Are you concerned about the increasingly tense nature of the student protests?


  • John - 12 years ago

    Students are protesting $300 a year! There just a bunch of punks who need to be shown they don't run the province. Time to crack down hard on these thugs!

  • Jesse - 12 years ago

    I suggest that the government just send this group of "students" to their dream land--North Korea where everything is in red just what they want.

  • Jesse - 12 years ago

    They are gangs and mobs, not real students!

  • Dennis Dubinsky - 12 years ago

    University is a privilege and not a rite. As someone who lives in Quebec, I am know subsidizing university tuitions through my income tax. If these entitled children want an education, then they should go back to class and pay the market price for their education. If they can't afford what amounts to a dollar a day in increased tuition fees, then obviously budgeting was not taught to them by their parents. Smart phones and expensive coffee not necessary. Stop wasting my time and money.

  • Troy - 12 years ago

    The government needs to learn to be accountable to the people and not the other way around. The government should be worried about how the people will react for every decision they make. But right now the government does whatever it wants and corruption spreads deeply. Hopefully more people will learn to stand up for their rights.

  • Sandra Harris - 12 years ago

    The question should be: Are you concerned about the increasingly tense nature of the governments reactions to student and citizen protests? The student's are protesting against much more than tuition costs. I am concerned about the violence perpetrated by our government(s) against it's citizens from Quebec to BC. I am concerned about the dismantling of Canadian democracy, freedoms and rights. I am concerned that our governments are owned by corporations. I am concerned about many things including the safety of the students. They are courageous. History shows us that oppressed people reach a breaking point.

  • Jeff - 12 years ago

    The Escalation of the Student Strike does concern me, but I am firm in my resolve that the Increase is necessary and Wholly manageable with a little budgeting.

    I worked my way through 3 separate degrees over the last 13 years. And My First Degree was taken at a Specialized School and cost me 18,000$ in Tuition over 3 semesters.

    Simply by curbing my social activities and living within my means I was able to pay for ALL of my schooling with enough left over to live and even Go out and Party once or twice a month.

    But these days I see an Awful lot of students walking around with the newest Smartphones, tablets and Portable Game Consoles (3DS and PSP) and spending large amounts of cash in bars Every weekend.

    I'm out of school and am one of the many Citizens of Montreal that are Fed up with the Student Strike. If they think I will Take more Tax Increases to pay for their education WHILE they are taking every chance to trash the city and make my commute a living hell they have another thing coming.

    It's time for them to go back to class, before they lose this semester and have to pay that first 325$ increase to take the same courses over again.

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