Who do you think won the final presidential debate?


  • Griff - 12 years ago

    It is impossible for Obama to win a debate if your watching this desaster of a regime. His utopian socialist redistribute the wealth socialist policies are wrong for America. He can only lie and deceive and hope enough arent paying attention. Destruction of our economy and America's wealth is his goal. Allowing big bloated central federal planning to turn us in to subjects with little freedom.

  • robert - 12 years ago

    Romney won last night putting obama in his place. Obama does not care. Why are we still in a mess in the middle east because obama's plans failed. He also admitted last night that he helped the muslem brotherhood take over Egypt and Libya bad idea. We need strong leadership in the White House and Romney is the one to get us out of the mess that Obama created for the last 4 years.

  • morocco - 12 years ago

    Hi guys , i dont vote but i notice that this program is fake. Everytime u vote obama the points go to romney . You guys can try it and look at the points. If u vote romeny the points go to obama. The owner of site knew that ppl will vote obama that why he fake it that why. So keep voting romney then obama will get the points

  • Sam - 12 years ago

    Romney clearly won. Obamas lies are just a repeat of the promises he thought he would keep 4 years ago. It sickens me when i see him.

  • Mella - 12 years ago

    Romney clearly won because he 'debunked' BO's campaign message to paint him as a war monger. No matter what Obama said in the positive, it just didn't wash with his terrible RECORD. Talk is cheap!

  • Guy - 12 years ago

    Oh right, if you were to have this poll on a Democratic site we Republicans wouldn't say anything. Quite pathetic in how you think you can just say "Not fair it's a republican poll site!".

    You democrats are more agressive and arrogrant then ever, sad. I see signs of Romney destroyed with gnag signs, curse words, and other discriminating things. We all know, when I mean all....
    I mean all, that Republicans wouldn't do that, that's because we realize that the media would make a big deal about it.

    Obama is more of an idiot then anyone I have ever met, therefore your "President"is not as smart as he seems. We all know it, and to see how the Democrats have nothing to back up to defend Obama (Media, but they are getting recognized).

  • Tarena - 12 years ago

    Romney won? President Obama arrogant, condescending, and rude? What did I miss? Better yet, what did YOU miss? Clearly we weren't watching the same debate. I found Obama to be polite, not as aggressive as the 2nd debate, and nowhere near the number of interruptions. Romney on the other hand seems to think that what he has to say, is far more important than anyone else. He cuts the President off repeatedly, and for the 3rd time, I watched the jerk speak disrespectfully over the moderators, demanding that he gets more time...hell, he refuses to back off, argues that it's not fair etc. My 8 and 9 year old children have better manners than a 65 year old man. Romney is attempting to buy this election with the voting machines, which undoubtedly will be hacked...because he KNOWS there are more that stand with the President, than with him. If you want to point the negatives out, at least give examples, and show that you know something about politics

  • Dorothy - 12 years ago

    Romney won, over a arrogant, rude, and condescending Obama.

  • Jeanne - 12 years ago

    It is clear from Romney's performance this evening that he has never negotiated any of the heart and core of the business deals that comprise his resume. Apparently the heavy lifting was always done by someone else for his career and he did only the more superficial options in order to say he closed the deals. The face of the person who debated our president this evening showed fear and anxiety, not the kind of gut-deep strategic step-wise courage that it takes to get successfully through high-stakes negotiations.

    Anyone who has been around attorneys much knows that we did not see the face of a highly experienced negotiator this evening.

  • Kayla - 12 years ago

    Obama won hands down~

  • Felix - 12 years ago


  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Romney won hands down. He was very knowledgable and Presidential. Obama acted angry, arrogant and desperate. He is a one term President, thank God.

  • Josh - 12 years ago

    Obama definitely came on more forceful... but in the long run, I don't think that he improved his standings or shifted momentum AT ALL. Romney definitely accomplished his goal: getting the media off his back about foreign policy. My prediction? Romney wins big.

  • davis witt - 12 years ago

    Obama dominated tonight's debate! these polls are a lie. what do you expect from a republican website poll.

  • Galee Ruben - 12 years ago

    President Obama won the debate with out question. Are you kidding! Romney agreed with most of the what the President said. I totally disagree that the President was arrogant. It's called confident. President Obama was articulate and clear in presenting his views. All Romney could do was continue to be evasive and also he kept attempting to divert the POLICY questions to the economy. I see why his wife looked so nervous before the debate. She knew he was weak and would lose. What a joke!

  • Impersonal - 12 years ago

    Obama was very presidential and stated his positions clearly on every issue. Romney skipped answering a number of questions, and when pressed with scrutiny, agreed with Obama's positions on a number of issues. Obama won this debate according to most polls.

  • Katrina - 12 years ago

    Is this a Republican poll site? Not accurate!

  • george - 12 years ago

    Romney did good with what exp and info he had, Obama should have won this debate hands down being he is hands on, I was dissapointed in both.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Totally agree with Anthony.

  • Anthony - 12 years ago

    Tired of seeing our president be rude and arrogant. Romney is much more presidential.

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