Should Windsor Police Det. Dave Van Buskirk Go To Jail?


  • Blair - 12 years ago

    The fact that this man is a police officer should not make his sentencing go easier but harsher. Any one of us can be a victim of mistaken identity. I would expect that a police officer would protect me from this, not be the cause of it. it is my opinion that both the citizens of Windsor and the peace keeping police officers of Windsor should demand the maximum penalty.

  • butterflylips - 12 years ago

    u know, i hope he goes to jail, not house arrest either-what kind of justice is that that the cop gets to be in the comfort of his own home? if he gets house arrest what does that say to the victim? the cop needs to actually go to jail and loose his job. i was a victim myself last october where the cop lied about my case, i had bruises all over my body and couldn't even walk right for a few days, i still have problems from that *sswipe and i'll tell you, i served community service plus had to go to meetings plus had to repeatedly go to court and ended up with restrictions on me for a year with things that had nothing to even do with anything-something the judge just wanted to throw in there. i'm sick of twisted cops. another one broke my friends arm while he was in cuffs too (both windsor cops) . My lawyer told me i couldn't afford to fight that cop for years and it would be in my face for years so the community service ect was a better way out for me but i want to beat him up like he did to me and if i see a cop doing that crap to some one else, we're gonna stick together and jump that. justice is justice and if the courts don't give it, it can be gotten in other ways and thats what we don't want. thank God one of them finally got caught in the act! my thoughts are with you Abouhassen xoxo

  • Jackie - 12 years ago

    What he did was wrong. No excuses. He should be punished accordingly. If he were some other race, someone low class, a youth, etc., then the book would be thrown at him/her. This is an adult and he should be accounted for his behavior and should be sentenced for his crime. So glad that it took a video for all to see what he has done. I do not know why this is dragging. Pay the price and do your time.

  • Stefan - 12 years ago

    Canada is watching this story closely. Please do the right thing judge.

  • Peter Pumpkin Eater - 12 years ago

    He should go to jail, but judge will accept any past deeds, to allow him to avoid jail, even though his past record as a cop is filled with problems. Judges are on the side of the Cop, not the Citizen! The same as Brad who beatup handcuffed citizen. His help related to Habitat for Humanity, etc, judge ruled only a slap on his wrist even though he had not been on the force very long. His father was a retired Inspector.

  • Willy - 12 years ago

    Van Buskirk bum before jail-
    His bum after jail-

  • Al Maghnieh - 12 years ago

    Of course Van Buskirk should go to jail.

  • bob smith - 12 years ago

    wow if this wasn't captured on video this cop would have got away with this. he would have charged this man with assault. can you imagine this bs goes on. the judge would have believed the cop and sentenced this innocent man. but this is a isolated incident like de jong says. he expects the public to believe this. i hope the judge does the right thing because the police board will find a away to see him back on the force with 40 hrs pay docked. it would not surprize me. this is why the cops do what they do. no accountability.

  • mark coffee - 12 years ago

    Van Buskirk should be sentenced to the full extent of the law and fired from the police force without question.Anything less would be a slap in the face to the public

  • Shelly - 12 years ago

    What is most ridiculous is the defense lawyer's reasoning behind why mercy should be given for this disgraceful human being. We have all experienced financial issues, sleep loss, and stress. Yet we don't go commit assault, use our police powers to immediately summon the wagon, write a false report, he someone falsely charged, have others cover it up, lie about the details for 2 years and then plead quilty finally after a video surfaces. What a joke this man is! Throw the book at him, he absolutely deserves it.

  • Mr_Bogus - 12 years ago

    your going to burn in hell Van Buskirk, The Devil is going to be having a pigroast when you arrive. hmmm smoke and spice mmmmm

  • M.W.Hobbs - 12 years ago

    What type of society do we live in when the single newspaper in a metropolitan area of 300,000 plus residents advocates the sentencing of a citizen, regardless of his status within the area? The question is worded and asked in such a way that most people will automatically go along with what is suggested and vote accordingly. What ever happened to the proper protocol of the court system?

    I believe that the media should stick to reporting the news, not trying to make the news by asking these stupid questions/

  • sue rehel - 12 years ago

    This detective is suffering from the SAME stressors the rest of the population face every day with the exception he is EDUCATED, to know what extreme force and the law state! He should be held to the HIGHEST standard. Sad yes, however society is expected to conform thus the judical system exisits. He KNEW all along he was wrong and I suspect he would have continued his lies and cover up if it were not for the video. It is high time that lawyers and people of the law HEAR loud and clear LIES are not tolerated and are punishable. The people practicing Law and the police force are the first people that should realize the price of their own lack of integrity. I hope the judge enforces the maximum jail time. He has intentionaly wasted the tax payors money for 2 years, not to mention the anguish and hell for the victum and his family. I applaud this physcian for following thru.

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