Do YOU think Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez will be together forever?


  • Toria - 12 years ago

    I do not think that they will be together forever because they got together when they were really young and probs don't even know what the future holds it is to early to even say if they will be together in 2015

  • Toria - 12 years ago

    I do not think that they will be together forever because they got together when they were really young and probs don't even know what the future holds it is to early to even say if they will be together in 2015

  • Dillon Casey Drew - 12 years ago

    No Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are not going to be in love with each other I wan't them to break up so I can have her and I think that I am in love with her and I really wan't her so badly that I wan't to kiss her and just to let you know that I really miss her so bad that I really wan't to go on stage with her but if she wan't to go on A airplane I would take her any where that she wan'ts to go if she really wan'ts to go to breakfast or lunch or dinner I would take her there and I would do that for her and she is the best singer and I really like her music and I like her music videos Alot I really love her and I really miss her alot and tell her this keep those lips hot so I can kiss her and I wan't you to tell her this I wan't her to stay smokin hot and tell her this I wan't to go out with her and tell her this to I wan't to have A Date with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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