Who do you expect to win the South Carolina primary?


  • Brian - 12 years ago

    Stephen Colbert?? The funny thing is that some of you are actually serious. Ron Paul is getting screwed, I agree, but his foreign policy is dangerous. He apologizes for our country, and would be way to soft in dealing with other nations. Newt was a bad husband. So what? First, we don't really know how accurate that is, and secondly how is that any different than Bill Clinton, or JFK? Presidents are human, and history has shown us that some of the best leaders don't necessarily have to be saints in their personal life. Go Newt!

  • Dre - 12 years ago

    If you can't honor your vows to your wife, who is supposed to be your equal, confidant, best friend, love of your life and who you want to raise children with and say you want to spend the rest of your life with, then how can someone honor there vows to strangers? This is the number one reason why I WILL NEVER vote for Newt Gingrich, He has no integrity, and can't be trusted. I want to trust in my president, and the only person who I can trust at this time IS Ron Paul, Thank you Mr Paul for striving to make America what it can and should be. Thank you Mr Paul for sparking interest in real issues that effect all Americans. Thank you Mr Paul for giving me hope and a reason to believe in my country again. And at this time my greatest dream for America is to say, 'Thank you President Paul".

  • copdog45 - 12 years ago

    Others??? Really? where's Ron Paul's name? You media hounds just fricken amaze me the way you push your own agenda down the throats of the masses. Ron paul has a very large following and you will see what real Americans what. RON PAUL 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Wait... what? - 12 years ago

    No matter how much you ignore Ron Paul, he's still a factor in this race.

    For all the people who think no one will vote for him, I would say that the primary elections so far do not support that theory. Imagine how Ron Paul would be doing in the primaries if the media actually paid attention to him!

  • WandaVincent - 12 years ago

    Just because you are a good debater, doesn't guarantee you will be a good president. Newt
    seems to have a temper which is unbecoming for a President. That scares me. And I would
    like to see the rest of the counties in Iowa counted. Kinda like the democrats in Florida, huh?
    So Mitt Rommey has money, the Kennedys were sitting on around a billion!

  • MarieN - 12 years ago

    South Carolina has voted for the wrong Republican candidate in the past...so what makes anybody think they will get it right this time.

  • Rick - 12 years ago

    Someone else? That shit made me LOL. Another retarded attempt to ignore Ron Paul, way to go you fucking morons. But even though your rigging this poll by not putting Ron Paul into it just shows how many supporters he has. Just look at all the comments that are about him.

    Ron Paul 2012!!

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Once again a stupid question for the poll.
    Should be "who do you want to win"
    Are not polls supposed to discover peoples opinions, not peoples prognostications?

    Also, why did they only put their two favorite names on the poll?
    Yes you guessed it, to shape opinion.
    They want you to predict Gingrich here because SC is being called the Evangelical state.
    They want you to predict rather than to choose.
    They want you to be fooled into doing what they want.
    They know you are fools.
    They mock you.
    You fall for it.

    Instead of voting for Ron Paul, the only real choice here.
    The one that stands for Freedom, the Republic, the Constitution.
    The only one that is a true Christian, not a Hypocrite, or a confused cultist.

    They want you to vote for their choice.
    One that will guarantee the status quo.

    ** but I am grateful they actually let you comment. If SOPA passes you will never again be allowed to comment. Ron Paul would never let SOPA pass. He will be very predictable. He is the only choice here.

    Don't worry Obama is done. He passed NDAA, now the military can bag civilians because of him there has never been such tyranny here in North America since the revolutionary war times when the British Military was bagging our citizens. Think about it.

  • Tawnee - 12 years ago

    Wow you actually put someone else? You know there are 4 people left running for President.They all should have their names on this! You media is dispicable! I can't believe how unfair you are to certain candidates! You should be ashamed of yourself! I have lost all trust in you all!!

  • brad - 12 years ago

    The poll should of had all 4 candidates I agree. The concervative revolt for the liberal media using an ex wife of over 12 years ago has began. It's war!! Who cares what a bitter,resentful ex-wife says from over 12 years ago. Most ex wives will at a minimum stretch the truth and/or down right lie about ex husbands. She will say just about anything to get center stage publicity, money and revenge. The liberal media is just using her as a pon for their agenda. But I have to say thanks for helping Newt win in SC. This will put him over the top.

  • Laurel - 12 years ago

    ...Someone else...I certainly echo the complaints of the other posters here. Who the hell came up with this poll? I am a Ron Paul supporter, I do NOT like Santorum but I DO believe that BOTH their names should've been on this poll. It's not that much effort to put another 2 names on the list. Actually, it would've only been one since they could've replaced the 'someone else' option. Biased much?

  • Josh - 12 years ago

    Wow, this surly goes to show how setup all this is becoming. Why don't they post all the candidates? Last time i remember this should be equal and frankly the media is not getting paid enough for Mitt or Ginrich. This is all becoming 2008 again, ignoring the candidates like Ron Paul because he clearly has a good game plan for AMERICA! It's all about the money and power here, and i am very ashamed of being an american because the government is allowing this to happen. First of, my vote will be for Ron Paul. He is capable of running this country, he's fair, and he isn't a scumbag like the others and Obama. So to all the haters on Ron Paul fuck you!!!! rich ass corporates, suck on my dick!!!

  • Fred Hoagland - 12 years ago

    Just, LINE UP, SHEEPLE, all your choices are already made for you....BAHHHHHHH!!!!

  • Jason - 12 years ago

    The main poll I would like to see is "Is the MSM biased against Ron Paul" - even the Ron Paul haters would have to vote yes

  • JD - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul 2012!

  • Thom - 12 years ago

    Gingrich did what in Iowa and New Hampshire ???? and you discard Ron Paul in the choice ?
    seriously ... the media consider themselves not biased ??? Hello ???

  • Get Active !!! - 12 years ago

    Media once again trying to prove that they determine elections.
    The corporations will fight hard to control your mind and appeal to your emotions to maintain their status quo. By the media ignoring a major candidate, that just makes me think that this candidate they are ignoring has Not been bought off.
    Come election time, I just hope that whoever is running ballot boxes or programming the counter doesn't sell out to bribes that may have us wondering what just happened.
    There are some powerful and sinister forces at work in our world. There are battles going on in high places. Your mission, ... FEAR NOT. Stand up and speak up when something doesn't seem right. Something has pervaded our society so that we are afraid to speak up even though We sense that something is wrong. We have been lulled to sleep and made fat for the slaughter. The puppet masters work hard to keep us programmed with the distractions that abound,... meanwhile a "last call" on freedom has us bellying up to the bar for more of the same.
    This time, as you stagger out of the bar, you now have become easy prey for what lurks in the shadows.... And this time, they want more than just your wallet.

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    lol @ "Someone else"

    Yahoo is biased and a disgusting website that everyone should boycott. Why are they so afraid of Ron paul?

  • jer and gwen - 12 years ago

    Anybody that thinks our elections are any different than that of a dictatorship are completely limited in the brain,honestly where are your choices ,you have choices you think,no they will tell you who will win there is no voting ,only pretend voting,they will not only steal your money they will pick your president,if you cant see that,I feel sorry for you, if you think they care if you were on there side when they shaft you,you are horribly wrong,wake up. If you think you picked out your elective candidates, where are all there names,they are very bold,but most importantly they count on you being lazy and afraid to speak up,what happened to America,I will vote Ron Paul no matter what,They will have to steal my vote,first.

  • someone else is RON PAUL ! - 12 years ago

    BIASED MEDIA! Ron Paul 2012
    America cannot ignore his common sense much longer... National Debt equals and will soon exceed GDP and America grows closer to totally devaluing the dollar. Every dollar printed by the private institution of the FEDERAL RESERVE is automatically debt (federal reserve "note") of the US and therefore requires interest payments..Trillions in debt=billions the Federal reserve is making from interest on the nation debt. "Quantitative Easing" aka printing of exorbitant amounts is making the dollar worthless, and the future generations (ME) will feel it with cost of living vs real wage. This is just one issue Paul bravely covers. Wake up Sheople!

  • more propoganda - 12 years ago

    So why the hell isn't Ron Paul listed??? Ron Paul 2012!! Defender of the Constitution!! Dr. Paul get's my vote!

  • James McNulty - 12 years ago

    The same wicked fraternity of men, whether you call them Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, etc, ad nauseum have again preselected our presidential candidates for us as they have since FDR. It will be the insider Republican, Romney or Gingrich against insider Obama. The same thing will happen in 2012 if Republicans win that happened after the much vaunted Republican Revolution of 1994. . . nothing! Why? The same corporations and business/banking interests control both parties, just as the Late Gov. George Wallace said almost 50 years ago. There's not a dime's bit of difference between them. Neither party will save America, only the Lord. Barring Divine Intervention, it's time to write the requiem for America. These world government elitists will not allow a Ron Paul into office. Pray for America. We are in irreversibly dire peril because of our own anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-God government!

  • Jon - 12 years ago

    we the people need to take more action on the media acting like we don't see how they are trying to influence this election. Ron Paul is clearly the front runner but the media disturbingly shuns the fact that he is. I hope that the people of our country are smart enough to notice this. i feel like this is the most important election year that i have experienced in my life. we need Dr. Paul to save our freedom and get this country back in order.

  • America seeking godly leadership - 12 years ago

    Time for Real Change. No more British, Banker owned puppets. Vote Ron Paul 2012.

  • Emily - 12 years ago

    Even the name of the "Someone Else" is devastating for Israel lobbyists.

  • I'm Not a Loser Like Sophie - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul can win. He can beat Obama. He can save the USA. But people with a defeatist attitude like you only perpetuate the problem.

  • dk - 12 years ago

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

  • Sophie Biggens - 12 years ago

    Those of you backing Ron Paul should wake up.. No matter how perfect a candidate you may think he is, he cannot win the election...Mainstream America does not believe in him, old people don't believe in him.. and the majority of you believers, will give lip service only..and will not vote on election day, whether he is on the ballot or not...

  • Gordon James - 12 years ago

    "Someone else" does have a name you know... Dr. Ron Paul.

  • Julie Pond - 12 years ago

    Amazing with all the Ron Paul supporters you would think the Yahoo! staff would get a clue. Obama will not win even if you try to sway peoples opinion by not recognizing the fact there are better choices than Obama or Newt.

  • Me - 12 years ago

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

  • Unbelievable - 12 years ago

    Wow, you should be ashamed of yourselfs. Someone else? Is it really that hard to put Ron Paul's name in a survey?! Fuck the media! Trying to influence people.

  • Not Given - 12 years ago

    Were's Ron Paul u bias fucks? im a journalism major in college u should be ashamed of ur selves ur soposed to be unbiased and yet u suppres the best presidential canidate in the past 20 years. hes been right for the past 20 years talking about economics and forgin policy and yet u try to show pull shit shame on u yahoo shame on u Shame Shame on u

  • Jilla - 12 years ago

    It doesn't matter who is re-elected, because nothing will change, nothing will be acomplished by that president unless Congress cooperates and everyone should know by now that Congress does not cooperate with the sitting president, no matter who he may be, and thus they do not cooperate with the American people.

    So, it doesn't matter if RP, Mittens, Santorum, Newt or even Obama win the election Congress will block, delay, deny, impede everything they he tries to accomplish, just as they have with every past president. And then you all will be screaming he didn't keep his promises, he lied, he sh/t on the constitution, spent your money, you'll demand an impeachment and denied you voted for him...

    Wash, rinse and repeat.

    As the old adage goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • Sunny - 12 years ago

    The poll appears fake and rigged because there is no choice for other in the question-answers, yet the poll shows the category "other" with some votes.

    The real reason for the collapse of the USSR was Afghanistan and the Taliban and included Osama Bin Laden. Not any other reason that they give. And at that time the CIA supported and armed Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. The US also gave advanced weapon systems and military aircraft to Pakistan, including F-16s and AWACS at the time in addition to Billions in financial aid as an incentive to get involved and support the Taliban. The US and UK were also behind the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Iran in 1953 and the installation of the hated Shaw, just because the government of Iran would not allow the corporate oil interests of BP in.

    Osama Bin Laden specifically gave the reason for the attacks against the US as US troops being in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Paul understands foreign policy issues better than any of the other republican candidates including the theatric and megalomaniac dirty-Newt, and would handle US defense better as well. Dr. Paul is just not as theatrical and outspoken. He has more humility. The current destabilizing events happening in Nuclear Pakistan is clear evidence of his foresight.

  • Pete - 12 years ago

    Interesting this poll did not list the four candidates, and instead only
    listed the two candidates they prefer.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate that I would have selected.

    "Someone else" is an insult.

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    Why are Israel funding Gingrich?
    Israel creates super PAC to attack Ron Paul. Very interesting info! Gingrich is bought out!

  • Micheal - 12 years ago

    Only some one else can save our country.

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    President Someone Else 2012 .

  • Allen - 12 years ago

    RON PAUL 2012

  • eat a dick - 12 years ago

    i'm fucking DONE with yahoo and its bullshit exclusion of not one but TWO candidates?! fuck you yahoo. rot in hell.

    ron paul 2012 AND 2016

  • Donald Duck - 12 years ago

    Newt should be examined for BIPOLAR!!!

  • Tim - 12 years ago

    Are you all rino's...and you Ron Paul freaks are scary...the Freaking poll has an other choice for you morons. I personally like many of Paul's ideas, but his expression of them is way to unorthodox. He needs definitive work on his tact. As for Gingrich being an adulterer, well if you believe that manufactured crap, you are probably stupid enough to believe that "Everyone deserves a second chance" crap Obama's camp is spewing. Some of you have lived very sheltered democratic lives.

  • Jim - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul.

  • Ron Paul - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul is obviously the favorite candidate of America, not Newt, and definitely not Goldman Sachs' puppet Mitt Romney. Anonymous please hack yahoo and all the media corporations controlled by special interest groups, please!

  • david - 12 years ago

    ron paul is the only one with a true conservative message, everyone else is business as usual, if you vote for romney or newt you might as well vote for obama because he is the same as bush as im sure those two will also be the same, expanding gov't, reducing freedoms, and allowing our troops to die for their benefits.

  • Joshua - 12 years ago

    Why not just put all the candidates on the poll? Lame. Ron Paul 2012

  • J. - 12 years ago

    Why is Ron Paul not listed in this poll?
    Excuse me for a second, but is Yahoo incapable of putting all the canditates on their poll?
    This is a fine example why the world we live in is so corrupted.

    Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Paul!

    The REAL Patriot!

  • Sandy Wiggins - 12 years ago

    Newt will handle Obama like he handles the media. Love it, he has my vote.

  • Jerry - 12 years ago

    This is not a "poll" it is a propaganda device designed to make us think that Mitt and Newt are the only ones running. What an utterly absurd joke, as well as a very bad one, as the country DESERVES to hear from Paul, and your stupid phony "poll" doesnt deserve the time of day.

  • Skains - 12 years ago


  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    What happened to the other candidates that are also running???? I think Ron Paul is fantastic, so is Sanatorium! Why cant you list their names? It sure wouldnt have taken up much more space. Alot of people liked what the other candidates had to say. I for one, like some of what they all said. I am a democrat and I will be voting REPUBLICAN this election. Just like I did what CARTER was in office......anyone but who is presently in office.

  • Lou Lou - 12 years ago

    If it wasnt for Ron Paul, we would not know all the dirt on all the rest of the clowns. Hallelujah for Ron Paul for calling the rest out! I just wish the media would recognize this.

  • jason - 12 years ago

    Wow horrible poll.I think some smug media created this? Where's the other canidates? man oh man main stream media is neglecting Ron Paul Big time...Cnn, abc news, Foc news, MSNBC ..Shame on you all sicking

  • p smith - 12 years ago

    I am going to close out my yahoo! mail account that I have had for about the last 10 years, and I will be changing my homepage to dailypaul.com.
    Im tired of your blatant manipulation of the "news". You stink and dont deserve my traffic. You are just a propaganda arm of the government, toting the water for the status quo. I wonder if you follow the money if yahoo is owned by those that profit off of endless wars of aggression? or endless wasteful spending on "welfare" that is enforced at the barrel of a gun?If everyone would start abandoning ship, maybe yahoo! would get the message...but I doubt it.

  • Joe Blow - 12 years ago

    This poll is lame. Get a grip not posting the other candidates? LOL makes me want to vote for Ron Paul, and Im a democrat.

  • Celeste - 12 years ago

    I thought it was AWESOME when Newt put the debate host in his place. The look on the hosts face was priceless! I think he had a code brown moment!!!!

  • Aura - 12 years ago

    Oh me, oh my, what do we have here again .... only 2 persons? Where are the others?

    Not FAIR. You don't want to hear what the people have to say!

    Yes, I have made up my mind but it is REPUBLICAN not OBAMA.

    Give all of them a chance even though three of them will lose

  • AL - 12 years ago

    See the poll result from CNN below, go check it out!
    Paul 33% 46899
    Romney 32% 46368
    Gingrich 22% 31613
    Santorum 13% 19325

  • Disgusting - 12 years ago

    Unbelievable!! Get rid of Yahoo and use another that's unrelated. This is blatantly BIAS!! Ron Paul now doesn't even show up? It's so VERY CLEAR that it's time for the American people to REVOLT... You GOP idiots *THINK* that you're going to remove the voices of the American people? Well, you're doing nothing but crushing the parties... both Dem and Rep ... We WILL WRITE IN RON PAUL....

  • Foo Bar - 12 years ago

    There are only 4 candidates - why don't you simply include them all?

  • Tristan - 12 years ago

    What a stupid poll, didn't even mention Ron Paul!!! I'm Left Wing and even I know Ron is getting shafted...

  • Marilyn - 12 years ago

    I can't believe Americans who are Christians can't see through this farce of a campaign. Will we make the same error that was made 3+ years ago????? Mitt Romney needs to tell voters i a clear voice that he can turn in his tax report until it is ready to be turned in...his accountants are working on it and he's said when it is finished he will turn it over and include past ones as well. He has nothing to hide. There isn't anything the meda can come up with against him because he hasn't done anything to warrant such an attack. Are people blind???? He has integrity, moral cleanliness, honesty, virtue....and wonderful skills to put him up against Obama.....He will completly overcome Obama in any debate and we will then have someone who can turn this country into what it was destined to be and clean up Washington in the process.

  • LibRep - 12 years ago

    At first I thought it was ridiculous for the so-called "Christians" booing Ron Paul for his golden rule foreign policy but last night they redeemed themselves by booing when King tried to proceed thru the debate without asking Ron Paul for his position. Kinda like the debate when they asked the question about Afghanistan. RP was right after Romney but they asked Romney than went on down the line. Too bad RP didn't call "Bullsh*t" on that then or last night. I do wish he would be a bit more assertive on that but other than that he does just fine - no canned answers, nothing memorized other than facts. Ron Paul 2012!

  • Rev. Dr. Richard Smith D.D. - 12 years ago

    Looking ahead.... If Newt Gingrich wins the republican nomination, I will be forced to vote for a man who is ruining the country aka Barack Obama. But at least he's better than Newt. As for the dilemma as to the candidates religious background, remember, separation between church and state. Good Luck to us all, may our choices all be guided by he who knows us all.

  • Angel - 12 years ago

    I'll vote for Obama before I vote for Newt-Thanks for not letting the people have the freedom to choose their candidates- There are 4 candidates, not 2. Ron Paul 2012, Because I want my Freedom back!!

  • Lisa - 12 years ago

    I expect Rick Santorum to win in SC. He had the most votes in Iowa. If anyone wants to know more about this outstanding candidate, go to www.RickSantorum.com.

  • Ben - 12 years ago

    RON PAUL 2012. Another demonstration of how media was bought and sold by big business. Anyone with billionaire donors cannot be true to the American people, due to the fact they will always protect the agendas of their contributors. This is disgusting. So much for democracy and having a vote. The media picks who your "candidates" are.

  • Eddie - 12 years ago

    Someone else? Why didn't you just write "old what's his face the doctor, or the other feller?"

  • Just sayin - 12 years ago

    People Watch your Language PLEASE!!! When you have to resort to using profanity you have allready lost your standing. Now let's address the candidates like mature voters. First, Rick Santorum with his bashing gays/lesbians, women who may have had an abortion his chances are slim at getting elected. Women and gays/lesbians do vote as do the people who know and love them. Newt Gingrich with all of his self righteousness trying to deflect his shortcomings onto President Obama (the elite networks using the media to protect Obama). What did Obama or anyone else for the matter have to do with Mr. Gingrich' marriages. If he was a decent sort of man he would have divorced these women before starting up another relationship. You can't wear track shoes and high heeled pumps at the same time and expect to win the race. Let's not forget Newt Gingrich has a strained relationship with his former co-
    workers has Mr.Santorum reminded us during the debate. Mitt Romney wont let us see his tax returns. No, maybe he doesnt have too. But cmon! Doesnt that make him look a little shady somehow? Even though the founders of this great nation said "everyone has the right to worship in his/her own way". Nice idea! But when most voters watch a show like "Big Love" about Mormons. If JFK fretted over running as the first Catholic then Mr. Romney surely should have lots of sleepiless nights. People wont vote for him. The Republicans doesnt want him. Not really. Ron Paul gets kudos from his co-workers. People who meet him or listen to him like what he has to say. But at the end of the day he age will be what do him in. People wont vote for their great grandfather to be President. Remember, most voters dont do their research of the candidates or what their talking points are. They go vote to get that little "I Voted" sticker. Reagan, JFK, Obama all nice looking men who exudes much male masculinity. Alpha males all! You laugh!!!! Just think about it! Not everyone has that presidential star quality but Ron Paul could be a guiding star in his current position. Just sayin!

  • Just sayin - 12 years ago

    People Watch your Language PLEASE!!! When you have to resort to using profanity you have allready lost your standing. Now let's address the candidates like mature voters. First, Rick Santorum with his bashing gays/lesbians, women who may have had an abortion his chances are slim at getting elected. Women and gays/lesbians do vote as do the people who know and love them. Newt Gingrich with all of his self righteousness trying to deflect his shortcomings onto President Obama (the elite networks using the media to protect Obama). What did Obama or anyone else for the matter have to do with Mr. Gingrich' marriages. If he was a decent sort of man he would have divorced these women before starting up another relationship. You can't wear track shoes and high heeled pumps at the same time and expect to win the race. Let's not forget Newt Gingrich has a strained relationship with his former co-
    workers has Mr.Santorum reminded us during the debate. Mitt Romney wont let us see his tax returns. No, maybe he doesnt have too. But cmon! Doesnt that make him look a little shady somehow? Even though the founders of this great nation said "everyone has the right to worship in his/her own way". Nice idea! But when most voters watch a show like "Big Love" about Mormons. If JFK fretted over running as the first Catholic then Mr. Romney surely should have lots of sleepiless nights. People wont vote for him. The Republicans doesnt want him. Not really. Ron Paul gets kudos from his co-workers. People who meet him or listen to him like what he has to say. But at the end of the day he age will be what do him in. People wont vote for their great grandfather to be President. Remember, most voters dont really know the candidates or what their talking points are. They go vote to get that little "I Voted" sticker. Reagan, JFK, Obama all nice looking men who exudes much male masculinity. Alpha males all! You laugh!!!! Just think about it! Not everyone has that presidential star quality but Ron Paul could be a guiding star in his current position. Just sayin!

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    You seriously could not have added Santorum and Paul to this poll??? Really??? You, the media, really do need to explain why you have to go the extra mile to ignore Ron Paul. You aren't even subtle about it anymore. CNN constantly zoomed out just enough to cover Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich. So not only did they rarely ask Ron Paul a question, they rarely had him on the screen. After watching the After Debate Show on CNN for 45 minutes, Anderson Cooper and gang did not mention Ron Paul once. Now you are generating a poll that only gives me a choice for two candidates when there are four. Please explain how this is not media bias... not propaganda... not unfair.

  • Lee - 12 years ago

    It appears there are 8,144 people with the same disgusting brainwaves as the scumbag Newt.
    Obviously they want the country to go down the tubes even further than it has gone to date.

  • jackson - 12 years ago

    How can we nominate a person for the highest office in the land or the world with this much baggage. this guy is using God to influence people to vote for him. Wake up America, we need some with a positive image, not some one who will attack just because the truth comes out about them.
    Herman Cain was run out of the election process for his alledged affairs, now Newt Gringrich thinks he could be President of the United States based on his alledged affairs.

    Give me a break... what's good for the gander is good for the goose...stick a fork in this guy...he's done.

  • LindaCA-GA - 12 years ago

    It's totally amazing that CNN would lie in wait for the one sole presidential GOP candidate at the opening moment of the start of this debate in South Carolina, to attack Mr. Speaker Gingrich's very personal life that occurred a decade and a half ago, and has absolutely nothing to do with what this debate's current issues are all about today. An unconscionable, unprofessional, and cowardly act of media bias by CNN and anyone who is affiliated with them!
    I wonder why the same questioning was never point-blank asked of the many other political candidates, and those politicians in or out of office, whose own actions caused scandals, and did without a doubt raise many questions, yet they gave absolutely no satisfactory answers!
    Gary Hart, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Gary Condit, Barney Frank, Wilbur Mills, and a host of many many others, in fact, there are pages and pages of a list of names that anyone can find on line.
    Shame on CNN and the very extreme liberal media circus!

  • Bruce - 12 years ago

    The question was typical of CNN, and most news organization. They want controversy, they want Obama reelected. They brought up an inappropriate question in that it is an unproven statement, which newt has denied. Newt has admitted making mistakes, which he regrets, but I think he is the only candidate that can accomplish what he says. Paul lists so many things he wants to change and most are unattainable, and many are wrong anyway. For us to become isolationists is idiotic. We no longer live in utopia where we can sit back nd let the rest of the world alone. He spouts offthings like eliminating income tax, right, like that will happen. I agree partially what he says about the fed. But he is not capable of doing any of that, Newt is. Remember newt forced through the balanced budget and he tooka lot of hits from republicans for that. He has seen the best and worst in wash, and I think he can solve them.

  • T - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul 2012, End the Fed, Reduce the Federal government

  • Whatthe? - 12 years ago

    Yep....two other candidates were left off of this poll! Newt Gingrich??!!! Really? Come on Republicans we're not so hard up we want/need to elect another big government Washington political professional who has lower morals than Bill Clinton-whom HE(Newt) publicly chastized back in the 90's for cheating on Hilary...oh wait...while HE(Newt) was cheating on his wife!
    Geez! Seriously, if Newt gets the Republican nod, I'll be voting Independent, or for Stephen Colbert or for anyone who hasn't worked in Washington their entire life(making big bucks off of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mack as an "advisor".....and a crappy advisor at that, Mr. Gingrich).
    SC Republicans - PLEASE don't vote NEWT!

  • Gus - 12 years ago

    Yes, why aren't the other candidates mentioned in the poll. This is media bias! As for Romney being Christian, being Christian means following Christ and God Commands. Is he an adulterer like Gingrich? Does he have the experience to lead this country. Remember, folks the Obama scum was voted into office and he has spent the entire time running us into insurmountable debt and servitude to the Muslims and the terrorist countries who hate us while they are accepting billions of our tax dollars for their terrorist activities. As for Mormons, it is an entirely false religion, but is Mitt Fit to nullify the damage wrought upon our country by Bam Bam and "George Dubya" down in Tx? Remember also that Newty Fruity is not conservative, not in politics nor in his personal life. The current thing is to claim that anything is okay as long as one "accepts full responsibility" for his sins. Wake up, evangelicals! As for Ron Paul, please give him an opportunity to tell us all that he stands for in government instead of just saying he wants to keep government intervention small in our lives. Sounds marvelous; tell us how. I want to know how to vote, even though my vote no longer counts. The will of the people is always ignored and is always struck down.

  • Tough USA - 12 years ago

    Media manipulation (wikipedia) Ron Paul is Americas choice if you minus out the media corruption. Media knows 1/3 voters are smart and due some due diligence while 2/3 americans are herded sheepie people by 10cent news outlets. Paul called this at the debate and people cheered. old school media play will suffer with blood on there on hands.

  • wade - 12 years ago

    Paul and Santorum's names should be in this poll. They are running for President are they not? Once again the media wants to control the out come of an election.

  • jeff - 12 years ago

    This is not fair! Just like a lot of media out there who are bias! There is not just two people running in this race! Ron Paul is still running last I checked! If the media cannot be bias then they shouldn't be reporting! I don't care who their favorite person is at the time. The media favors the candidates who are paying for the advertising or so called independent polls!

  • Jerome - 12 years ago

    Strange, the comments are overwhelmingly for Ron Paul in this "poll", but the clicks tell a different story. What that tells me is that Dr. Paul's supporters know how to go beyond a simple click and compose a cognitive sentence or two.

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    STEPHEN COLBERT : the only REAL candidate running.

  • Deeplyconcerned - 12 years ago

    Check him out, Newt Gingrich is a sinister and corrupt blowhard! You expect him to represent you?!

  • robert - 12 years ago

    newt=pos/ romney=rich pos/ santorum=insane pos/ron paul =hard workin,honest,vet,real american=for the people by the people

  • Freedom - 12 years ago

    It's really frustrating to see that Ron Paul was left out. Ron Paul deserves this one.
    RON PAUL 2012!!!...

  • nlightnd999 - 12 years ago

    Ron Paul is the only real choice and he isn't even listed? WTF?!

  • nlightnd999 - 12 years ago

    Who came up with this shitty poll and why did Yahoo post it?!

  • Nicole M - 12 years ago

    Oh && most of these comments are about Ron Paul ( people saying they are unfair to him & they want him as president ) !! Tells you something.

  • Nicole M - 12 years ago

    That is some bull. They didn't even put Ron Pauls name up there, its like they want people to think he doesnt exit!!! When he very much does, he has opened the eyes of many people and I'm glad he has!! For all we know Ron Paul could have won Iowa & been farther up in NH the way they do there polls, they already admitted fraud in Iowa & didnt do anything about it ! PATHETIC they are just pathetic and low lifes they dont deserve to be apart of the voting system if there not going to be fair!!! I hope Ron Paul takes S.C . ( but even if he really did they would never tell us ) . Ugh the world to day is a scary place. We still have some good people but it seems like its not enough. God Bless ! Everyone.

  • Jason Jones - 12 years ago

    I am all for Newt, but I do agree that Ron Paul has a STRONG following and this poll clearly shows the media bias.

  • glockstr - 12 years ago

    "The same Democrats who believe Bill Clinton is the best President this nation has seen in the last 30 years, are the same ones who are wanting to talk about Newt Gingrich's personal life. How hypocritical can one group of people be?"

    Probably the same type of person who supported Newt Gingrich for going after Clinton's indiscretion while having an affair with his own staffer.

  • steve case - 12 years ago

    Nice endorsement. I'm glad CNN covered it, many other news networks ignored it altogether. Good job CNN. Ron Paul 2012!! He is the one...GO RON PAUL....

  • christina torres - 12 years ago

    WHERE THE HELL IS RON PAUL! He's #1 in the polls is that why you left him out???????????????????????

  • Paulianism - 12 years ago

    I'm forwarding this to Jon Stewart. Maybe he can do a follow up to his earlier story showing the media bias in its refusal to mention Ron Paul. How hard would it be to put the 4 candidates left running on the poll?

  • Bigpapa7809 - 12 years ago

    The same Democrats who believe Bill Clinton is the best President this nation has seen in the last 30 years, are the same ones who are wanting to talk about Newt Gingrich's personal life. How hypocritical can one group of people be?

    Most knowledgeable = Newt Gingrich
    Most electable = Mitt Romney

    Either of these two would be an extraordinary improvement over the idiot we have in office at this time. Barack Obama wouldn't have a leg to stand on in an open debate with Newt Gingrich.

  • Deeplyconcerned - 12 years ago

    Newt was drummed out of the GOP years ago and had to pay $300,000 in ethics violation fines.... What a great start.... Can't believe he's back....

  • Jake - 12 years ago

    Is it me or is every corporate monkey and federal agency scared of Ron Paul? You leave him out, then i'll just flat out vote for him anyways because it's what our federal government FEARS!

  • charles turner - 12 years ago

    Newt I hope you stay in Cause im going to vote for you ure over all record speacks for its self .
    And if i could had vote when Reagan was in i would vote for him as well ..shame he could not stayed in office for 3 trems he was the best i think in along time ... good luck and you have my vote ..

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