How Do You Feel When You Watch The Gay Kappa Wedding?


  • Floyd Thomas, Jr. - 11 years ago

    Thanks to these men, their families and friends, for the courage to share the beauty and power of their love for one another. They may face hostility from people who do not understand that love cannot be bound by race, religion, nationality, or gender. But through their marriage, these two men have demonstrated their determination to weather any storm together. Despite the trials and tribulations that are part and parcel of every life, these men have pledged to persevere and preserve their love and commitment to each other. They are liberated. They have cast aside the chains of conformity to a standard that is alien and contrary to the profound instinct of their hearts and felt deep within their souls. Though I know neither of these men, their marriage brought both a tear of joy for them and a pain in my heart for all who have not found, embraced, proclaimed, and joined with the love of their life, for whatever reason. Congratulations and best wishes. And thanks for bringing a ray of sunshine and the promise that love will prevail.

  • Queen - 12 years ago

    I can not believe this is the video that so many people are making a big deal over. This video was tasteful done.
    We need to stop concerning ourselves with the personal lives of our brothers and sisters and look at the bigger picture. In case of an emergency medical situation, one will not be able to say “this is my husband, please administer the treatment that could save his life!” We can not keep being so easily distracted- ‘The Weapons of Mass Distraction’ are EVERYWHERE…don’t get trapped.

  • Ashamed - 12 years ago

    this is the nastiest shit ever. These grown as dick in the booty as niggas need to get real.

  • No name - 12 years ago

    I thought it was beautiful. Who are we to judge, because in the end God has the final say.

  • Educated Black Woman - 12 years ago

    I'm not understanding the big deal! Do you really think no gay men pledged Kappa? IJS

  • lisa - 12 years ago

    this is so very sad that its okay to see two grown ass man saying they are married. Clearly we have truely no regard to the word of God. Everyone knows this is truely a problem. an we are only bother by this because everyone is talking openly about it. keep it yourself.

  • Michelle J - 12 years ago

    Beautiful occassion...their family and friends came out to celebrate and give support for the LOVE that appears to be REAL & TRUE. Love is all about respect, communication, coompromising--and if you don't have these 3 part of you LOVE equation it will definitely be over quicker that it began! Wishing you LOVE, Michelle J.

  • Jalissia - 12 years ago

    I thought the wedding was beautiful. Apparently they are in love despite the taboo of American society. No one has the power to determine who will fall in love with who....rather they have pledged to be greek or not. Marriage is a beautiful thing. I wish them many years of happiness.

  • dat gurl - 12 years ago

    I thought the wedding was beautiful. The grooms were obviously in love and I congratulate them for expressing their feelings in such a honest and fabulous way.

  • Lanay - 12 years ago

    I'm going to start by saying congrats to the grooms it was a gorgeous to the hatas and all the judgmental people in the world MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS,i was always taught that if you have nothing positive to say don't say nothing at all...if the video bothered you why ruin something special to someone else by leaving such negative and degrading comments, people need to start worrying more about there sins and stop tryna highlight other peoples shit to keep theres covered......ugh that pisses me off....and I don't necessarily agree with same sex marriage but it's not my cross to bear no one sin is greater than another remember that the next time before you go and judge someone else

  • Leland F. Redmond - 12 years ago

    The whole production looked fake to me. Just saying.

  • chinika - 12 years ago

    watching this video brought pure tears to my eyes. it was a beautiful cermony and while i was watching i totally forgot that it was two men in the first place. all i could see was thier was true love in thier eyes and the people around them accepts thier lifestyle because it look as if they were all having a good time too me. love has no boundaries...plz remember that.

  • Dee - 12 years ago

    Why do this have to be labeled a "Kappa Wedding"? This is a beautiful wedding video of two people in love, and one of them just happen to be a Kappa. What is the problem? I like it and I think the wedding was well put together.

  • Sean - 12 years ago

    I LOVE the video!! It really portrays the true meaning of the word LOVE. Just because its 2 males vs. a woman and a male doesnt mean its not meant to be or wrong. Its just different and alot of people tend to shy away or be scared of different things. Some people have such hatred to the lgbt community because its not what society says is to be "normal". How I look at it is...if its not you kissing or marrying of doing whatever with the same sex..WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT IT!?!?. With that being said I wish the grooms the best of luck and a life full of happy times together!! P.S. It was BEAUTIFUL

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