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Are you voting for or against the bond? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 985

  • Ben Humphrey - 12 years ago

    A No vote IS a vote against schools and therefore kids and property values. All three elementary schools are outdated and over capacity. My daughter eats lunch in one of three 20 minute shifts at Lakeridge because the facility is too small. At the very least we need more capacity. The plan correctly chooses rebuilding over remodeling or a fourth school (then who gets stuck in the old ones ?).

    There will always be people who don't like something about the plan. I believe this plan is a good one and the return on investment well worthwhile. If you don't have a child in school here, you may have a house here. Great school facilities are good for your home investment. Our children benefit from modern, safe schools designed for 21st century education.

  • Robert Brown - 12 years ago

    Teresa -- if there is "nothing to prevent the same person voting multiple times", then perhaps we should disregard the first poll showing more than 65% saying "yes". It is a fact that that poll is skewed because the PTA's sent out "Legislative Action Alerts" and emails to ALL MISD parents. Furthermore, we didn't get upset over the very first polls. I understand the frustration supporters may experience at seeing their choice as being voted down, but that is democracy. The current bond will WORSEN schools, so join us and vote "no".

  • Teresa Ho - 12 years ago

    I totally agree with Jolene. The state funding for education is way below what is necessary. All MI schools, except for the High School, have portables to accommodate for the number of students for as long as my children have been in the school district (15 years). We as private citizens have the responsibilities to invest in our next generations. We are who we are today because of what our parents did for us. Pay it forward!

    I question the validity of the poll on this website. There is nothing to prevent the same person voting multiple times.

  • Robert Brown - 12 years ago

    It appears that over 120+ people switched from "yes" since the first poll. This is a far cry from the 60% supermajority required for the vote to pass.

  • Robert Brown - 12 years ago

    We are NOT against schools. The fact is, we have especially considered the alternatives, but the district has chosen the most expensive, broadest bond possible. The current bond sets up many problems, and ideas such as a fourth elementary school and renovations were shot down based on figures that do not apply to our school's. My campaign website,, has even provided some creative and uncreative workable, effective alternatives with diagrams and site plans!

    I question the accuracy of FORMER polls, such as the "Do you Support the School's Bond" when the PTA's are sending out "Legislative Alerts" and other e-newsletters to get people to respond "yes". Nevertheless, polls on a News website are a much better indicator of the public's opinion than the numbers on a campaign website.

  • Jolene Cook - 12 years ago

    We have a capacity crisis in the Mercer Island School District. The right thing is to build for our children, and not neglect the accountabilty we have to ensuring they are prepared and can matriculate in a positive and safe environment.

    Even if you are not a parent, and don't have a child enrolled in the schools - you still have an obligation to build your community and this is the best time to invest captital to improve our home.

    The assault on our children must stop! Ask yourself, where would you be without the education your parents provided for you? Let's make the kids a priority and continue the legacy of excellence.

    The state of Washington has severly underfunded education, and I ask that the residents of Mercer Island take a stand to protect the innocent children by meeting the current demands to educate our kids.

  • Peggy Schiller - 12 years ago

    I question the accuracy of a poll like this when run durthe week of spring break when many MISD families and employees and thus supporters of the bond are out of town. Look to the number of endorsers of the bond for actual figures of support!

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