Do you agree with the need for an interim hydro rate hike?

1 Comment

  • Daren Jorgenson - 12 years ago

    1 - ( Mild Winter = Decreased Revenue ): remember that Consultant that Manitoba Hydro hired and then went to the courts to muzzle her ? Well this is just ONE example of where she felt Manitoba Hydro was mismanaged because they did not factor in to their forecasting such things as Mild Winters, Low Snow/Rain fall, etc..

    2 - don't blame the Mild Winter when the true reality is that Manitoba Hydro is basically broke and is selling electricity to the Americans at CHEAPER prices than we Manitobans pay.

    3 - I have NO hope that our Provincial Government will keep their dirty nose out of this crown corporation and let it operate like a business so I suggest the BEST thing to do is invest in Geo-Thermal Heating and Cooling as well as some Solar Panels. You can yell and scream all you want but Manitoba Hydro will be raising electricity prices to Manitoba customers on an annual basis for at least the next 10-15 years so they can try to balance their budgets and pay for all their expansion plans and the subsidized power they sell to Americans at a loss.

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