Who won last night's debate?


  • Oppressmenot - 12 years ago

    If there was a winner to be had for the second debate, it was clearly President Obama. Our President was confident, professional & executive while Romney hopped around like a rude little spoiled kid used to getting his way. President Obama laid out a clear choice / contrast between himself & Romney. It is clear, Obama's efforts will move us in the direction we need to be in ; Romney will put us in gear & laying the path for the next "08 tradegy". It amazes me when the people complain about Obama claiming that "he's had four years to..." These same people gave more time to worse. We all know Bush should NOT have been in office 1 term let alone 2. We kow that Reagan (Reagan-omics )put many of our issues where they are today with the rich getting richer while other suffer more . We know that the Repubs have had a much longer shot at screwing up than our President has had fixing. Yet & still the idea that 3.8 years is enough to fix 30 years of bs is the theme of this party? People claim that Obama's policies don't work but where no where to be found when time came to stop those who DID this! Not only is Mitt Romney a bad joke but also these so called "citizens" voting for him. I am amazed by the lack of support given to our President while he is trying to make to make things better & the way they SHOULD of been to begin with. None of the polls or other measuring devices mattered when Bush was giving our money away & letting Bin Laden get away, but now that this African American President is in office (OMG) let the GOP tell it we're headed in the wrong direction? The GOP has become a shamefully infested political catastrophe & they got Money Mitt to prove it. We need to continue FORWARD with President Obama & put our country where we need to be. We do not need stop the progess of the last 3.8 years & go back.!

  • DemforMitt - 12 years ago

    Romney emerges from the second debate well positioned to win it all. The post-debate polling reflects that he solidly won on the key issues: economy, energy prices, and China. Obama scores well in his overall ratings in these surveys simply because he benefits by comparison with his sleep-walking performance in the first debate.

    Fundamentally, Romney’s smooth, polished, dignified, articulate, sincere, and compassionate manner in the debate puts to rest eight months of Obama negative attacks on his character. Barack Obama is about to learn the lesson Jimmy Carter learned in 1980 when he lost to Reagan — and found his lead collapsing after the debates. When a president with a failed record tries to win by attacking and demonizing his opponent, he can succeed only if there are no debates. Since neither Goldwater (1964) nor McGovern (1972) had the chance to show themselves to America in debates, the negative characterization of them by first Johnson and then Nixon stuck. But Ronald Reagan’s debate performance nullified Carter’s attacks and showed him not to be the war-mongering madman the president had accused him of being. Similarly, Obama’s portrayal of Romney as insensitive, elitist, incapable of understanding the problems of the average person, a tax cheat, and a cold blooded capitalist all fell before Romney’s real persona as it came through on television.

    And once Obama is stripped of his negative messaging, he has nothing to say. His defense of his economic record and his energy drilling essentially boiled down to asking people what they wanted to believe — their own eyes or Obama’s speeches.

    Stylistically, Romney’s dignity played very well. He struck just the right balance between letting Obama walk over him (as Ryan let Biden do) and being obnoxious and petty (as Obama appeared to be).

    The Romney campaign has exactly the right ads on the air to exploit their debate edge. The sixty second ad they now are running in swing states, featuring Romney’s first debate narrative on the economy played over faces of Americans suffering from economic distress is just the right move.

    Specifically, Romney:

    1) Explained his tax plan very well. His suggestion that he would allow up to a flat $25,000 in deductions was excellent.

    2) Recited the statistics of economic decline so well and so frequently that they will be repeated again and again by voters as they contemplate their decision.

    3) Clearly pinned the blame for high gas prices on Obama by enumerating the president’s anti-oil, anti-coal policies.

    4) Put the China issue in play big time by explaining Chinese currency manipulation. In the next debate, Romney should drill down and explain how much Chinese chicanery and hacking costs us jobs and how passive Obama has been in the face of their conduct.

    5) Demonstrated his compassion and heart in his personal stories of his ministry. He should continue just this kind of argumentation.

    And then there’s Libya. The intervention of Candy Crowley saved Obama on the ropes. But as inappropriate as it was, her statement — that Obama said at the outset that it was a terror attack — was technically correct, but, ultimately wrong. We all know that Obama tried to play the attack as a rally gone awry, impelled by passion generated by a film about Islam. WE heard him say so on The View, on Letterman, at the United Nations and all over the nation for two weeks.

    Romney should explain that the president’s goal was not to interfere with his narrative that by killing bin Laden, he had ended al Qaeda as a terrorist organization. He did not want an attack and an assassination on his record in the last two months before the election. So he pretended that it was all because of an intemperate movie. He should cite the statements of the State Department that they never considered it a terrorist attack.

    Then he should go on to show how Obama’s foreign policy based on naïveté has failed and is going up in flames. T

  • James J.Holstein,M.D. - 12 years ago

    The debate was a clash of reality and reason versus unfulfilled promises and failed policy. The President has had four years to correct a problem created in no small way by Presidents Carter and Clinton with the legislation requiring lenders to provide mortgages to those unable to meet the payment. The incompetence of Rep. Frank regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the deregulation of the financial industry by President Clinton. These policies combined with the debt accumulated by Pres. Bush in providing for our security created a difficult problem.

    In the time of hope and change, we were promised decreased unemployment, decreased national debt and rational spending. None of this happened. Gas prices went from $1.80 a gallon to over $4.00. Household income decreased, home equity declined, welfare payments and unemployment (real numbers) increased.

    What did we get NASA closes down, Solyndra goes bankrupt,A123 batteries goes bankrupt. The President says we need 1,000,000 electric cars by 2015. Ford and Chevy- after billions in taxpayer funding cannot give away these cars. An high end electric car being developed in Delaware because of VP. Biden is a disaster.

    We were told that alQueda was defeated yet our ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists, and for many days we were told that this was not a terrorist attack but a reaction to a movie. Iran moves ever closer to a nuclear bomb and we are told the sanctions are working. Working on whom? Clearly not the leadership of Iran.

    In four years our economy has deteriorated, our stature in the world has eroded. We are left with massive debt,unfulfilled promises and now out and out lies and/or incompetence.

    Somehow the increased taxes,burdensome regulation and free contraception associated withhthe Affordable Care Act and its' longterm detrimental effects are to big a price to pay.

    Economically , morally and in any other context we cannot afford four more years of this administration.

  • Kelly - 12 years ago

    OBAMA 100% Romney lying thru his Teeth. People are that stupid to be Voteing a lieyer into the Whitehouse, UNBELIEVEABLE!!!! Oh, BTW i just fornd out Romney's Bain Capital, HIG, OWN MOST VOTING MACHINES IN USA !!!!! Why is the Media so quiet on this?? EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THIS!! WAKE UP MSNBC, YOU SHOULD BE ON TOP OF THIS STORY !!!! I SMELL A RAT, TRYING TO FIX THE ELECTION !!!!!!

  • Makeba - 12 years ago

    Responsibility: Romney's policies are a kin to getting drunk at a bar, telling your friends, its fine I'll drive, after the accident explaining how he had no plan for that to happen! Obama won the debate hands down, both in style and substance. The flip-flop approach is very good for making pancakes, Romney should apply to IHop... Wake up America!

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    Wow- still blaming Bush for 4 years of incompetence?? Care for the middle class, the lower class, the upper class comes from having a plan that gets the economy going again- you can't love the employees while hating on the employers. Obama has proven that he was way under matched for this job, and prefers the title and celebrity of the "president" more than the role of leading this country, Sorry but Clint Eastwood had it right with the whole empty chair thing. If I were Romney I would make a pledge that with my first day in office, I pledge to not blame anything on the previous administration. Don't you folks see? It was all my predecessors fault, I just need one more chance and another 4 years.... Amateur hour is over, time for the adults to step in and take charge

  • tdemello - 12 years ago

    this debate has sealed my vote for president obama. romney showed his true colors of a ceo; its his way or the highway with no qualms to fire someone who does not follow his lead, a true businessman for profit, taking credit for work done by others, out of touch with women about health care, giving indirect answers like a sales associate, etc. need i say more? i do not want a "boss", i want a president to lead the country.

  • Linda Harris-Boyd - 12 years ago

    President Obama won and he is an open book. What are these people really hearing. Vote your economical background. Romney has no idea what people are going through right now. These people are paid to prey on poor people and old ways of America. We will not go back to where women have no voice, minorities have no voice and our children are behind other countries in technology and math. Romney will never take us back to old white man ideology. Never!!! Wake up America!!!

  • Lynn - 12 years ago

    For some reason, some people think that Rome was built in a day. It wasn't. The condition we were in when Bush left office was abomitable. Nobody can expect any president to fix everything in four years. Four years is a very short time. I will never understand how ANY middle income person can even consider voting for Mitt Romney. He cares nothing about them, pure and simple. He says what he thinks you want to hear with no facts to back it up. Obama truly cares for people. One example, his own mother didn't have insurance, and he knows how difficult it is to have an illness and no medical help. So why do people hate him for caring? He and Clinton were the ONLY two presidents (Hillary, actually) to work on healthcare for this country. Why is Obama being vilified for trying to make like better for us? I just don't get it. I pray that this country does the right thing and elects Obama, because if not, I truly fear for for all of us in it. I am grateful to all the people on this site who have enough sense to see the truth.

  • Jessica - 12 years ago

    I am an undecided voter and the problem I am having as to why I should vote for Obama is- why? What makes Obama so great? I keep reading about Romney this and that- who cares about Romney right? so why Obama? Ok so he got the S.O.B. bin Laden good job! I applaud that- but why is gas $5 a gallon among other staples... Okay Romney he has a track record with handling large sums of money... Is he trustworthy? No- but is Obama trustworthy? No- we are screwed...

  • katherine - 12 years ago

    President Obama clearly won, no doubts in my mind. I too have to deal with the same issues to a degree, high gas prices here in Canada. Good ol Mitt talks like the USA is the only country going through these hard times. The seeds that Obama have planted have not yet come to fruitation but, I do see and understand the direction he is trying to take the country. If there were no middle class the Romneys and Ryans would be living in a cardboard boxes, its the middle class that carry the country on their backs. If Romney is going to be the face of the American people, I have to say that I would have a hard time having any respect for the people of the United States. I am actually surprised that it is such a tight race, and speaks volumes to me that half the people are blind and would rather believe in empty rehearsed dialogue and the tooth fairy that everything will magically be fixed by his 5 point plan. To top it off I have would never want to see this kind of arrogant, ignorant, rude, condescending person running a country like it was a business. God Save America

  • Matt - 12 years ago

    You Know Why Democrats Love Taxes? They Don't Pay Any!
    The New Deal: Franklin Roosevelt's Contribution to Socialism
    Throw Barney Frank Under the Bus
    Liberal Judges Are Destroying America
    Obama: Undocumented Socialist
    Speak for Yourself Obama! We ARE a Christian Nation!
    Beware Obama's Hitler Youth
    Hitler Gave Good Speeches, Too
    Obama Never Met a Tax He Didn't Like
    What Do You Expect From a Social Worker in the White House?
    Obama's Priorities: $900 MILLION to Hamas - $50 THOUSAND to Italy

  • td - 12 years ago

    I am livid! After watching the Presidential debate last night, I am extremely angry that a misogynistic, callous and rude moron such as Mitt Romney has the audacity to think that he can be the commander in chief of such a great country. His disrespect of and disregard for women, his intolerance of people of a different ethnicity and blatant racism towards President Obama proves he does not have the capability to lead. His pettiness and uncaring attitude in the loss of 4 American lives in the service of this country demonstrated that he is not fit to be called a human being. His compassion is nonexistent and his bullying tactics as a ploy to detract from his lack of knowledge and plan of action only emphasize his ineptitude as a leader and his ignorance. For all of you out there who thinks your vote does not count, you better wake up. If these cretins Romney/Ryan win this election, you better be prepared to be saying"yes massa". You are one of the 47% he is talking about and he has proven time and time again that it is still a white man's world. He has voiced his true opinion that he will win because he is "the white guy". So all you apathetic people out there, you better get up and vote. Vote for the person who has proven that he has your interests at heart. The person who has tears in his eyes when he has to comfort families who have lost loved ones in defense of this country. The person who has proven that even though he is human and has made mistakes has truly tried to make our lives better.
    Vote for President Barack Obama!

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    President Obama has what Mitt Romney needs--INTEGRITY!

  • ktthelegend - 12 years ago

    Point being Romney is George Bush the 3rd, and were just waiting for someone to throw the shoe...Where is Big Bird when we need him?!?

  • rvrsidekitty - 12 years ago

    I'm also one of the many who feels THE PRESIDENT won last nights debate, I too was very proud of President Obamas performance. President Obama pounced on Mr. Romney at the precise moments that he needed to. Both men (only one gentleman, guess who) came to battle. Both men had "in your face" attitudes, and used clear body language to convey their " F--- You" attitudes toward one another. I'm not mad at either one of them. Their was something very primal about last nights debate. I Loved It ! Just thinking..., was the The Presidents poor performance during the first presidential debate a strategic move intended to give Mr. Romney a false sense of security (letting him think HE'S THE MAN, BAIT AND HOOK) setting him up for the kill at last nights debate? Hmmm. Just a thought !! Go OBAMA !

  • B Leggett - 12 years ago

    Romney you and Queen Ann need to go out back of your house and get in your speed boat and head out to the Atlantic. Your a nasty, rude, rich, and disrespectful human species.

    Romney get a job at a Mercedes Benz dealership. You would fit right in.

    Our President is to be respected.
    I am proud of our President and his Staff. The President did a outstanding job in that Debate.

    Candy tried to keep Romney in line, but he just showed no respect for her or her position.

  • Alvaro - 12 years ago

    Finally, MIT the "chameleon" gets exposed by the president! I hope the President brings the plight of Sensata-Bain's employees who lost their jobs due to MIT the chameleon's policies to light. Yes, MIT the chameleon is the job creator........."in china, Taiwan, etc."

  • Ron Pilz - 12 years ago

    God help the middle class if Romney gets in,PERIOD!!

  • Sue & Gene McD - 12 years ago

    We should call him MYTH Romney! Ed, everything you said was true. 1. When talking about the state of the economy Myth didn't mention that he left the State of Mass. in debt. 2. Myth never mentioned equal pay for women. Only said he had a binder full of women's information but never said he hired any of them. Obama's truth shall overcome Myth!

  • Debi - 12 years ago

    Lets see if all you Romney lovers can sit down for the next few days since Obama just gave you all an a** whooping last night. Quit crying and stop blaming Candy for your loss just suck it up and move on and if you can't just leave the country and live elsewhere.

  • ktthelegend - 12 years ago

    Obama creamed Romney and made him look like a PBS kid LoL...www.sw1tchfaze.com

  • Domenico J. Iorfino - 12 years ago

    Even if you don't agree with the policies of the President, admit he won the debate. I would love to hear the justification of the 3% claiming otherwise.

  • Gary Bootay - 12 years ago

    I have a nickname for Romney...he is Chameleon Romney

  • Rebecca Wang - 12 years ago

    When Romney said "Bundles of Women" sounds like he is a pimp.....

  • Kat Clayton - 12 years ago

    I really loved our President in this debate. Romney's team really left him hanging on the Act of Terror timeline. He really thought he had caught President in a lie. When Candy "fact-checked and corrected Mr. Romney I thought he would cry. It was so priceless. He really thinks he can buy anything doesn't he? Please we need to prove him& Koch Bros. you must earn it!

  • Obama/Biden2012 - 12 years ago

    Mittens got "fact slapped" last night by President Obama....

  • joe - 12 years ago

    if you koolade drinking libs think ob won i got some land i wood like to sell you

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    Why cant you fools see Obama for the loser he is. You should all get out of our breeding pool.

  • SHA - 12 years ago


  • Melody64 - 12 years ago

    How can people hate blacks so bad that they would vote for anybody to make sure a black man is not in the President of the United States of American. I'm so glad that there is a God in heaven. Romney don't respect President Obama or anybody. Romney really acts like he thinks he is a god. If Romney got in office his party would regret. Romney says he has did this and that with his businesses for over 25 years but those companies were putting money in his pocket not the middle class or anybody elses (Lol). He talks about what he did for businesses. His parents were rich and he inheritated their money and just made more how hard was that to do. (Lol). Handling a budget for the United States and making sure the 47% is taken care is something altogether difference, but anybody with sense knows he doesn't have any plans to include them anyway. Romney and his party could care less about the 47% that he first spoke about and that is the God's honest truth that will help cost him this election.

  • Tenny - 12 years ago

    Composed, elegant, respectful, and assertive - Obama came off as a true leader vs. a controlling , arrogant, boorish Romney who pouts when he can't have his say and his way with the facts. I am so glad Obama stood his ground in this debate. How could anyone want to be governed by Romney, the mindless, ambition-crazed , egotistical puppet of the republican right-wing. This is a man who has misogynistic leanings thus devalues women; sees no way but his way; lies so much he doesn't know fact from fabrication; and will say and do whatever possible just so he can win and add "president" to his resume. He is simply what Grover Norquist wants: a shell of a person with misguided ambition who can hold a pen, sign his name, and thoughtlessly promote whatever is put in front of him to appease the power hungry right wing's thirst for control of this country. He and his snarky little 50's era Stepford wife can bask in the glory of the presidency while the rest of us suffer losses to our basic rights. There is no doubt that Romney is all about Romney- being important and achieving recognition and fame - and not what is good for our country. If he is elected, we the 47% of hard-working American people lose so much - our basic freedoms and financial prosperity. The right wing side of the Republican party states they "want their America back". For real? ??? I think if the truth were to win out we would find that the Caucasian "good old boys" really want the Black man out of the White House and any other minority /female threats stifled so they can retain their false sense of white male superiority. BTW - I am a Southern, long-standing republican woman but for sure I will not be voting my party's ticket this year. And don't even get me started on Paul Ryan - the vain, short-sighted dictator that wants to impose his personal beliefs on all the women of this country - ignoring our Constitutional right to practice our personal beliefs and exercise our legal rights to choose what is good for our female health needs and our reproduction choices. I'm embarrassed at what my lifelong party has come to. Obama is my choice in 2012. 'Nuff said...

  • mitch varnam nc - 12 years ago

    Mitt and shit have a lot in common. They both stink and come from a line of bull

  • Ruben - 12 years ago

    Every debate is nothing more an opportunity to learn more about the person and how he would accomplish the things we have in our head. Why are debates taken so seriously in America? Like many countries, I am always puzzled why U.S. has only two candidates or rather party for president? Why are debates gossips? Why not put technology in place such as let them president a 16 minute presentation rather and dog fight! Please, leaders who is calm who respects all kind of people and does not play politics when a bad things happen? I am looking forward to a power point presentation by Mt. Romney on how he would be different than bush n talks about reducing taxes and assumes you all Americans so called middle class have huge savings and anything you earn won't be taxed? Say what? In my def. if you have a saving account you are not a middle class no matter where you live on this earth. Vote for the present you like or dislike but bring one that looks like a world leader not just America leader.

  • kendra latoya - 12 years ago

    I love Obama he is a good man .........

  • Romney_is_an_idiot - 12 years ago

    The president one last night no contest.
    please people, dont fall for this idiots lies

    Republican starts with an 'R'. Romney starts with an 'R'. Ryan starts with an 'R'.
    Retarded starts with an 'R'. Coincidence? I don't think so.

  • nina bartoletta - 12 years ago

    Whether you like the man or not, I havent one ounce of doubt that Obama is the only rational and intelligent chance we have at competent presidential leadership for the next four years.

    The Grifter Romney certainly was at the top of his true game last night---lying, distorting, lying some more, bullying, then pouting when he didnt get to run the whole event like he thought he absolutely had every right to do. I dont know how much more proof the American people need to understand this lunatic is the last thing we need in charge of our government; not only is he incompetent and incapable of leadership he is also an unstable threat to our national security and to our fiscal well being. According to independent fact checkers (no friends of the GOP and the Romney campaign) Willard, who (FALSELY) claimed to have championed "binders of women " as (failed) governor of MA, apparently wasnt capable of speaking the truth about anything throughout the entire debate. Finally, I'm now convinced that the wild looking Lyin' King is drugging, the last two times on TV his eyes were very dilated, he is suddenly way too aggressive and mean--all signs of drug use.

    Lets send him back to his planet Kolob--that wont be soon enough!

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Please do some research. Our President is not for the poor or middle class. From his start as a community organizer he would help slumlords put poor people on the streets in the middle of winter. His wife developed a scheme to dump poor patients from the hospital she worked at.

    Does this help the poor.

  • Romney2012 - 12 years ago

    Obama lied through his teeth all 4 years. He has been a DISASTER. The reason Republicans blocked him was because his ideas are ridiculous and not good for the country. He couldn't care LESS about you little people. He has you ALL bamboozled. If you want a Socialist state, move to France and leave America alone. Romney wins in November, and America begins to heal. Romney inherits a mess that Obummer caused, but he'll get the job done. America wins!

  • Jan - 12 years ago

    It's disheartening that almost half of this country is fooled by this sleezy salesman, Romney.
    He's unpatriotic, unsympathetic, greedy, dishonest, disrespectful, untrustworthy,
    unstable, and refuses to tell specifically what his plans are. Very scarey!!!!!
    He's an egotistic, out-of-touch, spoiled rotten "want-to-be"!

  • mitch varnam nc - 12 years ago

    President Obama won last night.he would not sell out America to China like mit. Good luck mit finding A job in a few weeks

  • mitch varnam nc - 12 years ago

    President Obama won last night.he would not sell out America to China like mit. Good luck mit finding A job in a few weeks

  • Noname - 12 years ago

    Regarding that binder full of women, this is how Romney probably hires his worker's over in China, from pictures in a binder..We all learned something new about Mitt last night...it wasn't no "fluordian slip".

  • marcati - 12 years ago

    President Obama won the debate. Mr. Romney -- apart from exhibiting yet again his incredible capacity for lying-- was rude and arrogant. His comments about single mothers raising AK47 toting, violent children was monstrously offensive. If only Mr. Romeny would self-deport to that offshore account haven known as the Cayman Islands.

  • Guest - 12 years ago

    Rom has no clue what questions means. For most part he continues to defend what a joke. Did he cheat at high school? Remember a question is a question not a way to say I am better! Obama did what he could. When REpublicans block everything he wanted to do. Now blame them. Vote Obama or you will see the top rich get richer n middle class shrunk to nothing. Romney said it clear that he is going to not put tax o savings earned my middle class. Is he on Mars? How's my middle class really have any savings? MIt Romney means more debt and pleasing people on top n more jobs to china. A guy who flips flop should not a leader of the world, if so, it would a shame for you all u.s folks for making a president who says let the poor deal without my support! Wake up you all. Vote Obama n give him another 4 year. I hate to see your country go back to bush era.

  • Brittany Harris - 12 years ago

    Im 23 years old and I'm taking more interest in this election... I feel like Pres. Obama has proven why he deserves 4 more years! Mitt Romney is disrespectful and unruly and that's unattractive to me as a younger....!

  • Doris - 12 years ago

    I'm voting for a president (Obama) not a boss, as Romney purports to be. He would've been the type of boss that I would've had to file numerous grievances on! Thank God for CWA and the job security I had for over 35 years!

  • James Wollrab - 12 years ago

    Republican starts with an 'R'. Romney starts with an 'R'. Ryan starts with an 'R'.
    Retarded starts with an 'R'. Coincidence? I don't think so.

  • Betty Marshall - 12 years ago

    Pres. Obama proved that he was and is the right choice for America. He is a man of principle and character who stands up for and stands behind what he says. His unworthy opponent Romney is blatently dishonest. He will say and do ANYTHING to gain the presidency, not to help everyday Americans but to make life even more profitable for the American plutocracy. He has shown his true colors by trying to downplay Pres. Obama's accomplishments that happened despite the 100% obstructionism of the Republican congress/party; even to the point of claiming credit for himself. He is despicable!. Pres. Obama has my support, my vote and my prayers. Obama/Biden 2012!

  • Taylor - 12 years ago

    I bet Mitt's (binder full of women) has pictures of Chinese women just like the dating sites. Is this how Bain Capital picks it's employess (from a binder full of women) How is Mitt going to create jobs in America when his home boys Bain Capital are closing a plant right now in IL as we type, jobs going over to China. Mitt still has 51% holdings in Bain Capital, don't let him fool you republicans.

  • Jeanne Casatelli - 12 years ago

    I am very proud of President Obama and ask those who agree with me to help re-elect him so he can accomplish what we need him to do.

    The lies that Romney and his lock-step robots tell are Orwellian. They have no respect for the truth. How could we elect such frauds? Republicans admitted they wanted to sabotage our President and the 99% from his first day in office.

    I pray and am donating what I can to help Obama stay in office and give him a chance to succeed by sending him Democratic control of the House and Senate. Let's blow this malarkey away and go for it. Then we will have justice and a fair and healthy future for all Americans not just the rich.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 12 years ago

    The President. He was really on his game last night. On the other hand, every time Mitt opened his mouth, he put his foot in it. What a surprise!

  • Jay - 12 years ago

    By the way, former Governor Romney -successful investor/businessman- does not have to be President of these "United" states to create jobs. If he knows how to create jobs he should just create them.

  • Carol - 12 years ago

    So proud of our President Obama who is President of all of us! Romney showed himself for the Bully he is! For shame to be so disrespectful to Pres. Obama and to the moderator Candy Crowley!!!

  • Romney2012 - 12 years ago

    The people that opposed Obama in Congress did so with the encouragement of the American people. The majority, that is. Obama is a DISASTER. Everything he attempted was for special interests and NOT in the best interest of America. Wake up! It's not too late! Forget the ObamaPhones and the handouts! Be responsible. Make your own way, and for God's sake, don't encourage mooching off the public.

  • Kelly - 12 years ago

    It's just unbelievable how focused we've been on dividing rather than coming together. Our President has been disrespected over and over again. Romney would clearly have no one in his corner if there were not those who hate this president.

  • Brenda - 12 years ago

    President Obama definitely won the debate. While many talk about the economy and jobs,what does it pay to have money but to lose your soul. Mitt Romney showed us last night that you can have "success" but that does not mean you are a honest, decent, respectful and just plain old "nice" person. Remember you can not take your wealth with you, but what you do for mankind will be your legacy. The President, cares about people and thus he will continually be blessed. Ask the "right-wing" are they really happy! If hate and fear drives you, then know you will always experience more hate and fear. Finally, you reap with you sow. President Obama will be re-elected.

  • Charlie K. - 12 years ago

    We do NOT Need a Disrespectful , finger pointing"BOSS" Romney, as our president....President Obama was extremly in charge and Presidential....He looked, and acted like who he is: The President of the United States of America, and Commander in Chief! He has shown, and made his case as the protector of the Middle Class, Womens Rights, Working People, Veterans,(Yep- I'm a Veteran) Seniors, Medicare, Social Security, etc! I'm proud to say he has earned, and will get my vote!

  • Taylor - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney got FACT SLAPPED by President Obama last night.

  • Sonsarae - 12 years ago

    Yes. I thought he won the first debate also - Romney lied, how do you win a debate like this and lie? I just can't make sence of that. I hope in the next debate something is said about the Republicans that made it their position that they would stand against any thing the President tried to do to help the country to make him a one term President. I want that addressed. I think those men and women are traitors to their elective states. I feel those people should be accountable for the hardships they have caused. They openly have betrayed the people that elected themm that they are suppose to be working for. All I hear after this debate is 'The Presidents Failed Record' , the President has not failed us, his accomplishments are his RECORD, and those accomplishments protect us all today. We can only imagin what could have happened in this country if the Republican Obstructionists would have honored their oaths to protect and serve their states and the constitution, instead of pandering for their own benefit. Romney really gets pissy when he gets pinned by his own lies. It was a joy to watch Romney get OUTED. The crazy part of it he is so unattached to our country you can tell he really does not care about its citizens.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Romney cares more about Chinese women than American women.

  • Rick - 12 years ago

    Does the morman faith alow lieing or do you still go to hell for it.

  • Terez McRae - 12 years ago

    The President was Perfect!
    I know why Romney would not say he was for equal pay -- obviously because he isn't for it.
    I believe he has an agenda which begins with sending women back to their kitchens.
    I actually think he believes that the country is in disarray mostly because women are out
    in the workforce. He wants to control women's reproductive rights -- that's step one. Let's face it: his genetic makeup includes a long history of Mormonism and its polygamous ideas. You don't shake that in a generation unless you are out front about it.
    His ideas are so reactionary that I truly fear for equality in this country. Are they going to highjack this election? Money talks -- how many people have the character to resist a bribe? How many jobs has he promised voters? I am just guessing.
    Sorry to sound cynical but I am 65.

  • nick - 12 years ago

    no matter what President Obama said or do some are still against him.Romney and Paul Ryan is the devil of lies, and you can take that to the bank. People wake up Romney is a thief.

  • elaine - 12 years ago

    I am so proud of President Obama,what a great leader,he is a true leader.he did a great job in the debate last night...that other guy whats his name was acting like a bully ,but our president put him in his place...that guy belongs in a corporation,not the white house that would be a total disaster. yours truly,one of the binders of women speaking the truth. GOD BLESS AMERICA OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  • Joy Randolph - 12 years ago

    What do you want, a President that cares about the country and the middle class, or a bully CEO Bossy type person that will step on anyone that gets in the way of him and what he wants!

  • Romney2012 - 12 years ago

    Yes, you can stop calling Mitt Romney Governor on November 7th. You'll address him as President-Elect Mitt Romney, and this LOSER POSER will schlep back to ThugTown and bilk the locals there.

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    the best part of the msnbc coverage was when Chris Matthews refered to the POTUS as Obamney. That comment sure hit the bullseye!

  • Sonia - 12 years ago

    I am a women and was undecided until last night. Obama all the way. Romney are you serious!!!

  • goforit - 12 years ago

    What does a man of privilege know anything about middle class.He's never been there.
    Education- Private Schools never been in the public school system.Never been in trouble money wise.....................He acted like a HOT HEAD

  • James Spence - 12 years ago

    The segment on msnbc about boss pressure is very true.My boss rarely has a meeting relating to staff concerns yet after the first debate she gave a thirty minute talk about Romney's win.I personally thought Mr. Romney's nose might grow twenty nine feet over night.I assumed she opened up our workplace for election thoughts from all our staff so now I leave copies around my work area that tell the truth about some of the lies told in the first debate.Ha!If I get fired it will not be the first time.Ha!

  • Lou G - 12 years ago

    Last night should prove that Mitt Romney and his party do not want to Govern, they want to Rule.

  • dorothy alleyne - 12 years ago

    money doesn't give you PEDIGREE!!! Romneyhas no class!there is something dispicable,almost sinister about this man. his eyes betray him. there is almost an emptiness there.sometimes i wonder if he is human.he certainly has not demonstrated any humane characteristics.i hope the people see him for who he really is, a spoilt brat who inherited his wealthy lifesyle, STOLE from working class people and now has the audacity to say that they are victims.YES they are victims of your GREED.you, Ryan and the people with whomyou associate.

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    Totalism. Its not just for China and N. Korea anymore. It can be viewed right here on msnbc!

  • Deb from MA - 12 years ago

    I am from Massachusetts. It is "my" state not Mitt Romney's! Can everybody stop calling him governor, it is something we in MA would like to forget. Oh, I wonder if I am in one of his "binders"?? GO OBAMA!!!!

  • Deb from MA - 12 years ago

    I am from Massachusetts. It is "my" state not Mitt Romney's! Can everybody stop calling him governor, it is something we in MA would like to forget. Oh, I wonder if I am in one of his "binders"?? GO OBAMA!!!!

  • Vearnetta White - 12 years ago

    President Obama showed those watching the true traits of a leader, how to carry oneself as President of the United States, and what it takes to be Commander in Chief. Romney is so disrespectful, condescending, a BULLY, and a liar... We need to examine why it is so easy for him to lie, and lie so convincingly that he even believes what he says. President Obama, inspite of the disrespect and hate shown him throughout his term by some people and the GOP in particular, always acknowledges that he works for us all.

  • Rhonnie Phillips - 12 years ago

    I'm just curious. Why would a millionaire really care about the middle class & poor people. Why? Why? Sounds like to me Mitt he's just a control freak. Wonder how much of his own personal gain has he sacrificed and helped helpless people in the USA. He's talking about turning the US around ok Americans brace yourself this is going to be the ride of a lifetime if he becomes President.

  • Valerie - 12 years ago

    This is for Jason - go ahead and vote against yourself!

  • Romney 2012 - 12 years ago

    That's President Romney, to you LMFAO

  • Marianne Duvo - 12 years ago

    I have never in all my life (and I have been here awhile!) seen such hatred and disrespect for any president in my lifetime! It is damaging to our country to hear such belittling and demeaning ads and comments! If I were the President, I dont think I would want to run again but President Obama cares about the middle class and the young, uninsured, women, and people who are struggling and those people are why he is running, he is running for US!!

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    'If You Don't Have a Record To Run On, Then You Paint Your Opponent as Someone People Should Run From' - Barack Obama 2008

    This is exactly what he is doing. The media darling is being enabled to hide from his poor record. I am in the middle class and have seen a modest tax decrease but it has been erased by the doubling of gas prices, doubling of my electric bills, and although it hasn't doubled yet, my grocery bill is well on its way.

    The blatant lie on what happened in Benghazi should be enough to show this man is not presidential material but the media is covering up for him on this. For weeks he said the attack was caused by a you tube video. All of the sudden he says he called it terrorism the next day. Look at the transcript.....he was talking about 9/11/01.

    This administration and the media is full of pathological liars. How this President beat out Hillary is still beyond me. I have lost faith in my party.

  • Terry - 12 years ago

    The American men women and children won with this debate. Under the spotlights you can see a candidate's true colors. Only one was red, white and blue. I am very proud of my president .

  • Lean6 - 12 years ago

    Debate strategy against Mitt Romney -let him hang himself like he did over the course of the first debate and last night. If you tell one lie, you have to tell another one to cover it. After you've told as many lies as Mitt Romney, there's no way to keep track of them. It's way past time that President Obama ran on the merits of his record. Anybody who wasn't in a coma for the past four years saw what the GOP did in hijacking our democracy. I wholeheartedly believe this president did a phenomenal job...and the GOP can lay claim to none of it.

  • Romneytheliar - 12 years ago

    Romney...duh duh der der stutter stutter, Invest money and pay less taxes. lie lie
    President... Shut the hell up!
    Obama/Biden all the way.

  • ANNNO1FOOL - 12 years ago

    President Barrack Obama, was the winner of last nights debate. He got a lot of punches in on Mitt Romney. Romeny was so full of anxiety because, He just did not know how to respond to the facts as stated. He could not explain how his plans added up. The American people are not that stupid to just vote for him on his word . We have not been given any details of how he will do what they claim can be done and, he have lied too many times to believe that he will be truthful about them. We just can not trust him!!!

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    Yes, yes, yes!!! The President is back on his "A" game. The President discuss women, students, veterans, military and seniors in the debate, especially the 47%. He show honesty and educate Willard on every issue that Willard assume he knows, while Willard pour out his nastiness, igornance, stupidity, bully and a A**H**E at the same time. The President show respect toward Willard, but Willard came out not as the conservative but a nasty, selfish, disrespect CEO who want to control the debate. That's one CEO I don't want to work with. He is one of many CEO whose you indicate that "he's a nice guy on the outside, but on inside: not nice." His numbers of the unemployed went from 23 to 9 million, boy Willard really need back to school on math. His numbers I will give him an F-. And Paul Ryan he needs the same thing.

    President Obama keep up with your "A" game. There are a lot of supporters like me, who need you back in the White House for 4 more years. One more debate to "put the nail in the coffin on Willard"

    Then you have these whinners of Republicans who cannot accept that their boy LOST, LOST, LOST!!! They did bad, bad, bad. Both Willard and Ryan are dumb candidates who manuiplate their followers, and those idiots of CEO's who are Republicans and Talk Radio Show hosts, like Limbaugh who will take on the airways believe they got robbed. NO, NO, NO, both Willard and Ryan cannot and are not ready to take the number 1 and 2 of the highest position in this country. For Willard and Ryan, their words got worse when they speak.

  • TerryV - 12 years ago

    How many "middle class people or FAMILIES will be able to have a $25,000 "multiple choice" option to deduct their mortgage interest, charitable deductions, medical or we just all have incomes that include CAPITAL GAINS AND DIVIDENDS to get those big tax breaks RMoney was spouting last night to the "middle class"? Btwn my husband and me, we barely clear $53,000 before taxes!!! Romney lives in alternate universe and President Obama exposed this 100%!!! Look who has qualified women in HIS present cbainet and on top of it, appointed two WOMEN SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, one of which is Latina which is a first in US HISTORY!!! Four More years President Obama!!!! We voted for you in 2008 and proudly have sent back our early absentee ballots to do it AGAIN. Now to get to work on those Senate and HOUSE races folks and give our President a REAL Democratic majority to work with as contrary to the RW "big lie", we d/n even HAVE 60 dems in the Senate for almost 1 1/2 years.

  • Taylor - 12 years ago

    Of course President Obama won the debate last night, in my book he won the first one as well.
    I like seeing the fire in President Obama's eyes last night. Strong and steady, unlike Mitt.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    After the debate, Romney had to be airlifted to the closest hospital for treatment for this self-inflected wounds.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    Romney left with his tail behind his legs. He had to take a med flight to the closest hospital to receive treatments for his self-inflected wounds.

  • Karen Montgomery - 12 years ago

    I was so proud of My President last nite and Romney is just showing who he really is listen a liar can't keep lying at some point hes gonna forget what he said the last time. Last nite was proof lol.

  • Dispicable me - 12 years ago

    Binders full of women = cheaper work force

  • Jason - 12 years ago

    **Ive tried to see the good in Obama as President but he is not a good President. He has failed on the economy, education, budget, deficit and in the World Arena. Sorry liberals your wrong. Obama is not the man for the job.**

    If these extreme right wing Republicans would stop blocking forward movement in Congress, then Obama and the Democrats would be able to create more jobs and improve the economy even more than they already have. Check your facts Yvonne, and not on Fox News like Romney did before last night. You'll be surprised by what you find.

    Also, judging by your poor grammar and sentence structure, it seems education was failing before Obama took office. I'm going to guess it was when Bush was in office and set No Child Left Behind in motion.

  • Yolene - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is a disgrace to the American people. He is condescending and dehumanizing bigot. He showed no respect for his president and would be ashamed to have him as my president. His true colors came out last night, no matter what lies he put forward he is very transparent.

  • Romney2012 - 12 years ago

    Romney won, of course. Stop drinking the Koolaid! Wake up! Obama is a DISASTER!

  • Charleen Schuster - 12 years ago

    President Obama, did a great Job. He acted like a President. Romney acted rude and self-centered. He acts like "a God" Ruler, Boss, who cares about no one but himself! Watch "God Makers" movie on the internet or get the book by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt, and I am sure after you watch it you won't be voting for him! The Mormon Church like Romney thinks they have to Rule America! Thats why Romney wants to be President! He thinks women and Colored people are second class people!

  • Simone - 12 years ago

    Pres.Obama won with a landslide.
    If anyone remembers what W.M Romney said in an interview as accurately as I can remember
    " I stand by what I said whatever I said "
    Lets people ask him where he really, truly stands on each and every issue particularly
    when he has been for before he was against or vice versa on every issue during his campaign
    This is very scary.

  • Mac Mehta - 12 years ago

    President of course. He was prepared, and if he would have done same last debate race would be over! I heard Hateful Hannity claiming victory (already!) in Nov. He was making up lies just like Momoney Romoney! RoMONEY was trying to be bully like he was is his high school days! But president and Candy did not buckle under his bullying! Hope all republicats realize how bully he is and will be as a president(God forgive)!

  • Nicholas Packer - 12 years ago

    Obama gonna knock you out! (romney) Obama gonna Knock you Out! (mitt) Democrats finally unleased....Who let the Prez out? Who...Whoo...Whooo!!

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