Will Mitt Romney’s economic policies destroy the American middle class?


  • Laura - 11 years ago

    it should have been ankle irons rhtaer than platinum parachutes with the level of corrupt practices the previous govt performed, not that the current one has changed anything much for the benefit of the people who want create jobs, and help rebuild our once great little nation and get us back into the top 20 OECD nations again.Why is it Holden that you assume right wingers hate science and knowledge? Is it a blanket hatred? Or is it just a hatred of corrupted scientists and their phoney results?Are you basing your knowledge on the bible belt of America and some of those people having a belief in Creationism, and categorising them as right wingers? Would you consider a muslim capitalist a right winger? Their holy book describes embryology and cell structures and all manner of biological science. Is someone who believes in evolution too intelligent to be a right winger? Are all those capitalists who developed every advancement e.g. medicines, treatments, computers, software, fertilisers, efficiency enhancing or problem solving devices etc. and took them to market for the betterment of mankind whilst earning a buck for their efforts, are they all left wingers because they believed in a piece of science or knowledge, and hence they were obviously too bright to be Right winger creationist Neanderthals?

  • Del - 12 years ago

    I read a blog that says there was a surplus under Reagan, must have been intoxicated with news at Fox. Get some facts and it will tell you,it was President Clinton that we've had a big surplus not President Reagan.Infact , the records show that the biggest deficits are under Republican administrations. You know why, it's because the party likes going to war and huge tax cuts for the top 1 and 2% without balancing the budget first.Now, they even like to increase the military spending again,even if the Pentagon is not asking for it, plus tax cuts of course that will help Romney and his big contributors.

  • Del - 12 years ago

    I read a blog that says there was a surplus under Reagan, must have been intoxicated with news at Fox. Get some facts and it will tell you,it was President Clinton that we've had a big surplus not President Reagan.Infact , the records show that the biggest deficits are under Republican administrations. You know why, it's because the party likes going to war and huge tax cuts for the top 1 and 2% without balancing the budget first.Now, they even like to increase the military spending again,even if the Pentagon is not asking for it, plus tax cuts of course that will help Romney and his big contributors.

  • j keplinger - 12 years ago

    I am so tired of this liberal mindset of "republican elitist" and "rich republican". Open your MSnbc narrowed minds and realize that most politicians are rich, dems and republicans. Do any of you realize that all of them have offshore accounts with investments in foreign countries for tax benefits. seriously, do you really believe that mitt romney and republicans are the only ones that do this. i feel sad for the ones who only watch MSnbc, please be honest with yourselves and stop saying such stupid things. MY god, really, have you been asleep for the last four years.

  • Mac - 12 years ago

    This poll proves clearly once again that the most dangerous thing in America is an uneducated voter.
    If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you were not a racist then vote for Romney to prove you're not stupid. Obama has added 6 trillion to our debt, more than the debt created by all the Presidents that preceeded him; he seceretly bypassed Congress and exectuted 934 Executive Orders, to take total control of this country if he declares martial law; he has hired over 15,000 IRS agents to administer his unwanted healthcare plan and aid in implementing his plan for redistributing wealth.
    He has added 14 million to food stamp roles. He has forced the poor to learn to enjoy excessive unemployment rather than find meaningful work thus creating that 47% who have so dependent upon this government that to vote against him is to vote against themselves.
    He is guilty of destroying over 200 years of a whole host of freedoms that has been so incrementally done that most of America is in the dark about this man and what's at stake in this election if God forbid this man is somehow re-elected.
    Please America, see the recently released documentary movie "2016" before you make a voting mistake that may doom this great country.

  • kris kemp - 12 years ago

    Wow have you people been absent the last 4 yrs. Obama has done nothing, unless you are on welfare. Obamacare is a joke just like his presidency is.

  • Janet - 12 years ago

    I love this forum...I can act like a child, ignore what my mother taught me, and call people names because they don't agree with me. What fun!

    Thank you all for a good laugh!

  • Marta - 12 years ago

    This needs to be the headlines of every newspaper, news website, and tv news station and repeated over and over. I hope the President talks about this Monday night.

  • betty-j konrad - 12 years ago

    I am a Canadian and you may feel that it is none of my business but all I can say is. Open your eyes. Gov. Romney is NOT the right man for the job. If Gov. Romney is voted in god help the American people because he will be sitting high on the Mountain and you will all be his minions because he has absolutely no respect for anyone that does not have a 7 or 8 digit income. Please vote wisely your livelyhood depends on it. GO OBAMA AND BIDEN you guys did great the last four years, we could use you here in Canada.

  • stan - 12 years ago

    I haven't had a raise in 6 years. I remember my mom being a stay at home mom and they raised a family of 8 on 1 income. We are headed back to slavery and civil war.by the way, I was told to vote rep. Too, or no more raises.

  • Diane - 12 years ago

    I don't want someone who saids that they are for "me" in the public eye, but really is AGAINST me behind closed doors. I see enough of this on a daily basis, especially at the WORK place! I want a LEADER that DOESN'T avoid REALITY and supports more than 47% of me!!! PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA YOU HAVE 100% OF MY #VOTE!!!!

  • Larry - 12 years ago

    If you idiots only watch msnbc you only get half the story. Same way if you only watch fox. Need to watch both to get a true assessment of what is going on. All networks are good at spinning the truth.

  • Larry - 12 years ago

    And msnbc is non partial...

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    He's a tax cheat!!! Its why he won't release his taxes, cause he knows he'll take heat for it!!! He evades taxes by offshoring his money,, thats not a man who is bullish on his country, he rather put his money to work in slave labor, where the workers don't have regulations to protect them. Pile 'em up in bunks and pay 'em .99 cents a day,, give them a day off per month so they can air the place out and hose it down!!!

    Sounds like something straight out of the Gulag's if you ask me... That's who this guy is!!! And he wants us to walk off that plank without saying one damn word about what he wants to do.

    Don't be a damn fool!!! He's been running for the White House for years now so that he can set things up so he can make even more money!!!

    Don't let 'Willard The Rat' sell you some Bad Cheese!!!

  • P-Sout - 12 years ago


  • angelika - 12 years ago

    romney is no good 4 so many things there are 2 many things 2 write down @ would take 2 much of my time ... but my question is ... " what is he good 4 "???

  • P-Sout - 12 years ago

    Romney hides his money off-shore, doesn't pay income taxes on it, and he wants us to think that he is a patriotic American and loves this country?? How can people be so blind to this??

  • M Rodriguez - 12 years ago

    You saw for yourself the proof today. What don't you understand?
    He can't hide who he is now. No one can be that blind.

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    @Angelika,,, Thank you Dear Lady for saying that! I have seen that look in his eyes also. The man has no soul... His God is money...

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Hey wow 1.7 cola next year, for me about 23 dollars, that will help. Still grateful for S.S.
    God bless the seniors and the disabled, oh that's right, were called the 47% victims. Yah Romney for poop scooper.

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    Bush rolled back the tax rates for the rich and what did they do? They went on a binge of laying off people to the tune of 800,00 jobs a month!!! They say that the taxes are the highest in the U.S. than anywhere else on the planet and they need the Bush tax cuts to stay in place to stimulate the economy, so that business leaders would open up their wallets and spur job creation, so we got tricked again... Now,, Willard thinks that taxes are still too high and wants to lower them again.

    If you buy that line of Bullcrap then you really must be some kind of fool! P.T. Barnum did say: "There's a sucker born every minute!" But that was a long time ago and I think about 50 years ago or so we need to adjust that formula to every 10 seconds or so cause there seem to be so many of them today!!!

  • POCAHONTAS - 12 years ago


  • M Rodriguez - 12 years ago

    If you saw today's Freeport program please text or email your friends at work and comment in your local newspapers about it so that everyone knows what's in store for this country if Romney gets into office. I would like to see Obama go to Freeport so that he can shed more light on this backstabbing of American workers by Romney and what will be more to come if we don't go out and vote for Obama. Just think, if he can do this so blatant during the elections what wouldn't he do if he became president.

  • angelika - 12 years ago

    i was born in germany in 1929 i came to the U.S.A in 1958 ... When i was 19 years old my father told me about going to america , my father said this "My dear child one day america will be just 4 the rich" P.S mit romney is totaly nuts he is devil he has the eyes of a devil .....

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    @Capt. America, so you think that a guy with an entire tube of Brill Cream in his hair, and who talks to the President of the United States like someone who cleans out the stable of his wife's horse, or someone who shines his shoes, who is part of the problem instead of the solution when it come to the job situation is really going to look out for middle class when he says he's not going to tell you what his plan is until you elect him???

    Hey,, I'll let you ride my Unicorn but it'll cost you!

  • Capt America - 12 years ago

    @Kathleen For current seniors, there is NO CHANGE to Social Security and Medicare under the Romney plan. I don't care who you vote for. But its important that you investigate for yourself and not listen to the scare tactics. So to put your mind at ease, I repeat: For current seniors, there is NO CHANGE to Social Security and Medicare under the Romney plan.

  • M Rodriguez - 12 years ago

    Romney first, the American people last. He sold out American jobs to China to line his own pockets. I also heard he took the American flag down at his company so as not to offend the Chinese. Could this be true? This would prove he is a sell out to Americans and UNAMERICAN. How can we trust someone like this to defend us and our country. He has to heart for his employees and no conscious. This clearly shows he doesn't care about the unemployed and wants to add to it.

  • kathleen akellam - 12 years ago

    I am a senior citizen and for the life of me I do not understand why would a senior citizen vote for a person that will take away their social security, medicare and health insurance just to have
    a white man as president. How is that going to help you when your sitting at home with no
    money because Mitt Romney has taken your checks away from you, taken your medicare, taken
    your health care insurance away from you, is that going to help you because he is a white man,
    and you have loss all of your benefits?. You have worked your whole life for these benefits
    why would you give them away? wake up seniors! wake up! fight for your benefits, not for
    skin color. wake up! drop the skin color hate. keep your benefits. we are too old to go back to work now, and we have already worked for these benefits. Do not let Mitt Romney take away
    our benefits. Do not vote for Mitt Romney.

  • Mitzi Waye - 12 years ago

    Oh Bryan, LMAO, my dear Bryan, upset? Me? Never! But hey, if the truth bothers you then why oh why are you on here? And why and HOW you could be undecided at this late date is truly your problem because the facts have been out there for a good longggg while. Now as bad as i hate to leave you all, i bid you a due. I have to put my home bound Mother to bed, unless, the REPS: want that to?!

  • Capt. America - 12 years ago

    @Gary Thanks for your response and best wishes with your disability. Unfortunately, the American steel industry has been in decline for over 30 years. And also unfortunately, global competition is only getting stronger. The US already has one of the highest corporate tax structures in the world. Its more expensive to manufacture here than overseas for this and a variety of other reasons. Making it even more expensive to manufacture here is only going to drive more jobs overseas and make it worse. Everybody believes that social security, medicare, etc are VERY necessary programs. The disagreement is what is the best way to restructure them and ensure that they survive financially for future generations.

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Vote Romney for King of the 53% and Capt. America for court jester

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    Kelly - you have nothing else to worry about from me. I am leaving. I will leave all of you to your hateful quagmire and go try to find some useful discussion somewhere else.

    You have definitely found a good way to rub an undecided voter wrong. But, rest assured, I am doing my best to make a good decision based on facts regardless of how you approach the election.

    Would it have helped if I would have explained that I am in favor of gay marriage and have real issues with the religious right that has taken control of the Republican party? Though none of that matters as I have no respect for you.

  • Rudy - 12 years ago

    Romney is despicable.

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    Put your ignore button on and stop responding to the right wing provokers please. You can do it. They will pretend to be an independent and knowledgeable. You have nothing to prove. Stay focused people!

  • P-Sout - 12 years ago

    Capt. America - take that fool Bryan with you, please.

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    Mitzi - Sorry - but I don't understand. It seems you are getting upset because I am pointing out a couple of facts. Why would facts upset you? As I said in my first post, I am undecided. I was watching the Ed Show tonight and was interested in what people thought about Romney economics. Though, I am disappointed that this whole thread is mostly a hate filled set of complaints instead of a discussion of policies and records for the two candidates.

    You can hate on me all day. But, that kind of thinking doesn't help the country at all.

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Captain America?? Do you have the costume to go with it. Our country is going in a direction of a civil war and your right I do hate all the scum bags who disrespect our President.
    I was disabled as working steel worker and now we can't even find a stick of American made steel because of people like Romney so don't go yak your mouth at me Captain America comic book clown, and if it wasn't for my hard work and paying into Social Security all those years I wouldn't have had anything to live on with my crippled self. I don't live large and I never asked for anything and didn't ask to take a fall and end up disabled so ya your right and did re-read my comments and I stand by then Captain, Captain of what the comic book heroes?? I'm proud to be one of the 47% that won't vote for Romney but I sure as hell ain't no victim..!!!!

  • Mitzi Waye - 12 years ago

    Bryan? Why are you not own FOX News instead of trying to start a stink on this site??? Go ahead Bryan, they will sure lie to ya and then you and your family can hear what you want to hear.

  • P-Sout - 12 years ago

    Down with Capt. America. Why don't you go spew your hate on the righty blogs. It makes me sick to read what you say. You know nothing of what you speak. Quit embarrassing yourself. Usually, I just skip over your blather, but sometimes I've got to see if you've come our way. You must love the Ed Show. You're always on here.....

  • Capt America - 12 years ago

    Very well written post @Nick. However, the biggest American Mythology now is the "Hope and Change" BS which was sold to the American people 4 years ago. It didn't work. Everybody is criticizing Romney's plan. At least he has a plan.

    WHAT IS OBAMA'S PLAN ???? All Obama ever does is try to paint Romney as some kind of radical robber barron ala John D Rockefeller. He never articulates what his plan is.

    The 1st debate not only exposed Obama, but also showed that Romney is not what was being portrayed by the Obama smear campaign. Romney has been on the rise ever since this 1st debate.

  • The Queen - 12 years ago

    Monica, You make me laugh out loud. That was funny!! love your humor... I thought I was too LMAO!!!!!!

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    Interesting that nobody seems to consider the success of Bain Capital's work at places like Staples, Steel Dynamics, Alliance Laundry, Brookstone, Wesley Jessen, GoCom, & GT Bicycles. I believe that if you add this all up you will find something like 100,000 jobs created IN AMERICA by Bain Capital. All I ask is that you get facts instead of just listening to the liberal talking points. An informed America is a powerful America.

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    @The Queen,, You have to know why he says that!!! He's got "ROMNESIA!!!" And he's got "Lyin' Ryan on his ticket so you know whatever you hear from either one of these two "Joker's" is just a bunch of untruth!

    And just like the character BANE in the movie,, Romney will not be happy until he breaks the back of the American middle class!!!

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    @mjl can women vote now? I thought that was settled when the repubs destroyed our forms? #voterfraudbyGOP

  • RON SCOTT - 12 years ago

    It's not just China, thousands of companies have moved to Mexico and South America for the same reasons - CHEAP LABOR!! NAFTA-a crock!! I lost my job to Mexico some years ago. I want to see the same outpouring of enthusiasm to bring those jobs back. If we are going to do comprehensivfe immigration, bring those jobs back so that those immigrants will have work rather than dump them on an already weak labor market!!

  • MJL - 12 years ago

    He will send women back 100 yrs, probably wanting to also take away our right to vote. He will turn the US into a third world country and with his rich company friends, have sweat shops in the US.

  • Gene Park - 12 years ago

    Romney and the 1% want to reduce the 99% to living like 13th century serfs or villains in service to their local warlords. They will provide men for his wars while the rest slave to enrich him. The lords only live for the moment and the satisfaction of their wants and to hell with the future. That'll take care of itself.

  • The Queen - 12 years ago

    How can anyone in their right mind openly support Mitt Ronmey and go to work everyday collect a pay check and make House payments. My point is if you make house payments or owe a debt that you make monthly payments on you can not afford to put one egg in the Romney basket. You are not in that l percent of the "wealthy" Romney own's fifty-one percent of Bain Capitol and has no idea what is going on in Illinois??? Romney says the Sensata deal occured after he left Bain but, Romney has no say about the "Sensata" company Bain Capital owns fifty-one percent of. And I say again Romney own's fifty-one percent of Bain Capital and he can't do anything about this deal but he can "CREATE" millions of jobs for millions of Americans who are unemployed. Just how "F@#$% up in the head does he want the Amercian people to be??? Americans are not brain dead, sometimes miss lead and the actions of those miss lead voters has proven dangerous for us all in the past "GW Bush" need I say more.... NOT!!!!
    American's open your eye's because if you don't Romney will "F@#$!" us all without a kiss!! You see what happened to GW Bush and he was "One of the White Guys" now his ass is crakced and on the ground!!! with GOP foot prints all over it.

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    @Debbie - you illustrate the blind following of liberal thinking that I find scary. You asked if people wanted to vote for the same person the 1% is voting for. You should first find out who makes up the 1%. A large part of the infamous 1% is made up of hollywood stars that are voting for Obama. So, while at face value it was obvious you are taking a shot at conservatives, the more intellectually adept will look at your comment and shake their head while feeling sorry for you because you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    Captain America, if you understand the character, came from the working class of America. He was raised by a single mother. They were impoverished, and he lost her to illness because she could not afford healthcare.

    Steve Rogers, a 90 pound weakling, enlisted for military service. A move that many young people with no where left to turn go for food, shelter, pay, and love for this country turn to. Powered by the principles to be the best he could be that he learned from his belated mother excelled at all that was thrown at him but he was just to small and was faced with being rejected for active duty until he was offered the chance to make the ultimate sacrifice.

    So if you who have chosen to use the moniker of "Capt. America", and think that you represent this character who would be against the outsourcing of American jobs, Union busting, Citizen's United, Unequal pay for women, and the Affordable Healthcare Act, especially since he lost his own mother to illness because of money need to take a good look at yourself and wonder where it all went wrong for you.

    Have some respect for American Mythology!

  • Janice - 12 years ago

    The hardworking workers at Sensata in Freeport, Illinois gave Bain Capital and Romney a 500 million dollar profit and that wasn't enough for them???!!! My brother-in-law lives in Freeport and the plant shutting down will devastate his city. Greedy corporations like Bain Capital are devastating our Country. Who, in their right mind, would vote for Romney???!!!

  • M. T. Starkey - 12 years ago

    This man who claims to have such religious conviction would sell out his own country and the hard working people of this country for a buck. This Judas will never see my vote and hopfully will never see the inside of the Oval Office.

  • Capt America - 12 years ago

    GARY: The people spouting the most HATE are people like you and many other Democrats. Reread your post. It really is pretty hateful. I'm amazed when I go on MSNBC's message boards. The amount of stupidity, liberal narrow mindedness, and hate is truly astounding. But I forgot, since you and your ilk are "liberals", its all right to hate others that don't agree with you.

  • brandi - 12 years ago

    I urge everyone to read a cheap and thin book "Don't Think of an "Elephant." People, in general, are "value" voters and will vote for a candidate who aligns with those values even though that candidates' policies hurt them. Pres. O mentions "a level playing field" and saying "fair share of taxes" which goes to the value of "fairness." A person who is strongly identifies with that value will become interested in the Presidents' message. It's about values. All the numbers & facts will bounce off of a person who opposes Pres. O's values. This is why low-information voters do not understand the difference between the deficit and the debt or the % of GDP used for the military etc. Democrats and Progressives must change tactics and present the Democrat beliefs & priorities in terms of values. (Sorry for being long winded)

  • Teresa - 12 years ago

    We had a surplus with Reagan!!!!!!!! Check you history.

  • Kathryn O McHenry - 12 years ago

    This vote is helping to relieve (but not alleviate) the despair I feel when I see the lengths the right goes to to deceive the electorate and, worst of all, the electorate's willingness to believe them --- to see Romney telling blatant lies yet surge in the Polls --- and see the rights efforts to prevent minorities from voting and steal the election. I fear for the middle class and the growing class of Billionaires (something I had never heard of until a few years ago). I worry about the radical right taking over the Supreme Court and religious zealots inflicting their value system on the rest of us. If we are fortunate enough to overcome all of this and actually win on Nov. 6, it is mostly due to your efforts, Ed. You were FIRST person in the media to call our attention to the plight of the middle class. You have worked tirelessly and hung in there to protect us. In my book, you are a true hero.

  • SANFOR - 12 years ago


  • Gary Baumgart - 12 years ago

    This scum bag Romney is truly outrageous and we should sincerely fear for our Country and to think these fools the Republicans and Tea braggers would disrespect our President call him everything under the sun and then support a fool and a coward who wears Magic Underwear, rides a bicycle around during Vietnam and is probably a secret polygamist as his fore fathers were is disgusting.
    It sadly seems that half of our Country seems to be nothing more than haters.
    Republicans and their Southern White Boy Mentalities disgusts me and I'd stupidly thought in 2008 we had finally turned the page on race.
    I am a 56 your old Caucasian male and I can not believe what our Country has turned into. And to stomp all over the world forcing people to be Democratic? Hate is all that is motivating this election. How do we appear to the rest of the world, who are watching us tear are selfs apart.

  • Debbie - 12 years ago

    This is simple. Everyone needs to ask themselves this simple question.

    Do I want to vote for the same person that the 1% are voting for?
    Is what's in the best interest of the super rich in the best interest of the rest of America? NO

  • Margo Westerlund - 12 years ago

    Ed thank you for tonight's broadcasting from Freeport. Can this be re broadcast again as well as put in all the newspapers across USA.

  • Ricardo Morales - 12 years ago

    What a great show tonight
    Keep telling the truth Ed

  • Capt. America - 12 years ago

    Get a clue people! Just because Obama GIVES GOOD TELEPROMPTER does not mean he is an effective leader and President. The quantity and quality of jobs being created in this country is abysmal. Obama has been President for 4 years and we have the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. TIME FOR REAL HOPE AND CHANGE! Vote ROMNEY!

  • Ed from California - 12 years ago

    Ed. No one, including the president are talking about Willard's plan to end the home mortgage deduction at. This alone will kill off the housing industry, the economy and not to mention our home values. I was laughing when Willie said, "He'd probably only take away that deduction of homes over a million dollars." Say, good bye home values for everyone!! I can't believe that middle class families would vote against their own best interest.....again! It's beyond my comprehension. And Ed, where is Mitten's tax returns? Especially for 2008!! We really need to boycott, Communist Chinese products and gas stations with high fuel prices, for starts. We need to do this on a nationwide basis.

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    The more I read here, the more I laugh. Do you all realize that 97% of you say that Romney's economic policies will destroy the middle class. Well, the way the question is phrased, with your answer of yes, you are also affirming that you believe Mr. Romney will win the election. Otherwise, his economic policies mean nothing.

  • Judy Poole - 12 years ago

    Yes, Mitt Romney will ruin NOT only the middle class but run this country like a company. My husband is having health issues and undergoing tests and if Romney gets in, we go back to pre-existing conditions to be turned away from health insurance, he fires everyone, he might even buy the country-at this point I feel they are going to buy the election for him. WE NEED PRESIDENT OBAMA TO CONTINUING CARING FOR US, HE HAS OUR BACKS, WE NEED TO HAVE HIS BACK AND RE-ELECT HIM!!!! VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN IF YOU CARE ABOUT AMERICA!!!

  • B Marshall - 12 years ago

    Yes! Romney and the rest of his elitist party are 21st century robber barons. They hypocritically cry about so-called class warfare carried about by Pres. Obama and the democrats; while they are systematically trying to turn America and its proud hard working citizens into Third world status. Seems ad tboigh there is a serious conflict of interest to say he's going to stop China's unfair practices while he is making 8 million from taking the jobs of 170 familes at the Sensata plant. Then to add insult to injury these workers who have lost their jobs, healthcare, pensions and may lose their homes-- they are being forced to train their chinese replacements. Dont be angry with the chinese workers they are benefitting either at 1.00 a day wages. WAKE UP PEOPLE!! If Romney is elected this could be the fate of all of us!!!. VOTE as if your LIFE depends on it- because IT DOES. OBAMA BIDEN 2012

  • Mitzi Waye - 12 years ago

    People! Be afraid, be veryyyyy afraid if these TROLLS get in office, we will all starve to death! Not to mention no jobs, telling Women what they can do or NOT do with there "own" bodies. Think about it folks? I am worried to death and will not rest until this election is over, just check the facts, these "crazy right wingers" are just that, "CRAZY"!!!

  • A.Butler - 12 years ago

    It is my pray that President Obama will remain as our President. Mitt Rommey is dishonest, not truthful, full of self greed, and he has many issues with race amongst people in the United States. He has no compassionate, and is so full of entitlement until he does not understand what is means to be a decent human being. He is so insecure, and shows his character for looking down his nose at people and degrading people. I do not hate him, because God wants us to love everyone. I just have sympathy for him and the fact that he maybe rich, does not make him a decent human being. (Hebrew 13:6 - We say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid, What can man do to me?" Mitt has issues with himself and for being a real man. He is a coward and bully, whose needs prayer. The same people that he step over might be the ones to offer him help one day.

  • bob - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney will do any thing to get elected bcus he never and will ever understand middle class and he has no plan for middle class people bcus he keeps changing his positions on issues like some who is ROMNEYFUSED

  • Nadine Jefferson - 12 years ago

    After looking at the facts and seeing that Mitt Romney has a history of shipping jobs overseas. I think he will be disastrous for the middle class. He has been caught in so many lies just in the debate he had on Tuesday and can not be trusted. We don't need someone who will say one thing and then will do another and when is shown to be wrong will not apologize for it.

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    I was shopping for Halloween earlier today, and there on the shelf was a full Mitt Romney mask.
    Couldn't imagine ANYTHING scarier!!!! so had to buy it.
    Mr. Romney is even scarier than Bush ...and far more dangerous.

  • Ed Johnson - 12 years ago

    If Romney won't come to Freeport, then why doesn't someone like the DNC or one of Obama's Superpacks fund a touring campaign (can anyone say--bus tour) with all these now unemployed workers to follow Romney around and show up at every Romney event between now until the election. Show America what a Romney presidency would really look like.

  • Roy Hobbs - 12 years ago

    Back in 2008 Obama's campaign was based on how much he was going to do for the middle class, we see how that turned out. MSNBC makes me sick because they are so bias with ignorance, and I can not believe that there are so many Americans that believe the BS that Ed puts on the air for all the world to see & hear. I have banned MSNBC from my television at home because of Ed and the anchors and if you want to hear the truth then go to FOX NEWS. My daughter was to watch MSNBC for one (1) hour and do a report for class, I wrote the teacher of the school and told her that my daughter would do a report from FOX NEWS only. If there was a problem then there would be media involved in our parent, teacher conference. She of course apologized for any inconveniece. America can not afford Obama again. LET'S GO ROMNEY!!!! From a middle class family who is almost poverty from these last 4 years!

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    So, apparently no Republicans want to be sucked into your quagmire of crying, lying and hateful speech.

    You people should be ashamed of yourselves for the things you are saying and thinking. Grow up. This is not about being school yard bullies.

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    No Repubs has won without Ohio!

  • Deb - 12 years ago

    You want FACTS? Watch the show!

    If you are truly undecided and want to know who Mitt Romney is:
    Get off this site and watch "BainPort" on The Ed Show!

  • Cindy Hollenbeck - 12 years ago

    I wish people would wake up before it is too late. I have friends and family that I just can't get through to. This is like communism. One group of people taking over the country. We have to all vote.

  • Jeri Parish - 12 years ago

    Reposted with corrections:
    Capt. America you are the prime example of an idiot. Are you aware that the unemployent rate has DROPPED in spite of the Repubs. holding it down by not passing the jobs bill? President Obama will win the election - no thanks to you, idiot!!

  • Binder Guy - 12 years ago

    Mittens is just a liar, a shark, and He will do anything to get in the White House.

  • Capt America - 12 years ago

    Romney has a 6 point lead in the Gallup Poll. He is leading 51 - 45%. NO President has been reelected when he trailed in the polls by this large of a deficit at this stage in the election. FACT!

  • rich hutchison - 12 years ago

    Who side is this man on? He must be on the side of communist China. I see this man destoying the american economy and lining his pocket at the same time. Romney is so greedy that the company in Freeport,Illinois is showing how low it is when it shuts down when the Ed show arrived. This what you call corporate greed at it's worst.

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    Ed is complete full of crap. He clearly either doesn't know what he is talking about or he is so blinded by his liberal bias that he can lie without feeling. He said that giving a company an incentive to move to their country is illegal. It is not.

    He wants voters to show good sense? The first thing they should do is stop supporting his blathering. While the situation in Freeport is sad, the US government can do things that would have made moving those jobs to China bad for Bain. You should ask yourself: Why has Obama been in office for almost 4 years and done nothing to protect our jobs from moving overseas? You all sound like you run in fear from Romney. But, what exactly has Obama done to earn your support?

  • dorothyalleyne - 12 years ago

    unlessyou are among romney's1% you would have to be suffering from some sort of mental retardation to vote for romney. just like he stole from workers to further enrich himself and buddies he is encouraging his croneys to help him steal the elections.i hope the people Riot if that BRUTE WINS......IMEAN STEAL the elections. you know it is really sad that americans don't know what is happening around them ROMNEY CAN FOOL THEM IN A DEBATE BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWING WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!

  • chris - 12 years ago

    I have a question for everyone. It is clear that Romney is not the right choice for President. So, why do you all think that so many people are for Romney? Not only is he a terrible human, he clearly has no good policies and plans for the country to move forward in in the 21 century in good way. He does not support fairness for women, he does not want equality for all, he does not care about the middle class, elderly , education is not his priority, his record stinks when it come to jobs, he moved job overseas to build his wealth, etc..etc..
    So tell me why do you all think he has people from the middle class and elderly that supports him? I would like to hear your thoughts. Thank you
    Ps. we need to make sure everyone we know vote for President Obama. Get active in this!

  • Deb - 12 years ago

    Have you noticed that there isn't ONE republican idiot responding to this topic......yet?
    It's absolutely sickening what this man has done, and no one could look at these workers, know the story, and take Romney's side.

    Romney wants to flip this USA! It's insane!
    And yes, there are plenty of people in this country so prejudice against a black man as President they would vote against common sense, and their own interests.

    It's very discouraging, but we must VOTE, and don't forget to keep your eyes open for harassment and bullying at the poles. Keep your cell phones ready to take pictures!
    OBAMA 2012

  • Wanda Amorose - 12 years ago

    Seems like this is a man who will say anything necessary to get elected. Both he and his wife want to be in the White House so bad they can taste it. Freeport, Illinois is a prime example of the way he blatantly disregards middle class America.
    Could he possible address the issue there?? Clearly not a priority for him. WE need to remember this on Election Day.

  • Rhonda - 12 years ago

    Only our vote can make a difference.

  • jerry pugh - 12 years ago

    I am a union sheet metal worker and i support every worker in freeport. It doesn't matter if you are union or not. What matters is that you are an american. Vote obama. He is the only american running for president

  • Jeri Parish - 12 years ago

    Capt. America your are the prime example of an idiot. Are you aware that the unemployent rate as DROPPED in spite of the Repubs. holding it down by not passing the jobs bill? President Obama will win the election - no thanks to you, idiot!!

  • Capt America - 12 years ago

    Obama is an EMPTY SUIT. He's a 1 termer and a FAILURE.

  • Valerie - 12 years ago

    Governor Mitt Romney's running for the Office of the President United States for the past six years has been a matter of disrespect and disregard for what the Office of the President and our Nation's Republic stands for at both the National and International levels. We, the middle class, can not elect a man who appears to be running for an office as "something to do" with his lack of concern of "all" Americans. And, the Republican Party as a whole must be held accountable for their antics.

  • Ann - 12 years ago

    Romney loves cash not America!

  • jerry pugh - 12 years ago

    I am a union sheet metal worker and i support every worker in freeport. It doesn't matter if you are union or not. What matters is that you are an american. Vote obama. He is the only american running for president

  • lisa quick - 12 years ago

    Ed thanks for showing this show tonight. Maybe America will wake up.

  • Toni - 12 years ago

    What really upsets me is driving through middle and lower-middle class neighborhoods and seeing Romny/Ryam signs. What are these people thinking, that one day they will magically by in the 1 or 2% that Romney really represents. And where I live many of these people with the Romney/Ryan signs are either on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment or veteran's pensions - all part of the 47% that Romney has clearly stated he does not represent.

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    The reason that there hasn't been more jobs created is because the REPUBLICANS in Congress won't pass any jobs bills. Maybe if they would get off their butts and start working with the Democrats, we would have millions of more jobs created and our economy would be booming. Unfortunately, the REPUBLICANS don't want this president of look good, they want him to look like he can't create jobs. However, there have been over 5 million jobs created under President Obama, but there could have been 20 million if the REPUBLICANS would cooperate and work for the American people which is why they were sent to Washington, not to work for special interests and those who hate the president.

  • Walter Lewis - 12 years ago

    Also don't forget MYTH ROBME!!!!!!! left the Commonwealth of Mass. in debt of 2.6 Billion Dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cathy - 12 years ago

    Didn't Romney commit a felony the night of the debate offering a job to the student that asked the question if there would be job for him when he graduates in 2013?

  • T.J. - 12 years ago

    It's been clear since 2008 that Romney and the republicans want only one thing...to prevent President Obama from moving forward and occupy the White House.

  • Bon lynn - 12 years ago

    Romney and the GOP will turn America into a third world nation.........they've only a few more UNIONS to destroy!!!!

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