Not Vet Barry Soetoro, Supreme Court has a case pending against the Dem National Committee, Define USA Naturalborn Citizenship of Father Barack Hussein Obama! National Dem Party did not do Due Dilengence in vetting Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Obama aka Barry Durham as in Harvard Law Public Displinary Action Taken Under Full Former Name(s) Harvard Revoked both Michelle Soetoro & Barry Soetoro's Law License's Under Penalty of Perjury on Ill State Gov Form "Freedom of Information Act" on Net! Every School Record is in Barry Soetoro's name under lock & key of Barry Soetoro Campaigner in Chief Stamped National Security (HIS) Top Secret (HIS) 1965 Indonesia to Punhue Hawaii Barry age 10 to Occidental 1980 to Oxford Thesis Nuclear Disarmerment-Columbia- Big Business Men from Saudi Arabia bribed Harvard to Admitt Barry Soetoro as a Foreign Aid Student & All Records Sealed. Ill State Socialist Party handpicked Barry Soetoro & with the help of Chicago Pay to Play to infiltrate our Gov, Barry was elected to Ill State Senate Indonesia Citizenship -US Senate Barry Soetoro, Indonesia Citizenship & United States Presidential Election 1st in history attack on our Constitution Illegal Name-Illegal Citizenship-Sharia Law- Muslim-Allah- Socialism- Saul Alinsky- Rev Wright, G-Dam America & The Chickens have come home to roost! Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves, Our Constitution has been violated (A Foriegner Never Having Held USA Naturalborn Citizenship), Lies & Deceite while stealing USA's Blood & Treasure-Fast & Furiously! 6 yr Campaign for the Campaigner in Chief=Coruption top down bottom up in all of Wash DC! National Security is Null & Void, all you Raciests, Biggots, Birthers, all Dems Conversation & Vetting stopper's! USA Citizens Made One Big Mistake 07 & Barry wants a 2nd term to finish the job of Transforming OUR United States of America, Norte America & South America = All America's, Trillions of Debt for the next Generations, Hardships for this Generation, You will get what you vote for 2012(Impeachment)! God Bless America & Joe Apario in Az!

  • Sally Brunner - 12 years ago

    This is all the senate fault and President Obama. I get so tried of the senate blaming everything on the republicans.

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    I think the GOP hate President Obama's policies and ideals, not him as a person. I assume otherwise is rather arrogant.
    Anyhow, you think the Pipeline is dirty pool, I think you need to read the health care bill. Of which there was no bi-partisianship whatso ever. They asked for GOP input on that,,,just to sound good, but ignored any suggestions ! The DFL had power, and used evver bit of it for that agenda. And why was it the DFL never pased a budget until the after midterms? Talk about playing politics! What happen with the Senate Bill in this case going back to House for commitee review, is standard practice and setup that way so neither the House or Senate can do as they wish. Been done that way for nearly ever. Harry did a good job of SNFU'ing the House on this,,,, that was all politics in play. Harry just wanted to put it off. Same old crap for both sides in some respects. Pass something, only to fix it later. Problem is, nothing really gets fixed.
    I know the Politians say the elections are in a sense term limits, but they really are not. As more often than not, people vote what benefits them the most, rather than whats best of the country. Term limits is the only way to fix a lot of what's going on. That, and make it back into a Service , than a Job.

  • Tucker - 12 years ago

    The Republicans are trying to destroy this country, bottom line. They have such a hatred for Obama that they would rather bankrupt this country and the middle class along with it. For the life of me I do not understand how grown men and women can not sit down and come to a compromise that is good for the country, not their own agendas. This includes both Democrats and Republicans. The payroll tax cut should be extended on its own merits, just as the XL Pipeline should be on its merits. Republicans throwing that into the mix is just plain dirty pool. If the Republicans continue down this obstructionist path, they will seal their own fate. I for one do not want to see one party, Dems or Repubs controlling everything.

  • Merlene Hurd - 12 years ago

    If Harry Reid was doing his job a lot of problems could be and would be solved.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    Paul W. If you want NEWS, you shouldn't be watching FOX. There are still some news outlets out there, but FOX hasn't been one of them in a long time.

  • Cheryl - 12 years ago

    All I have to say is that liberals are delusional...and why do people still want to have this man as President? He is not fit to run this once great country. I have watched other news programs other than Fox...all they do is kneel down and bow to the dems and praise the wonderful things they are doing for this country...I want to vomit! Are you kidding me? They do nothing but bad-mouth republicans and conservatives and make fun of them. How despicable is that? They have no right to call themselves journalists. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but being reasonable flies out the window with liberals! I am now in my 50's and have never been in such a bad place in my life...it's pathetic. I can't even buy Christmas, yes CHRISTmas presents! I'm worried I won't be able to get home from visiting my kids because I won't be able to afford the gas.....and I won't even think about flying right now. This country has become a sham, and it saddens me deeply. Come to your senses everyone...we cannot have another 4 years of this chaos!

  • Disgusted - 12 years ago

    Reading the comments on this poll is a sad testimony to the state of misinformation in this country. You guys are all either brainwashed or brainless. No one is disagreeing that a one year extension is better than a 2-month one. BUT bringing it to a stalemate is just stupid. Get it extended now as was the case in most such situations in the past and get the job finished early next year. The House Republican leadership is being held hostage by the fringe elements in the party. They should ALL be fired Republicans and Democrats.

  • John W. - 12 years ago

    Fox news needs to tell the truth and stop pushing the Republican think tank agendas.

  • larry - 12 years ago

    I wish Dems would quit trying to add pork to everything. This is not the time to play politics with peoples lives. Some people are really hurting out here.

  • John and Patsy Sullivan - 12 years ago

    I am soooo disgusted with DC...........I watched the House this afternoon.....I could not believe what the Democrats kept saying...........do they actually think there is one american who would agree that a two month extension is preferred to a whole year......they just kept repeating the same stupid lingo......They don't really listen to anything anyone says......who do they think they are....that they know what we want. Besides, OBama asked for a year extension and the other things the Republicans wrote into the bill, then today he (OBama) comes out and scolds the Republicans for not accepting the Senate Bill. Where are his brains??? He should have been reprimanding the Senate for not accepting the House bill that he had asked for , and for skipping out of town before the work is done.....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and we the people are sick of it.

    Please Greta, don't encourage Donald Trump to run a third party.....if he does......he is handing the 2012 election over to OBama. Please don't let that happen...........He (OBama) will not be happy until he has broken our country completely and sold us down the river......... and the next thing we know VP Biden will be inviting the Teliban to the whitehouse for Tea.....he is coming from another world. Almost sounds like Ron Paul thinking we deon't need to worry about Iran.

    We need a president who can win back the respect for our country from the rest of the world. Someone who will build our defense back to it's respected place......and who can debate the sox off OBama .

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    "Stop Watching Fox! It Rots Your Brain. But by looking at these comments it is too late for most of you."

    What,,,and follow the Progressive Liberals blindly, so we end up in the chaos we see in Europe ?
    What I don't understand, why do we want to go a route that has been tried many times and many places, of which history shows not to work. If one doesn't learn from history, the same mistakes are bound to happen. Do you really want to see this Country brought down, not even resembling what our Founding Father's fought for? May I suggest you move to Russia, Venezuela, Greece or elsewhere you may think better than the United States of America.

  • Faux News - 12 years ago

    Stop Watching Fox! It Rots Your Brain. But by looking at these comments it is too late for most of you.

  • Quintin Reece - 12 years ago

    If you want to see what president Obama would like to do to this the best country in the world.... Watch Mugabe and the White African. Mugabe, Chavez, Castro another dictators have soooo much in common with President Obama. Just watch the documentary and see what happened to a White African farmer who had the audacity to challenge the very articulate, educated Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Let us just say he is carrying on doing the same thing.
    Now remember Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, was the bread basket of southern africa. That was when it followed American conservative principles, now after President Carter, the Black-caucus and Andrew Young ( the ambassador to the UN), forced us to put a Terrorist as the president. Now see how that philosophy played out.... Carter and liberals love Terrorists and dictators they always will. They are purposefully bringing down the USA to it's knees... Spread the wealth around the nukes around and then sing khumba ......

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    "They did have a compromise, it passed 89-10."

    No,,,,that was Harry's Bill, not a compromise on the House Bill.
    That's why Boehner is putting it to Committee

  • Linda - 12 years ago

    Has Obama ever taken responsibility for any of his failed policies? NO! Harry Reid is a puppet and does only what Obama tells him to do. Obama could care less about the American worker getting a payroll tax cut extension. All he is interested in is getting re-elected. The American people realize they are getting only the leftover crumbs anyway. He squandered the real money on corporate bailouts, pork and crony capitalism. I think it would be an absolute shame if America lost out on the Canadian pipeline deal with all its jobs and oil. It sickens me to think about it. His coming out blasting the Republicans for not passing a two-month payroll tax cut is clouding the real issue. The Republicans should hit back hard on the pipeline issue!

  • Re Dave - 12 years ago

    They did have a compromise, it passed 89-10.

  • Republicans are Extremists - 12 years ago

    Reading your ignorant comments would be funny but it's just sad. Impeachment? I think the republicans should have learned that is not a winner (remember the 90's?). I would recommend most of you read/watch something other than Fox, at least once in a while. It is the most biased and mis-informative "news" outlet in the USA. Fair and Balance? Greta started off her show with a rush limbaugh clip, then had 4 softball interviews with Santorum (google), Bachmann, Cantor, and Bolton. 4 Republicans, 0 Democrats, and then finished with another rush limbaugh segment. Someone once asked Rupert Murdoch to name a Democrat at Fox and he mentioned Greta as a Democrat. HA!

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    "The senate didn't vote on the house bill because the REPUBLICANS blocked it from coming up in the senate!!! The Dems tried to bring it up 4 times!"

    Because Harry was calling for a "quick vote" which he knew wouldn't pass. Rather than getting into some compromise discussion.....Politics as usual!

  • kenny - 12 years ago

    two {2} months time is not enough time toget ink dry on the paper. but of course the dem. have not past a budget for over (2) years so the beat go on. green energe will be no good if we all die off. the average working person cannot aford electric car or homes.

  • John - 12 years ago

    The senate is the problem. The house has passed many bills and leader Reid has just left them alone or has said they are DOA how sad that is. Maybe he would like to remember the real butt whooping the whole democratic party took in the midterms of 2010.

  • Kirkland21 - 12 years ago

    Just another scam by the Dems to win favor and headlines for re-election by trying to make the Republs look bad. I'm mean what on earth could be bad for the economy to have theses go for a year instead of only two months? What the heck are the Dems problem?

    OB has been on nothing but one long re-elect campaign since his first day in office and with full support of the Dems and the DOJ and everyone and everything else dirty and underhanded they could use. They want this country in just the same ciaos and plight that they built up and made happen for the last election so everyone will be completely desperate, and then they will again blame that all on the Republicans and then sell themselves as the great givers of all that you need and solvers of all those problems those evil Republicans caused you so long as you vote for us.

    Friggen Dems, stop using our country as a punching bag just because you losers have nothing else to offer but free everything, (which ain't free for you to give btw), all just so you can squeeze yet another term of what ever it is you'll get.

    Seriously, today's Dems are not the party of old like back in the 50's and 60's where at least some of them actually cared about the people. Today there just a bunch of skeeves who just want to keep their sleazey jobs so they can get their jollies off when the do by stuffing their pockets with cash and pushing as many people who they don't like around as they can.

    Who here would bet that pelosi, reed, and even obama were always the last ones picked for the team for every school game they ever had.

    Bunch of over grown, nobody ever listen to me when I was hall monitor and now they'll pay for it losers.

  • Quintin Reece - 12 years ago

    There are 2 basic philosophies at play here: 1 , Republican/conservatives want small government that does what the people elect them to do with the people having control, keeping and increasing their freedoms; and the other 2, Democrats/liberals who want large government and to enslave the people of the USA throuh their increasing government programs to do for u what you ought to do for yourselves. They have always loved slavery. Just look at social security. Whites have lifespan of about 70 plus years, minorities have lifespan of about 65 years. At what age does one collect social security?

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    I wish they hadn't, but then they would have been accuse of saying NO again. But as the system works, and Harry didn't give them a chance to vote on the House Bill,,,they knew it would go back to the House Comittee as it's suposed to. And why would you want a Bill that cost more money to enact for 8 weeks, that actually gives less tax breaks to the middle class than the House Bill.

  • Re Dave - 12 years ago

    The senate didn't vote on the house bill because the REPUBLICANS blocked it from coming up in the senate!!! The Dems tried to bring it up 4 times!

  • will - 12 years ago

    obama should be impeached and be put on trial for treason

  • Reality - 12 years ago

    Put it up for a vote Boehner. Why so scared to do that? You dont have veto power asshat!

  • Roy Cooper - 12 years ago

    Greta, I do enjoy your show, but I do not know how you can get through these comments with all the bs that some of people are trying to pedal. I thank God everyday for the ability to put up the liars in our government and the people that help spread the lies, yet they can still type whatever because we still have a few freedoms left!!!!

  • rthomas - 12 years ago

    ...ing their pockets

  • Frustrated - 12 years ago

    Please explain why Senate Republicans overwhelmingly voted for it.

  • Alex - 12 years ago

    The fault belongs to all 536 people that makeup Congress and The Executive Branch. Until they have the guts or the people demand term limits for these career Politicians we will continue to have this problem. In addition I believe that the way you pay for a so call loose of revenue is to reduce spending equally across the board by the same percentage. That ALL areas of government have a stake in the game.

    The Republican need to hold the line on the pipeline and if it mean that BS “holiday” ends so be it. For most people it is negligent. True every little bit helps, however the uncertainty and the time these knuckleheads are spending to get this pass on to Mr. Obama, they could have funded the entire lose of revenue.

  • rthomas - 12 years ago

    Why don't they leave the pipeline and the taxes for rich people and any else that does not pertain to the three things they are suppose to be voting on which are payroll taxcut extension of unemployment benefits and the medicare bill for paying doctors why would they throw in the pipeline when they weren't asked to vote on it yet they heard the president say before all this not to put it in and what did the republicans do why? sounds like they are trying to slip something in that has nothing to do with what they are suppose to do. Makes us all wonder who is lin

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    President Obama and Harry Reid, both accuse the House of playing politics. That's all those two have been doing since the election. Harry didn't even take a vote on the House Bill, so who is the voice of NO now? Totally amazing how they spin things. Sooner later they might just realize the majority of the American Public just ain't that stupid, as to not understand what's going on.

  • Frustrated - 12 years ago

    Everyone blaming the President are morons. If you can't see the obvious disconnect between Senate Republicans and House Republicans you are clearly of low intellect. Blame senator and house representatives all you want to don't blame the president for Congress not doing it's job.

  • patriot - 12 years ago

    House Republicans are completely delusional. What I don't understand is why so many people can't see that the GOP will go to any length to protect Tax Cuts for the Rich, but they'll play political games when it comes to Bills or Policies that help the Middle-class.

    The Payroll TaxCut would have been a done deal for a year in its original proposal, paid for with a mere 1.9% tax hike on people with incomes > 1 million dollars (o.o2% of the population), many of whom said they would welcome a slight tax increase if it meant helping the country.

    TaxCuts for the Middle-class actually stimulate the economy, unlike huge tax breaks for the wealthy who simply sit on their Trillions, haven't created a job in 10 years, and who have profited immensely from the Bush/Cheney Tax cuts which Republicans had no problem passing without any offset to pay for them. Those Tax cuts add up to more lost revenue alone annually than revenue collected in taxes. Start looking there for your deficit problems, and quit picking on the poor & middle-class earners.

    The GOP are going down in the next election, BiG Time! Taking away Medicare is a GOP election strategy ? John Boeher and Eric Cantor are an absolute joke, and this House of Representatives has been a complete disaster ! GOP = EPIC FAILURE !

  • Morris Hackworth - 12 years ago

    I think you bunch of A-Hole Republicans have no intention of helping the hard working Americans. You are nothing but hypocrits and do nothing but look out for no body but your rich croney buddies. You all take money from special intrest groups leaving us out here to scrape by day by day hoping we will just go away. Sorry not happening

  • Gockyo_O - 12 years ago

    I agree with Mr. Krauthammer:P President Obama is just playing house and the Democrats are pandering to their Soooo educated leader. Build the GD oil pipeline pass the tax cuts untill past the 2012 election and SHUT the F up.

  • john bullock - 12 years ago

    Reed is the scum of the earth. To push a two month bill like this and then run out of town is beyond stupid. Its as much the people in Navadas falt for elicting this pile of crap. People have to engage in who there voting for they can't just go out and vote for some one with out having a clue on who there voting for.

  • Reality - 12 years ago

    VOte out every tea party member to save our country.

  • Quintin Reece - 12 years ago

    This is the kind of Christmas Present one would expect from democrats and the President. We will give u a tax cut, which isn't a tax cut, because we are robbing from the social security fund which we have to pay back, how? Oh well we have to borrow to put it back thus increasing our debt. So let me see, we get a tax cut and then we pay for it. Amazing, and we wonder why Democrats like ponzy schemes!!!! Stop voting for Democrats please they keep destroying this country I love soooo much.

  • Velma - 12 years ago

    Dumbass obama and his clones Harry Reid and nancy peloski should be kicked back to Iran to live a long life of in hell

  • Scott Semingson - 12 years ago

    The congress has an 11% approval rating for one very big reason.....they lie. Did you listen to Canter? He said they are close to a tax break extention...no they are not. The republican congress doesn't want to extend the tax cuts on the middle class without stipulations. He is trying to make it sound like he and others want to extend the tax breaks without any strings attached, that is bogus and we the people know it. The boy in charge of the flock cried wolf so many times the towns people began to ignore his cries . That is what is happening to the republican party....wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf!!!! Now it is not only the congress but the republican presidential candidates....wolf, wolf, wolf!!!! How many times will it take before the republican middle class realizes they have been and will continue to be lied to by their own bought out party?

  • Jo-Ann Bishop - 12 years ago

    Politicians, just like ordinary people, live up to expectations. Pres Obama has no valid expectations for his presidency except to appear on camera and lecture. The Senate has not performed because Pres Obama has set the bar so low. He only expects them to work if they are going to get their/his way. They are performing at a kindergarten level - just show up and you get to the first grade. This smog of indifference and selfishness is now permeating the society and is a deteriment to the country. Henry Reid would have been fired if he worked in the private sector, as he should be. The people have lost faith in America. It no longer pays to work hard and improve yourself because you will be expected to share with others who have not worked hard but just feel entitled. Until hard work is rewarded and entitlement is discouraged America will not ever be the same or better. It is a sad time for our country.

  • Margaret L Garcia - 12 years ago

    President Obama is equally to blame with Harry Reid and Pelosi. He is blaming the Republicans in Congress when they have already passed and sent a proposal to the Senate calling for a year long tax cut, which is the only sensible way to go, and it was rejected. These are purely political antics that are being spun by the Democrats and the main stream media to make the Republicans look like the obstructionists and win political points for Obama and his "do nothing" senate! How else do you explain 1000 days without a budget when they had a total majority for the first two years?!

  • Pak Lid - 12 years ago

    Are you tired out there america? Of being held hostage? First they came after the steel workers, then the auto workers, now there coming after you, wrapped in your flag toting your bibles. Welcome to serfdom. No levitt town prosperity for you any more, no matter how docile and sheeplike you are willing to become. Rush sounds like kaddafi just before they pulled him out of that drain pipe and abused him some..."its not all over".

  • Perry - 12 years ago

    Term limits!!!

  • jay zablan - 12 years ago

    Our do nothing, "pretty please" leader is the cause of this whole mess and he is also behind Joe “The Taliban is our friend” Biden's sudden new Taliban friends. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. Probably also want to unload some Guantanamo prisoners.

  • Dorothy - 12 years ago

    Passing the bill for 2 months is better and allowing the House folks an extra 60 days to iron out their differences without punishing the working class was a concession. Now the House is running true to course and acting like that they could actually reach an agreeable solution within 11 days right at Christmas and New Years is idiocy. Anyone that does not see through that bit of smoke is blind. At least the Senate and the President is not giving the working class an immediate tax hike on Jan. 1. After all, the Republicans agreed to not hike the taxes on upper income people by not repealing the Bush tax cuts. Why would they not agree to offer the working classes another 60 days? Another example of a broken Congress. They only see mud on the other person's face.

  • none of your beeswax - 12 years ago

    what does the keystone pipeline have to do with extending the tax credit? NOTHING. GOP just wants their oil money and throwing that in there when it has nothing to do with it.

  • Charles Johnson - 12 years ago

    I don't understand the middle class and poor Republicans if they cant see into the house tea party(the people that runs the congress"These people will do any thing to screw the middle class and every thing to help the rich,I was an republican for 34 years, but now im independant and dont see any good people running against obama, so we need to get behind obama and helhim get the country back on the str8 and narrow,he did'ntget us here all by his self,our party started this crap under G bush, and every one know this,well God knows best.

  • Doug Slates - 12 years ago

    The Democrats are the biggest obstructionist to any constructive legislation. It's an outrage! No Budget for over 900 days..The "libtards" continue to avoid the real issues and just blame Republicans...Total incompetence and corruption! Harry Reid needs his ass kicked!

  • Jerry Wheeler - 12 years ago

    What will be lost with this tax cut? You Social Security! This is crazy, last year every politician and talking head was going on and on about how we were going to run out on Social Security and how bad life was going to be for the retired. This year they are cutting a tiny portion of your Pay Roll Tax and the result is going to be even less chance of Social Security to be there when you really need it. We are being lead by crooks and we are idiots for electing them.

  • Gary L. - 12 years ago

    The primary responsibility for this mess lies with Barack Obama. He does not want to make any decision that will alienate any faction of his base. This has been the case with many issues in the past 3 years from International Relations, to Border Security, to Immigration to Health Care. He seems to blow with the wind on all these issues, even recently on the Health Care mandate. The sooner we get rid of him and some of his administrators and Harry Reid the sooner we will again be able to look forward to the "American Dream". Right now we are looking at a Black Hole.

  • Suzie - 12 years ago

    Greta, Please have Mr. Cantor detail exactly what the differences are between what the Republicans want and what the Senate bill says.
    Why wouldn't this bill be resolved if the differences were truly slim? I would like to suggest that the differences are greater than implied by Mr. Cantor, and that the American public has been left in the dark!

  • Pete - 12 years ago

    It is so sad that congress did not pass this bill. I know that a deal was worked out between the senate and the congress before this bill was passed. The tea party is really holding this bill back. I am sure that Obama will be back in office in 2012. We all will thank the tea party for killing the the republican party. Thanks Tea Party!!!

  • Ruth Deaton - 12 years ago

    I thought about the question carefully, and almost voted that the senate is responsible for the
    limiting of the payroll tax extension bill to two months, which is ridiculous, but I believe one must go to the source of the problem, and that source is Barack Obama. Harry Reid is his spokesman. I am concerned about the republicans who voted for the two month extension. I know they are tired, and want to get home for Christmas, but they should not compromise their convictions.

  • RetiredTraveler - 12 years ago

    Harry Reid should call back the senate to resolve this before Christmas. If he doesn't then if I was Boehner, I would pass a bill right after the first of the year stripping all the democrats favorite spending and cut taxes by that amount for the middle class. Then see the look on Harry Reid and Obamas face!

  • Janie - 12 years ago

    I hope and pray for a new president in 2012. Four more years of not knowing" what to expect next", will drive us all crazy. How do families with children enjoy the holidays on unemployment? Happy Holidays to all! Let's do the best we can.

  • dottier23 - 12 years ago

    The choices of the Democrats shows they know very little about business requirements.
    The reporting of monies paid and received by workers and employers are done on a monthly/quarterly (3months)/ annual reporting basis. That is why the two months the Democrats want just won't work without being very costly and have more chances of error reporting.
    Plus, a year would give more time to meet in conference to work out their differences.

  • Ruth Deaton - 12 years ago

    I thought about the question carefully, and almost voted that the senate is responsible for the
    limiting of the payroll tax extension bill to two months, which is ridiculous, but I believe one must go to the source of the problem, and that source if Barack Obama. Harry Reid is his spokesman. I am concerned about the republicans who voted for the two month extension. I know they are tired, and want to get home for Christmas, but they should not compromise their convictions.

  • Roy Cooper - 12 years ago

    The Senate, knew when they passed the two month extension, that it would cause an uproar and that it was totally crazy to have to rehash everything all over again. Purely politics!!

  • PK - 12 years ago

    Vote ALL congress members OUT!! They seem to only care about themselves.

  • Mark Noah - 12 years ago

    So, let me get this right. First, the Democrats wanted a year extension. At that time, the Republicans were against any extension. So, the senate then didn't have time to finish up the bill before the holidays, so they passed a bipartisan 2 month extension they would again take up when returning to DC. Now, the Republicans in the House are for the year extension and won't even vote on the 2 month extension. And they decided they were all of the sudden for the full year extension after the senators went home for the holidays. Now, they want all of the senators to come back to DC? Does anyone else smell political crap?

  • buckeyroo - 12 years ago

    Harry Reid and Pres. Obama don't want this bill to pass so he can continue to blame republicans and the tea party.This will only get worse this coming year. This is the worse president in my lifetime and I'm 73 Even worse than Carter.

  • mary sweeney - 12 years ago

    Republicans are being real assholes!assholes .

  • Rusty - 12 years ago

    The Democrats are in the habit of running away from their responsibility and then blame the Republicans for their failures. Remember Wisconsin. Reid should be recalled for his incompetence as leader of the Senate.

  • Dan Nusbaum - 12 years ago

    The original tax holiday was only to last one year. This is how something temporary never goes away. We need long range solutions to fix our many problems , not a 12 month fix.

  • Steve Palmer - 12 years ago

    I believe Rick Santorum has it right. Not long ago, the talk was the Social Security Trust was going bankrupt. Why would tax breaks be given from this trust unless Obama is intentionally trying to backrupt the trust even sooner. The tax break needs to be on our regular income taxes.

  • DC - 12 years ago

    I would rather have 2 month extension with the possibility of more than the party politics which is yielding ZERO at the moment. Why stress us out the American people?

  • randy schulz - 12 years ago

    Why congres republicans did not pass the senate version of the bill and extend the payroll tax cut for two months and then sit to talk of one year extension?
    What is their problem?

  • Craig Johnston - 12 years ago

    The president is way over his head. He has no leadership skills, and is blaming everyone but himself. I am very sad for our country.

  • Reality - 12 years ago

    Yeah. Its the Senate you dumbasses. Including those 39 Pubs that voted for it. Sheep! None of you should ever be allowed to vote again. Nothing but idiots.

  • Jerry - 12 years ago

    I understand there is a surtax on home buyers within this bill. Why not talk about that issue. This is simply adding a tax on those buying a home!

  • Bridget - 12 years ago

    Changing for 2 months is ridiculous. Don't people realize that their social security benefit is based on what they put in? This "tax cut" just hurts yourself in the long run.

  • Austin - 12 years ago

    The Senates version of the bill is just once again showing what Washington is ALL about! PROCRASTINATION and SELFISHNESS!

  • John Anderson - 12 years ago

    Senate Republicans should be ashamed of themselves!

  • Peachy - 12 years ago

    The Senate and Obama are responsible, because they are working on the same page to cause all of this!

  • Carl - 12 years ago

    What going on now with the federal government is the best argument for term limits I have seen yet.

  • Country Strong - 12 years ago

    The President should grow some "B", and Pelosi and Reid should be fired. Neither are for the American People. They blame everyone except themselves. Where is the US Budget Pelosi and Reid?

  • Reality - 12 years ago

    I see the fascists at FOxNews are trying once again to spin PubFail thats screwing the american public. Put the thing up for a vote you rascist fascist pigs. When it passes you will look like the putrid shit you are.

  • Bill B - 12 years ago

    If our representatives passed a budget 900 days ago we wouldn't have all of this tumult.

  • Steve Hinde - 12 years ago

    Ramming it past at the last minute. And no way to pay for it without increasing the debt. The tax break is nice, but how much more can we spend? No one in Washington has any fiscal responsibility. Kick the can down the road some more.

  • nosliw - 12 years ago

    This is all caused by Harry Reid. There should be some way to force him to bring to the Senate the numerous bills that the House has passed during the last year. He is I think power mad and should be impeached immediately. In all of this, I see Harry Reid as second only to Obama in culpable in keeping the economy from rebounding.

  • Barbi - 12 years ago

    This is ridiculous! Of course they should work it out NOW! President Obama is kicking the can!!!

  • brenda copley - 12 years ago

    I AGREE, Reid, and Obummer should both be thrown out of office, and inpeached, but, we all know obummer is an illegal alien, illegally living in the whitehouse, so this bum, needs to be removed in nov.2012. All reid does, is tables everything the republicans send his way, and then all OBUMMER DOES IS THREATENS AND TRIES TO INTIMIDATE THE REPS. I am so sick of the dumocrates, we need to kick them all out in 2012, and take back America!!!!!

  • Dick - 12 years ago

    THROW THEM ALL OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MARJORIE - 12 years ago

    Pres. Obama is passing the tax bill off on the Congress just as he did with the Health Care Bill. He keeps going after the millionaires (or whateve he considers a millionaire to be) and seems to be making them turn against him; but, there are just as many Democrats as Republicans and Independents who are millionaires. And, he keeps taking their money at these lavish fundraisers where he charges a small fortune for a dinner.

  • lulabelle - 12 years ago




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