Do you think you are better off today than when President Obama visited Lee County in Feb. 2009?


  • Chris Harrison - 12 years ago

    Here is a little history lesson...
    Before Obama:
    Most catastrophic stock market crash in generations.
    Fed Res. holds Congress to ransom.
    Banking collapse and credit crunch crisis.
    Foreclosure plague begins.
    Bush signs up for the Global War on Terror without paying for it.
    Non-competitive bids for Cheney and his cronies.
    Surplus turned into a deficit with long-term debt commitments contracted.
    Successive intelligence failures that cost millions of lives on 9/11, in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
    War, debt, mass unemployment, tax-breaks for the rich and lack of opportunities for everyone else.
    During Obama:
    Stabilized stock market.
    Stabilized employment rates.
    Increased higher level students.
    Increased American manufacturing.
    Timetable/exit strategy for illegal occupations to end.
    Banking fraud prosecutions and money laundering prosecutions have begun in earnest.
    Protecting all Americans as a priority above enabling a profit for the minority investor class.
    Beginning the necessary discussions on race, gender, sexuality, poverty and self-improvement that will bring freedom back to self-sovereign Americans through embracing diversity rather than continuing subserviance to conformity.
    The poll asks about you, not "we", not us, but you. Is YOUR life better? Do not just repeat what you have been told to think. Look at YOUR life. Can you remember the stress of 2007 and 2008? "We" almost had to bring back the draft. "We" were scrambling for gas that had run dry in our towns and cities even when it was $5 a gallon. "We" cannot afford to go back to the rip-off society of blood-money elitist pacts. Now, you will have to excuse me as I have to go be a "snob" in my college class. Thanks for judging me by your extremist standards. That always makes me feel like going to church. There is more to life than selling out your god for the sake of making a profit.
    Best regards,

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Did any of you naysayers read the N-P front page article today? No, we're not where we'd like to be, but we ain't where we were. Once President Obama is re-elected and is free of that burden, watch and see how spineless and meek and mild he is. Watch what gets done. You're going to see the Obama Chicagoans know and love - rough, tough and ready to rock and roll.

  • S. Lopez - 12 years ago

    This President cares about people, despite being challenged by a Congress that is uncooperative and unwilling to compromise. We did not go into a great depression thanks to his leadership. Millions will have decent health care because of his efforts. Jobs have been created. More is needed, but Trickle Down did not work in the past, nor will it work now. If everyone could take a deep breath and focus on what is good for all citizens of this great country instead of holding on to the bitterness...

    President Obama is a hero to many people, and I am proud to be one of his supporters.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    There we go idiot bring up Race. Why can't someone be a crappy president without it having to do with race???

  • Dorothy - 12 years ago

    Mr. Obama has put us so deeply in debt no way to crawl out.
    Mr. Obama has and is taking away many of the freedoms we've enjoyed for centuries.
    Mr. Obama apparently doesn't think he'll ever grow old - he's stealing from the
    elderly and giving to the those who don't want to work.
    Mr. Obama has only "on the job" training for the presidency. He would be unemployed were it no for the uninformed (and many times illegal) ballots cast.
    For those who state the republicans screwed us up in the first place - read history. This is in fact no accurate.
    I'm proud to be a republican and am as un-racist as they come. I just believe what I work for is mine and not the government's. I resent seeing welfare recipients wearing gold jewelry, designer jeans and expensive watches while I live within my means and only wear non-descript earrings, levi jeans and a timex watch. I resent seeing them driving a Lexus while my Dodge sits in the drive way because gas is so expensive. I share my income with the Nations Association; school supply drives; the Salvation Army among other charitable organizations.
    I pay vastly more for food, clothing, medical care and other necessities than before Mr. Obama took office and expect the prices will continue to skyrocket.
    No, giving away without requiring production is not the way for this country to thrive. Encouraging those he so eagerly smoozes for votes to take a look at success and emulate that rather than getting more experience using their special card at the grocery check out line and waiting with baited breathe for the welfare check to be deposited.

  • Toby Hendren - 12 years ago

    Of course things are better. When the man took office we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. I feel for anyone who as fallen on hard times since that visit but most of the folks that voted on here have lost any hold on reality.

  • Libby D - 12 years ago

    Obama is a Rock Star. Sure, things aren't perfect, but they never are, no matter who's in
    charge of the Oval Office.

    I absolutely believe that things are exceptionally better now, especially in comparison to how things would be if McCain had won or God-forbid-Mitt Romney wins.

    Don't listen to the haters, BO. 99% of Americans believe that you're doing a great job.

    Keep up the good work!

    BO FTW!

  • bob gill - 12 years ago

    We are in no way better we continue to give money to other countries another talk of a bailout to put us farther in debt. Every attacks romneys old workplace for moving jobs overseas. Romney left in 1999 and after is when jobs were relocated. But obama is no better left jobs move overseas to we have oil we can get ourselves. But most of all obozo care is set up to bankrupt us and punish those who have nothing now you going to be taxed for not being able to afford insurance. Way to thank our military their rates will go up approximately 400% and if you have medicare you will go up for example from $90.00 to $300.00 a month oh but you also still have to pay the 25% taxes on it. Yeah thanks for nothing obozo. Chan ge is only a word if you dont have the intergrity to uphold it. Not just bashing him our whole system is screwed up. But maybe he needs another vaction to figure out how to raise more money for himself.

  • Bob Minor - 12 years ago

    Absolutely I'm better off now. I was unemployed in Feb 2009. It took me a while, but I now have been employed fulltime since Feb 2011.

  • Jack Tanner - 12 years ago

    Greatest threat to national security and number one campaign issue

    First Year Spending Cuts One-Trillion.
    Third Year Balanced Budget.

  • Gerard David Jr - 12 years ago

    maybe the people that are complaining should be complaining to the Racist Republicans.. for not doing anything but complain about our Great President! Republicans were the ones that screw us up in the first place! Their still at their lowest approval rate.. and now would like to come back and do more damage!

  • Ken Reese - 12 years ago

    Anybody that is better off now must be living off food stamps and other government goodies!
    Those of us in the real world realize the cost of everything we need has gone up since Obama's last visit. "There Is No Hope Without A Change."

  • wanda jones - 12 years ago

    I lost my job in August of 2010. Gave up looking when I couldn't even get interviews. Probably due to being over 60. Waiting for medicare.

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