Should gun ranges be prohibited from serving alcohol?


  • john - 12 years ago

    I don’t think anything will happen; just find it insulting to the idea of responsible gun ownership.

  • Arnie D. - 12 years ago

    Shooting and Alcohol do not mix. Why invite a problem and risk loosing the range. Build the best range in the area and let those that wish to have a drink later go elswhere.

  • eli moreno - 12 years ago

    You may keep guns and drinks apart, but what about the after effect of those drinks. After a few drinks people become brave and stupid and wish to proove something , whether it be good or bad reasoning.

  • DonM - 12 years ago

    They should sell tobacco too. Drinking is not drunk, and is certainly for normal people not violent. Honest people drinking don't cause problems. Honest people with firearms don't cause problems.

    Responsible people drink, smoke, and use firearms responsibly.

  • Don - 12 years ago

    What happens after someone leaves the lounge with an over the limit blood alcohol level doesn't go back to the range for shooting, but retrieves his or her firearm. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

  • Bill Moore - 12 years ago

    Good Grief. This is insane. I belong to the Richmond Rod and Gun Club, (Richmond, CA), and we have bar in the Club Room that (Heavens Forbid, serves alcohol. The shooting ranges are strictly monitored and disruptive behavior is not tolorated. Alcohol has not been a problem. The worst problem we have is someone occassionally exceding the 5 mile per hour speed limit at the range.

  • Chuck - 12 years ago

    Well, I drink scotch and I'm veteran. I believe it disrespects the shooting sports. While a couple of beers may relax an individual and in turn help some with their aim, we are in America and self-control is in short supply. The days of "oh my, I shot myself in the foot. I guess I will just head on home and have the wife clean it up" are way gone.

    Recipe for trouble, and our sport cannot afford to take any hits that the anti-gun libs can use against us.

  • Brandon - 12 years ago

    Look I drink!!!! N I love it but I think that it's a bad idea!!!! Lets put it this way I love my guns and I love to drink but they go together like gasoline and fire in a gunpowder factory STUPID!!!!! I mean really who even thought of this idea a guy who would bring a knife to a gun fight!!! I would fight till the death for my guns and my beer I would not win if I had my beer first

  • V. J. B. - 12 years ago

    I know this can probably be done with no issues, but why push it? I believe in liberty to the point of every law abiding citizen being able to drink alcohol and shoot firearms and be armed but I don't know about it simultaneously or allowing both available under the same roof. Alcohol is enjoyed by many without a hitch but I personally look at it as bottled trouble. :)

  • Marcus - 12 years ago

    I grew up shooting fullbore target rifle, traveling to different Australian rifle ranges all over my state and on rural and city ranges it was de rigeur to have a beer or two with lunch and to have several after the shoot. WE used to call those beers "group tighteners" and for some that was true.

    Here's the thing. We were all responsible adults who looked out for each other, there was no firearm licensing or gun registration then and guess what! Nobody got shot.

    Marcus O'Dean
    Australasian Sporting Shooter Magazine

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    I would believe that the range will keep complete control as they will be liable, but if a guy wants to have a drink or two, there should be no problem, as far as guns and alcohol what would prevent the guy leaving the range to stop at a bar and still have his gun. responsible adults is the answer. If they are not responsible having a bar at the gun range isn't going to affect his irresponsibility!!!! I believe that if I want a drink I should be able to have it, what would prevent me bringing a flask in and having one anyway!!!! If they can't control it from the bar at the range, they certainly not be able to prevent me from bringing a flask!!! And as far as drinking and driving I present option 2 in my comment!!!

  • Steve F. - 12 years ago

    While I support their right to follow through with this, if an accident ever occurs, it will feed right into the anti-gunners opinion that gun owners are a bunch of drunken, gun slinging rednecks. It's like slinging a dead yearling doe with it's tongue hanging outover the front bumper of of a truck and driving through downtown Atlanta. No harm done except to the perception and reputation of gun owner/hunters.

  • John - 12 years ago

    There are a lot of rod and gun clubs , with ranges, where you can get a drink. I have never heard of a problem at any of them. Probably a lot safer than any place else where you can get a drink!

  • Fusty Savant - 12 years ago

    A person can be at home, get sloshed and go do stupid things.

    A person can got to a bar, get sloshed, and go do stupid things.

    A person can got to a liquor store, get back in his car, drink while driving, and go do stupid things.

    A person can go to a private shooting range, with alcoholic beverages in their possession, shoot, drink and drive home and do stupid things.

    Not condoning any of the above. Just a few facts. How many people do you think, that stop off for dinner and have a couple of glasses of wine or stop at a liquor store, have a firearm in their vehicle?

    This club is no different. There just happens to be a shooting range outside. They are taking extra precautions.

    This club at least has some rules and guidelines, and the servers of alcoholic beverages will probably be held to higher standards of observing patrons near intoxication levels and cutting them off. That of course, is just a guess.

    I am appalled at this statement in the story...“… Georgia Law allows persons with gun permits to bring their weapon into a restaurant that serves alcohol, ....."

    I live in one of the western states, and that is still illegal. Permit or not. No firearms in a place that sells alcoholic beverages, retail or on premise consumption.

  • Don - 12 years ago

    I voted that, with the safety rules in place as stated, they should get a go ahead to include alcohol at the club. Having said that, we all have to recognize that just one screw up....just one incident, no matter how small or insignificant, the libs and anti-gun crowd would be all over it!! Its another one of those situations whereby they should have the right to do it.....but its probably not a good idea!

  • Jim - 12 years ago

    Don't do it, the Internet is full of video of drunks doing stupid stuff with guns. One comment mentions personal responsibility the problem with that is drunks don't have any and it could be you or me that gets shot. I don't want to have to worry about the guy next to me at the range being drunk. Leave the alcohol at home, you just might find out that you shoot better sober. Also less stupid stuff done with guns means less ammunition for the gun ban idiots.

  • Andrew Auletta - 12 years ago

    While safeguards have been put in place so that no patron can use the range after they've consumed alcohol, that doesn't stop someone from getting "juiced up," retrieve their gun from the gun vault, and cause a problem off-premises.

    There is enough pressure by the gun control lobby as it is. While the owner of this range will surely make a buck off of the booze, he also puts addition pressure on those of us that have to defend the 2nd amendment to keep it alive.

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    For crying out loud, ya'll are sounding just like a bunch of liberals. More and more rules to control my behavior with no personal responsibility. Read the article, no alcohol mixed with firearms......period. You have no problem with persons driving to a bar but this upsets you.....????? The libs already hate us and our freedom, lets ignore them while showing the rest of the world how to be responsible adults.

  • Stewart Allen McMahand - 12 years ago

    This is a difficult question to answer, its not cut and dry. I think how this question is answered should depend on the range. If it is an upscale gun range, as this one sounds, then I can see having a lounge where alcohol is permitted provided that safeguards are in place. For most ranges I think alcohol should be banned from the range, guns and booze do not mix. I think most gun owners are responsible and would never mix the two, but you have those few who do and give the rest of us a bad name.

  • Jim S - 12 years ago

    I can't believe any responsible person would even think this should be permitted. Talk about give fuel to the anti gun groups this will give it to them. I do drink but not with the use of weapons and driving.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    No gun ranges shouldn't serve alcohol.

    No gun ranges, should serve alcohol to their patrons.

    @ Jerry 100% correct!

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    If! If something were to happen, this is the how it starts; just assume if it can it will. And as responsible gun owners, what are we taught from the beginning; DRUGS/ALCOHOL and FIREARMS don't mix well. I don't care how many measure of separation, from the bar to the range there is; because eventually you get in your car with a firearm. Now are you "buzzing"? Did you wait 4-6 hours for the alcohol to dissipate out of your bloodstream? Did you get into some verbal/physical altercation while at the range? Do you have road rage issues?
    Just some of the what if's, so from one mans opinion; no gun ranges shouldn't serve alcohol.
    What's that teaching our kids, its ok for daddy to have alcoholic beverages; and then drive home buzzed with weaponry in the vehicle.
    When I take my kids plinking, it's not for an excuse to go drinking; it's to teach them fundamentals of marksmanship.
    By the way, if you can't spend a day at the range without drinking; then possibly your an alcoholic.
    Just One Mans Opinion

  • Jerry Zollman - 12 years ago

    Don't we have enough problems with the gun grabbers without adding fuel to their fire? I am a gun collector,hunter and target shooter but I don't think guns and alcohol should be used together. Not hunting or target shooting. I'm sure there are many places and people that would not have a problem with it but it only take one or two to make every headline in the country. I watched a guy at a local public range shoot a hole in the roof one day. He was loaded! Its going to a long hard fight just to keep our guns.

  • Pete - 12 years ago

    Here in CA ( yeah, I know, CA ) there is a popular range, used by many shows and police, that has a dining area and serves beer and wine. To my knowledge there has never been an issue with any of the horrors that those opposed to idea have cited. They always ask if you are done shooting for the day before they serve.

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