Who won the vice-presidential debate?


  • elena - 12 years ago

    Really hard to have any republican answer one single question ever. Sarah Palin was the first time I noticed but it looks like a way of life to these guys. Romeny, king of flip flop, Ryan, etc...

  • Maryland - 12 years ago

    Paul Ryan was the clear winner. He answered the questions intelligently, calmly and maturely while Joe Biden was just the opposite, rude and arrogant. Biden laughed at his opponent and the issues. He offered no honest mannerisms whatsoever. Also, as Biden continually interrupted Ryan, the moderator never stepped in to maintain control over the debate. Clearly a one sided moderator.
    All issues aside, Ryan offered respect for Biden, the moderator and the viewing public. In contrary Biden offered no respect to anyone but himself. This defines the clear difference between these two men.

  • Rich - 12 years ago

    In typical fashion: You can't run on your record so make your opponent look like he cannot be trusted. Obama embarrassed himself two weeks ago in the debate and Biden finished the job with his rudeness. Next week look for Obama to look just as bad. It is coming to an end and they (democrats) know this and they are doing everything they can to win. The sadness in all this is look at how this administration has performed in the last 4 years: all the lies and untruths that have been told. As Americans we really need to be concerned with how the World views us with this Administration if reelected by chance. Lastly does anyone believe the unemployment is below 8%. Why did California not report? Again another lie by this administration.

  • Dee - 12 years ago

    Biden was rude and obnoxius.
    Can you imagine him President? He is off the wall.
    He lied about the Intel Community. They knew about it and let four men die.
    He is lying about Medicare and all of the money the Dems took to finance Obamacare.
    The Moderator also kept interrupting Ryan.
    Typical of Obama influence. He was at the moderator's wedding.

  • kh - 12 years ago

    When all the name calling and judgements are done Biden Truly won. If you notice the attacks on him and the president are always personal and disrespectful. When has there ever been a president in office where people are so free to be dispectful publicly. Biden was truthful, and himself. Ryan is an actor, whatever character the script requires. Why does anyone think that there is an instant fix. It took years to bring the country down. It will come back with Obama and Biden.

  • Darren Mc - 12 years ago

    Paul Ryan looked like he was in a Spelling Bee and did'nt no any of the words or where he was at.

  • Chris M - 12 years ago

    I'm a republican and ill admit, Biden won tonight..

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Biden clearly won..wasn't even close

  • Darren Mc - 12 years ago

    REP PLEASE get your head out your A.. you lost.Biden keep smile n you kicked Butt :)

  • James - 12 years ago

    It's funny how republicans did not pay attention to one word that Biden said. All they can focus on is who was talking more or how much Biden was laughing.. Biden simply made Ryan look ridiculous. The Republican Party does not have a better plan than The democrats..still not even sure what it is that the republicans plan is yet because they won't tell us.. If you are in the top 1% and don't care about the economy or the middle class, which I'm sorry to break it to you but you probably contribute to its make up, than I could see why you would vote for Romney. But Obama has created jobs whether you want to bash him or not. Hes done this with zero help from the republican party which is amazing in itself. The Republican Party ran our country into a near depression the last time they were in office...which was only 4 years ago. It shocks my that everyone forgets so quickly and expected Obama to clean their mess faster. If you gave Obama 4 more years, you'll be much happier than going back to the same old oil loving, money hungry republicans.

  • Darren Mc - 12 years ago

    Obama & Biden are on the right track.And the two snakes are in high grass.VOTE don't mess around and get bit.I can get more answers from my 7 year old daughter.Good job Biden come on Obama 4 more years :) America needs YOU. GOD BLESS AMERICA and may GOD BLESS you. It took Bush 8 years to mess things up so PLEASE VOTE and give us 8 years to fix it.I'm in the $50,000 club I don't no what middle class everyone's talking about that makes $250,000.And they say I make to much to qualify for anything :( .

  • Betsy Goodell - 12 years ago

    All of Axelrod's preparation
    Sessions with Biden were
    Wasted. He forgot to tell him what we learned in kindergarten.....It is rude to interrupt 82 times!!!

  • craig - 12 years ago

    Ryan stayed on point.. Biden seemed rude and bullyish. I'm sure there's an "uh" count. Biden won that.

  • Nancy - 12 years ago

    Joe Biden acted like a total a...hole. That smirk that was constantly on his face shows how arrogant he is - just like Obama. Between the 2 of them, if re-elected, we'll sadly live in a socialist country - lead by a self-admitted Muslim (he said in a video "I am one of them". ) It was hard for Paul Ryan to completely answer a question because he was constantly interrupted and the moderator was totally for Biden. She let him ramble on and on but cut Paul off many times. Paul Ryan acted the most vice-presidential. Biden acted like a total jerk! Ryan won!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kim - 12 years ago

    Nice try Ryan. Look how hard GOP is working to cover up who really won the debate. Pathetic

  • Belinda Robinson - 12 years ago

    Mr. VP! You gave the American people what was needed to move forward. Thank you.

  • Ricky - 12 years ago

    Joe bidden clearly ate this young mans Lunch. The experience really showed. Oboma and company clearly have this election rapped up. They are for 97% of the American people. Romney and Ryan are for only 3% and that's the 120,000 very very rich American. Like Bidden said 97% of America's businesses make less than $250,000k and they won't put seniors and veterans on vouchers. They should be ashamed!

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