Do you think Greece was right to kick her off the Olympic team?


  • MahOpinion - 12 years ago

    She has the right to say anything she wishes to. Also, the people that wrote this article, the "FIFA" thing you posted has nothing at all to do with Voula, Her racist joke(s) were not targeted directly at any particular black athletes in the Olympics, it was a general statement which she is free to make. Did she harm anyone? Did she jeopardize someone's freedom and rights? Who cares if some people were offended, everything in the world bothers somebody, are we gonna ban everything now? This is not freedom, it is abuse: You can express your opinion freely, but we have the right to punish you if your opinion is different than ours or we don't like it. Ban her because you feel like you do not want to be represented by her, not because you disagree with her views, racist or not. In any truly free society, you must be free to express your opinion with no fears of being "reprimanded and fined" like that dude above wrote, or to be closed off from opportunities in your life. Also, i don't know where you get your information Mr. Rauleign, but the KKK did not originate in ancient Greece.

    I disagree with her racist views, but she has the right to her opinion, which she expressed in a social networking site not associated with the Olympics (to which she also never refered to in her joke); she also never referred to any particular black athletes; she was removed from the team just because of her views, which in any TRULY democratic nation, you should be allowed to express and not be punished or discriminated against.

  • Blamjam - 12 years ago

    To Mr. "Rauleignlamant"
    I am a Greek/American female and do believe that Greece did the right thing in this situation. The Games have always stood for a time of peace and equality to come together as a humanity to participate in games. as for your comment I am highly offended both as a citizen of Greece and as a Citizen of the United States of America that you would believe that the Ku Klux Klan originated in Greece. As history shows Greece is a peaceful nation. The orgin of the Ku Klux Klan is right here In our American History. Good or Bad, it is a part of American history, and always will be.
    If you would be so kind as to respect your fellow humans and nations in which have no knowledge of personally.
    Thank you very much

  • Mel - 12 years ago

    WRONG is WRONG!!! Whether she meant to or not she did it now he gonna miss out on a chance of a lifetime &not once did she apologize to the Africans.

  • Ron - 12 years ago

    They did the right thing she trained her body but not her mind now it's gone to waste for her stupid hatred

  • Irene - 12 years ago

    Totally inappropriate statement. Greece did the right thing.

  • RauleignLamont - 12 years ago

    I'm an AfrikanAmerican male, mildly offended by Ms Papachristou's sense of humor. She should not be so harshly penalized for her illconsidered racist jibes. So many living Europeans share these same sentiments right or wrong. Ku Klux Klan originated from Greek culture/language as did the Olympics. It's a media/corporate tempest in a teapot that has made a scapegoat of this foolish athlete. Stop politicizing the games, let the unadulterated competition begin ie Jesse Owens vs Fascism & Joe Louis vs Max Schmelling etc.. Many teams would be hobbled if put to current media scrutiny.

  • uplate718 - 12 years ago

    She is young and ignorant and thought she was making a clever joke. She should be reprimanded and fined, if that is allowed, and required to complete a course on tolerance.

  • Lakos - 12 years ago

    You don't have the whole picture. This athlete did not just(?) make a racist joke. She had repeatedly retwitted/posted on her facebook timeline comments made by the neonazi party in Greece. The truth is few people knew about her and her views. As a Greek I'm glad with this decision.

    ps: The ''fight'' against racism by FIFA is a joke. As long as their business is fine they ''fight.'' If money is in the middle, well...we wouldn't want big football clubs to pay, would we?

  • Schelly - 12 years ago

    Whether you represent your country or not you should not spew racism, however I have heard so many jokes related to racism and on most levels it is accepted! People pay to listen to comedians attack every race! When you are an athlete and in the public eye as a role model you must abide by codes and that is that! Reading the article I do have a question...quote: (But, Papachristou should have been watching the messages delivered in recent years by FIFA, the governing body of world soccer and perhaps the most-powerful sporting body on the planet: Racist comments from players against Black athletes won’t be tolerated.) Why is this not written against any race? Racist comments are made against all races of athletes, especially WOMEN athletes! Get it right and write it right!

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