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Should Hillsboro buy TriMet passes for city employees? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 68

  • michael - 11 years ago

    Hillsboro is a government. As such, it should be concerned for all of it's people. City employees have a good job with benefits. Let Hillsboro's government buy Trimet passes, and let them distribute them via lottery to it's residents, or subsidize the poor who ride the bus at a relatively high cost. Why give money gotten from all, to a single group, who doesn't really need the extra benefit?

  • Nunya Business - 12 years ago

    My employer doesnt pay for my transportation costs. Why should we pay for employees of the city to commute. There is a recession going on. I do not buy things I can not afford. Why is the city wasting money when they should be using it to fix existing problems.

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