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Do you support the plan to build a new stadium in Regina for 2017? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,150

  • frederic - 12 years ago

    There is most important needs in the City then a new stadium. Like affordable housing and other infrastructure...

  • devon Mclaughlin - 12 years ago

    I have been a life-long rider fan and i go to most games every season. However, the construction of a new stadiums is something we cannot afford at the time. The paltry sum of 25 million is simoly not good enough if they are so addamant about building a new stadium. The current stadium while needs more work is fine for the majorite of fans. We are not the New York Yankees who can afford to build a stadium out of thin air.

    Its also doesn't make any sense for the premier to be spending money when the mantra of the saskparty has been to cut spendinga dn let market forces take care of things. If the cost of building a new stadium is indeed necessary, private investors will fill in to cover the cost foreseeing the profitablity of the venture. This on the other hand will be a classic case of the public footing the bill meanwhile the profits left to be privatized.

    I will only support the construction of the new stadium if more ownership shares get transfered to the city and the province which will then in the long run can implement social programs and infrastructure projects from the profits generated.

  • riders #1 - 12 years ago

    put 50 million into the old stadium and it will be fine for another 30 years. Put the rest of the money they would have spent into are terrible roads in the city and a new hospital.Come on really do we actually need a new stadium WASTE OF MONEY .The boom wont last forever and guess who is going to end up paying for it US

  • Gordon Russell - 12 years ago

    This will be an extremely extraordinary expense amounting to, in the last report that I read, more than 600 million dollars. According to the Chairman of the Rider Board there is not yet a plan. How do you possibly produce a credible and reliable cost estimate when you don't even know what you're building? First, it was 450 million for a covered stadium, then 278 million for an open air stadium now 600 plus milion for that same open air stadium including the operations and maintenance costs. Why the delay in adding the O and M costs. Oh yeah, like the impenetrable veil of secrecy surrounding the whole process keep the bad news from the taxpayers. If they know they might demand accountability in the form of a vote.
    Well damnit we are demanding a vote. So bloody well put together a proper plan and some credible cost figures and hold a vote. We'll tell you whether or not you're using our money to build a football stadium. This is,last time I looked, a democracy and the voters will decide.
    A final word to the principle perpetrators of this breech of trust. Wallbanger and Fiasco, you wanted to achieve iconic status. Well mission accomplished, there is now no doubt you are hall of fame calibre scumbags. Congratulations..... dumbasses!!!

  • Walter Heinemann - 12 years ago

    Well-- (chaty patty) has more power in his little finger than all the rest of our poltitions put to-gether. We need roads, work on our water and sewer, as a city. As for sask. what about some funds into a facility for handycap and mental, not just a promise as we have had for the last 30 years.

  • JoAnne - 12 years ago

    Definately for the new stadium, about time!

  • steve martin - 12 years ago

    its is beyond all boundaries of common sense to ask the taxpayers to support this while so many other social issues need attention. I feel we should demand a vote . I encourage everyone to write or call their provincial and federal reps .

  • Daniel - 12 years ago

    There seems not to be much sobriety in the call for a new stadium. While a stadium itself is not a terrible idea, using funds from government is clearly debatable. Cut the film tax credit - You remember, the one that made money for Saskatchewan - yet support a stadium? Fiacco and Wall are wearing blinders. Green ones.

    The Roughriders are a business. The CFL is a business. Let private industry make the gamble if the gamble is to be made.

  • Myrna - 12 years ago

    I don't support the location. Exhibition grounds are already crowded. There will be no room for expansion, related facilities, other amenities or parking. What is the long term plan for Evraz Place? Will all the current events/activities still be supported?

  • Mark - 12 years ago

    NO!!!! the current stadium looks fine, holds 30k plus of people, the concrete structures should hold up another 100 years! I don't want the tax bill. I was at the Edmonton game and was sick at how many obnoxious people attended. I have more fun at home watching with my kids and less intoxicated people. Love the Riders but not the new stadium.

  • Karen - 12 years ago

    There should of been a vote to approve this huge expense to the tax payers of Saskatchewan. I believe for the amount this is going to cost we could of improved alot of other stuff in Saskatchewan.....roadways for example. The stadium already looks good and holds the amount that the new one will.

  • Grace Jasper - 12 years ago

    I oppose the new stadium for a number of reasons. I think my taxpayer dollars should be supporting social housing and other projects that add to the quality of life for low income citizens. Let those who can afford to go to games pay the cost of a new stadium - they are the beneficiaries.

  • Jack - 12 years ago

    There will be an enclosed statium built. Guess which city they will build it in. Guess were the Riders will call home when its done??????

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