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Who do you blame most for antagonism between motorists and bicyclists? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 776

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    Primarily bicyclists are at fault. Time and time again, I see packs of Armstrong wannabes riding roads with non-existent shoulders, often three or four riders abreast and traffic backing up behind them while waiting for a safe opportunity to pass.
    Pick any stop sign controlled intersection frequented by these groups and count how many stop for the stop sign, it's a very rare occurrence. They ride as if they own the road and often claim they do as they pay road taxes on a motor vehicle. I pay taxes on each and every motor vehicle I operate on the road.

    I think the time has come to license bicycles being ridden on our roads, perhaps 10% of the value of the bike per year. Additionally, law enforcement needs to get serious about citing these scofflaws who ignore traffic laws such as stop signs and obstruction of traffic.

  • TM - 12 years ago

    I had a biker hit me from behind a few years ago. He was injured enough to have to go by ambulance to the hospital and ended up having surgery for a cut tendon in his hand. He was flying down the side of the road and thought I was going to turn in front of him as other motorists have done to him in the past. I did the right thing and was waiting to make a right turn on a green light until he passed. I felt so horrible but he got the ticket. We all need to be careful out there!

  • James - 12 years ago

    Living in colorado there is a challenge when driving with so many cyclists on the roads. I do believe there is a single file law in colorado for the cyclists. However, many of them do not follow this rule and make it very dangerous for everyone. I really think that the police and sheriffs need to start enforcing this law with more effort. The problem is, if a vehicle hits a person on a bike, then onlyt the persone driving the vehilce gets ticketed or charged, cyclists know that. I feel that they take advantage of that and use the roads however they like. Not in all cases but I have seen it about 66% of the time.

  • Earl - 12 years ago

    I ride bike in Larimer county every week. I stay as far to the right I can. Almost every car passes me as far to the left as they can. Most of them in the other lane if no oncoming traffic. Never have anyone honk at me. Then I see groups of bikes riding in the lanes and do not get over no matter how many cars are behind with oncoming traffic. This is why the cars have to honk and be rude. I dont understand why they dont ride single file and try to stay out of the way. I have ridden 2000 miles this summer and not had one person honk or make gestures to me. So I believe the bike riders are at fault.

  • Melissa - 12 years ago

    There has to be a certain accountability to City and County Road Maintenance too. Most county roads are not made wide enough to have both bicyclist and motorist on the road in the same lane, without one or the other having to move in one way or another. Nor are some bike paths within the city clearly marked in a way to let bicyclists know they can ride on a sidewalk (Hover Road as an example). Mountain roads are even worse.

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