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Who should set rules for oil and gas development within city limits? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 734

  • Guest - 12 years ago

    When 'Drill Baby Drill' means 'Export Baby Export'

    "A fresh infusion of supplies may send prices down, but when they're exported to consumers overseas willing to pay more for their energy, Americans never get to see the savings.

    A boom in natural gas drilling in the U.S. has, indeed, led to dramatically lower prices across the board as supplies hold near historic highs. Yet the most aggressive oil drilling in the country in nearly a decade has not produced the same result, even as crude oil inventories hit a 21-year high. While oil recently slipped below $100 a barrel – a dip Wall Street has already branded as temporary – it remains at the upper end of its historic range."

    " In 2011, U.S. petroleum product exports exceeded imports for the first time since 1949, hitting a record high. Last August to December was especially productive, as total monthly exports topped 3 million barrels a day for the first time ever. All told, the U.S. shipped out $111.1 billion of petroleum products, up 60% from 2010, establishing energy as one of the nation's top exports."

  • Guest - 12 years ago

    We currently have a huge surplus of natural gas in the U.S:

  • Calling BULL! - 12 years ago

    And I've heard that "Colorado has the strictest oil/gas drilling regulations of all 50 states." What the Hell does this mean? It's stating a conclusion without stating facts. It's a "talking point" that political zealots spout to rally others that think as they do.

    I look at this debate and see lemmings on BOTH sides. Research, think, ACT for the best of Longmont. No one wants industrial activity in their back yard. No one wants to drive a horse and buggy. Thank God some people on Council are still trying to fight for reason. In 45 days, I hope others will find the political strength to do what's best, whatever that might be. PLEASE don't let the state OR the extreme left OR the extreme right define Longmont's destiny. Please.

  • Calling BULL! - 12 years ago

    I wonder how many people at the state/COGA are spamming this poll to make it seem like Longmont wants state control?

  • Guest - 12 years ago

    Fracking is not safe:

  • Guest - 12 years ago

    Conservatives are all for local, limited, accountable government... until they're not.

  • SolaSister - 12 years ago

    So sad when people's greed overcomes their common sense. Think, people!! Fracking can't possibly be safe. And for us to be putting MILLIONS of gallons of precious drinking water PER WELL out of the planet's use forever - what part about that seems like a good idea?

  • BZ - 12 years ago

    Vermont-the state than brought you Howard Dean has banned fracking. There is essentially no hydrocarbon productin in the State of Vermont- that is equivalent to Arizona banning the production of maple syrup. If you have a problem with oil & gas production-approach the State. If there is enough objection at the State (not county) level, something will happen to stop drilling. Otherwise, let's stop sending almost $1 billion/day overseas (largely to adversaries) to import oil. Public decision.

  • LongmontFirst - 12 years ago

    Also, this poll is a little misleading. If I had no idea of what the facts were I were probably say that I think that the state is more equipped to handle this matter. However, if the state's regulations are not stringent enough to protect the health and safety of the city residents then I absolutely believe that the city should be able to set it's own rules. The state's rules should be considered the baseline - the minimum amount of compliance that has to be met. If the city wants to go to greater lengths to protect the best intersts of the city and its residents then they should have that right.

  • LongmontFirst - 12 years ago

    Not quite as tough as Vermont...who just banned fracking entirely.

  • NextVoiceUHear - 12 years ago

    Colorado has strictest oil/gas drilling regulations of all 50 states (per Gov. Hickenlooper).
    Colorado State law forbids city/county governments from enacting still more.
    If Longmont does, its Taxpayers will be paying double-duty to lawyers on both sides!

    Should the City of Longmont pass its own air traffic regs to supercede those of the FAA?
    Let's Get real.

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