Sebelius is not just any cabinet secretary -- under the vague and completely unrestricted powers given to her by the Affordable Care Act, she has, arguably, the most power over our health care system and our economy of any non-elected official in today's government. She has already proven that she will use her power to promote her party and political philosophy -- look at the list of companies to which she has granted waivers. Look at the backroom negotiations with groups like AARP, which will profit immensely from ACA even as its members pay more and more in insurance and out of pocket health care expenses. She is a partisan hack, and her actions are all aimed at supporting an extreme leftwing political ideology. She should be fired because ALL of her actions support this assertion. This politicized meeting was just one more sad example.
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Well, yes, he should. But will he? Probably not.
Sebelius is not just any cabinet secretary -- under the vague and completely unrestricted powers given to her by the Affordable Care Act, she has, arguably, the most power over our health care system and our economy of any non-elected official in today's government. She has already proven that she will use her power to promote her party and political philosophy -- look at the list of companies to which she has granted waivers. Look at the backroom negotiations with groups like AARP, which will profit immensely from ACA even as its members pay more and more in insurance and out of pocket health care expenses. She is a partisan hack, and her actions are all aimed at supporting an extreme leftwing political ideology. She should be fired because ALL of her actions support this assertion. This politicized meeting was just one more sad example.