Poll: Does Mitt Romney lack respect for the president?


  • James Wald - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney has no respect for anyone but himself, family, the GOP,and however give to his campane.

  • Rosemary - 12 years ago

    From day 1 of Obama's election to the Presidency 4 years ago, there has been nothing but disrespect. I finally asked some of my 'charitable' friends to stop sending all that hate mail to my inbox. Yesterday we passed "Queen of Peace" church with their sign out front reading: "Voting for the anti-Christ??" I'm so disappointed in my Catholic Church!

  • mattye douglass - 12 years ago

    The way MR ROMNEY talked to OUR PRESIDENT during the second debate and the way he stared him down with that raised eyebrow, made me feel third class. I can't imagine how PRES. OBAMA felt! Seems like MITT is the BAIN of our Existence! If he wins the WHITEHOUSE, may as well say WAHINGTON, DC is no longer our national capital-- it will be BAIN CAPITOL, USA!!

  • Izbp2 - 12 years ago

    ...I still want to see Romney's tax returns.

  • Izbp2 - 12 years ago

    Ed, do you know that Murray, the coal miner owner that supports Romney, was investigated a few years ago because of lack of safetty in one of his mines where 6 miners died ....

  • Robert Smith - 12 years ago

    What I knew as just a Nazi influence in the Republican party in 1960's seems to be a complete take over of the party. We need to see each of their birth certificates to see if they are Americans - they just might not be. I am an Independent who is not swayed by either party - just the facts, please.

  • Carol J Bolster - 12 years ago

    We need to have the auto company stop buying parts made in China and start making it ourselfs and the heck with Bain Capital and Romney. First time that I have been afraid of Republican tea party winning the election. Makes me wonder if they are really americans????

  • Robert Smith - 12 years ago

    No respect shown for the President that has done good things for America. All Republicans are mad because he is bringing America back from the abyss the Republicans and Bush administration put us in. I think it comes under "sour grapes'. Their racist attitude is obvious.

  • evetson2 - 12 years ago

    Not only are they disrespectful, they are deceitful. I would say to the ladies who were in the MSNBC focus group that said they leaned toward Romney because of his being the Gov. of Mass. They should look into his record as Gov. I think they would be surprised. Everyone should also look into Tagg's business. There is a very good article in the Nation mag. about it and his dealings.

  • Harvey B Tate - 12 years ago

    President Obama is the most disrespected president of all times!!!! No president is perfect and this country should be proud of this president because he represents us too the max too the world!! He is not perfect but he does have out standing family values and that is a very positive thing in these days and times!!!!

    If someone told me to go get the two biggest liars in the world--- I would have to go and get Mitt Romney TWICE!!!!

  • James Wald - 12 years ago

    It appears that disrespect runs in the family, considering what his son's remark was, that he would like to punch the president in the nose. That is almost like saying he would like to shoot the president (same difference), they should let him spent some time in jail to sorta regain some respect, if that is possible. Surely Mitt won't treat the 47% the same way. If this person should by chance win the election, we will probally be in a war before his four years are up. Just what this country needs another republican war, to help the rich line their pockets. Go ahead America vote Mr. personnally in office.

  • 4moreyears - 12 years ago

    President Obama wins either way on November 6th. He's in a win-win situation.

  • Daniel - 12 years ago

    As an American I am outraged at this president and his administration! In my oponion I respect the office of the presidency but I do not respect this president as a leader or a man!

  • Kate Crossle - 12 years ago

    Everyone in this country and around the world has now seen how Mitt Romney treats his president, President Barack Obama, with utter disrespect and hate. Now imagine how he will treat you or you or YOU, if he does not like what you have to say. What other president has been disrespected or humiliated like that in front of the entire world! Shame on those in our country and in our media for tolerating and encouraging such bad behavior. Is this the behavior we want the leader of our great country to display? The answer is NO! We are too classy a nation and Mitt Romney is not! We all must get out and vote on Nov.6th. Send a clear message to the world that we, as a great country ,do not accept this poor,rude, discriminating, bullying behavior. We do not accept it from our children and we will certainly not acceept it from someone who is running for president. As I have said before, Mitt Romney has chosen to ignore the fact that President Obama is the President, not running for it. He has earned and deserves all the respect that comes with the job!

  • I VOTE! - 12 years ago

    Romney respects no one he can't represent us because he can only listen to himself and maybe his religion! What a bully and self centered ass! How could he possibly negotiate with other world leaders when he talks out of both sides of his mouth and has to he the first middle and last word on everything?!

  • BurnDady - 12 years ago

    @ drzen

    "So you think that you've seen it all
    Is that a fact?
    So out your mouth a dictionary
    Spouts about this and that
    You got your do's, your don'ts
    Because and why
    I don't trust no one who don't
    Take their own advice "

  • No Excuses Reqrd - 12 years ago

    The behaviors exhibited by Mitt and Tagg Romney are disrespectful not only to the office of President but to our country as a whole. I have never been so disgusted. Frankly, Tagg should be held accountable as I recall threatening the POTUS to be a arrestable offense. They feel they live by different rules. Maybe the American people should show them this is not the case. Why in the world would you want to hold an office you have no respect for and represent a nation of people you clearly disregard at every opopportunity? Are these the values being taught at the Mormon church? I don't trust him with my ovaries, my education, or anything else for that matter as he has shown himself to be a political acrobat.

  • G - 12 years ago

    I live in Albuquerque, NM and as I travel weekly busy common streets in various areas of the city, I see commercial construction which I have been told leads to residential construction. So I believe the recent empolyment rates. I do not believe Romeny is concerned about me or my family; I am not in the top 1 % percent or even the top 25 % percent. I am a teacher and will vote for Obama, even if he decides to go by his middle name.

  • Michelle - 12 years ago

    Can you just imagine Mitt Romney at a International Summit? How well would America's Foreign Policy fare after that?

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    The republican party is blatantly disrespectful. From yelling "you lie" to voter supression. They have disrespect for everyone including themselves. They attempt to backup all lies by a candidate they don't really support. The Romney family shares in lies like others in family dinners. Republicans take no accountability! When Romney said 47% they ran faster than Ryan in a marathon. When he won the first debate with a lie a second, they rallied around him. Now when he is dumb enough to proceed in a lie and is caught in a lie about "acts of terror" republicans scramble to twist words to make the fit their agenda. They are the definition of insanity. Keep lying until it becomes the truth or until someone can force a square peg in round hole. Keep forcing the peg and maybe the edges will fall off. Then you can pretend it was round in the first place. If it doesn't fit just quit lying! SMH

  • Sharon Isaac - 12 years ago

    The republicans are a set of hypocrites, they only voted for the President in 2008 because they wanted to redeem themselves, because they knew that the voter's would not have voted for them, due to the fact that Bush had already screwed the U.S, and Iraq. They could have voted for Mrs. Clinton, but they voted for the black man, so that they can throw all the blame on him. Since President Obama became president, the first thing they said, was that he will be a 1 term president. Then the congress decided to hold up any progress, so that he can be called a failure. How can you reach across the isle, when all is aiming for the same goal. This election is not only about two guys running for office, it is also racially motivated. Apparently no one doesn't want to admit it, but the truth shall soon be revealed. Those people (republicans) have always been against the blacks excelling in America, and I am not excluding the chocolate chips, who forgot the road they past. President Obama has been being disrespected since he has been elected, and it's not going to stop until he is removed from office. (sadbuttrue)

  • AS - 12 years ago

    I think president Obama has done a lot for the country it was a complete mess when he took office. It took 8 years for Bush to ruin the economy and people think Obama can fix things in 4 years sorry but I think it will take longer. I hope Obama gets back in office.

  • ljlu - 12 years ago

    Mitt has proven he will say and do anything except tell truth or have convictions of character to take a stand on anything. This proves he'll do and say anything to win because THAT is all he cares about. Not people, humanity or country!! Mitt isn't ready for leadership or handling delicate foreign affairs. Will have us in 3-4 wars for corp profit w/in first year if people stupid enough to elect him.Obama 2012.

  • zeima taylor - 12 years ago

    What l can say to Romny you can be rich but you have no class. It is not to late to go to finishing school. You need to respect other's to be respected.

  • BigIronCruiser - 12 years ago

    In terms of this presidential race, Romney has to treat Obama as an "opponent" rather than the "President", and he wouldn't be doing voters any favors by sitting there like a potted plant. There's little doubt that he respects the "office" of the president, and I'm sure he would behave accordingly in other circumstances. Those who think Romney's behavior is out of line should reflect on the way Obama has thrown cheap shots at Bush for the last 4 years! At least Obama has an opportunity to defend himself.

  • Juanita Rose Tyler - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney can try to act like he's a bully all he wants. I think his behavior only highlights what is reallly inside of him and that is an extreme weakness he's ashamed of. Why else would a grown man lie and try to carry on like he does? Mitt your bulllying looks soft. Be careful the world might find out.

  • Time For Real Change - 12 years ago

    Very sorry that people are so ignorant that they must try and tear apart relegion and family to attempt to make a point.

  • Ros - 12 years ago

    Obama have the comforting heart and concern for the people of America. Romney have the coldness and detachment of a self-centered boss.

  • Ashamed - 12 years ago

    Ed you have some nerve to take the term "binder" into an issue and takevitvoutvof context as you are, when you have called women especially republican women named that no real man would ever dare to. You are a one of the biggest hipocrits in television. "He who is without sin cast the first stone" I guess you have never read the Word. I guess you should start.

  • angella rose - 12 years ago

    mitt Romney is a bulle and a lier he is very disrespectful meen have atered in is heart and said that he is a christain that bull, if rommey win this election lot of people going to suffer because he is for the rich the rich shall be richer and the poor shall be poorer. that what rommey see this country he dos'nt care about woman becasue he dont have any daughter only five boys

  • Char - 12 years ago

    Romney believes the same way his Mormon Church believes! He plans on controling America and control all of us! He thinks already he is a "GOD" like his church believes! According to the Mormon church the reason Colored people are not white because they are the children of CAIN, and White people came from ABLE. White people are superior according to Mormons! Watch the movie (Video on the internet) God Makers Movie! Then I am sure you won't vote for Romney!

  • Susan - 12 years ago

    Entitlement is a diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Romney is dangerous.

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    What a sorry group of losers that has to bash on someone's family to try and score political points. Absolutely pathetic!

  • Ashamed - 12 years ago

    Your all idiots

  • Herbert - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney's disrespect for President Obama may have more to do with his religious affiliation than you suspect. It was not long ago that the Mormon church believed dark skinned people were evil. If you think I'm kidding you need to educate yourself about the history of LDS. Moreover, blacks could not become priests in their church until recent times. I really don't have their same beliefs, but facts don't lie!!!

  • G Williams - 12 years ago

    It doesn't have to be illegal for a Boss to tell his employees how to vote. It's an Ethics Issue. Romney wants to hold the highest office in the country, and he's simply unethical. But, why should we be surprised, Romney didn't have ethics to begin with. He says it's his faith that inspires him. He's Pathetic, and come November 6, he'll be toast. We'll all be single 'ding dong, the d--- is gone'

  • STOPIT - 12 years ago


  • NoName - 12 years ago

    President Barack Obama is rocking that white shirt and white bow tie at the dinner tonight.
    Rock on Mr. President.

  • Tara - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney ,is a my way our the highway, and aim and ask questions later which ever way the wind blows that is the way I will go will say nothing or do anything to help the less fortunate , but will say any and everything just so that he can have the word President in front of his name a title, that is all it would be for me , because he would definitely do nothing for us "middle class"

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    I am stun that so many women will vote against their own interest because of their prejudices and their pardoners being against the President. We have fought wars in Afghanistan and Irag for Democracy. You scream about possible Sharia Law, but you will go by the most strict conservative laws ever. Going back to the twenties and thirties. Also don't listen to that garbage about the Debt. Your children will endup making more money than you do now. They will makeout fine. What won't be fine is your girls,having to start over again fighting for their reproductive rights, their equal pay rights. The health bill is good for regular people. Big money doesn't like the bill and will talk common folk into disliking it also. The insurance companies can't make big money keeping folk out that have preexiting conditions. They will throw that Debt thing in our faces again. HELP REGULAR PEOPLE ..VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA. You know he has had a harder time than any president in resent memory. Congress being against him every step of the way.

  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    Mitt is clearly an arrogant, self righteous, spoiled rich kid which carried into his adulthood. He would never respect President Barack Obama because he knows that the President is a very smart intelligent man who loves his family and the people. I believe Mitt tried to push his buttons during the debates to make him lose his temper but it didn't work! The President has so much integrity that the mighty Mitt can't break him. FOUR MORE YEARS FOR PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!!!!

  • Dianne - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney has no respect for President Obama. Mitt's sons can only follow what their father has shown them. MITT DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT HIMSELF. Look how he sent his wife on the View alone today. I remember Mrs. Romney stating that she's concerned about Mitt's "state of mind". For Mrs. Romney to make that statement it had to be Mitt's behaviors or communication to her. Mitt demands "power and control" over others. Mitt lacks self-control. Just look at his interaction during the second debate with President Obama. Mitt has shown America his lack of self-control. My concerns are with Mitt's family because they have to deal with his lack self-control not . Mitt's sons are only exhibiting behaviors that Mitt has shown. America does not have to to deal with Mitt!!!!!!!!VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA.

  • UJohnson - 12 years ago

    My perspective, Mitt Romney's behavior is that of a bully. Bullies only care about self. In both debates, he disrespected the moderators and the President by not obeying the protocol. Bullies create an atmosphere of fear to intimdate others into conforming and complying with what they want and not what is in the best interest of others.

  • Lou G - 12 years ago

    The only time Mitt Romney would have respect (Ha) for the Presidenty of the US is if he were President and even then he would not like to be considered as President but THE CEO. A CEO that is not to be question.

  • drzen - 12 years ago

    Bush Derangement Syndrome is alive and well as evidenced by this poll's results and comments.

  • Achille - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is a fake... Mitt Romney is a LIAR... Mitt Romney is a man without conviction... Mitt Romney Changes positions more than he changes shirts... Mitt Romney believes in everything and anything... Mitt Romney is ungrateful... Mitt Romney is dishonest... America deserves better than Mitt Romney for president. Mitt Romney claimed that he can create twelve million jobs by giving tax cut to "jobs creators", giving them more money. Mrs. Romney let me tell you that more money in the pockets of the 1% does not create jobs. What creates jobs is the DEMAND (101 economics): Given the middle class more money (tax breaks) to spend will create the demand which creates the need to produce more gods which creates the need to hire more people to make/fabricate/produce the god.

  • Terri - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney's response to equal pay for equal work maybe wasn't so obscure as one may think; was he making a case (spurious though it is) for why he doesn't believe in equal pay, i.e., women need to leave early from work to make dinner and take care of children; therefore, since they need flexibility in the workforce, they certainly cannot be paid for "equal" work. I think he abandoned
    this "logic" when he say how it would be received. This man is clueless, and I hope women in
    particular wake up before it's too late.

  • John Stalions - 12 years ago

    Obviosly Mr. Romney does not respect Obama, but that is not a special status in Romney world. I think he has clearly shown his disdain for pretty much every demographic on the planet, with the possible exclusion of old white guys who make or give him money.

  • Tia - 12 years ago

    WHY are we not hearing that Romney's son just commited a class D felony for threatening to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States????? Must be nice to have really, really deep pockets.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    We have people who does not follow the rules, regulations, or laws in the society they live in at althe time.
    - In the early day we call these "The outlaws, they had very little education".
    - In the 2oth century we call them "The mafia, they have some education"
    - In the 21st century we should call them "The White Collar Criminal, they have good education and well organized, but they do not have conscience".

  • Toni - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is a very rude bully, used to getting his own way and rolling over everyone else since he feels superior and entitled.
    Besides which he is an ignorant person in many areas -- just look at all the problems he caused on his overseas trip and I've never heard him utter an intelligent statement.
    I guess his dad paid for him to graduate -- he might be a good businessmen but has no political skills and is trying to take this country back to the 50's.
    And what ever happened to separation of church and state -- he has no right to get involved in women's reproductive rights -- that's up to the individual women.
    He would have us in another war in no time -- he has no foreign affair knowledge or skill and constantly lies and changes his positions.
    He was extremely rude and bullying to both the President and the moderator in both debates and is the worst candidate for the office of the President in my lifetime.

  • Tara - 12 years ago

    My mother , who is a cancer survivor (Thank God) of 5 years now of both liver and colon and my son , who had to have open heart surgery at the age of 4 ( That by the grace of God) had a successful surgery and is here today. I would hate to even imagine that If I had the insurance that I am on now with my son and with my mom, under the Romney /Ryan plan , no telling we're they would be. I just believe that at some point in a persons life, wether you are successful are not

  • steph Emmons - 12 years ago

    In my opinion, Tag Romney, threatened the president of the United States with his comment about wanting take a swing at President Obama. He knew it and commented about the Secret Service being present. None of my adult children would Ever be so arrogant, let alone in the world's view! SPOILED ROTTEN KID!

    Mr. Romney's behavior at the second debate reminded me of a CEO or upper management reprimanding an underling in a corporate situation. We do NOT need a CEO or Boss of the United States, but a president that's is in full control of himself, fair minded, intelligent, and completely aware of 100 % of our nation's people. That is 100 % and nothing less.

  • SANFOR - 12 years ago


  • Margie - 12 years ago

    If Romney should govern the country he's past actions would show the international world that he has no respect for the President who governs the highest set in the land But when you're losing you become a disrespectful bully

  • drzen - 12 years ago

    There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.

  • Ginny - 12 years ago

    Romney shows disrespect for the President and for all the American people with his habitual lies, distortions and flipflopping. How can anyone believe anything he says when everyday brings a new "correction" on his position. The idea that he thinks Americans are so dumb they can't see this is a grand insult.

  • Lisa - 12 years ago

    Romney was not only disrespectful to the President and Candy. How can he run for an office that he so clearly disrepects??? Furthermore, he demeaned women. Period. He thinks we don't have the capability to make our own choices about our healthcare and our bodies. He does not believe we are smart enough to earn equal pay. This man is discriminatory in every way possible. Come on girls, is this reallllly who we want in the White House? He demeaned us, disrespected us, and says we are stupid and don't deserve the same pay. All you have to do is just listen between his lines.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    Not only was he disrespectful,in his taped messaage about the 47% Americans he told that group how to be a terrorist and blow up Chicago! Why isn't anyone talking about it!

  • B Marshal - 12 years ago

    Romney has no respect for our president, our country, our vetrans, the poor & middle class, women, students or the elderly. He has continually lied to everyone about everything and is so arrogantly egotistic that he thinks the'47%' are too blind and deaf to understand. The Bible says that 'the love of money is the root of all evil.' Romney is the living example of this verse. Is this what the Mormon church teaches- lying, cheating, disrepect and disregard of others-- if so he learned his lessons well. We need to VOTE as if our lives depend on because THEY DO!" OBAMA--BIDEN 2012

  • Hillary - 12 years ago

    There are none better than EntitleMitt

  • drzen - 12 years ago

    So let me get this straight, if Romney becomes President he will deserve your respect. I doubt he will receive his due if this indeed becomes true.

  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    If President Obama had a son that said the same thing Mitt Rommey's son said.
    President Obama's son would be all in the news papers and probably arrested for a threat
    against the President of The United States.

  • Marie Kunkle - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney has been the most disrespectful candidate to the President. Something I have never seen in my 60years as a voter. Like father, like son, and his son should apologize to the President as the American people will not be satisfied until that is done. The Romney's have shown they feel entitled to the Presidency..... can do anything, say anything (all the lies Romney has told has shown that) without any reprisal and get away with it. Well, surprise, surprise, the American people do not feel the same and he will not be elected President if we women can help it and we are working diligently to see that he is not elected.
    Mitt Romney is a weak sister and a coward as he sent his wife out to defend him on the program,"The View." LOL We don't need a coward who needs to be protected by his wife. What a sissy. Can't stand the heat, huh! Willard. You are not worthy of being President of the United States.

  • k.garrity - 12 years ago

    Let's not cut are own throats! Make sure we get B.O. back in for 4 more years.

  • Barrow Lunalilo - 12 years ago

    Yes Mitt Romney is very disrespectful. I feel it should be looked into about the comment his son made because truly if it would have been you or I we sure as would have gotten a visit from the Secret Service. Threatening the President of the United States is a class D felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871[1]. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States". Does this not apply to everyone?

  • Valady - 12 years ago

    No. The whole Romney clan are the most disrespectful people I've ever seen. While watching the debate the other night I could've jumped thru the tv because of the total lack of respect that Romney showed Our President and Commander and Chief. Romney is nothing but a liar and will destroy women's rights, the middle class and the good reputation of this country. God help us all (99%) if he gets elected. I encourage anyone who is undecided to read the Republicans 2012 platform and see just how radical they really are.

  • philo - 12 years ago

    I have never seen such a pathetic self disgusting human being like Mitt. Americans please please I do ask yo, lets not let such a self centered animal get into the white house. He is so disrespectful we don't want our children to grow up with that kind of attitude towards humanity.

  • Yvonne Watarai - 12 years ago

    I hate to play the race card, but in my opinion, Romney wouldn't dare treat the President of the United States with such disrespect if Obama was white. Imagine the public outcry if the roles were reversed and Obama was the challenger. A sad commentary indeed!

  • Obama/Bidenagainin2012 - 12 years ago

    The whole GOP party has disrespect for our great President Barack Obama...
    Evil never wins and this is why the republicans will be losers on Nov. 6.

  • Dolores - 12 years ago

    Pres. Obama and Veep were both very disrespectful at their debates! What was so funny about any of this? The President should also be showing respect for his opponent instead of smirking in the background. This no game!!! Don't tell me you didn't notice!
    Are any of you listening and thinking???
    If someone called your father a liar, you would want to take a swing at them also!!! He was asked the question - everyone would have responded in like manner without intending to get physical !!!
    Come on, call on the Secret Service - - you are being nonsensical!!!!!
    In case no one noticed, Pres. Obama also shows that he feels entitled to make fun of anyone who doesn't fawn over him!!!
    Oh, and let's see - how should we take it when our President is heard whispering to the leader of Russia that he will have more latitude after the election. Latitude to do what?????? What does he expect to run over Congress and us with after the election ???

  • Donna J. - 12 years ago

    President Barak Obama has been disrespected from day one. I'm glad Romney's son only said he wanted to take a swing and didn't make the mistake of doing it because the Secret Service would have been the least of his worries1, IDIOT.

  • Someoneinthefall - 12 years ago

    Quick to swing @ the POTUS but wouldn't defend the country.Not one of the five boys.

  • jelliott - 12 years ago

    mitt has no respect for himself;he cant respect anyone else. what GOD does he serve.

  • Kim - 12 years ago

    Mittens lacks respect for Everyone.

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    Like father, like son. Willard has shown his son Tagg how to be mean and selfish no matter who they are. When I saw Willard's wife on "The View" she shows disrespect, especially towards Joy, whom I like her intelligence than Ann. I'm waiting for Ann to morph into the angry, white women but she turn green. Her taste in clothes is awful, who pick out her clothes? Ann doesn't know nothing about women's issues, and having Ann instead of Willard on the show, indicate disrepect for women, since Willard indicate that Barbara, Whoopie, Joy, Sherrie and Elizabeth are too risky for him. Pure chicken.

    It's pathetic that Willard has the CEO ego hanging with him. Seeing the ego at work in two debates shows how Willard will run this country. Cold blooded with no remorse. If Willard want to be CEO again, create a company that make money, since Willard claims he has 25 years of experience. No one want a CEO as President, a President must represent all people with kindness and inspiration, not being mean and rude. Willard has taught his family to express their viewpoints, no matter who hears it. But when you gone too far to disrespect the President, you are being childish.
    Tagg is a grown man, stop being a babyand grown up because when you say disgusting words in public, you have shown your true colors.
    Just like daddy!!!!!!!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    I think we expect too much of a man who raid thousand of middle class workers' life saving and hide the loots overseas!

  • Ann - 12 years ago

    Last week a bullet was shot through the glass pane of an Obama campaign office in Colorado. Not cool at all for Tagg Romney to invoke violent thoughts! NOT COOL AT ALL. Now we know at least three Romney family members are bulley's, shameful.

  • Marie Kunkle - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney has been the most disrespectful candidate to the President. Something I have ever seen in my 60years as a voter. Like father, like son, and his son should apologize to the President as the American people will not be satisfied until that is done. The Romney's have shown they feel entitled to the Presidency..... can do anything, say anything (all the lies Romney has told has shown that) without any reprisal and get away with it. Well, surprise, surprise, the American people do not feel the same and he will not be elected President if we women can help it and we are working diligently to see that he is not elected.
    Mitt Romney is a weak sister and a coward as he sent his wife out to defend him on the program,"The View." LOL We don't need a coward who needs to be protected by his wife. What a sissy. Can't stand the heat, huh! Willard. You are not worthy of being President of the United States.

  • Erica - 12 years ago

    I really did not know much about Mitt Romney, but after the first debate he left a disfavor able view in my eyes. But the second debate did it for me. He seems very rude, too aggressive with disrespect, follow his own rules, listens to no one but Mitt. That's the real Mitt under the surface. I was really disappointed in his actions.

  • k.garrity - 12 years ago

    Mitt and his family believe there better then the rest of us.

  • karla - 12 years ago

    Since Pres. Obama has taken office the white robes have been on.... The attacks and disrespect that the pres. has endured since day one from the republicans is outrageous and all of them who have tried to make him a 1 term pres need to go...our country is in great debt and we don't have money to pay for these self absorbed individuals who are not working for the people of this country… and to think there is even a concern that this man, who is so…disrespectful, short sighted and self absorbed and who doesn’t respect women’s rights is closing the gap (according to poles ) and in the running.… What does that say about the people in this country? I find it sad and wonder where the hope is for our (USA) future.

  • STOPIT! - 12 years ago

    It's funny how they disrespect the office that they want SO BAD. Talk about entitlement they are the epitome of entitlement. They are all liars. Anybody that vote for these people have no clue of what's going on. How dare this person feel like he can say anything about our POTUS. Liars, cheaters and deceivers and anyone who thinks that these people care about them they should think again without seeing the POTUS color.

  • Rosemary - 12 years ago

    Not only does Romney lack Respect for him as President, the Whole Republican Party does not Respect this man as President of the United States. Tagg is only taking a Cue from his Dad on his Attitude.

    The Republican Party has become a Total Disgrace and a Political Party in this Country. Bush was a terrible President, but the Office was Respected and NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE DARED CRITIZE BUSH when this Country was under attack in any form or fashion. But, Romney and the Republican Party and Congressional Leaders do not find it ANY PROBLEM WHATSOEVER TO UNDERMIND President Obama whether he is speaking in front of a Joint Session of Congress or Representing this Country Overseas.

    There is a saying in the Bible since the Republican Party are the BIBLE THUMPERS of modern Times and the rest of us are heathens. You "Reap what you Sow" and Romney and their CABAL of Republicans, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and any other NIMRODS THAT are part of this OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY are definitely doing that.

    There will be a Republican back in the White House Again, Like Karl Rove, said of Democrats, I personally NEVER want to see another Republican As President, they cannot Govern and the Country is worse off in terms of Getting along Culturally, because of all of their DIVISIVENESS. The Other Reason is that they will have done SO MUCH DAMAGE to the Office of the Presidency, that respect around the World will be Diminished.

    Anytime you have a Candidate out there supporting Corporate Heads to INTIMIDATE EMPLOYEES into whom they should vote for is BEYOND, Human Decency and Not what this Country was built on.

    The is only one of the MORE EGREGIOUS THINGS put into play by a Republican Party is TOTALLY UNRECOGNIZABLE in their HATE for this President and the Minions they are inspiring with this Hate from Federal Judges with racist emails, to Billboards and Entertainers openly Talking about committing Harm on this President.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - He is another bully Thomas Petterffly !

  • Diane - 12 years ago

    Mitt disrespects anyone who isn't Rich, White and male. BTW, hate the new format.

  • TENNY - 12 years ago

    Romney is arrogant and narcissistic. He [maybe] respects those in his 1% circle. He is a throwback to the white male supremacy era so it galls him that there is a Black man in the White House. Romney is one of those frightened old white men who are so insecure that they will resort to violent and drastic measures to try to sustain their quickly eroding status. He is a danger to our country and our basic rights because he will trample on any idea that does not promote him and his ideology.

  • Nicole - 12 years ago

    NO RESPECT!!!!!!! For the President, I want to clime through they t.v. and take a swing at Mitt Romney.....Lol :-)

  • Jane a - 12 years ago

    He has a lack of respect for anyone that can't move his agenda (whatever) that is) forward?

  • gbrown - 12 years ago

    Not only Mitt and family, but the entire far right. Been voting since the 70's. Never seen anything like it. Did we all time travel back to the 60s?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - What do you expect from the bullies?

  • naeem - 12 years ago

    ED please say something about Tgg's Comment.His comment should be regarded as a threat and he should be ban from third debate..

  • drzen - 12 years ago

    Obviously, the majority of those commenting here have no respect for a presidential candidate. How Hypocritical.

  • Jennell Crump - 12 years ago

    The level of disrespect Romney showed the President during the debate was blatant and the apple doesn't fall from the tree. This family is the worst-elitist, entitled and evil!

  • Rhinard Speir - 12 years ago

    The whole Romney family disrespects this whole country. The Binder story reminds me of a Frasier episode where the candidate Fraiser is backing tells him he had been abducted by aliens. I can't believe this moron(Romney) is even in the running for president. Ron Paul would have made a better candidate. There is somthing really wrong about the whole Romney campaign. I don't think Romney was born on earth, much less this country. And the comment from Romney's son about taking a swing at the President. He needs to think about all the people that his dad has put out of work and what them and their kids would like to do to his dad!!!! Romney is nothing but a back stabbing liar and thief. Come on and take a swing at me., please!

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is the most brilliant person he knows- don't believe it, listen to him tell the POTUS, shut up 'til I finish telling you how much smarter I am than you.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Paul Ryan said about many women still looking for job and blame the POTUS, Congressman Ryan should look at the mirror to find who was the guilty party! Shame on you Paul Ryan!
    - Paul Ryan should look in the mirror to find who is trying to steal funds from Medicare to replace the tax cuts to the rich?

  • Akua Appiasam - 12 years ago

    mitt romney is so rudddee. I cant even believe he thinks he is good enough to become president of the united states. Just the way he treats President Barack Obama its just horrible.And the way his son tagg said that comment.Its a true reflection of how his parents raised him.

  • Kathryn O McHenry - 12 years ago

    I never have seen so much undeserved disrespect for a public figure as Pres. Obama has suffered. I am inclined to think that he, as a black man, has been conditioned over the years to refrain from verbally confronting others, mainly whites, (regardless of who is at fault) because of the possible consequences. Our country should be ashamed of itself for taking part in this AND for allowing it.

  • Linda Bourne - 12 years ago

    It is a disgrace the amount of disrespect Romney is showing the president. In fact is even a bigger disgrace the way the whole Republican Party disrespected the president from the time he took office. He is everyone's President and should be treated with Respect whether or not you voted for him or what party you are from.

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