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Should hospitals discharge patients between 11pm and 6am? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 134
1 Comment

  • M Wood - 12 years ago

    Hospitals do not have the capacity to warehouse people over night - Whilst lots have valid reasons for seeking urgent assistance, many many are brought into hospital through A&E because ie people and families panic, people more and more want instant gratification/answers and will not wait, ambulance crews misread the problems, crews and GP and the police just want to off load the problem to someone else and you can't get a GP [especially Ooh's who's teams have shrunk beyond safe practice]
    ( not their fault but that of private companies running them) to the home and even to - community hospitals, for love nor money. Health care is a 24/7 business , why on earth should you give a hospital bed to someone ,who having been checked by a doctor to be fit enough to go home, where incidentally they would sleep better in their own bed - it's totally ludicrous to suggest otherwise . The public and some healthcare professionals have to be realistic. Sending people home in the night wear they came in a few hours previous is not really a problem - they came in like it! Experience tells me that many families especially when it comes to older relatives, just do not want to be bothered by their extra needs temporary or otherwise - people have to face up to their responsibilities in life and that includes helping a family member when they have been unwell - as HCP's we have to make sure that people understand that what often to the lay person - is a huge problem is really not so and that most situations are self limiting - I have been left too many times with in particular the elderly who should be at home whilst sons and daughters can be bothered to get out of bed, take a few hours from work or what ever to help their family member. The great British public create their own problems. I did not demand that the hospital keep my son in when he had a crash on his bike - once he was declared fit - it was home to the comfort of his own space and bed clutching an OPA for # clinic and decent pain relief - When my elderly father -in law fell and was badly bruised and shaken, he did not need a hospital bed but his own and so once it had been established that his fall was not caused by any sinister reasons - we downed tools and set off to join helpful friends and take him home first travelling 130 + miles - we collected him from hospital where we found him in a comfortable discharge area - NO PROBLEM!

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