If the election were today, who would you vote for in the GOP primary for Florida's District 19 seat in the U.S. Congress?


  • Jim Claypoole - 12 years ago


    I have been directly involved with the national, state and local campaigns of dozens of very well and highly qualified candidates in Massachusetts, including Governor Romney. I must tell you that Donalds is superior to all of them when it comes to 'thinking on his feet', and delivering extemporaneous remarks on a broad variety of national issues. Having successfully run for public office at the local level myself, I can tell you it requires a deep understanding of the issues to generate an articulate response to 'on the spot' questions. Donalds does this on a routine basis, and I believe that is the principal reason that he wins virtually all the after action polls from the audiences that hear him and the other candidates speak. His brain is always in gear, and he never finds himself in 'damage control' because of misstatements. Anyone who hears Donalds speak is drawn to his personal charisma and conservative and incisive thinking. This kind of person belongs in the Congress of the United States! I enthusiastically support Donalds, and ask you to vote for him on August 14th.

  • Jack Tymann - 12 years ago

    I believe our nation would be far better off if all discourse could be mutually respectful such as ours has been. I know with 100% certainty that neither Donalds or Goss would ever show a lack of respect toward to others, not even toward those with whom they disagree, or toward those who make false accusations about Chauncey and Byron. When one of these two is elected, CD19 will be well served.

  • Frank - 12 years ago

    Jack: I truly appreciate the civil and reasoned discourse. It is not typical of many of the comments swirling around right now. You make a persuasive case for Mr. Donalds (who I had the pleasure of meeting recently in Marco), but the great thing about this country is we can agree to disagree and still remain pleasant about it. Frankly I am glad that we have such a high-class problem of choosing between two good candidates. There are others in this race that give me pause, but your Donalds or my Goss are light years ahead in character, sincerity, and integrity. Good luck and may the best man prevail.

  • Jack Tymann - 12 years ago

    Frank: Yes I sincerely believe that Donalds will make a substantial and positive difference. I kind of reject any comparison to Obama, although I will grant that the support Obama received from the left in 2010 was somewhat strong like the support Donalds is receiving from most conservatives who meet him. I agree that Obama claimed to be a uniter, but of course he has turned out to be the most divisive President in history. Obama is NOT articulate - check him out when he is without teleprompter. I do not find Obama charasmatic, but I will admit that others do. Donalds would destroy Obama in a face-to-face debate. Donalds is a true uniter - it's in his DNA - and he's a great listener - have you ever met him? If so you would have no doubt about these claims. Donalds is articulate (a gross unbderstatement actually), charasmatic, and unlike Obama -Donalds is a man of deep faith, the highest integrity, and with conservative convictions that have resulted from a journey of personal exploration. Donalds is a convert - and we all know how passionate converts are. I do agree that America is in serious financial distress, and I too I want someone with experience and someone who knows what they are doing. Donalds brings an impressive past ten years in the real world of financial matters. First at TIB Bank - where he rose from entry level position out of college to where six years later he was Executive of the Year leading a team of ten in the complex issues in banking at the time, and predicting the collapse of 2007/2008 before folks far more senior could see it. Now he manages a team overseeing $4.5B in private investments - believe me, the folks owning that money would never accepy a "showboat" managing their money. I don't know why you even suggest "showboat" or "press hound" re Donalds. These simply do not fit. Ask Chauncey - he would set you straight here, because he respects Donalds, as Donalds respects him. Donalds will represent our district with excellence. He sees his role as a servant of the people. All who know him understand his deep commitment to that principle, in keeping with the ideas of our Founding Fathers. I think you will come to be proud of Byron Donalds as your representative. Would you like to meet him?

  • Frank - 12 years ago

    Jack: I agree that they are the two best candidates, but am not sure I follow your logic on why Donalds is better. I know you sincerely believe he will make a difference, but the rationale you use reminds me very much of the rationale Senator Obama's supporters used in supporting his Presidential race. He is different, he is not part of the establishment, he is a uniter, he is articulate, he is charismatic. These are arguments we have heard before. This country is in serious financial distress. I want someone with experience and someone who knows what they are doing not someone who can go on national media and showboat. Goss may not be on Hannity every night - and as I recall his father was never a press hound - but he will represent this district with excellence. Maybe you could help Mr. Donalds secure a talk show at the national level. He would be a natural at it.

  • Jack Tymann - 12 years ago

    Byron Donalds and Chauncey Goss are the two best in the field. Both are extremely fine individuals - bright, honest, and of the highest moral values. Voting for anyone other than Donalds or Chauncey would be throwing your vote away. In choosing between Donalds and Chauncey consider this. Chauncey represents the past. He's been there, is actually part of the establishment, has worked for Ryan, and what do we have? A sadly and totally partisan and vitriolic Congress - where bi-partisanship is non-existant. Donalds represents the future of the conservative movement - the future of the Republican Party. Donalds will reach across the aisle, and beyond that he will help open up the GOP tant to millions who are fiscal conservatives of all ethnic backgrounds, but who feel that the GOP represents only part of the population. Chauncey if eledted would not be heard from again. Donalds is a "star" - charasmatic, confident, articulate, and likable. There is never a mean spirited or negative word coming from him. He is a natural "uniter". Donalds will appear regularly on national news networks calmly explaining complex issues in an understandable way that will better unify our dangerously divided nation. Vote for Donalds - one of those few rare true leaders who arrives on the scene every decade or so.

  • Lynn Reese - 12 years ago

    Byron Donalds realized the Republican view was more in line with his own. Goss has been a Republican his whole life. So how does that make Goss a better candidate? It doesn't. Byron has studied the issues and has a platform every Republican can and should support.

  • Frank - 12 years ago

    Lee J: really? The best argument you have for voting for Donalds over Goss is some Obama-sounding paranoia about the police randomly searching your house and revoking your library card? Go ahead and use that as your straw man, but it's weak. Ill take Goss' pespective on national security any day over Donalds. He held security clearances and he has a much better understanding of reality as it pertains to terrorism against the US than his opponents.Goss beats Donalds hands down when it comes to experience, community involvement, and respect he has earned from those he has worked with. Speaking of work, what the heck does Donalds actually do? Do any of you really know? I don't think this poll means much, but if you think it means this is now a two way race, please look at the candidate who actually has been a Republican his whole life, grew up in and is respected in the community, and who is relying on substance not rhetoric to win. It is an easy choice for me.

  • Lee J - 12 years ago

    This looks like it will come down to Donalds & Goss. Goss was spotted an advantage first few days while News Press story about him was highlighted next to the poll. At any rate folks thinking about the other 4 candidates should really consider Byron Donalds as the qualified alternative to awarding a seat in Congress to someone because it's part of the family. Goss supports the Patriot Act which allows the FBI to search your home or business without a warrant or your permission. It even lets them find out the books you check out from the library. Such support should be a disqualifier for getting the vote of anyone who cherishes our liberties & freedoms. The other four guys obviously have little support. Check out Mr. Donalds & vote for him to protect us from the govt. www.byrindonalds.com

  • Patrick - 12 years ago

    Chauncey Goss is the committed small government, fiscal conservative that Washington needs right now. His association with Paul Ryan is enormous when you consider how important it is that Congress controls the purse strings. Chauncey's experience on budgetary matters and his commitment to cutting spending, controlling the size and influence of government, makes him my obvious choice. Keep it rolling, Chauncey! Stop the madness in Washington.

  • Jim hendricks - 12 years ago

    The very survival of our republic depends on the election of honorable people the obvious choice is Byron donalds. Please support him and our country. Jim

  • Bob D. - 12 years ago

    Byron Donalds will be our next Congressman. He is honest, caring and has unwavering principles that will help not only Floridians, but all Americans get back to the Constitutional Republic our Founding Fathers gave us. He believes in repealing the 17th Amendment, limited government, repealing Obamacare and he supports and defends the Constitution as it was written, not loosely interpreted, but AS IT WAS WRITTEN. You have my vote and complete support Mr. Donalds. You are a fine young man with honorable values and are sure to be a great voice for us in Washington. Thank you in advance for your service to this Republic.

  • diane - 12 years ago

    the primary is less than a month away, it is time for those that answered "don't know" to do some investigating and choose their candidate. Hoping after they do' they will choose Byron Donalds!

  • Stephanie B. - 12 years ago

    Good Luck Byron! We believe you have our best interest at heart! See you at the finish line!#1 Byron Donalds

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