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Which of the following points define your feelings about politics as we approach Super Tuesday? Check as many as you like. (Poll Closed)


  • Maggie - 12 years ago

    Ditto Yvonne and Alexandra and Judy on your comments.
    WAKE UP AMERICA! Get a new attitude.
    As for politics, candidates and who-did-what-to-get the USA in this mess in the first place....
    Remember that we put the politicians -- Republican and Democrat alike -- in office. If we don't like the job they are doing, we need can vote them out of office.
    And for those of you who are too lazy to explore the issues that are detrimental to our Nation, consider solutions and take action to effect change, then by all means please move to a foreign country as soon as you are able. The great people who settled our young Nation would be happy to see you leave; you are the reason they left Europe in the first place.
    As for me, I am staying right here. Our Great Country doesn't have even one problem that can't be fixed. It doesn't get any better than the United States of America.

  • Alexandra - 12 years ago

    Heather Murphy-Raines/Scout's Honor said.....

    "What a rather biased, unbalanced poll. Disappointing...

    There seem to be a lot of "down on Republicans" choices, but no way to express dissatisfaction with President Obama or Democratic leadership. "


  • Yvonne - 12 years ago

    My next comment is to Debbie. Go ahead move to France. Have you ever lived in France? I have lived there and worked there for many years. France is beautiful; however, they are a socialist country and they have myriad problems there now. In fact, they always have because the government pays for everything and many of the people in France don't work or if they do they pay enormous taxes to support their socialist way of life. That is why France is now one of the many bankrupt countries in the European union. France also has tons of unions and bureaucracy that boggles the mind. However, you might feel right at home there since the USA is rapidly becoming a European socialist economy like France. French workers are constantly on strike because they want the government to pay for their pensions, to pay for their medical bills, to pay for their educations - the list goes on and on and on. And where does the money come from to pay for all these goodies? From the people who do the work. But the unions in France have bankrupted that country. So if you feel comfortable there with the government handing out everything to you - then go! Au revoir!

  • Yvonne - 12 years ago

    My comment is to Theresa. The Bush policies most certainly did NOT get us to where we are now. Learn some economics my dear. We need to have more people working to ensure a better economy; more people working contributes to the tax roles. Bush had 4% unemployment and this regime in the White House now has had unemployment as high as 10% and now it still remains at 8.3%. If nobody works, then you you don't have any taxes coming from payrolls to help the economy. Also the current administration just stopped the Keystone pipeline; estimations on number of jobs that would be gained? Over 100,000 jobs and BO stopped the pipeline. You people who whine that the economy is Bush's fault, need to get some education and learn basic economics. Blame everything on Bush and you show your extreme naivety.

  • Judy - 12 years ago

    I especially agree with the comment about Congressmen living like the average American.
    They REALLY don't need to be in Washington all year. If they went for 3 t0 4 months a year and really worked on the important issues instead of "screwing" around ( use the word any way you like). The President is not so special either....playing golf and reading teleprompters. Those who blame Bush for everything really are attributing a lot of power to him.

    The truth of the matter is....the whole world is full of crooks and those in Washington are the bigger crooks, including the President who is the BIGGEST crook of all. How in the world did he even get there.

    And my last cynical comment is....those in Washington only care about their own agendas....they have NO concerns for us at all except whether we will reelect them or not.

  • Theresa - 12 years ago

    I agree with Susan. The big issue for me is the economy. A lot of the incumbents seem to be more interested in satisfying lobbyists and being in the pocket of big business and out for themselves and they seem to have little to no interest in how it effects the majority of Americans.

    The Bush policies got us into this mess. Bush tax cuts got us here and Romney is proposing BIGGER tax cuts for the rich? I understand the idea of "trickle down economics" but any statistics you look at show that it is not working.

  • Heather Murphy-Raines/Scout's Honor - 12 years ago

    What a rather biased, unbalanced poll. Disappointing...

    There seem to be a lot of "down on Republicans" choices, but no way to express dissatisfaction with President Obama or Democratic leadership.

    It's a shame you couldn't have tried to now sway the results.


  • Maggie - 12 years ago

    Unfortunately for all the voters, it has been the Republican Debate Moderators (most of whom have been Liberal...) who have introduced the ridiculous topics that enraged so many people in a successful effort to distract the American public from the REAL issues our Nation faces today. And we the public, have let them get away with it. How silly are we? The Presidential race should offer Candidates an opportunity to tell the voters how they would run the Country so that we would survive and thrive as a Great Nation.

  • Debbie Buchanan Engle - 12 years ago

    I now have a 10-year plan to move to France...AND a legitimate reason!

  • Preeva Tramiel - 12 years ago

    I am appalled at the anti-woman,anti-privacy, anti-poor positions that the Republicans accept!
    Obama does show his humanity a lot, but he seems to have thrown some important civil rights under the bus!
    I think the only positive thing to have come out of the political process recently is the emergence of the phrase "to throw under the bus."

  • susan - 12 years ago

    Congressman need to take a pay cut, need to know How it feels,to live like Most Americans, live, they need to live on $700 a month and have to pay, rent , and utilities, and buy groceries,too, and have to also pay for Gas, that keeps on raising, every day, and walk in Our shoes , Instead of being fed steaks every night and taking VACATIONS, to where ever they want too, at the Tax payers billing it,!! walk in our shoes , for Once then you will see for your self, they take from the poor to put steak on a rich mans plate, and who voted them in there any ways,??

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