Vote! If Rob & Kristen still love each other, should they work it out?


  • VIVIAN RAY - 11 years ago


  • Babi Zaltron - 12 years ago

    It's love! SURE SURE SURE: Yes, everyone can make a mistake.

  • summer - 12 years ago

    Yes he has cheated and i think they should be say stuff about him not just kristin. I hear she left him cuz she caught him drinking.

  • summer - 12 years ago

    Yes he has cheated and i think they should be say stuff about him not just kristin. I hear she left him cuz she caught him drinking.

  • Jen - 12 years ago

    First, I am not a twilight fan or particularly a fan of either, but I believe I know enough. There are two real issues here: why did Kristen cheat and are they in love.
    Society has redefined love to the lowest common denominators by saying things like they should stay together because they are a 'cute couple.' That is irrelevant. If there was (God forbid) an accident mangling their looks, should that change love? Sure a part of love is physical attraction; but there is so much, much, more. My prayer is that neither of them messes their lives up over public opinions. Yet, I am a contradiction as I do offer my thoughts.
    When you really love somebody, things change. Your level of patients grows and you want to know what makes the other person happy and you work toward that for or with them. There is no envy as what successes they have feels like your own. Your value of them is equal to or moreso than you have for yourself/others. Your social behavior toward one another is beyond reproach naturally/instinctively/intentionally practiced. In your decisions, the effect on the one you love is first in mind and is one of being beneficial and not hurtful. Still love is not easily offended as it works to try to understand the reason before taking offense. Love knows to discard an idea is not a rejection of the person giving you the advice. Openness to say what you want is mutual and required. Your personal sexual needs are secondary to your partners as their fulfillment is your priority. It leaves all others out of the relationship and does not rely on what others do to define its reality. Being in love makes you honest with the one you love. It knows people are imperfect but allows that in their partner because the integrity of the relationship has bonded them. When you really love someone, you also realize that what they may need may not be you and you love them enough to let them go.
    The way these work is that they are the feelings you have for ONE ANOTHER. If it is no equal then you are not both in love with one another.
    So I hope Rob and Kristen will both take a look at who they are and what has been their relationship when the audiences are not to be found and be honest to where they are. From the little I know, only one of them seems to be in love and it would be a shame for either to suffer because of that.
    Best to you, both!

  • The Truth About Her... - 12 years ago

    Rob, don't feel sympathy for Kristen! She chose her path and knew the consequences of her actions (so did Rupert) and one of those consequences was LOSING YOU! Don't settle for SO LITTLE in a relationship you DESERVE TO BE WITH SOMEONE THAT HAS THE SAME VIEWS AND RESPECT FOR RELATIONSHIPS AS YOU DO! You're personal views on monogamy speaks volumes about your character to be with someone that doesn't care enough or respect you enough to uphold those values isn't someone you need to give your heart to. They will only cause you sorrow, grief and pain in the end. If you took her back she would have you looking like a compete PUSSY-WHIPPED FOOL and would know she COULD do it again! YOU NEED TO TAKE A STAND AND DROP KSLUT...SHE IS NOT WORTH IT!

    And I'm sick and tired of Ex-sluts weighing in telling me to take her back! Why? Because everyone makes mistakes! Seriously!? Yes, everyone does make mistakes but NOT EVERYONE CHEATS!!! Big difference! NOT EVERYONE CHEATS AND THE ONES THAT DO ARE NOT FIT FOR A HEALTHY, MATURE, LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP!

  • Sydney - 12 years ago

    Rob, Kristen made a mastake we all do I know people think its an unforgivable one but think, you guys love each other she was histerical when she found out it was over how many girls would be histerical after having that sort of afair ... talk to her on why she did it maybe you'll under stand maybe you won't but all I know is you two have loved each other for a very long time and think of all the happy memories you have had with Kristen and then think of how many more you guys could have

  • levi - 12 years ago

    i think you should give her another chance because she realy loves you and she made a mistake so come on rob give her another chance we all want you to and kristen has been crying nearly everyday so pleas give her another chance and make a happy couple.:)

  • Evangeline - 12 years ago

    Robert if you are reading this please know that I think you are the best actor I've ever seen and it makes me sad to see you do drugs or alcohol because I want to meet you one day but if you die before I do I'll be very sad. So don't do them ok don't ever give up. No matter what pressures you seem to have because of being famous try not to do it. It will help me be happy again. I love you Robert think you are kinda.....

  • Evangeline - 12 years ago

    Robert if you are reading this please now that I think you are the best actor I've ever seen and it makes me sad to see you do drugs or alcohol because I want to meet you one day but if you die before I do I'll be very sad. So don't do them ok don't ever give up. No matter what pressures you seem to have because of being famous try not to do it. It will help me be happy again. I love you Robert think you are kinda umm..........

  • Evangeline - 12 years ago

    I do believe people should get second chances but Kristen really hurt him and I think that he is better off without continuously getting hurt by her. So my vote is no.

  • Evangeline - 12 years ago

    No Robert pattinson you can do way better than her. There are more than a hundred women who wouldn't cheat on you! But it's your choice.

  • katryn - 12 years ago

    i think and i hope robert gives kristen second chance...he loves kristen and she loves robert....please robert don't forgive a happy sweet moment with krist.....she is crying every day.....please rob....

  • brooke - 12 years ago

    i think you should always give someone another chance . they case he should forgive/.and i dont think she was thinking at that time and lose her mind but she will do anything to get him back and she is trying to get him back cause she loves him SO MUCH and he loves her SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

  • brooke - 12 years ago

    i love robsten! and i strongly feel roberts sadness of the cheating thing! but i think they should get back TOGETHER!! they are a cute couple !!!! they made SO MANY people happy by the relationship and now they yall broke up and feel sad you made your fans sad 2! but you should following your heart. go with your heart and following it. don't listen to those negative fans and all but what you should do is follow your heart

  • Assala - 12 years ago

    i actually agree with this people and you too ...i really love "robsten " i can never imagine that rob is dating someone else!!! i love kristen she really love HiiM .. everyone make mistakes .so rob should forgive her ... he should ghive her a second chance ..i really want them to back together .. :)

  • ankita - 12 years ago

    plz,rob forgive her......................

  • GIOVANNA - 12 years ago


  • dancemomfan - 12 years ago

    Kristen is 22 years old and bound to make a mistake. I don't condone what she did, but I believe that God says that if we have sinned, be should be given another chance, but just don't repeat the same sin. Hopefully she has learned from her mistake and they pull through it. If they are so in love as we all thought, then I truly hope they can work it out. I'm sure it will be a rough road for both of them, but I hope they try. She is just getting beaten up by the media, which is so unfair when some of the things said are just not true. Now, as for Rupert Sanders, why isn't he getting beaten up by the media? I'm sure there is a lot to be said about him!

  • renee - 12 years ago

    ummmm, this poll is stupid, everything about the situation has become ridiculous and we all need to move on and get a life ourselves!!!

  • Annegallegos - 12 years ago

    I hope Rob forgives Kristen especially because it is obvious how in love they are when they look into eacothers eyes it is as though no one else in the room exists now that is the type of love that does not come around everyday. I know what she did was so wrong on all levels but I truly do not believe Kristen was in her right mind when she did what she did. She is not the only one who is at fault that guy Rupert is a lot older and obviously knows how to sweet talk a women off her feet especially someone as young as Kristen being only 22 yrs and fairly new to the game she totally lost herself Toni's charm. Their could have been many reasons she did what she did especially if any of Roberts cheating rumors are true and even if they are not he may have a lot of lady friends especially being as handsome & as charming as he is maybe all of that made Kristen feel pretty vulnerable she just got lost in the moment and maybe she felt vulnerable and Rupert saw his chance so he knew all of the right things to say and knew all the right moves to make and she got carried away and lost her head that sometimes happens but she should have thought it through because if Robert is as beautiful as he seems, and is as wonderful and kind as everyone makes him out to be, then how could you stray away from someone like him he loves her with all his heart and soul and this is just heartbreaking what she did to him. But I don't know her reasons for doing what she did. But I do feel that everyone should be entitled two one more chance especially when it is love that runs as deep as there. You can work past this and get through this but it will take some time for Robert to heal to be able to move forward so Kristen just needs to be patient a d she needs to give him some space. Good luck to the both of you be patient and kind to one another.

  • Helena - 12 years ago

    I will no longer fan of Kristen, she laughs at us.

  • ILONA - 12 years ago

    I think she deserves what she's getting right now - the public beating. It may sound vicious but when I look at the pic of her above, which was taken at the teens choice awards last weekend, it just pisses me off. How could she have that smug look on her face standing next to Rob as if all is well with the world when just days before she was wrapped around another man like a vine on a damn tree. She really is an arrogant, selfish young girl, and even though I believe in forgiveness -

  • Robert Pattinson's sordid past - 12 years ago

    Robert Pattinson has been cheating on Kristen Stewart since the start of their relationship. He hooked up with Megan Fox AFTER the Twilight premiere in Tokyo when he first got together with Kristen. He was sleeping with Nikki Reed at the start of New Moon filming and Ashley Greene all throughout. He hooked up with that Erika Dutra chick in Cannes that year and Camilla Belle in NYC when she went to visit him there during Remember Me filming. There were rumors of him and Emilie de Ravin having and on-set fling that same summer during filming. He was cheating with Ashley Greene again during Eclipse filming that fall while Kristen was on set. There were the rumors of him leaving Leighton Meester’s apartment in NYC early the next year. He cheated with some burlesque dancer Caroline Jones during Bel Ami filming in London causing him to be late for Eclipse reshoots and also his co-star Natalia Tena who he’d already had a history with before too.

    He cheated with Lindsay Lohan during Water for Elephants filming in LA that summer at Las Palmas and was photographed poolside with a bartender from Saddleranch crawling all over this lap poolside at a hotel that July after Kristen had already left for Montreal to being On the Road filming. There were rumors that he was going to co ke parties in Malibu and hooking up with sk anks like Teresa Palmer all that summer too. He was supposedly hooking up with Maggie Grace during Breaking Dawn filming while they were back in Vancouver spotted in her hotel while Kristen was back in LA. There was the Russian model Ana Colja who was interviewed saying how she’d been ‘close’ with Rob since attending the Oscars with him years back and they still saw each other all the time, hinting at a sexual relationship between the two.

    He was said to have been hooking up with his director David Cronenberg’s youngest daughter Caitlin during Cosmopolis filming that summer, hitting lots of late night hot spots and parties, spreading their DNA all over Toronto together. He was hooking up with LA bar sk anks like that Shea Marie chick who tweeted she shared “Jameson and Gingers” with him at Jimmy Fallon’s Emmy after-party and went back to Rob’s house to hang out following. There were all the bars he was hitting in LA closing them down at 3-4am every night while Kristen was busy in London filming Snow White and the Huntsman, girls tweeting about sharing drinks and cigarettes with him on the patio and flirting with him. He only visited Kristen one time during filming and not again until the very end after they finished their international promo tour for Breaking Dawn 1.

    There were the Sarah Roemer hook up rumors that she went home with him from Soho House after they’d been partying with friends all night there and at La Poubelle. There were the Katy Perry texting stories that he’d been trying to console and hook up with her after her break up with Russel Brand–something that Kristen completely covered for him for I might add. There were the Lindsay Lohan cheating rumors AGAIN after that (didn’t believe those were true though-Linsday is too gross now even for bottom feeders like Pattinson). He gave an interview saying he frequented the KittyKat Club in Berlin when he was in town-a known fetish club where people openly engage in lewd acts and group sex.

    Some of this sh it is going to come to light and it’s going to bite Rob in the azz if he dumps Kristen for this thing with her director. This is not going to go away and it’s going to get worse for him before it gets better. If he forgives he and takes her back (at least publicly) he might be able to avoid the backlash. Otherwise they’re going to start coming out of the woodwork against him and it’s going to be Tiger Woods all over again. She’s the one who got caught, but he’s been doing it for a long long LONG time before this. While none of these rumors of him hooking up with other woman has been 100% proven WITH PICTURES (because there have been multiple sight

  • Ur girl - 12 years ago

    Thanks bonnie thats what i have been sayin.everybody makes a mistake what matters most is how we correct rob give it a try. I'm sure it'll not hurt u.but u may got ur love back. Don't listen to those talkers for them It's easy to advise u to lose ur happiness.they don't know the price.'cause they r just sayin while u r the real one who 'll suffer from whatever they are sayin.just make sure she still love u (which i'm 100%sure) , and go with it.u just do what ur heart tell u.don't listen to those negative talkers because u r the one who is really livin ur life.

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