Who won tonight's debate?


  • Felton - 12 years ago

    The President completely dominated Governor Romney even-though Romney shifted positions on every topic! Governor Romney has shown me that he lacks honor I cannot trust him he will do and say whatever to win this election. Whatever happened to character?

  • Margo Lane - 12 years ago

    President Obama won the last debate, he won the second debate, and he would have won the first debate if he had shown up [HA HA!]

    The President HAS to win re-election because Romney/Ryan would be a total disaster for America, so much so we would truly miss George Bush, which is a harrowing thought.

    My vote goes to the President for too many reason to list, I actually distrust and truly dislike Romney, so much so, and for too many reasons to list.

    We MUST vote Obama/Biden four more years, for America. We all need them MORE than they need us, if they lose their lives will go on, even get better, but our lives will get worse, much, much worse. Vote FOR America-Vote FOR Obama/Biden.

  • Margo Lane - 12 years ago

    TERI---I have to respond to your ridiculous post! You obviously do not recognize a real liar when you hear one, if you did you would know Romney is the biggest liar of all time. Your post proves what is wrong with America today, misinformation and lies are ignored by those with bias reasons for hating the President. People like you ignore truth, logic, and reason. It is so sad you have the same right to vote as serious thinking people that listen to reason and can tell the difference between Romney and the President. Our President has told the truth, shown compassion and caring for the poor, the middle class and seniors, as well as students his entire four years in office. He has destroyed terrorists, killed Bin Laden, saved countless American lives. He has saved the auto industry, created millions of jobs, brought back out economy from the brink of total disaster, brought back the stock market, and lowered taxes time and again for the workers of America. These are just a few accomplishments in a long list, not the least of which was re-establish America's place in the world. He has kept us safe, and as a basically honest, Christian, and compassionate man he has shown us all how to properly ignore the constant disrespect and inexcusable remarks made by your political party thugs against him from day one.

    I feel sorry for you, hatred is an ugly and disgusting emotion. Even your reference to the View shows your prejudice is a daily vice. Take a deep breath, and really give some thought to your ugly attitude and hope you might improve it. The first step to a cure would seem to be to take and honest look at Romney [and Ryan] and admit they both lie incessantly, change their positions daily, and are taking advantage of those who would consider voting for them in every way they possibly can. You know they are lying Teri, their lips are moving. Don't hate color Teri, color adds beauty to the world. Get right with reason and I am sure you will be able to see reality. A fairy land, one where someone like Romney gets to be President is just that-a fairy land. A Romney/Ryan administration would be a total disaster for America, and every American person who is not wealthy. Are you so wealthy Teri that you want to buy the BS Romney/Ryan are feeding you? If not, you best take a good long honest look at them before you cast your vote against America.

    Have a nice day Teri, and please get over yourself long enough to join the rest of us on this planet and see reality. Vote FOR America, vote FOR the President, I promise you won't be sorry!

  • Teri - 12 years ago

    The truth is Americans should be calling on Mr. Obama to resign. I remember Watergate... where a president was caught in a lie that resulted in his resignation. The lies Obama is guilty of are all out there for the world to see and review. The fact that he neglected more security for our people at the consolate in Libya with documentation going back to April and May shows how much concern Mr. Obama has for the lives of Americans. HE was busy covering up the mess of a terrorist attack by LYING that it was a stray "shady character" doing a video that no one has seen and somehow this American is jailed for a parole violation and even this is not questioned by anyone in the media. The president used him as a scapegoat so he could be superman and go to Las Vegas where he shunned people to go, and receive more donation money for his campaign. Then he goes on Letterman, and other shows like the View full of liberal idiot women save one, and he's too busy to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel or other ally leaders that aren't dictators killing their own people. Again, I believe Libya-gate is far worse that Watergate ever was, and could easily prove he should resign for the betterment of the country. But then again... what a nightmare dealing with his second hand crony... Biden is a nut.

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    Oh come on Mr. MD , if all of the above 50+ comments are from Obama campaign staffs , how do we
    Know that you are NOT from the Romney's campaign staff ???????!!!!!!!

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    Well said Margo ! The McCain/Palin combo used to be a joke in my view , but now , the Romney/Ryan combo tops them by a huge margin . I take my hat off and two thumbs up for President Obama who has been kicking the ball up the hill for the last 4 years . Wake up America , give your president another 4 years .....he deserves that !

  • James Holstein,M.D. - 12 years ago

    Most of the above comments could easily have been written by the President's campaign staff. They contain little in the way of objectivity. The truth is there was no real winner as both men share the same position on major foreign policy. Mr. Romney has valid concerns about the state of Iran, the relationship with Israel and the long term implication of the Arab spring. The President has to be held accountable for the deaths of Americans in Libya as well as the inept explanation-either incompetence or deception.

    In the end the major difference is the economy, one man who has overseen four years of failure, with only a plan for the same or worse in the next four years or a man with a proven record of success and working with the opposition . For reasonable thinking people, there is only one option- We need a change from the arrogant, failed legacy of the Obama-Biden team.

  • Margo Lane - 12 years ago

    Romney and his "me too" responses to the President's foreign policy policies only proves that Romney has no foreign policy of his own, quite simply because he is stupid when it comes to dealing with foreign policy. Romney's economic policies for here at home are equally stupid, because what little he has told us won't work. Romney and Ryan are way over their heads, and it shows. The American people, at least those who are not wealthy or racist, realize the President had done a very good job this past four years, and his next four years will continue to bring this country back to economic greatness. Romney wants to be CEO of America, he will say or do anything to "close the deal". Romney and Ryan would be a total disaster for America, if you think Bush/Cheney were bad, these two would make them seem liberal in comparison. I have been around a good long time, and never have I witnessed two such terrible, dishonest, and deceitful candidates as Romney/Ryan. Honesty and integrity left the room when those two walked in. Personally I would not wish to live in a country that Tea Party Republicans created, these people [as Ann Romney says] are right wing extremists and extremists are always bad no matter what their causes may be. Americans really do not have a tough choice this election, that's why those undecided voters especially confound me because if you truly are undecided at this late date, your vote may still be that of a confused doubtful soul that is dangerous to the basic right to choose a President. The only choice you have this election is to vote for President Obama to continue his policies which have been the right course for all Americans. It takes a lot more than "looking" Presidential to move America to prosperity, and protecting the safety of it's citizens, and the looking Presidential part is all Romney's got. The American people owe President Obama a debt of gratitude for his performance on their behalf these past four years, and he did these things for us while under the most destructive right wing disrespect and incessant lies leveled against any President in history. Yes, we owe President Obama a great deal, he has shown leadership and compassion for every American from day one, so at the very least we owe him our appreciation, and our vote.

    Don't let yourself be fooled by lies, distortions, and a rich man's desire to become CEO of America. Romney is a vulture capitalist, life's work has been to [in his own words] harvest companies for big profit, don't allow him to "harvest" America. Vote Obama/Biden 2012.

  • no name - 12 years ago

    just because you survived the beating by president obama, doesn't equal winning mitt. you only did not get knocked out but you still lost the fight.

  • Paulette DeBerry - 12 years ago

    first mitt said if i am president then he hesitated saying when i am president. he is not sure of himself even in a debate. sccaarry

  • David Annunziata - 12 years ago

    Obama was certainly ahead tonight - but he should be - he is the President and is the "home team" on this one. I don't, however, think he did enough to stem the tide that has turned. Most people think the #1 issue is the economy, and they also think that Romney is better suited to improve it - that is a fact.

  • KC - 12 years ago

    I can't believe anyone on here can have the nerve to say Romney won tonight's debate! For Pete's sake, I'm an Obama supporter and can admit that Romney won the first debate (in my opinion because Mr. President was too soft)...it was kind of funny how Romney accused Obama of "attacking" him, saying that's not what the American public wants to hear...so now that our president has gotten his swag back and you don't have one foreign policy to counter Obama's, he's now attacking you? A man who has disrespected our president since day one INCLUDING the last two debates? Get real Mitt. And get gone!

  • Mary Schuldt - 12 years ago

    Romney said that it will take approximately 5-8 years to get the country's economy back on track. It's taken the president 4 years for the economy to start improving...so already that's an improvement and by Mitt's standards, why should we elect him when Obama is already doing better than Romney said he could do?

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    Romney reminded me of Sarah Palin tonite

  • listenhere - 12 years ago

    I can't believe Mitt says "when I am president"??? Jumping the gun (or should I say bayonette?)
    Governor, a word of advice. the PEOPLE decide who wins the election. You can't bully or buy our vote. WE ARE YOUR BOSS. You are one of two (and in some states 3) candidates. If you think you have the job, you are sorely mistaken!
    I give my vote to Obama/Biden and I urge others to do the same.

  • Winston S. Anderson - 12 years ago

    Tried to vote for #Obama as debate winner on fox news, could not click on Obama as the winner? Strange? Why not?
    What are they afraid of, how could they think they could supress the vote even on their own debate poll and get away with it?

  • sonia - 12 years ago

    Romney doesn't have a strong stand on many issues he keeps having romnesia nd back peddling not to mention changes his mind over nd over.he tries to take credit for the work of others in areas where he has little to no stand. He is not a man of his word nd will move country back instead of forward. If romney wins it will b a disaster to the progress made by the Obama administration!

  • wizar - 12 years ago

    We are all here preaching to the choir. Let’s be honest, It was real close and that’s never good for the incumbent. The polls are shifting towards Romney and they may not stop. If we all sit around and watch MSNBC all day we will all believe that all is well in the Obama dream. We are in Big Trouble here.

  • joy allen - 12 years ago

    Robme was sweating and lying and contradicting him self. Why does he take his your children to listen to all his lies. This is a good example not to change our core beliefs or sell one soul for any achievement..

  • sonia - 12 years ago

    Obama went into office with war, financial mess, crash in real estate market, to name a few. He has made great strides in cleaning up the mess left by BUSH nd republicans. Obama has done a lot for this country nd romney will take us back to that era of disaster. If Obama doesn't win, we are opening the door to romney nd all the rich people to get richer. The poor nd the middle class do not have a chance. Romney is as wishy washy as his politics. He continues to try to fool Americans.

  • Teri Medley - 12 years ago

    Once again the president has proven why he is the right choice for the american people. He was articulate, factual and did not back down when Romney struggled to keep his script straight...not well rehearsed. When you realize
    how close we were to the precipice four years ago...and how far we have come in such a short time, how can you not vote for Obama?

  • Lanny - 12 years ago

    President Obama, clearly was on top of his Game, he outclassed Mr romny on all of the issuses. My mind was made up Months ago, tonight President Obama confirmed that he
    is a much better candidate to lead this Country forward.

  • Char - 12 years ago

    Romney just flip and flops and lies all the time. He will say anything to get into the White House. How can we trust a person, who says one thing one time and then the opposite the next time he talks. What can you believe? You can't trust him on anything. I will be so scared if he gets in! To think he wants to give money to all the Middle east countries, then take eveything away from Americans. Medicare, Social Security. Give more money to rich people and raise the taxes on Middle income and as for the poor he doesn't care about them! As for Women they will suffer the most if he gets in! Look at all the companies that have closed here in America and moved to China, all he cares is how much money he can make by helping them close and go over to China! He doesn't care about America People, he care only about himself and how much money and control he can get as President! Maybe in four years the republicans will have a better choice to choose from!

  • wizar - 12 years ago

    I don't think we won convincingly like we had all hoped. Romney kept reminding the independents about the shortcoming of the last four years and Romney looked and sounded presidential.

    Great news for the Democrats and Obama’s chances? According to the article linked below Obama received three important endorsements.



  • genny01 - 12 years ago

    President Obama definitely won this debate. He was factual and and knew exactly what he was talking about because he has been involved in foreign policy decision making. Romney sounded like he had been grilled and grilled on what to say about foreign policy and that is exactly the way he came across, because he hasn't been really involved in it. He didn't really know what he was talking about.

  • Kutlass - 12 years ago

    President Obama won hands down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Maura Blomquist - 12 years ago

    Romney has ZERO credibility! He will say anything to get elected. He obviously doesn't know what the F he's talking about on foreign policy- and is a hypocrite (ref. Pres. Obama's comment about his investments in China). President Obama was very strong in stating his position on foreign policy, and I appreciated the specific examples of what he has put in place already, as well as his description of his activities on his trip to Israel. I am a 60 year old woman and I will be voting again for Obama, even though I am under-employed, because I know it is due to the fallout from the policies of the Bush administration, and not Obama's fault. I am incensed by Romney's trashing people who get food stamps (myself included) because they lost their jobs and/or homes due to the Republicans' irresponsible behavior causing the economy to tank before Obama took office!

  • Henry polk - 12 years ago

    .....I really wish they had a laptop on deck, so some of their truths or lies could be immediately proven or disproven. We can't have some one hijacking the debate with un-checked lies.

  • Sabo G - 12 years ago

    FLIP FLOP!! FLIP FLOP!!!! Romney Got Caught!!!!!

  • Eva Bachtel - 12 years ago

    The President really cares about America and it's people....romney is a liar....and will do anything to win...like trying to keep you from voting....Vote for your children and grandchildren's sake..and show them American's aren't for sale...at no price...no matter how rich and out of touch you are...Vote...for our President.. Barrack Obama

  • KC - 12 years ago

    So sad that people attack Romeny and let Obama continue to lie to us with no recourse. ALL of his campaign promises have ben broken so why would I trust him know .... especially after all the lying with regard to our citizens he left to be murdered in Libya. Talk about "Romnesia" .... uh, it was the results of a protest about a video that got out of hand .... no, really, it was a protest gone violent ... repeat 7 more times .... uh, what, no I was saying it was a terrorist atteck from the very next morning. The president said tonight that as soon as they knew the Embassy was attack they did what they could to protect people .... I think not .... the Embassy was under attack for 7 hours ..... which they watched live via video and no help was sent .... not even a fly by from a US airplane .... pathetic .... this president should be ashamed of himself!!!!

  • Lea Johnson - 12 years ago

    Obama won the debate. Romney is only using tactics in which he has begun clinging to Obama tonight in an attempt veil his lies. It's an old tactic that has been used many times.

  • Margie - 12 years ago

    The President won tonite he was on his A game he's a smart Man!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brian Stratton - 12 years ago

    Looks like Mitt Witt tried to be a moderate, could not pull it off. Romney showed no strong position on foreign policy. He did not seem to understand that the cold war was handled without a shot being fired. The U.S. was able to face down the Soviet missile threat with the skill of diplomacy and a very firm policy of calm rhetoric. Same skill was applied to the threats from N. Korea,India,Pakistan and China. As far as trying to introduce a more moderate Muslim society in the Middle East history is not on the side of Western countries. And then there the issue of the economy. How can Mitt Witt balance the budget and reduce the deficit in 10 yrs? He does not want to raise revenue,but cut programs that people are earning a living. The math does not make sense. If you are revenue neutral you add no additional revenue.

  • Lisa - 12 years ago

    Mitt is the school yard bully that has finally been beat. All he wants to do is fight. We are the United States of America, not a business that he can run for 2 years and then sell to China. Mitt is a pathological liar that is why he could not function tonight. The President "FACT SLAPPED" him and he could not keep his lies straight.

  • Mark Sarcone - 12 years ago

    Enough already, Romney! He will take WHATEVER position he thinks it takes to beg, borrow and steal this election. He is beyond SCARY on soooo many levels!!!! (Face palm)

  • Maggie Sanders - 12 years ago

    President Obama won!!!!! Poor Robme looked and sound inept. This man does not have a thought of his own. Bush looks like a genius in comparison!!!!!!!!

  • Jasmyn - 12 years ago

    Why is msnbc blocked on my tv. I can't see post debate commentary. This has Ben happening more and more recently where the program is blocked especially during and after the debate. The screen is black. The new website is bad, bad format, bad to use and not at all user friendly. I go to Internet to see the shows I missed during the day. I can't do that with ease and now I don't even try to go to the website anymore. This is not an improvement. Whatever is going on it is alienating viewers. Maybe I will just go to CNN, I just do not like Soledad, but at least I can watch. What is wrong with the cable, maybe u guys should check if there is any funny business going on.

  • DonnaJoy - 12 years ago

    The President won the debate tonight. Mitt has NO knowledge of foreign affairs. He just kept agreeing with the President. Mitt continues to say what he would do his first day in office and the list has grown. Hm. Mitt's comments about reigning in China's currency makes NO sense at all and it would be a disaster. Interesting that he and his company Bain continue to outsource jobs to China. Maybe that is one reason for the imbalance of trade with China.

  • Deborah Case - 12 years ago

    I get very tired at Romney's voice simply because he is always a flip-flopper but tries to prove himself as this sudden moderate man. Romney's lies have become so distasteful it really isn't
    easy. He has been lying his way to get to the W.H. but should we give him a chance, we will all be in a state of deep regrets.

  • Noname - 12 years ago

    Mitt got "FACT SLAPPED" again tonight.

  • daved - 12 years ago

    Soooo sad that so many Americans cans swallow BO's bs and believe that it is the truth. Tell the lies until you believe that it is true.

  • linda - 12 years ago

    Romney looked nervous and confused he knew nothing so he went along to get along. loser

  • uniquevawoman - 12 years ago

    "Gov. Romney's right. He's familiar with companies that ship jobs overseas, because he has invested in companies that ship jobs overseas." The President hit it out of the park once again.

  • Avonia - 12 years ago

    GOGO GADGET OBAMA! OBAMA ! OBAMA! 4 MORE YEARS! obama got right to the point no zig zags just zingers.

  • ANNNO1Fool - 12 years ago

    President Obama, won the debate tonight on foreign policy. He was clear minded, confindent, mild mannered yet, assertive when needed. He was smart and thought provoking. Congradulations Mr. President You are on your way to another four (4) year term. Obama/Biden 2012

  • MurryMom - 12 years ago

    Rmoney was stuttering and stammering tonight, couldn't tell the difference between Iran and Iraq, had trouble distinguishing between Assad and Kofi Anan. When the Rmoney lied about Govt guarantees for auto loans, the President called his bluff.

    A very clear victory for President Obama, imho.

  • Noname - 12 years ago

    People already know who they are going to vote for, debates really don't matter much. And if you haven't decided who you're going to vote for by now, then maybe you don't need to vote - stay home or choose President Obama.

  • eric - 12 years ago

    Romnesia.. at its best tonight...

  • Ron - 12 years ago

    Romney is bully and FLIMFLAM ARTIST. THE SENIOR CITIZENS, WOMEN AND MINORITIES should run fast and furious away from this sham artist. He is for them until---he against them. He is George W. in sheeps clothing. The American people gave George 8 years to mess up our nation---President Obama deserves 4 more to get out us out of this mess left by the Republicans.

  • daved - 12 years ago

    The truth will show in 15 days.......I see R/R by a land slide!

  • Obama/Biden2012 - 12 years ago

    President Obama has won all three debates.
    I voted for President Obama today, join me and get out to vote early if you can.

  • RUTH KNOTE - 12 years ago

    So sad that so many Americans find Mitt's lying OK.

  • Sheryl Stafford - 12 years ago

    President Obama Won This Debate And As Usual Mitt Seemed Lost And Looked Very Confused!~ So, To Make Himself Look Good He Started Agreeing With President Obama.

  • elizabeth cainghug - 12 years ago

    President Obama absolutely won the debate, Mitten is a copy cat,,, a liar...he has Romnesia.. fooooollll....stttuuupppp....

  • Dolores Gullatt - 12 years ago

    Hope O'l Mitty brought his lunch. Because the POTUS just took him to school!!!

  • Grace Balch - 12 years ago

    Romney pretended to be a reasonable peacemaker. He is neither. His strategy was to talk and hog the floor and I got sick of the sound of his voice. He spilled every fact he learned in his rehearsal, whether it was relevant or not.

  • Charles Coleman - 12 years ago

    Obama won by TKO on policy, split decision on the economy....POTUS wins on points.

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