Will changes to Old Age Security affect your retirement plans ?


  • Judy Daley - 12 years ago

    Great if your financial plan does not include the OAS and CPP leave it for someone who needs it~

  • L Wm Bell - 12 years ago

    POLITICS @ 5: pm

    It is my opinion this program could be improve by having Rosemary Barton in the chair all the time rather than Evan Solman. She moves thing ahead much faster and can control the speakers of the panel much better. Evan seems unable to stop two or three from all trying to make their point at once. Ealier this week he let that yappy, rude, Conservative MP from out west (gun fanatic) run the show by not shutting her up when needed and let others on panel make their point. She is is on par with Ezra! Shame CBC
    I am a conservative card holder too and no bias one way or another.

  • Don - 12 years ago

    We will soon need a "Canadian" spring. Say good-by Stevie- and take Clement, Baird and Flaherty with you.

  • Alberta 1 - 12 years ago

    OMG...People just realized that the Government OAS might no support them in the old age...if thats what you were counting on get you through retirement , you really are in a a lot of trouble, never mind waiting an extra 2 yrs.....Ever since I was a kid I knew government wasn''t going to do for my retirement what these people expect and I'm 45....People have their heads up their assess and now they expect the government to make them whole again, meanwhile; their kids and their grandkids won't be able to live off even that amount and again the government is at fault!!!!A lot of people on this sight are ,old misers,
    that want what they want, and everybody else pay for it!

  • Gen-X is Screwed - 12 years ago

    Well, the good news is that at least they will still qualify for "welfare" and receive dental for a couple more years. It's not like there are enough part-time jobs available at Timmies, McD's and/or Walmart to cover 3 generations of workers. Plus that gives the neocons, and the Corporations they serve, an extra 2 years to eliminate the Boomers current jobs, if they are still working, and continue raiding their pension funds to boot!

  • Hangman - 12 years ago

    Judges, lawyers and police should just "NOT" enforce Harpers dumb policies and laws in his Dumb about drugs and crime game and agenda and omnicrime bill.
    what's Harper going to do? throw the judges and police and lawyers in jail for protecting the overall Health and well being of the population , society, country and future? he would lose real fast.

  • Pablo - 12 years ago

    Here we go they have a Majority so watch out Seniors like me ready to apply for OAS in November of 2012 to receive it for November 2013??
    Now I will need to wait another 2 more years to get OAS what will I live on only CPP?
    Mr. Harper leave the Seniors of this Country alone and start cutting your own Golden Pensions ?? We have worked and paid our taxes all our life leave us the small OAS we were to get at 65 and start it way ahead of time so people can get used to it and not scare the ones that are planning to get it next year.
    Anxious to see how Mr. Harper will address it back in the country next week and not in DAVO.

  • Hangman - 12 years ago

    Conservatives can't talk about creating jobs when they are cutting jobs.

    a real "Super energy power " would entail and require being 'green', "Not" greedy.

  • Rhoda Jane - 12 years ago

    There will be consquences to delaying retirement. The 'sandwich generation' already have a lot of responsibility. Delaying retirement will no doubt impact their health. As well, many retired people volunteer extensively in their communities. If retirement is delayed, their abilities to volunteer will likely diminish.

  • Lin - 12 years ago

    WELCOME TO HARPER'S MAJORITY GOVERNING PARTY, his secret agenda is coming out, hold on, it is just the beginning. This is totally outrageous, NO.NO to any changes now or in the future . This is totally not necessary, this is not something to say but what statistics are being kept about how many seniors expire as well. How can they continue to attack seniors. First changes to the CPP,now if retired and you get your CPP (which you contributed to) you now will have it deducted again if you need to work again, but, you will not receive any of this additional CPP money. Seniors have paid taxes and made Canada what it is to-day.The OAS has been used to bridge pensions which people contributed to during employment. Now when nearing 65 the government wants to change the plans which seniors depend on. Where has our democracy gone, money found to wage war in Afghanistan,Lybia which will be still run by tyrants, jets, business tax cuts and subsidies,50million to Tony Clements riding before the election even though the money was for border improvements, there are too many to list.But the money we paid to our government pensions can't be sustained for now and the future,this is completely false.Seniors still pay tax on our pensions,CPP,OAS,house taxes, etc. We are finding it difficult to continue to pay for constant increases in the cost of living. The Harper government never mentioned this duing his campaign and I can assure you if he did he would be in 3rd party place by my vote. I would think most seniors would have sent the conservatives packing their bags, minus their lucrative tax funded pensions@age55. Cancel the addditional 30MPS, all his newly appointed Conservative senators since he has been in power.This is not required and he had better change his mind, What a weasel speak to your rich business buddies in Davos. Harper is the one who has run this country into a huge deficit and increase our expenses, he can't pass the buck he has been running his country for several years now, minority or majority. This whole argument is another way to pit us against each other. This is what Conservative's do, Harper has shown this many times over. We can't depend on the private sector, our jobs, the stock markets they have all crashed 3 times, negative returns on our RRSP'S if you have them,and we know what tax rate they are set at. Some people think even the approx.$540 before tax is not necessary,but, it certainly is,this is one of the plans many seniors depend on and need to augment their very existence. Stop the insanity,Don't touch any governments pensions if anything they should be increased and kept as is.

  • Hangman - 12 years ago

    Tom Lekweski just stepped in a Huge pile of his own crap when he said they are going to "cut the waste". lol, oh how thats going to come back to haunt him and Harper.

    memo for Harper and company, going and calling seniors in your own country a 'threat' while you are on the world stage is "NOT" wise or smart in any way shape or from.

    and the Conservatives need to butt out of the Gateway pipeline process and shut up.

  • Ruth McVeigh - 12 years ago

    I doubt any changes will affect me as I'm already retired. However, the question is vague as we have no idea what kind of changes are contemplated. I didn't retire until I was 67 and I'd have been happy to work another 3 years. But I was healthy and I loved my job. For those who hate their job and are counting the hours until they can quit, this would be quite a blow. For those just on the cusp of retirement, there is probably a good deal of worry about what this could mean financially -- again, the devil is in the details of which we have none.
    I think it was extremely inconsiderate of the PM to drop hints in Davos before letting his constituents in on the secret. But then, I'm not really surprised.

  • Brandon - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not. If this recession has taught anyone anything is that you can only rely on yourself for your retirement and investing. I have a financial plan and it does not include O.A.S. or C.P.P.

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