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  • Seb - 12 years ago

    This is just silly. Say you would like to vote for the original VW Golf GTI. So you click on VW Golf. Now, does you vote include the 1993 VW Golf 1.4 DL as well, or did you only vote for the car you were thinking of? Meh, meh and tripple Meh!

  • Kevin - 12 years ago

    It's a tough one. I chose the Mercedes S Class because it's not only been around for decades, it's always been such an innovator for the automotive world as a whole. It's played a pretty significant role over the past few decades. I almost went for Porsche 911 because it has arguably done the same but I think for the automotive world as a whole, the S Class is still the greatest car.

  • Jonathan Wadman - 12 years ago

    You asked us to vote for our favourite car from the past 50 years, but that's not necessarily the same as the greatest car. I chose the Citroen GS, for two reasons: it was my first car, and everyone carries a torch for their first car; and I think it is one of the most intelligently designed cars there has ever been. But in terms of greatness? I know it was a favourite of yours throughout the 1970s, but it failed to influence other manufacturers in the way the VW Golf did; it doesn't have the following that the Ford Escort does - largely, I suspect, because it had no profile in motor sport; and it wasn't a worldwide bestseller like the Toyota Corolla. My feeling is that voters' favourite car and their nomination for the greatest car will rarely coincide.

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