Is lying the only way Mitt Romney can win in Ohio?


  • TWITIE - 12 years ago

    Oh poo : (. . . loooks like the republicans have been hypnotized & turned into zombies. Blindly following Romney with no brains to see thru Romney's lies & deception. Romney has been asked many times about FEMA & he has yet to answer, well keep following while the rest of us celebrate the re-election of our fine Pres.! OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  • Steve-a-reno - 12 years ago

    The only way that lying will work for Mitt is if he doesn't get caught. Just because the lie has been pointed out doesn't mean it has been acknowledged. Since most of the GOP already drank the Kool-Aid, they seem not to care. I guess the undecided voters are the ones that need to see the light.

  • King Rollins - 12 years ago

    Ed..... It's been a few years since I watched TV. Your show has reminded me why I stopped watching. MSNBC, ABC, and CBS are clearly marketing arms of the democratic partly. News used to be much more balanced, with the exception of Fox news every single news show is liberal. Anyone with the ability to think can see through your liberal propaganda. Yet, Mitt Romney is winning at the polls. Given that only about one 5th the media favors Mitt Romney it shows that the Ed show and all of the Liberal press are complete out of touch with reality. Barack Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States. I voted for him because I want my African American friends to believe like I do that there is no limits placed on any Americans ability for success. I wish I could take that vote back, not for the reason I voted for him, but for what he has done while in office. He spent $700 more each month then the tax paying workers of America gave him. He needed to tighten our collective belts not spend more. 6 trillion dollars in over spending shows he's not very smart and his advisors are also kind of stupid. Furthermore any news show that continues to support Barack Obama does so with not one minute of consideration for what has actually happened. Think about it, Barack Obama admits that he smoked dope, probably still does, and based upon his performance in the first debate, he probably used his drug of choice before the the debate began.. He never owned a business. Never created a job for anyone on his own. He doesn't understand business and clearly hold contempt for people who are successful financially. Mitt Romney was a missionary, became a Bishop, all with no compensation for his donated time. He built and improved numerous businesses. There are no downsides to Mitt Romney that have not been concocted by the press. Each time I turn on the liberal news I am reminded by Hitler's method of convincing his followers. Hitler said that a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. Ed no matter how much you scream your lies Mitt Romney's actual actions will over power your lies. The biggest liar, racists and sexists are liberals. So keep on shouting your lies and spewing your poison. When Romney wins on November 6th, if you have any integrity you will quit you job and become a snake charmer. You might have better luck getting snakes to do your bidding then people.

  • Mmmmmmmm - 12 years ago

    These polls are completely meaningless.

  • Panna - 12 years ago

    Every republican I talk to believes everything Romney says. Even the most outrageous garbage. It absolutely amazes me that Romney can continually Lie and get away with it without being accountable. If he becomes Pres. those republicans get what they deserve, it would be a vote AGAINST their best interest too. To paraphrase what Romney said, he doesn't remember what he said, but what ever he said, he stands by it. I have no respect for him, he's a scary guy to say the least. Oh... by the way, to Chad's comment, what goes around comes around. Shame on you!

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago


    Charles Wright · Top Commenter
    Quit trashing President Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. He has an impressive list of accomplishments:

    First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

    First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

    First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States

    First President to violate the War Powers Act. .

    First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

    First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

    First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.

    First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

    First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

    First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.

    First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

    First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

    First President to terminate America ‘s ability to put a man in space.

    First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

    First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

    First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.

    First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

    First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

    First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

    First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

    First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

    First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

    First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

    First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.

    First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

    First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

    First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.

    First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.

    First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

    First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

    First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

    First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.

    Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

    First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states ( Mexico vs Arizona ).

    How is this hope and change working out for you? THERE'S AN ELECTION COMING UP...I HOPE YOU REMEMBER THIS LIST WHEN YOU VOTE!

  • R Baron - 12 years ago

    Romney has lied on just two things; Everything he says, and Everything he does! His entire life is one continuous story of corruption, lies, hypocrisy, and greed. Romney is probably one of the most blatantly racist, selfish, and despicable Liar to run for office! Romney Lies about his Taxes, his income, his investments in this country and off-shore; his companies in China, Malaysia, Mexico ( his historical Family refuge for polygamy) and throughout the world to accumulate personal wealth and avoid paying taxes,; further, of course, lies about kick-backs from his Pals; Koch Bros., Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, The Oil Companies, His Banker Boys on Wall Street, The "Good Ole Boys" of the GOP, the KKK , Nazi and Tea Party. After all, You wouldn't expect Romney to use his own billions for his own campaign, but make up any tax reductions he can claim!

  • b marshall - 12 years ago

    Yes, Romney LIES- Is the only thing that he has been consistrnt on. I do not believe or trust him or the .extremist within his party. Voting for him would be like committing suicide. He and his reprehensibly racist, right wing extremist party members and rich buddies seem to have forgotten their historical origins during this campaign. THIER forefathers were the Original Illegal immigrants. It was their forefathers that lied and stole the land from the Native Americans; and those they didn't kill- they imprisoned on reservations. They went from there to enslaving Africans. From there to something similar to indentured servitude for the Chinese to build the railroads. 'Progressed from there to denying basic rights to women. And now denigrating the Latinos (except when needed to cut their grass or pick their crops. If liberals are said to be Progressives-- then Republicans should be labeled as Regressives. Why? They are trying to take us back to the worst of America. Self-deportation and repeal of the Dream Act; pay inqualitity, hundreds of new laws against women's health care, denying that rape exists therefore; voter suppression and intimitation in predominatly Black & Latino communities. The cold hearted onslaught against the poor and middle class, the elderly, veterans, students; in fact everyone except old rich white men and their families. I am sure that the millions of good, rational-minded white Americans are thoroughly ashamed that Mitt and his crazed cronies are a part of their race. I have cast my early vote and support our President Barrack Obama. I commend him for his character, honesty, concern for ALL Americans. He has done an exempleary job considering the 99% total opposition he faced from day one of his term. If he were a regular citizen been attacked as he has been, he would have an open and shut case for libel, slander and defamation of character. If your state has early voting-- use it. Every vote counts and our very lives really do depend on it!!! OBAMA/ BIDEN 2012 ALL the WAY

  • b marshall - 12 years ago

    Yes, Romney LIES- Is the only thing that he has been consistrnt on. I do not believe or trust him or the .extremist within his party. Voting for him would be like committing suicide. He and his reprehensibly racist, right wing extremist party members and rich buddies seem to have forgotten their historical origins during this campaign. THIER forefathers were the Original Illegal immigrants. It was their forefathers that lied and stole the land from the Native Americans; and those they didn't kill- they imprisoned on reservations. They went from there to enslaving Africans. From there to something similar to indentured servitude for the Chinese to build the railroads. 'Progressed from there to denying basic rights to women. And now denigrating the Latinos (except when needed to cut their grass or pick their crops. If liberals are said to be Progressives-- then Republicans should be labeled as Regressives. Why? They are trying to take us back to the worst of America. Self-deportation and repeal of the Dream Act; pay inqualitity, hundreds of new laws against women's health care, denying that rape exists therefore; voter suppression and intimitation in predominatly Black & Latino communities. The cold hearted onslaught against the poor and middle class, the elderly, veterans, students; in fact everyone except old rich white men and their families. I am sure that the millions of good, rational-minded white Americans are thoroughly ashamed that Mitt and his crazed cronies are a part of their race. I have cast my early vote and support our President Barrack Obama. I commend him for his character, honesty, concern for ALL Americans. He has done an exempleary job considering the 99% total opposition he faced from day one of his term. If he were a regular citizen been attacked as he has been, he would have an open and shut case for libel, slander and defamation of character. If your state has early voting-- use it. Every vote counts and our very lives really do depend on it!!! OBAMA/ BIDEN 2012 ALL the WAY

  • Phyllis - 12 years ago

    Mitt's lying is horrific and his forgetfullness is an example of what I think is Dementia. Keep in mind, he announces what he is going to do on his first day if elected. My goodness, his first four years of turning our country around will be completed on his "first" day. I wonder if he will remember what he is suppose to do!

    This election is really bringing the true colors out of the Republicans what are Mitt's friends and supporters. OMG

  • Sue - 12 years ago

    Romney will say anything to win. Yes, he is a business man...this is like electing your local used car dealer who promises you anything to get the sale. The sad part to me is that there are so many prejudiced people still in this country, especially in Congress.
    I do hope that we get rid of the Electoral serves no useful purpose anymore. Let the president be elected by the popular vote. I think it would make elections more democratic and make the nominees visit each state, not just 5 or 6. I am tired of watching the candidates hop between a few states and ignoring the rest. It is as if the rest of us don't matter. Make us matter...get rid of the Electoral college.
    And as I grew up in Hawaii when it was a territory, before it was a state or President Obama's birthplace, I resent the slurs against Hawaii by Sununu.

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    Tell me Obama's guy Eric Holder did not lie about supplying guns to drug lords.. that Obama did not lie about the libyan massacre...That he lies in every speech he gives about how great the past four years have been under his leadership.. lies about what he will do to educate the youth so that they can get jobs when 50% of current grads can't find employment while he has been our leader..hey Mr. bullshiter...Corporate America and small business will hire those people if they had confidence that you will not tax them to death..regulate them to death and dictate that they must comply with your Obama Care trojan horse that will bankrupt this country. Just listen to what leaders of Corporate America are saying about Obama anti growth policy. Stop believing all the lies that are spun on MSNBC about how great a job Obama has done. The polls have Romney leading because people believe Romney can do what Obama has not been able to do. Because of this, the left has reverted to calling him a liar..woman hater and racist. Poor loosers! Shame on you.

  • Emily Bradley - 12 years ago

    It is so scary to think that Romney could win the Presidency . He has no idea how he would govern if the voters are so ill informed as to vote him in. He doesn't have a clue. Neither does Paul Ryan. President Obama has been a very effective President. He did all he could do without the help of a Republican Congress who obstructed him at every turn. Don't blame the President for what he did not get done. Blame the CONGRESS.

  • Chad - 12 years ago

    Will someone please put a bullet through the head of Ed? This guy is the most extreme idiot on the planet and does not deserve to be an American citizen. He needs shipped out to the middle east and tied up to a pole in the middle of a shooting range. Damn that would be funny!


  • Jessica R Lohse - 12 years ago

    Yu BetchYum Red Rider!

  • M Laskowski - 12 years ago

    I would rather watch CNBC, they are much less biased.

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    Romney practically all but endorsed Pres. Obama on the last debate, he agreed with Pres. Obama on everything. YES Romney is lying to win Ohio, but the people from Ohio are smart & they will NOT accept lies, and the rest of us are tired of all the insults, racism, name calling and disrespect to our President!!

  • Julia Marks - 12 years ago

    Romney has stopped taking questions altogether. From now on. Reporters are now behind a rope line, far away from him. No interviews. Nothing. No one can say anything to him anymore about anything.

    Fine presidential campaigning that is, it seems to me.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Why isn't Romney being shouted down at his rallies by those that know he is lying? If he dared to appear in my 'blue' state, he would be drowned out by boos, and overwhelmed by placards demanding he stop the lies!

  • dorothy alleyne - 12 years ago

    i wonder what anne saw in him ?MONEY!!!!perhaps. there certainly isn't anything lovable about this man! from her behaviour the two of them deserve each other. she is the same SNOB as him.doesn't seem as though the apples fell far from the tree either.

  • mary - 12 years ago

    Dah rachael, I didn't say they were that smart. Was wondering why Obama's lead wasn't larger

  • rachel - 12 years ago

    If people in ohio are so smart, why is obama only winning by 2 points? Must not be that smart after all?

  • mary - 12 years ago

    I am from Ohio and I just can't believe this race is not double digits in Obama's favor..Womens rights, and the auto industry coming back alone would make me vote for him. And he didn't have to lie.

  • Greg Holt - 12 years ago

    Go to, bring up the Nov 5 issue and read the article Mitt Romeny's Bailout Bonanza, then get the message out.

  • Raphael - 12 years ago

    Sununu's racist comment will not be disavowed by Romney. He needs the racist vote because he cannot win otherwise. Their usual trick is to apologize or reword their comments after the damage/benefit is long obtained.

  • soozi - 12 years ago

    Willard is an angry Old White Male unfortunate for him, along with the rest of his buddies. They really want women in the back seat and men rule. I was married to a Male Chauvinist Pig like these guys and they are so manipultive, mostly smart, and really fool most on the outside. They are hateful,disgusting,rude, nasty, many narcacists,racists and the need to be alammed to the ground,beat to the pulp and revealed for who they are. Willard could not win lying or otherwise..He is doing all he can just to control his anger. Sure wonder where Mrs. Willard might be, because she has been in an abusive relationship her entire life and just got used to it. This will be a total slaughter in the end and our President Obama will continue for all Americans.

  • Bala - 12 years ago

    I voted no to the above question. Because I dont think Romney will win Ohio EVEN if he lies. People in Ohio are too smart for the lyin Mittology.

  • Gary J Wahl - 12 years ago

    I guess he thinks that lies will help him but the bigger thing is the attempted voter suppression. He definately can't win on the merits, he obviously has no character. As a Morman he claims to believe in God, I wonder if he thinks God likes the continuous lying that he does. He vthinks he is a christian, what a joke. Just another bigited racist in my opinion. He might be a little mor careful, he may end up burning in hell for all eternity. His problem may be that God is just. Ask those people in the small town in Illinois that are about to have thier jobs sent to China after making the current employees train thier chinese couterparts. That's the work of his buddys at Bain Capital and in which Romney has millions invested in. Mr Romney makes my skin crawl. I just want to go out tho the curb and scrape the S**T off my shoe.

  • Gene - 12 years ago

    Romney's supporters are so uninformed that he can lie to them and they will believe him. Remember, those folks get their "news" from the "Some people say" network, Fox. They will believe anything that they hear because their minds are closed to the truth.

  • michele - 12 years ago

    Do these people really not see the bigger picture? Dont we teach our children not to lie like continually for the first 10 years of life. Will they really elect anyone other than Obama? All women, anyone over 55, anyone making under 200k,all minorities, all union members, normal law abiding and hardworking people... Wake Up.

  • maria cinquemani - 12 years ago

    Romney is a LIAR~~What I cannot understand is why some Intelligent & Educated voters still stand for this guy.~~The only reason I can think of is that these people are RACISTS and just hates Pres Obama that they are willing to make a PACT WITH THE DEVIL!!!!!!

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    Ed, just saw your interview with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and I couldn't agree more, the Republican party if full of racists through and through. They can't stand the color of President Obama's skin and they will do and say anything to get him out of office. This Sununu guy needs to be stifled, he is a total jerk. What a sad time for our country that you have to be a white man to be president according to the Republicans, there is no room in their party for minorities to be president. I will never vote for anyone in the Republican party and they should never have the chance to be voted in as president.

  • betty - 12 years ago

    I think that Romney would sell his own soul (perhaps he has already done so) to BECOME president with no interest in in BEING president.

  • Karen Zwerling - 12 years ago

    What sickens me is that this man lies so much and so often that you would think that the people would start to get his thinking process by now. If you lie often enough and loud enough people will start to believe you. Is this the person you want as our president. Sounds more like Nazi, Germany. As a Jew this is very frightening to me!

  • Terri Sykes - 12 years ago

    He could also win by cheating with voting machines (owned by Romney son)

  • William Ripley - 12 years ago

    His lies are just a feeble attempt to reach the uninformed voters and it' shameful in every way.

  • Kathryn Tyler - 12 years ago

    Romney is not going to win Ohio, lying or not, unless his Tagg Romney's voting machines are already programmed to register every vote Obama as a vote for his father.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Remember a LIE, is what got a lot of brave young men and women killed in Iraq.

  • Ronald Curry - 12 years ago

    ED you are #1 on msnbc you tell the TRUTH!!!Keep Doing What Do!!!

  • michele - 12 years ago

    Ohio voters, i hope, are smarter than falling for the lies. Here's another photo op gone bad. Our school will host paul ryan tomorrow. Isn't tomorrow Saturday? There arent any kids at school on Saturdays. Oh well, he picked a rural white depressed republican school district. Why not try one in downtown Cincy or Columbus.?

  • Pearlie Williams - 12 years ago

    Republicans have no shame. All the know how to do is lie>

  • Dr Rob Schwander - 12 years ago

    Romney is a white collar psychopath. To understand him read Hare's book Snakes in Suits.

  • Beverly - 12 years ago

    Romney has sold his soul to the devil. He's on a very slippery slope. It starts with being prideful aand ends with his destruction. I hope he doesn't win and take this country and citizens with him. He is a good representative of the Republican Party. They're all in bed together.

  • Deborah - 12 years ago

    @Keith, have you been listening to the live stump coverage on any news station, have you read any newspapers, have you logged in to, have you logged into Did you watch the RNC convention and the Democratic convention? Open your scope and you will find out what the President has done for the country. See the funny thing is the President isn't working for us black folks, he's working to better all Americans.

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    Lying is the only way Mitt Robme knows how to run his campaign. What a joke he is! And people want to vote for him???? This man has no scruples, he could care less about anyone other than himself. The American people can see through this jerk, he should be thrown out to the wolves. By the way, saw that some guys from "Alabama" were singing at a Robme rally, well I'm no longer a fan of theirs.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Romney is so OUT OF TOUCH with average working people, all he got is lies and more lies, he hope people are stupid enough to believe all the lies he tells...sad.

  • SaucyD - 12 years ago

    Lying together with the recent court decision and Tagg-affliated voting machines...not a good look for Ohio.

  • Jeanne Casatelli - 12 years ago

    If there was no chance this liar would win this could be funny. But as his lies could fool people into voting for him it's scary. Dear god he keeps lying and still hasn't showed us his tax returns. Why is this question no longer being asked? Add his apparent tax dodges to his 47% & anti-women comments and even the most confused voter will see the light.

  • Ester Weiss - 12 years ago

    Romney is a liar! But it's nothing new in the today's Radical Right Wing Racist Republican Party!

  • ROB - 12 years ago

    Goes to show how desperate ALL republicans are. Vote all republican out of office , you would be doing alot people alot good

  • Bob Tyson - 12 years ago

    This guy really scares me. Can you see if he wins and addresses the country during state of union or any other matter, how can we believe what comes out of his mouth. Are we gonna get into another lied conflict. He wants his own toy army, err navy to play with. Isn't something to watch these clowns that never served a day in their lives to want to send others to fight for tham.

  • Stiofain Mac Geough - 12 years ago

    Sure, who really listens. Note: He didn't criticize the Freeport decision.

  • Dave Ervin - 12 years ago

    I'm just surprised that he hasn't changed his name to Shaquile Hernandez yet, and claimed that he's a hermaphrodite. That way he'd have an in with the black, latino and women vote.

  • Diamun - 12 years ago

    Good thing Ohio is smarter than that, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a must be a duck.

  • Delores - 12 years ago

    Mitt has been lying, blatently for month. Some people are going to believe them, most will not. He has no character or morals. Hopefully, he will be seen for what he is: an immoral, soul-less creature that is not fit to sit in the white house.

  • Kelsey - 12 years ago

    Does Romney do anything but lie?

  • elizabeth cainghug - 12 years ago

    He is a big liar...hes worst than Bush...I pray for Obama to win..or else USA will be in big trouble..

  • MWinemiller - 12 years ago

    Don't forget cheating and stealing (remember the Diebolt voting machine fiasco in 2004), consider who is in charge of voting operations in Ohio.

  • Kathy - 12 years ago

    No, Mitt may also win Ohio by the manipulation of the state's election results. A frightening reality.

  • SUSAN DOMINOWSKI - 12 years ago

    What really bothers me is that our Nation has 1/2 its people "believing" his lies and will NOT check the facts. I don't get it?? Are people really going to let this "out of touch" person capture his life long dream of being President at ANY COST??? I wish there were some way of shaking people up.

  • Deborah - 12 years ago

    I don't believe Romney knows the difference between the truth and his lies. He is caught up in the nightmare he set for himself when he shook hands with the devil.

  • Chris Johnson - 12 years ago

    Why stop now? This is who is he is! Does anyone expect anything less from him? He's so deep in it, he has to keep going.


  • Keith - 12 years ago

    If Obama is such a good president. Why doesn't he talk about all the good he has done for the country? I'm a black man, and unemployment is above 14% in the black community.

  • Dona Syman - 12 years ago

    Romney is a con artist, not fit to be president!

  • Cyndy - 12 years ago

    Romney has no ethics. He will do anything now to get elected....scary big!

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    I have figured out that Mittens base is extremely gullible, they believe whatever bullspit comes out of his mouth! Obama, 4 more for 44!

  • Sonja - 12 years ago

    He lies about his first name, why wouldn't he lie about everything else he does!

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Shut out Team Liar!! Vote the straight Democratic ticket in your communities - and keep Obama / Biden as the leaders of our nation! Romney / Ryan become more evasive, dishonest, and despicable by the day.

  • Donna Pearson - 12 years ago

    Romney doesn't know. how to tell the truth will be worse than Bush!!!!!!!

  • Alpascua - 12 years ago

    Yes, the only thing Mitt can do is lie about anything to try and appeal to the low information undecided voter.

  • Diamun - 12 years ago

    Cat's got Romney's tongue, why wont he take interviews?

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    Romney would not know the truth is even if it hit him between the eyes.

    Lies are the only things he spews out of his mouth.

  • Vicki Macina - 12 years ago

    lying to folks in Ohio isn't goona work! we are a little smarter than that!

  • Vicki Macina - 12 years ago

    lying to folks in Ohio isn't goona work! we are a little smarter than that!

  • Venetia Green - 12 years ago

    Along with cheating and stealing, in which I am very nervous about. This has gotten to be a very nasty election. I for the life of me am baffled that the election isn't a landslide with the clown as a running mate. I am not making this stuff up, this man (if you could call him that) is a joke. He is like a pinnochio with his nose so far out he is stepping on it. Oh and his clown congregation (the likes of trump, and that pig that called him lazy, palin & ann cooter are as disgusting as he is. Heck even McCain during his campaign corrected this old hag that was calling our President names.

  • LaDonna - 12 years ago

    Romney supporters don't care whether he lies or tells the truth, makes logical sense or not, or if he switches his positions back and forth daily.

  • Connie Sturgeon - 12 years ago

    Ed, I watch you show every night and according to your polls I believe about 3 to 4 % of your viewer must think they are watching Fox.

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