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  • babalucy - 12 years ago

    Seriously, what is up with Farrah? I have been waiting for some redemption all throughout this series and nothing. Why doesn't Dr. Drew call her up on her lack of respect for her parents and her deplorable behavior? Asking her why she calls her dad Michael isn't enough. Is there something that we're not shown as viewers? The bitch is rotten to her parents...both of whom have given so much to this spoiled girl. And her crazy sister as well. In the beginning of the series her sister wanted no part of her. Now, we see, they are both ganging up on their parents. The show needs to be better edited so that we can make sense out of all of this. Talk about being spoiled girls. Their mother looks like the one that has been suffering from her kids. Unless she's an actress, she has been nothing but supportive to this spoil child. Offering financial help, etc. Same with her dad. When they offer, Ms. Prissy gets upsets, rolls her eyes and is downright fresh. Farah is upset because her divorce parents are getting along...are you kidding me? How old are you? Are you competing with your father for your mother's affection? That boy ran because he saw what he may have gotten himself into. Did you not see his interview on the show? No man is going to walk away from you like that if you didn't do something. Not that he was right, but you're not innocent in this. A few years back, this girl was struggling emotional as well as financially. Now, she's driving a Cooper, living in FL and going to school. The show never shows her going to work, where is she and for that matter, where all these teen moms getting their money from? Catelyn and Tyler are the only two who seems to have a job...As cashiers, the jobs that they hold cannot support their trailer or lifestyle. Are the others teen moms living off the money from the show as well? How does that teach true Teen Moms when all others teen moms are not given the opportunity to be financially independent as these moms are as reality stars...The point of this show was to show all aspects of life as a teen mom. They show the fights and struggle to get an education, but as all parents know, the financial responsibility that goes with having children is great. How come this show never discusses that part with these girls? They can point to one of the girls on Teen Mom 2 going for financial aid...but I bet you know she's cashing her 'paycheck' and will no longer need government assistance...MTV should put a disclosure that this docmument style show is paying its participants. But going back to Farah, someone needs to call her out on her selfish behavior. I don't have any sympathy or empanthy for her like I do the other ladies. Its very telling why her segment was on the reunion show was short...she brings nothing to the table...You need a new therapist, because whomever that you're seeing, isn't help you much, Ms. Farrah. There's a saying that whatever or however you treated your parents, when you become one, it'll come back to you ten folds. Hold on to your chair...because your daughter will not need anyone to tell her about your behavior, she'll have it on VIDEO!

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