What happens after Twilight?


  • Chaoticblu - 12 years ago

    Edit of previous post- *Rhett (Apparently I was reverting back to what I thought his name was as a kid. )

  • ChaoticBlu - 12 years ago

    For the love of all that is Good and Right, someone needs to rewrite this crap! And bitch slap Meyers and lock her up because she obviously is mentally unstable. And bitch slap her publisher as well! When did it become ok to romantisize abusive and stalking behavior? I'm seeing it more and more now, and it disturbs me. Arguably, Twilight didn't start it - I recently saw Gone with the Wind and was shocked at how it was considered a "romance" (Scarlette and Red do not have the healthiest relationship) but even that is bittersweet and does not romantisize the agressive behavior both display. It is merely there. But I have never seen in modern media the mess that is Twilight. Love story my ass. It's not so much there is abuse in it, but it's that the abuse is considered normal, loving behavior. And instead of Bella escaping her abuser, or his abuse escalating to bodily harm (which would be a much more realistic) outcome) they end up getting married and living happily ever after. I am just hoping the people reading this series understand that it is purely FICTION and NOT a safe appropriate loving relationship for anyone to be in.

  • :) - 12 years ago

    Shove a big glittering dildo through the creeper's heart please.

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