Who won tonight's debate?


  • Rikki - 12 years ago

    Well, in all fairness I would have voted for Newt Gingrich. I felt he won the debate because he said what the audience wanted to hear. However, I personally believe Newt to be a corrupt liar. The biggest loser of the debate, in my opinion, was Romney because he is obviously in support of the NDAA. I imagine that he lost many votes over that statement.

    That said, I chose not to vote because I do not feel it is right to leave a valid candidate off of the polls simply because his supporters benefit from excellent organization. Even if they do skew the polls at times, they are still entitled to vote in polls. What's next, banning them from the primaries and the general simply because some do not like their political views? Shame on you!

  • Lionhead - 12 years ago

    I understand your problem with Ron Paul supporters flooding your poll. Think about what you're doing by performing an 'intervention' to exclude him. The man is being denied a rightful place in your polls. Is excluding him fair? Don't you think the supporters of other candidates do the same? I have seen some Romney supporter sites that are bigoted for him at the expense of the other candidates.

    This is your website, and you can do what you fancy, but it doesn't lend credibility to you or your polls. Exclusionary policies are never welcome, no matter what one's personal views are. I hope you reconsider your prohibition of Paul. Otherwise, you're copying the Marxist/Socialist/Media (MSM). Let freedom ring; leave the Soviet style suppression to the MSM.

  • Michael Teuber - 12 years ago

    I am not particularly a Ron Paul supporter. I disagree with the neutralist elements of his foreign policy and certain aspects of his social policy. Punishing his supporters for being the (second) best organized conservatives on the internet is unfortunate. Dr. Paul's supporters are sincere, grassroots libertarians and conservatives who bring an infusion of enthusiasm to the desiccated capitalist, formerly Wall Street, wing of the Republican Party. It poorly serves conservatives and Republicans to marginalize this man's supporters.

  • Jody Reichel - 12 years ago

    I have visited this site several times. I find it UN-AMERICAN and ANTI-DEMOCRACRY to PURPOSEFULLY disenfranchise voters on this site! Sad, sad, sad day in America when the host says he is purposefully "skewing" a poll by leaving a candidate off this poll. Paul has been kicking Gingrich's ass so badly at the polls it is now officially a "red state" unto its own. I guess the site moderator doesn't like the electoral process which is disgusting.

  • Ron Paul - 12 years ago

    Despite finishing a strong third in Iowa and an incredible second in New Hampshire…

    Despite earning more votes than Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Perry in New Hampshire – COMBINED…

    Despite surging past Rick Santorum in the polls in South Carolina…

    Despite this clearly being a two-man race between me and Mitt Romney…

    The establishment media is still trying to black out my campaign.

    News organizations are exiling me to the far end of the debate stage.

    They can't stand the idea of me challenging our reckless foreign policy, the destruction of our currency by the Fed, and an out-of-control, almost $16 trillion debt that is choking the life out of our economy.

    But no matter how much the establishment tries to silence me, my strong, consistent, clear, conservative message is resonating with Americans.

    Conservatives are coalescing around my campaign because my opponents are all the same old chip off the Big Government block.

    While Rick Santorum defends forcing workers under the thumb of Big Labor with his vote to kill a National Right to Work Act, and Mitt Romney defends indefinitely detaining American citizens, I am the only candidate offering a conservative alternative to the status quo.

    My Plan to Restore America cuts $1 trillion from the budget in year one of my presidency, balances the budget in year three, and eliminates five cabinet departments.

    That's why it's vital you make your most generous contribution to my South Carolina Money Bomb right away so I can go over the heads of the establishment pundits and take my message of liberty, free markets, and sound money directly to voters in South Carolina through hard-hitting tv ads, issue-based emails, and personal phone calls.

    This voter contact program was the key to my incredible finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, and I am confident that if my campaign can fully implement these programs in South Carolina, another historic finish is within my grasp.

    Our Party cannot win in November unless we nominate a candidate who presents a clear contrast with Barack Obama.

    Unlike Mitt Romney, I don't have to explain away flip-flopping on every issue voters care about.

    And unlike counterfeit conservatives Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, I support the Right to Work, am 100% pro-Second Amendment, am 100% pro-life, and have consistently opposed the bailouts and socialized medicine.

    So please, go to www.RonPaul2012.com to make your most generous contribution toward my final push in South Carolina and help my campaign spread my winning message of liberty to the voters.

    Thank you for all that you do to help me win this race and Restore America Now!

    For Liberty,

    Ron Paul

  • washbasin - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul wins the race because he skews the numbers. The American people need the numbers skewed and real work be our final poll.

  • The dude who likes changing his username - 12 years ago

    - 900 people in two hours after the debate finished airing, that's pretty good if you ask me.
    - You forgot the military vote
    - I find it amusing that you say Dr. Paul is first in every poll. I guess you haven't look at people who do polling for a living.

  • stu - 12 years ago

    SKEW YOUR POLL? You have only 900 people responding in a nation-wide online poll. As if your results are in anyway accurate. Sorry that Ron Paul is stealing the youth vote, most of whom would be seeing this poll in the first place. When every news source refuses to accept Paul as a actual option, report on him, and ignore his great poll figures how can your results be accurate in the first place. RON PAUL 2012!

  • Conservative Jeanie - 12 years ago

    Bwahahahahahahaahaha Great likeness to Paul. Can we all just start calling him Gollum now?

  • The Voice of Reason - 12 years ago

    His followers manipulate every single poll on the internet. This is the only to solve the problem.

  • average Joe - 12 years ago

    Umm, what about the guy who can not be mentioned? The guy who returns money from his Congressional office budget. The guy who served in the military. The guy who delivered over 4000 babies.

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