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Should the U of R students who were issued deportation notices be allowed to stay in Canada? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 626

  • Maria - 12 years ago

    Leave these woman alone, we all were once starving students. Thank Goodness they were working not signing up for social assistance!!

  • Curtis - 12 years ago

    That's right. Lets punish those that want to work. That will teach them to come to Canada.

    At best this is a minor infraction. Slap on the hand kinda thing. Not worthy of deportation or the resources of the CBSA.

    The University works hard to attract students from around the world. So sending these two back would be undoing some fine work by the U of R.

  • SomeJoe - 12 years ago

    Is this what we worry about?? Is this what CBSA worries about?? "headlines" TWO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ARRESTED AND DEPORTED FOR GETTING A JOB AT WALMART" SERIOUSLY??!! How many freaking criminals do we allow to stay in our country? How many are here illegally now, but yet we can't find them? How many douche bags that are already Canadian citizens are too freaking lazy to get a job..but we pay for them with taxes? Seriously?? But we and the CBSA are going to focus on two university students, whose home nation is paying for their tuition?? All along while Quebec students riot and complain?? I think you have your priorities and focus on the wrong targets. Let's FINE WALMART for aiding illegals. But that would never happen...because they're big business, even though they are as much to blame. You all need a slap and stop wasting my tax dollars on a stupid issue. It's not in the public's best interest.

  • Dayle Steffen - 12 years ago

    The great thing about this country is equal opportunity. How can we call ourselves an equal opportunity nation if we deport people back to their third-world countries simply for trying to get ahead? I do not think taking a job at Wal-Mart constitutes being a criminal, and these girls for sure should have the same rights to education and employment as everyone else, whether citizens or not. So long as they break no actual laws, I don't see what the big deal is.

  • Dale Woolsey - 12 years ago

    These 2 students should not be allowed to stay in this country. Canadian law is Canadian law. Laws of their country don't apply here. They knew the rules & chose to break them. They were wrong to be employed off Campus & the employer that hired them is at fault for not checking citizenship. Their supporters are mistakenly supporting criminals.

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