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Dr. Yasin's Performance During Last 4 Years was: (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 452

  • Afzal Baig - 13 years ago

    He is the most in-effective and in-active Chairman of the PTA. Shahzada Alam was the best who was taking utmost care of customers of Telecom.

  • Anjum - 13 years ago

    due to dual nationality, he can't be loyal with Pakistan.
    inspite of this his attitutde was towards India rather Pakistan.

    his tenure was worse
    we hate him

  • Arshad Khan - 13 years ago

    Misreable he performed poor. could not control illegal international traffic which gives loss loss to Pakistan of billion Dollars each year.

  • Arsalan - 13 years ago

    Dr. Yaseen performed miserably in his tenure. because many taxes telecommunication sector were implement... like balance check tax, radio tax, or other taxes....

    Mr. Yaseen you're a disaster!!!

  • Waseem A. Butt - 13 years ago

    Dr. Yaseen in my opinion performed miserably in his tenure. The demise of telcos, negative growth in the sector witnesses it. Having kept a close look at the organization, I've seen it focussing into petty issues and absolutely letting go it's role to provide a visionary and true regulatory successful framework for the country. He's always had this tendency to submit to larger players, and that too foreign only; thus destroying local market contribution in the sector.

    Mr. Yaseen you're a disaster!!!

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