How Often Do You Check Your Email?


  • Cristina - 12 years ago

    I deal with lots of time sensitive and urgent /ever changing information. I check email on my iPad, cell phone, internet and computer. All of my email accounts (Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) are on each of the aforementioned devices. I agree with Paul - my email checks me!

  • Sally - 12 years ago

    1st thing in the morning, lunchtime and then late afternoon.

  • Paul Burnett - 12 years ago

    I don't check my email - my email checks me. I'm (among other things) an emergency response coordinator, and I have a busy family life - my personal cell phone signals me when I get an email on my personal (home) account or my Gmail acount or my text messaging system. My work Blackberry signals me when I get a work email, and I occasionally get text messages on my work two-way pager. I'm "on" email essentially all day most days at work; I check my work email when I get home after an hour's commute (I do NOT email while driving), and again before I go to sleep, and almost first thing when I wake up before I drive to work.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    I am online constantly during the day for work. Email is a primary method of communication viewed mostly at my workstation. During the day I will take my laptop to meetings to stay connected, if I don't have the laptop for on reason or another. I rely on my windows smart phone for all other times to stay connected. I use the phone to check two other personal email accounts also so I guess I am never away from email.

  • randy - 12 years ago

    I'm from old school . I do everything first with people first -talk , gather information , had I been email that needed to be clear , , then after I check the email second , I read them , have a laugh , make a reply , or read them

  • randy - 12 years ago

    I'm from old school . I do everything first with people first -talk , gather information , had I been email that needed to be clear , , then after I check the email second , I read them , have a laugh , make a reply , or read them

  • Stephan - 12 years ago

    I check every chance I get, but only on my computers. Just 1 or 2 political polls or good causes, generates thousands of emails. They multiply like rabbits. For every one I unsubscribe, two more start. I'm beginning to get a handle on the problem, but it is a nearly constant endeavor. I don't own a smart phone, thank goodness.

  • Deborah Graham - 12 years ago

    At work, email has its own separate monitor. We are expected (or it's a self-imposed rule) that email is read and responded to almost real-time. I also have work (and personal and school) email on my phone but I have refused to let it notify me when emails are received, so I am less likely to check it all the time, maybe 10 times a day, during the waking hours. My personal email is checked and replied to less often than my work email (maybe twice a day on a computer: lunch and at home, if I log onto the computer after work).

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    When at work, I check Email regularly when I'm on my computer; but, when at home, I only check my personal Email about every 2-4 days depending on my mood.

  • Susi Schuele - 12 years ago

    I get a lot of email and have a process to regularly review it each morning, first thing, while having my coffee (MUST have the coffee .. :)). After that, I try not to let it interrupt me until around lunch time and then again at the end of the day. If I'm out of the office, I do check email between client time and driving time. Email can be a constant interruption and a productivity killer if you let it. We make it a point to respond within 24 hours to give our clients the best possible customer service, but they also try to make it known that we check it three times a day as a general rule and if there is an emergency, it is best to give us a call.

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    I have my various inboxs auto forwarded to my mobile mail box and have t hat set to give me a text when there is a new message. I can see from thetext who sent and using that can guess which are urgent. No matter where I am or what I am doing I get notification of mails incoming. (turn to silent for night-time of course!!).
    I think "Frequent" should have been used in the Qs rather than regular.
    I like these polls -- gives me an idea what other people are doing, please keep it up.

  • Vlad - 12 years ago

    I have push on my Android, so whenever I start Data or Wifi, and I have webmail notifier on my desktop :D

  • Peter Dale - 12 years ago

    I get a lot of emails every day, so it is only sensible to check what is there any time I am online, or when I have a few spare minutes with a Blackberry in my pocket. That way I avoid letting a huge backlog build up (as happens any time I go away for a couple of days). I do believe that constant checking, along with constant replying/deleting, is the best way to keep from getting inundated.

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