What do you think of Chris Brown's Halloween costume?


  • Josiah McDouble - 2 years ago

    I love Christopher Brown

  • Richard Winkledink - 2 years ago


  • BJ - 11 years ago

    Like his mother said, IT'S JUST A FUCKING COSTUME. Seriously everybody is always trying to make him look like the bad guy and kick him down in the dirt. And it never fails, whenever an article is written about Chris, the story of him beating Rihanna is always thrown in there somewhere(I DO NOT CONDONE A MALE HITTING A FEMALE AT ALL.) Come on, that happened 3 and a half/going on 4 years ago! LET IT GO ALREADY!! I'm quite sure nobody would want their messed up past to keep getting thrown back in their face every day. Rihanna forgave him. Now we should too forgive him... Please just stop it already.

  • desertmonkey - 11 years ago

    why would anybody give a fuck about anything chris brown does. btw-who IS chris brown?

  • Brandi - 11 years ago

    Who gives a fuck if he offends the Muslims? Them attacking my country offends me but that's ok. right? I guarantee there would be nothing said if he was dressing up as Jesus and offending Christians; everyone would just laugh it off if that were the case. Im so tired of all the double standards in this country.

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