Who won the vice-presidential candidates debate held October 11?


  • presidentandceoofwalmart - 12 years ago

    Tex, you used the "F" word. So inappropriate. I think you are being sarcastic as well. I doubt if you are one of the one-per-centers. We were all busy playing polo during the debate. Justin M: the "Bush administration" is not responsible for the mess we are in as much as FannieMae and FreddieMac and the collapse of the housing market. Our Leader has had four years to impact on the problem and has done very little for all the debt we have now taken on to pay for his inane programs.

  • Maryland - 12 years ago

    Paul Ryan was the clear winner. He answered the questions intelligently, calmly and maturely while Joe Biden was just the opposite, rude and arrogant. Biden laughed at his opponent and the issues. He offered no honest mannerisms whatsoever. Also, as Biden continually interrupted Ryan, the moderator never stepped in to maintain control over the debate. Clearly a one sided moderator.
    All issues aside, Ryan offered respect for Biden, the moderator and the viewing public. In contrary Biden offered no respect to anyone but himself. This defines the clear difference between these two men.

  • Justin M - 12 years ago

    Biden was the clear winner!

  • Justin M - 12 years ago

    Just because someone seems rude is NOT a reason not to vote for them! Just remember what got us in this mess, the bush administration! And Romney and Ryan are not better! Oh yeah Ryan lied through his teeth! How about Paul Ryan writing Biden for money for his state... hahaha come on man!

  • tex - 12 years ago

    Paul Ryan obviously won, and as one of those "1%ers" (whatever) I can't wait to see these guys in office. i'll zero out my taxes, and these guys will allow my business the freedom to move capital and jobs overseas as I see fit, not as the federal government sees fit. I also think it's great that they won't be on my back about clean air and water regulation - let the free market be free baby! and fuck obamacare, I mean if you have a family member with a pre existing condition you can't just expect to be covered, it doesn't work that way. The stock market maty have doubled since Bush left office, and yeah I am doing well, but no thanks to the big spenders in Whitehouse. We don't need to "invest" in "green" technologies, we need to frack for our own gas in our own backyards, and ease up on the regulations, i'm sorry but my faucet never caught on fire, um..really fire coming out of a faucet? whatever. Also, i realize that "Obama" got bin laden, but to be honest this bengazi thing has me more worried. i think you guys are all correct, biden was rude and not very vice presidential. i really wish democrats had more class, now sarah palin, woulda made a fine vp, am i right? she was/is classy as FUCK!

  • Andrea - 12 years ago

    I was shocked to see how Biden exceeded his expected role as a "pitbull." It's shameful to see a grown man (VP, no less) acting childish and inappropriate. I think this demonstrates the only way the Obama administration can go in this election is to attack. They truly have no "bragging rights." Not only did Biden not answer questions directed to him, he didn't allow Ryan to answer his. Shame on Martha for not being objective and forcing Ryan to move on to another subject without being able to comment or counter AND for not being in control of a debate. She certainly should be a better journalist than this and be able to get past her bias.

  • Len - 12 years ago

    The one who lost the debate was the American people. A capable moderator would have
    shut down all the interrupting and face mugging. Don't think you could act like that even at the high school level. Maybe its true: If you cant talk about your record, you obfuscate, change the subject, and act like a clown. With all his knowledge and experience, it looks like Biden may have been on booze, or pills, because he sure didnt make good use of the skills he supposedly has.

  • Stacy H - 12 years ago

    I felt that Ryan showed true character and answered all questions asked.I felt that Biden was rude and lacking in maturity for a man in his position.Biden didn't answer questions even when pressed by Martha.He gave the same run around answers.There was a time Biden got firm with Martha as if to debate her and showed a dominent man over woman side I found offensive.If I had never known who Ryan or Biden were,I would have guessed Ryan to be the U.S. Vice President.

  • Julie - 12 years ago

    Joe Biden smiled because what he was hearing didn't make sense to him. I don't think he was rude, he was passionate. He has experience and turning this country around is a process. I trust him to continue the process much more that I trust Romney and Ryan to change course and do whatever it is that they are planning. They don't really say what that is. It's too vague. I think, all laughing and smirking aside, that Joe Biden won this debate. If you just listen.... he won.

  • Rochelle - 12 years ago

    But when Obama was interrupted, nobody said anything about Mitt? But when Ryan is interrupted, Biden is disrespectful? And Mitt Romney's smirks? Nobody talks about that. But Biden laughs, it's a problem.. that's just crazy , women who even support Romney/Ryan have no idea what they're doing they don't care about you. Obama/Biden :)

  • Leeann - 12 years ago

    I was appalled at how Biden acted tonight. I was still determining who to vote for. Thanks to Biden for making my mind up for me. Romney/Ryan it is.

  • Lisa - 12 years ago

    Biden came across as a pompous ass. He couldn't take the heat so he laughed at Ryan to deflect actually debating like a grown up. Moderator did a really bad job of keeping him under control. His interruptions not only made him look like a bully but also reflects the arrogance of the Obama administration.

  • Glenda Berry - 12 years ago

    I can bet you that all the fancy vacations that Michelle has taken and Obama also will stop soon. Because we will have enough sense to place someone with a true love for America in office . GO ROMNEY AND RYAN.

  • deb ervin - 12 years ago

    Biden was rude and disrespectful. I can't believe some people think that he should represent the United States.

  • Sherry R. - 12 years ago

    Joe Biden came prepared with "facts &knowledge". I personally preferred the grinning over the sheepish grins of the Wolfe.!

  • KB - 12 years ago

    Biden was rude and childish. That is a fact and as VP Biden said tonight, facts matter. To the comment that Ryan didn't answer questions? Are you serious? He gave detailed answers that Biden continually interrupted and talked over. I wish people were discussing issues they cared about. Religious freedom, Supreme Court candidates, how to balance the budget, cut spending, reform tax law, and specifically, how is America planning jobs for 100,000 troops coming home and being dismissed from the military? Is that what Michelle has been working on the last 3 years.

  • Glenda Berry - 12 years ago

    I just became eligible for medicare next month and I stand a chance of losing my medicare advantage supplement if Obama remains in office. NO thank you . I will be voting for Romney and Ryan not just because they are nicer people in their demeanors than the present leaders are but that is a major point with me.

  • Vivienne - 12 years ago

    Paul Ryan used nothing but scare tactics in his closing statement. All laughs aside, Biden called out Ryan's lack of details. His demeanor was shallow and his performance rehearsed; not a strong v.p. candidate.

  • Glenda Berry - 12 years ago

    If Biden had not interrupted Ryan and he had been allowed to speak his thoughts and mind Taunee it would have been more fair to Ryan. Ryan was not interrupting Biden and the moderator should have taken more control when that was occuring.

  • Britanie - 12 years ago

    Mr. Biden showed us tonight that what is going on in our country is a laughing matter, which it IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!
    Also his laughing and interrupting Mr. Ryan was very rude and inappropriate.
    I would have to agree that Joe Biden is a Jackass!

  • KW - 12 years ago

    I found VP Biden to be extemely RUDE, he interupted & would not let Ryan finish his
    statements. I was offended that Biden sat there laughing over matters so important to this
    Country. Unbelieveable!

  • Taunee Grubbs - 12 years ago

    I truly dislike all the back and forward but at least Biden answered the questions and Ryan didn't. Ryan would have been stronger if he was running for president without Romney. Biden gave facts and I don't know about everyone else but I like facts. Romney and Ryan have a way of talking to and about the American people as if they are not apart of the country, which was built by different people from all walks of life and though they have said they want to be president and vice president of America but they don't show it. Now that debate is over I clearly think and believe Biden won.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    It's incredible that people will vote for someone because they're opponent seemed rude. If all you focus on is demeanor, Ryan still loses, he's as smiley as any used-car salesman crossed with a Wall Street banker! When it comes to facts, Ryan is absolutely eviscerated, he LIED continually. It's shocking that so many people are supportive of a presidential ticket that has proven time and time again that they're only interested in the rich. You pathetic monkeys are what fuel the republican party. You, and billions from the corporate owners of it.

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    I felt Mr. Biden was rude and his arrogant laughter was inappropriate.

  • Glenda Berry - 12 years ago

    I don't agree with how Biden acted tonight. He was rude and interrupted Ryan many times. I think Ryan showed patience and looked very presidential in the way he composed himself . The smirking and eyes rolling and interruptions on the part of Biden showed him to be a real butthole. I am voting for Romney and Ryan.

  • Ethan Cole - 12 years ago

    I thought that the veteran Mr. Biden would bring a mature and honest debate....as it turns out, he is undoubtedly an arrogant and disrespectful bimbo. Ryan was honest and sincere, and kept his cool while Biden smirked and ran his rude mouth. I need nothing else, as they are representatives of their administrations.

  • Jay Del - 12 years ago

    I am truly independent and tune into these debates to help inform my decision. More than any other single point, I have concluded that on a personal level Mr. Biden is a confirmed jackass.

  • Brenda Wolfe - 12 years ago

    The laughing was despicable......our country is in a bad situation on many facets..war, economy, credit rating, education. debt, you name it is in the pits and certainly not laughable!!

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