Does Richard Mourdock speak for the Republican Party?


  • Teri Cook - 12 years ago

    GOP Congressmen needs to stay out of women reproductions organs

  • Your Mom - 12 years ago

    Ed you are nothing but a bloated piece of shit that spreads idiotic lies. I can take only 10 seconds of your show because it's nothing but a call to mislead the public.

    You smear everyone else but keep lovin' on your savior. You can not possibly defend the DEBT, the decisive campaign that he runs that only divides people, his hate for success, and the fact that Obama only has 1 page his his playbook and it's very simple:

    Borrow --> Tax ---> Kill prosperity and jobs ---> SPEND SPEND SPEND ---> Repeat

    I have no idea why you hate Romney or any Republican or Conservative, but your vile words on your suckass show are pathetic. Get a life you blow hard.

  • trudy tizya - 12 years ago

    for all that and all that. President Obama is going to get another term. too bad for romney, eastwood and all the other a...holes with the repugnics. they can have each other and looks like eastwood is going downhill ,,,, pull up your pants some more it can't get any higher. this girl lost respect for eastwood. never had any for the rest to begin with.

  • matt - 12 years ago

    We have two extremes
    The Dems during their convention voted to excluded God from their party platform.
    The Repubs. Have a deeply religious man who is standing up for the sanctity of life.
    Ask yourself which side you want to be on?

    I know, it is hard to take it is God's will a women be raped, but if you recall
    there are many times when a terrible disaster strikes, and many good people die.
    and people ask why, the only response is it is God's will.
    People don't get upset at that response.

    I like to believe God has nothing to do with it, and
    we are eternal spirt without death,

    maybe there are lessons to we have to learn
    to continue our spiritual grow.

    just my thoughts
    I wish i knew the answers

  • Blake Schreder - 12 years ago

    What happened to separation of church and state?! With this abortion topic and the same sex marrige debate??

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    SHAME SHAME SHAME on you matter how you try to wriggle with what you said regarding the conception by rape due to God's intention issue , YOU HAVE COMMITTED BLASPHEMY !!!!!!! How dare you so casually using God's name to talk about something so BIG and serious an issue ?!!!!!!! Even in your " so called " apology today , you showed zero ounce of sincerity and remorse.....only arrogance ! You talked of rape callously and casually and that makes anyone wonder whether you have a heart or soul at tall . With due respect to you , do you by any chance have female members in your family ? Do you have any respect for them at tall ? We are NOT talking about politics here , we are talking about what a human being should have : basic and fundamental heart and soul and compassion for other human beings , especially when such horrific tragedy such as rape
    Happens....if only the almighty GOD can send an email on this issue , I wonder what HE would say....

  • craig ware - 12 years ago

    I have noticed that my republican nabors seem to be getting more and more out of their minds with their war on christianity,christmas,muslems taking over america talk where in the world do they get this nonsense?

  • Ashley Whitton - 12 years ago

    There used to be elections where I would split my vote between Republican and Democrat. One year, I had three lawn signs, two for Republican candidates, one for a Democratic candidate. But today, as a woman, I would never support any Republican candidate, from the local school board to president; the Republican party (the party of Eisenhower and Reagan) has been taken over by the far, far right, which is so very sad.

  • Jim Robbins - 12 years ago

    I just don't understand how intelligent American people don't see that the republican candidates change what they say to please their audience. Wake up voters

  • Hellodolly - 12 years ago

    Women, please get real, Romney/Ryan are bad for women. They will take us back to 1800's. Romney is a snake in disguise. He is telling the American people one thing but will do another if he is elected. We must vote for President Obama and Democratic for our Senator's and House of Representative as well. They will change the lives of women as we know it. The Republican Party will enact the person-hood bill and abandon all abortion with no exception for rape. Please, women we must stick together and not let men dictate our lives. First there was Todd Akins with his remarks; and now we have Mourdock, but lets be real this is how the entire Republican Party feels about this issue. We women must stop this by not electing any of these Republicans into office. We must reject Romney/Ryan.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  • JeanPaul - 12 years ago

    This is the New GOP ? You are not kidding these People are running for office and Romney is endorsing this kind of candidate ? No joke ?
    Ith this is true the GOP is unelectable ! No discussion !

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    I dont think Murdouch does speak for the republican party because there is so many republicans that do not agree with him.

  • Richteas - 12 years ago

    Restore Freedom! Defend Our Constitution!
    Why are Republicans running around Yelling the above 2 comments when in reality, they are so clearly trying to take away a God Given Right?
    God gave us 'Free Will', so why are Republicans so set on 'Stopping God's own plan'?
    They say they want smaller Government, but yet they want to set themselves up in the Bedrooms, Doctors Offices, and Individual Choices about a persons own body? That doesn't sound small to me.
    God Gave Us Free Will, And The Republicans Are Trying To Take That Away!
    Vote Democrat in Ever Office Available To You, Any State, Any Office, Any Ballot!
    Then We Will Be Restoring Freedom in America!!!

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    @busybee I agree. Is there a list bcuz I would love share with family.

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    I don't believe any one person speaks for all. It would be no different than POTUS speaking for all blacks or Americans. I am a staunch democrat and AA and female but I do not agree with 100% of everything the POTUS says. I believe Mourdock brought out what Romney and Ryan position on abortion. That is why the have not withdrawn their support. God forms each of us in our mothers wombs no matter how we get there. But God never negates our free will. It is not the govt place to make decisions for women. We are smart enough to make decisions and get paid equally for the work we do.

  • shirleyann george - 12 years ago

    I have already cast my vote for President Obama and Joe Biden and my strait Demo ticket.
    If you haven't already voted or sent your absentee vote in, see how fast you can get in line to early vote on the first day you can in your state..Take a friend, on second thought, take 5 friends with you to vote..Know each person you are voting for before you go into the booth to
    vote....We cannot let our guard down for a moment...the Republicans only goal is to make sure Our President does not get re-elected..BECAUSE THE TURTLE MAN TOLD US SO..
    I will stay up all night and watch the returns.. I am looking for as many democrats to win their race as I am for the President and Vice President to stay 4 more years....I have my Presidents sign in my yard during the day and take it inside every night so my Republican neighbors wont be tempted to come in my yard and do the bad deed of taking my sign...Lets show those repubs it takes honesty and loyalty and Democratic gumption over their evil money....
    I pray to my God this will be the last time we have to hear Romney or Ryan tell the American people lies and expect us to believe..People there are so many stupid men in this world, I think even I have been shocked at their stupidity and I am an old White lady..go figure..

  • BusyBee - 12 years ago

    This campaign has really gotten nasty and I tell you, African-Americans particular need to boycott any and everything that has Donald Trump tied to it. He has insulted this president beyond belief questioning his citizenship, his religion and now his intelligence in a way that is an attack on any and all minorities across this great land. How can any person of color support such a racist as he? Get the word out to stop frequenting any business establishment that is tied to Donald "the bird man" Trump. Tell all your friends in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Chicago and elsewhere to boycott those casinos that are tied to Trump Industries or Corporation. He has no respect for this president, the office of the presidency, African-Americans who are intelligent and who have achieved success. He has really shown his bigotry during this campaign and decent Americans across this nation of all racist, religions and sexes should stand up against this racist bigotry being perpetuate by these right wing extremist.

  • Lisa Rogers - 12 years ago

    One word, deplorable. Okay add one more, archaic.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Is Romney personal lawyer is also the person who operates Romney's Bind Trust?

  • patty - 12 years ago

    WAKE UP America! Republicans want to repeal-repeal-repeal. Been their agenda for years!!

  • Jeanne Casatelli - 12 years ago

    The horrible truth about Republicans is showing. Women and the Men who love them must stand together to help us all. And Ed please ask the President to come to Sensata. I am shocked that he is not going there. Am I misinformed? Bainport has got to be Romney's end. And of yes what about his tax returns which would show his Bain earnings and at whose expense he made them.

  • citizen - 12 years ago

    Romney may have been even more unscrupulous then given credit for his Dad was the head of a car company,Mitt said let Detroit go bankrupt.Well It turns out old Mitt is a venture Capitalist,no one person offered the money but under bankruptcy mitt could have put together a team of investors and bought himself a car company

  • vicky - 12 years ago

    I am a sexual abuse survivor who, thank God did not get pregnant at 14. I am outraged at the ignorance and total indifference these white men have toward women. We are raped mostly by men how dare they even comment on what a women goes through when she is raped. For some women they do get pregnant and my heart goes out to them. These Republicans have no heart and they have no soul EXCEPT when it comes to power and their money. Every women needs to wake up and see these evil men who want to take back what we need as women to care for our bodies and our health. My God, this is 2012 and I can't believe we are discussing this issue when it was settled in Roe VS Wade in1972! What a disgrace to this country that we have a Republican party that is so anti American and only interested in padding the pockets of the wealthy!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Thompson is the one official under Bush who failed to serve 9/11 victims' relatives!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Thompson is the one official under Bush who failed to serve 9/11 victims' relatives!

  • Brighter - 12 years ago

    Trump your IQ is so low you will never understand the Presidents Transcript! Oh wait...Do you know what is a Transcript?

  • vicky - 12 years ago

    I am a sexual abuse survivor who, thank God did not get pregnant at 14. I am outraged at the ignorance and total indifference these white men have toward women. We are raped mostly by men how dare they even comment on what a women goes through when she is raped. For some women they do get pregnant and my heart goes out to them. These Republicans have no heart and they have no soul EXCEPT when it comes to power and their money. Every women needs to wake up and see these evil men who want to take back what we need as women to care for our bodies and our health. My God, this is 2012 and I can't believe we are discussing this issue when it was settled in Roe VS Wade in1972! What a disgrace to this country that we have a Republican party that is so anti American and only interested in padding the pockets of the wealthy!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Romney and Republican pushing the panic button! Remember in 2008, when ever they were behind, they play the RACE card!

  • Mom - 12 years ago

    Palin and trump went to the same school of stupidity.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    I would suggest that Obama campaign manager should tell Trump that if the President allows Trump to see the President's college record. Trump must put 5 billion dollars into the U.S. Treasury to reduce the country debt! or better yet, put 1 billion dollars into Democrat Party re-elction funds. If Trump can not do that than just SHUT UP.

  • Bridgit - 12 years ago

    Mourdock, Atkin, Romney,Ryan, Donald Turmp, All disgusting. I want them all to disappear.
    Put them all in a sack and flush them down the river. So we dont have to see their faces anymore. With them, we are getting back to the time where women had no rights, with the Republican Party we are showing signs of the TALIBAN..!! How can the american Society go for leaders like that???
    Cant wait to the 6 th of November...and see OBAMA lead us FORWARD!! I HOPE!!!!!

  • pat - 12 years ago

    The GOP is escalating their war on women and thinking women don't have brain? Of cause, women are smart and are immuned from Romnesia. American women will speak/reply with their votes.

  • 4uobama - 12 years ago

    They have no respect for women and NO PLANS YET FOR US THE AMERICANS.. Can't handle women, but want to handle USA. GIVE ME A BREAK.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    It is heart- wrenching to hear men exhibit such primitive, poorly informed thinking in 2012. Highly visible Republican candidates in the current political campaigns are doing an enormous disservice to all American women by perpetuating statements of extreme ignorance about female reproduction. All female citizens of our nation must have well-protected rights to make decisions about their own bodies. How could those politicians have come of age in this country, and still be so ignorant of the basics of the female reproductive system - and of the horrific crime that is called rape?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - RACIST - Racist come from all races. There were scientific experiments proving that RACIST was taught by the older to the younger!
    - Trump is 500 times more than Romney when talking about using money to try to win an argument!

    - There she goes again! we all know the women who embarrassed the Republican presidential ticket in 2008! We also know that after Republican lost to Obama-Biden, this woman made few extra bucks by creating a lot of controversies including with senator McCain's team!

    - The ex gov of NH is no different than those politicians in his party, when ever they open their mouths, they spill RACIST!

  • Ken - 12 years ago

    I'm a registered Republican. Never left a comment on any site before, but can't let this go. I was very enthusiastic about Romney winning the presidency. Well, you can all stop with the whining and gnashing of teeth about Romney here, Obama just won this election. The vast majority of us Republicans are not NEARLY as "pro-life" as you think. Combine this Mourdoch moron with idiot Akins' comments = Obama easily winning the women's vote - BIG time = election OVER. Leave it to preposterous religion to ruin everything it touches. Time to re-register as a Libertarian. Enjoy your raise in taxes, your 15% unemployment, and your government rationed health care under Obama, folks, you're gonna get exactly what you wanted...

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    These right wing Republicans, Mourdock, Romney, Ryan, Akin and the whole bunch need to be run out of this country. How any woman can vote for these idiots is far beyond me! What gives them the right to tell women what to do with their bodies? There shouldn't be any men voting on any rights for women, it should be women voting for women's rights. If it was up to them, women wouldn't have any rights, from voting, to equal pay, to whether women can have birth control, they want women to have nothing. They want women to be barefoot and pregnant. They want to take our country back to the Dark Ages. All you women out there, you need to vote for President Obama because if you don't, the Republicans will take away all your rights even though they say they aren't. Don't believe them, they are lying! They are flip floppers and hypocrites!!

  • Faruk Zukic - 12 years ago

    Yes Ed Murdock speak for Republican only craisy people can bolive to Republican and Romney

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    Murdock has no respect for woman rights. I don't see if any woman especially sh'e a Republican who should be upset by Murdock's remarks, showing no remorse where this person can take away women's rights because it will toss aside and what do you have: NOTHING!!

    I'm piss off and highly upset by Murdock's remarks and especially Willard who endorsed Murdock for Senate. I feel violate that my rights will thrown away because you have a idiot and sexist whose running for office who will say anything to please the right.

    The right: 1 Women's rights: 0.

    Murdock don't have no "personal belief" of NOTHING. Why do we have men in Congress making decisions for women if we don't have no say so. If I was living in Indiana, I would NOT VOTE FOR RICHARD MURDOCK. Women, be aware of any man who will take your rights away. If these idiots get into office, our rights will be gone.

    Murdock has taken the high road to lie his way to the election, just like Willard.

  • mary stroud - 12 years ago

    Are the Republicans going to make all women wear Burka's too.

  • Darnell Dawson - 12 years ago

    Every one of these republicans are speaking from the same talking points. I hope the women of America are listening loud and clear. These neo-cons want to take us back to the 1600's. Don't believe it when they say "We love you women"!
    Women, I know you want let them take us back. We are moving forward! Vote! Vote! Vote!

  • Deb - 12 years ago

    The GOP has been taken over by BULLIES!
    They want our benefits taken away from us working all our lives.
    They want NO unions left in this country.
    They care nothing for a decent education for ALL Americans.
    They want to restrict voting rights from anyone who may vote against them.
    They don't even want women to have access to contraception!

    No wonder Ms. Snow of Maine retired. She can't stand her own political party!
    Anyone who is buying the republicans that are running away from these "Mad Men"-----
    don't be fooled. They're just trying to get re-elected.

  • Barbara Gradney - 12 years ago

    I am a born again Christian and a life-long Democrat. Please do not judge us by these "self-professed" Christians. They neither know God or His Son. For Mourdock to say God intended for a child to be born from rape is blasphemy. May God forgive the entire hateful Repub party. Women, Wake Up! How can you vote for a party that has no respect for you? They are counting on you saying, "they don't mean it like that". Wake up you 47%. Romney nor Ryan give a hoot about you. They tell a different lie everyday & you fall for the ookie dope! Be informed, open your eyes and ask questions. Romney hasn't told you anything but "talking points". Stop voting against your bank account and against Color. Our fate is in the hands of the uninformed. Mores the pity & shame on us.

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    America, if you vote republican, you will be voting for wolves in sheep clothing. These people are perpetrating a fraud and if elected, especially Willard & Gomer, they will force all kind of crazy thing on us. Remember 2010- jobs, jobs,jobs but we got abortion, abortion, abortion.

  • Laurel - 12 years ago

    The ONLY regulation the GOP wants is regulating womens rights!

  • David L. Harpe - 12 years ago

    Just when we've seen it all... Mr. Mourdock's comments on pregnancies that results from rape not only underscores the craziness of extremist Republican politicians, but strongly suggests that they are totally beyond reform. Attention all women: RUN! Men, you might want to be cautious as well. What's next from Republicans, the criminalization of wet dreams?

  • Alorzy - 12 years ago

    Ed, why is no one in the media not calling out romney ( Mitt) on his advice to Iran to Dirty Bomb Chicago so he can use that for his mommon selfish gain? WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Darla Anderson - 12 years ago

    The GOP ignores the fact that many in the USA do not hold the same religious views as they do. All who live in the USA, including atheists, agnostics, those who are spiritual but not part of an organized religion, have the right not to have our laws dictated by the religious beliefs of GOP candidates.
    Do they plan on amending the Bill of Rights to eliminate the separation of church and state?

  • piewackit - 12 years ago


  • Sanjuanita G. - 12 years ago

    Does the Republican party truly believe that they can turn women into the "Stepford wives" & we wil follow them like Zombies OH PLEASE!

  • Gusto - 12 years ago

    Yes he and the other right wingers are against women.

  • trudy tizya - 12 years ago

    of course another nitwit coming onto the repug's snowboard. why are the repugs against women? what in hell do they think they're married to and what do they think of their daughters? i'm not including that stupid palin. she would never represent any woman on this planet. she's not much of one either. as for any repug women showing their stupid faces on any tv talk show they can go to the moon with ginrich and his stupid wife!

  • Susan Williams - 12 years ago

    American women, are you going to let Mitt Romney, and his cronnies, really tell you that they are going to tell you what you can do with your body?? I'm not a Mormon, I'm not a Southern Baptist.. So I don't want their Religion in my face.....And you shouldn't either...

  • Laurel - 12 years ago

    And what about Todd Akin who came out with this gem a couple months ago?

    "First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare... If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

    That is just down-right scary. They are all scary and dangerous. It will be a most tragic day when an nonviable fetus has more rights than a living, breathing (on its own) woman. Do not vote for Mitt Romney... he feels EXACTLY the same as these other sorely misguided republicans. Remember his comment from four years ago???

    "The bible is the word of God, because its the word of God!"

    'nuff said.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHING HAS ONE GOAL: "Teach followers to do good amongst human being"
    However, the extremist politicians intentionally put out their own interpretations of these "TEACHINGS" to suit their own political agenda!
    If one examines Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Richard Murdock, Todd Akin... statements concerning their religion and their political views, one will see that THESE POLITICIANS HAVE ABUSED THEIR RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS! They are not only given "wrong interpretation" of their religion, but they are also insulting the intelligent of their religious peers as well as the voters!

  • Terry Priggett - 12 years ago

    @edshow: Romney and Ryan trying to distance themselves from Murdock, but the women's in this country knows the truth already.

  • Rob - 12 years ago

    The current GOP has a pattern on this subject that can not be linked to anything other than their mandate on women.

  • Joan - 12 years ago

    Mourdock has actually given every woman an idea of what to expect from the Republican party. The party is ruled by the far right tea party and they have ideas that are totally out of bounds. If anyone would think that GOD would actually want a woman to give birth and not have a choice of an abortion after they have been raped has to have rocks in their heads. Rape is a terrible experience and the memory and stress stays within that woman for the rest of her life.
    Romney shows that he has no back bone at all or he would separate himself from Mourdock completely.

  • Obama/Biden2012 - 12 years ago

    I went to the "President Obama" rally in Denver today.... 16,000 plus people. The people in Denver are "fired up and ready to vote". I voted yesterday. Get out and vote democrats were in the home stretch...Let's bring this home for President Barack Obama.

  • D Sharp - 12 years ago


  • George - 12 years ago

    The republican party might as well change it's name to the American Taliban Party, the way they will treat women.

  • TJ - 12 years ago

    Men can cut theirs off and shape it to resemble a vagina but they haven't gotten all the other parts to function properly in their own bodies yet. It's called "Uterus Envy."

  • Kathie - 12 years ago

    R. Mourdock=very scary. Women need to realize that we cannot let these (republican) men impose these views on us

  • Doug Stern - 12 years ago

    boy howdy!

    and then some...

  • DonnaJoy - 12 years ago

    Mourdock definitely represents the GOP. Look at all the extreme laws passed in this area within the states. I respect Joe Biden's views because he gets that his views represent him but not necessarily people of other religions. The GOP thinks that it is OK for Big Government when it comes to women's health . To me this is unacceptable in a democratic society.

  • steve - 12 years ago

    republicans are a disgrace to america

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    He is just one of many republicans who wish to impose their religious ideology upon everyone. To hell with the United States Constitution is the party's motto.

  • brenda hogland - 12 years ago

    we have watch ryan and the gop congress cut jobs and try to go after womens rights.romney will go after our right too

  • charles - 12 years ago

    yes he does the top of the ticket endorsed him but you mitt is the king of flip floping and cnn is the new fox news letting him get away w/flip flopping on every issue

  • Jay Purdy - 12 years ago

    Has it come down to a choice between those who believe rape is an evil act of violence and those willing to accept that rape is "what god intended?"

  • Paddy - 12 years ago

    Does a bear pee in the woods?

  • Jennell R. Madrid - 12 years ago

    Unfortunately, yes!!

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