Do you agree with Santa Cruz mayor Don Lane making the homeless issue his top priority?


  • alex - 12 years ago

    The mayor ask us to send in stats and alternative proposals for the homeless problem etc. The citizens of Santa Cruz county voted and pay to have these officials do this type of research and present their porposals to the voters for review and action. I haven't seen or heard any type of public forum that presents an open discussion on the homeless issue. There are plenty of homeless people in Santa Cruz that want to be taken care of without any accountability to the citizens who are paying for their care. The rivers, roads, beaches, etc need workers who can help keep them clean. If the homeless want to stay in Santa Cruz have them work for the room and board since the mayor is seeking to make the homeless permanent residents of the county. I have lived in the county for over 36 years and each year it has not improved. Santa Cruz has a nice climate with lots of free aid for those who have no place to go, or their towns have made it difficult for them to pan handle etc. I don't blame the homeless for passing the word to each other that Santa Cruz is the place to be if you are homeless. They can stay with no accountability to the citizen for the free care proviced by our tax dollars.
    If the mayor and his cabinet cannot come up with a better plan to decrease the homeless population then the citizen of the county need to consider the RECALL of these officials. It is time to ask for the accountability of the citizens who use our tax dollars for a better life by developing some kind of work plan that the tax paying citizens of Santa Cruz can see. After all, Santa Cruz has a large budget problem maybe our elected officials can figure a way to use this untapped labor resource to help in reducing the budget deficit.

  • Melodie Milhoan - 12 years ago

    It's tragic that Santa Cruz has so many homeless. The recession plays a part, the high cost of living here, and the fact that there are very few support systems in place for people who suffer from loss, mental illness, growing old, the list goes on and on. Any one of us could become homeless and for people to place blame or to judge these unfortunate people who do not choose to be homeless, but have to adapt to a lifestyle of survival that is intolerable. Once in that lifestyle it is almost impossible to get out with out help. Do you think if we don't build another shelter that the homeless will go away? Show some compassion folks.

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