Will Romney’s last-minute attacks on the president work?


  • trudy rose tizya - 12 years ago

    and what else is new?? romeny cannot compete with The President of the United States. ann will never touch the shadow of First Lady Michelle. The President and First Lady have Class no money can buy. ann romeny is a phoney blond and mittens is bought by all the queer high moneyed aholes. none of the repugs were born on this planet *(like Bill Maher says). they look foreign. i will bet my bottom dollar mitt romney wished he didn't look down on the middle class. or anybody else for that matter. go back to outer space.

  • jeanine V - 12 years ago

    Yes, our wonderful Rick Scot is also undermining public schools by promoting charter schools.

  • jeanine V - 12 years ago

    Yes, our wonderful Rick Scot is also undermining public schools by promoting charter schools.

  • Jeanine Vaerewyck - 12 years ago

    Being an independent in Florida surrounded by hard core Republicans whose only source of info are the Fox stations, it is hard to keep respect for them. Recently I asked one of them why they hated Obama so much. "Because he lied" , "When", "Benghazi".
    1) have you all forgotten the lies about the weapons of mass destruction that and Who led us into the Iraq war which changed the large surplus that Bush inherited into a mass deficit.
    2) where was Bush the morning after New Orleans was flooded
    3) having lived in Hong Kong for 30 years, we Hong Kong residents were very surprised and wondering about the very fast rise of the Chinese automobile manufacturing. Well, now we know.
    PS. I am a European survivor of Japanese concentration camps who grew up with all the documentaries of the rise of the Third Reich. The apparent brainwashing going on here by Fox stations is so scary and reminding of the Nazi propaganda.

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    No they won't work. But in listening to Ed tonight, I am wondering about this governor in Florida. I think the good people of Florida need to recall this idiot. What gives him the right to suppress the vote, it is the RIGHT and PRIVILEGE of every voter in this country to vote for whom they please and these Republican governors all need to be recalled out of office. If this many people show up as in these long lines in Florida, I would think there would be no problem in getting him out of office. By the way, why was Rick Scott voted into office in the first place? Romney is not going to win because we don't want a lying president. It seems as if every time Romney opens his mouth, lies come out. He can go back to one of his 6 houses and spend his time after he loses. We don't need his kind anywhere near the White House. After all, he and his family have enough money to live on forever, unlike those of us who depend on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Sonia Cardoso - 12 years ago

    People who have been paying attention know all this guy has left is his lies. He has no real argument against the President any longer. The economy is improving and jobs are coming back, heck everything else is improving. He's got a bad hand and so do the Republicans who thought their guy could win. Obama/Biden 2012!!!

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    The Quote of the Decade:
    "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.
    It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills.
    It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries
    to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.
    Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.
    Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.'
    Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today
    onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.
    America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
    Americans deserve better."
    ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

    Sorta says it all eh??

  • catherine - 12 years ago

    how can mitt look people in the eyes and tell the people a ball face lie.you Just Don;t do that. get real man.

  • Dravian - 12 years ago

    They don't have to work. Obama has shown his lack of worth as President, and I am glad he'll be "ousted" as Moore put it by a Republican. We have finally had it with lies and cover-ups. It's time for a REAL change.

  • Luke B - 12 years ago

    No way! The American people are finally realizing that Mitt is much more than a liar he is a beach sandal who has constantly flipped and flopped during this election. Obama Nov. 6!! Go Democrats!!!!

  • b marshall - 12 years ago

    NO!! Mitt " I DIDN'T SAY THAT" Romney will lose. Let's compare him to President Obama, then you be the judge. 1. Romney has been RUNNING for president SIX years, that's TWO years longer than Barack Obama has ACTUALLY BEEN president. 2. Ronmey's accomplishments buying and "harvesting " businesses for massive profits for Bain capital, stripping American of their job, pensions, healthcare and financial security for himself and his rich cohorts. President Obama in HIS four years has saved the American auto industry and related jobs to the tune of 5.2 million, helped millions of uninsured and under-insured Americans get quality affordable healthcare, and helped millions of middle class Americans have more money thru payroll tax cuts,helping with the mortgage crisis, and putng necessary restraints on Wall Street. 3. Romney practictically 'demanding more tax cuts (more money) for the rich while plan to 'pay' for it thru the stripping of needed support for veterans, elderly, women and children (Medicare, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood. President Obama and the First Lady have championed and worked for more support for our veterans, saved millions of elderly Americans millions of dollars by helping to eliminiate Medicare fraud and waste; taking the excesses paid to insurance providers and giving it to elderly to lower prescription drug cost. 4. Mitt "I DIDN'T SAY THAT" Romney is evasive, totally lacking in compassion, deceptive, has no moral fiber in his character as evidenced by his lack of a stance on ANYTHING and LIES about Everything. President Obama has displayed the same strength
    of character, class, honesty since day one of his term. He states what he believes in in and acts upon them in a constant manner. In his own words :"I say what I mean and I mean what I say." 5. Romney embarrassed America in Britain, insulted the Palestinians and Russians, and is trying to trick us into another war in Iran. (So much for his foreign policy). President Obama gave the orders to Navy Seal Team Six to kill Bin Ladin; has practically eliminated most of the Al-Quadea leadership. supported, acknowledged and fought for our veterans both at home and abroad; ENDED the war In Iraq and is currently working ending the one in Afganinistan. I learned as a child you can make a cake but you can"t make up facts. In this age of internet, u-tube, 24 hour cable etc. What you say and do is recorded forever. Use your brain. IF YOU DON'T STAND FOR SOMEONE (Pres. Obama, YOU WILL FALL FOR ANYONE (Mitt "Ididn't say that") Romney. NOV 6th the CHOICE IS OURS!!!!

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    At the risk of being called a liar.. Solyndra and friends only lost 800 Million.

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    Barbara, good idea to blame Sensata on Romney who has not run Bain for 12 years. Perhaps you just misspelled the Company name...did you mean Solyndra?? one of the companies that contributed to Obama's last campaign who went belly up after ripping of the American taxpayers for about 800 billion.. Another bright idea that was going to make us energy independent. You folks don't mention that on MSNBC do you? Not only has he lied about Libya, but the promises he made about balancing the budget.. getting the unemployment rate to 5 1/2% or he would not run, that he would be transparent as President. He has his own agenda, and that one is not in the best interest of me and alot of other hared working successful professionals. It's called socialism in case you never went to school.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Mike and johnnymac, your time may be better spent organizing Romney's pity party of Nov. 7th. Perhaps in the lunch room at Sensata - the folks there have a few things to say to him, I'm quite sure. Those of us who have followed the ore-election for months can cite dozens of inaccuracies and absolute lies directly attributable to the Romney / Ryan team, and the proof is easily accessed on the fact-check websites. The nation will go with our TRUSTWORTHY leaders for four more years - President Obama and Vice-President Biden!

  • Richard McKeever - 12 years ago

    I've figured out how Romney's and the Republicans, math work's. He plans to privitize the USPS, and Social Security. If they can accomplish this they will take the money fron the sales, and apply it to the federal deficite. The sales of course would be benaficial to the richest who would buy all the choice money making portions, leaving the less profitable areas to the general public. This is a tactic well known to republicans,especially Willard Mitt Romney who created his fortune using it. The USPS, is a multi-billion dollar profit making industry that has been hamstrung by the republican House of Representatives, since the days of G.W.Bush. It is towards this purpose that they set the requirement of the USPS to pay 5.5 Billion dollars a year. To creat an impression to the general public of an agency that can't fund itself. Fact of the matter is that without the prefunding of the Federal Employee's Health Benefit Fund, the USPS would have made over 100 million dollars in profit most every year. The ironic thing is though, the employee's and the USPS still pay into Medicare to the same ends.

  • bonnie h - 12 years ago

    romney acts as if he has an onset of dementure (mis spelled). that scares a lot of us. he is not fit to be president of anything. president Obama didnt bring us out of a small hole, that was a volcano. now we are out, lets get to work. we have a kind, hard working man in this president. GOD BLESS HIM.

  • EJJ - 12 years ago

    Romney is desperate to become president as he is unemployed--he just is not qualified for anything real, and wanting to fire people doesn't help his resume. Further, hiding one's taxes overseas just looks highly suispicious.

  • Phyllis Dailey - 12 years ago

    Unless some shenanigans by the Republicans happen, come the end of Thursday (hopefully by then all votes are counted) Mitt will join the HAVE-RUNS. I'm amazed he got that close!

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    Romney may not win, but he should. I hear lots of liberals claiming that he lies, but I am hopeful that before we vote more people become aware of how the incompetent administration screwed up with Benghazi leaving 4 innocent Americans dead. The truth of the matter is that Obama knew who was behind the attack early on and to duck any responsibility claimed the attack was over a movie. When asked point blank by reporters about this question he slyly changes the subject. He has lied through his teeth in other ways as well with his earlier campaign promises that have not come true..Time for a change.. You didn't do the job. There are more opportunities as a community organizer back in Chicago.

  • EJJ - 12 years ago

    Will the real Romney please stand up--whoops there goes Mr. flash. Where did he go??? Oh, he's over there squeezing his tea bag again.

  • Melody - 12 years ago

    No, the only thing that worries me is that Tagg r. bought voting machines in Ohio, Bain Capital has bought machines in other states, and even Ann through one of her secret companies has bought voting machines!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Along with voter suppression and the fact that they plan on intimidating Voter's!!!!!!!!!!! I have recommended people to bring camera's, cell phones, video recorder's to the polling place!!!!!
    And to record anything that remotely looks like voter intimidation!!!!!!!!!! It is against law and protected by the Constitution Of The United States!!!!!!!!!!

    Also to report any incidents that are out of the ordinary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We cannot allow this Election to be stolen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Amor - 12 years ago

    Hopefully American voters realize we need a man not only we can trust but our allies will trust. Our enemies will know the President of the United States is not full of lies, is not ignorant of others cultures, but will fight for us! Hey everybody dont forget to watch the movie"seal Team" the republicans dont want us to watch tonight, I heard they tried to stop it from being showed before election day.

  • Samnga - 12 years ago

    I sure hope Rmoney's last minute attack/lies do NOT work. The problem is that there are so many deluded and deceived people out that that believe him and all the other lies of the right wing extremists that it might work. Rmoney is a great deceiver, in the vein and resemblance of the father of lies. Obama is leading us out of the financial hurricane that the republicans blustered in. Just like the damage done by Sandy, this type of thing takes time to repair. I fear a Rmoney/Ayn Ryan win will, if history is any indication, lead us into a devastating depression in a few years. Vote O and Joe to keep us on the right track and out of the hands of the neocons.

  • Linda Holmes - 12 years ago

    If you don't vote you have no voice, all votes must ask themselves this question "If you needed a life line and could only made one telephone call for help between the two Mitt or Obama who do you want to answer that call?" Bottom Line!!!!

  • sheikwil - 12 years ago

    Mittwill not win. America knows that when the President said, the best revenge is to vote, that he was talking to the people who Mitt Romney lied to and scared them losing their jobs, and that is the best revenge, go out and vote for the President.

  • sheikwil - 12 years ago

    Mittwill not win. America knows that when the President said, the best revenge is to vote, that he was talking to the people who Mitt Romney lied to and scared them losing their jobs, and that is the best revenge, go out and vote for the President.

  • Julieta Tolon - 12 years ago

    Mike, go to Fox News and the trash is all there!!!

  • EJJ - 12 years ago

    With all these daily lies a lot of people would like to punch Romney in the face, but this would be very difficult as he changes positions so quickly!! Vote for the people, vote O'Bama.

  • Jerry Wheeler - 12 years ago

    NO!! Romney is a snake and and his sidekick is lower than him!!

  • maxine - 12 years ago

    No Mitt Romney's last comment will not hurt Obama. I hope people are more intelligent than what Mitt Romney is saying, read between the lines people. The republicans are nasty, dirty, racist rich people, who do not care about the 47% of us at all and would rather us live on a piece of land away from them.

  • Denni - 12 years ago

    It's unfortunate that Romney has sacrificed his credibility by investing in his whole smoke-and-mirror word-twisting thing.

  • dorothyalleyne - 12 years ago

    i can't wait for sensible americans to get rid of that PARASITE romney.watch out !!!you heard michael steele saying that when Ed refers to romney as 'president elect' on Tuesday!!!!!!!think he knows something we don't??????what about this new software being used in Ohio??? why Ohio????are they planning to steal Ohio for romney?????i hope the people RIOT if the results don't reflect the will of the people!!!!!!!!

  • chestnut55 - 12 years ago

    mitt romney has no shame or backbone he need too go where ever he come from andhide with his TAX RETURNS.

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    Willard is crying wolf over and over again, and it does shows desperation. The lies has been thrown against the wall and not only it's falling, it stink from the beginning to the end.

    Sorry Willard, you don't believe in the American people, except for your rich buddies, where's the Donald?

    So pathetic, so sad. I'm not feeling for them. Lying doesn't win votes, and don't need a lier on 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue for President. lol!!!!!!!

  • RGS - 12 years ago

    Does Romney and his campaign think that all Americans are ignorant idiots. The auto industry ad and now this use of the word 'revenge' taken totally out of context, is insane. Who wants a president that is a total liar. If he is elected we need to question how totally unaware our society and our people are or question the validity of such results.

  • Charles Coward - 12 years ago

    Those yes votes either have to be uneducated of does not like Obama for a specific reason. But, there is a God that know what best.

  • nevada hawkins - 12 years ago

    Why would they work? This man has no character! He is shameless in all his lying! And what's with Guiliani?

  • nevada hawkins - 12 years ago

    Why would they work? This man has no character! He is shameless in all his lying! And what's with Guiliani?

  • Amor - 12 years ago

    Romney thinks American voters are idiots!!!! I am sick of his disrespectful lies. I think Trump is an idiot too. Obama has been one of us and still is. I love our President and cant stand Romney. I am praying real hard for President Obama and that the congress will care more for the people than their own political advancement in their party. By the way ANY country music or stars that promote Romney I refuse to support their music or shows. OBAMA forward four more years!!!!
    The only President I have ever trusted, donated to campagne and got involved!!!

  • A. Fisher - 12 years ago

    Early voting has already proven to be the "Bain" of Romney's bid for the presidency. Nothing he now says will alter his forthcoming loss on November 6th.

  • Trena P - 12 years ago

    Ann Romney said, "If Mitt loses he will not run again" he will sit his behind down, well Ann, Clint Eastwood has an empty chair for him...

  • elaine stenzel - 12 years ago

    HEY MITTENS ,Bullies always get what is coming to them,,and that is the truth,which willard knows nothing about.

  • Felix R. Mendez - 12 years ago

    Thanks God, his last minute tactics will not work. However, I feel some triumphalism on MSNBC, since this afternoon. Do you know things that I do not know? I'll save my energies for Nov. 7.

  • Joel - 12 years ago

    lol, Republicans/Conservatives are starting to look for people to blame like Gov. Christie for a potential loss. I say go ahead. Find a scapegoat, keep the same stale and lying/spun ideas and cynicism and Democrats will hold office for decades. Just sad. It's almost becoming entertaining to watch.

  • Jodi - 12 years ago

    Isn't Willard the name of a rat? I thought so!

  • carol fabert - 12 years ago

    if Romney lies as a candidate what do you think he will do if elected? MORE LIES!!! very dangerous for America

  • Jim McDowell - 12 years ago

    No Way. Mitt has no morals or scruples, no core values, a coward and a continuous liar. He has no answers or solutions and changes direction all the time. The people who worship this ignorant twit base their opinion on Koch/Rove and Fox sound bites and have a bumper sticker mentality. When questioned about FEMA, he was silent and could not make a decision. Privatize all the government programs will not work. Vouchers won’t work. The world was a better place before FOX. The ER is his plan for health care, sure that’s the ticket.

  • Jim Vander Poel - 12 years ago

    Michigander, same age as Mitt. Moved to MA. So I've had both George and Mitt as governor. ENOUGH. No more Romney.

  • lisa moye - 12 years ago

    no,mitts just lost and sad go back to mormanville please.

  • mercedes - 12 years ago

    Please let's get very serious with your news to give Obama all the support he needs! NO MORE JOKES! God help our country and the world if Romney becomes our president.

  • EJJ - 12 years ago

    With all these daily lies a lot of peope would like to punch Romney in the face, but this would be very difficult as he changes positions so quickly!!

  • Joyce Witt - 12 years ago

    Thank god only 3 days left hopefully of Romney. I have never been so tired of one person as I am of Romney.If I have to hear another lie, I will pull my hair out

  • Delores - 12 years ago

    Romney is hanging on the outside of a sinking boat! He is such a shifty eyed lier!

  • ANNNO1FOOL - 12 years ago

    No, I do not think that the voters are concerned with Obama using the word revenge. I think that Romney is the last person to try an say some thing about anything some one else says. His campaign has been full of words and, other forms of disrespectful things. The word revenge is minor in comparisson to him.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    What a piece-of-trash website and show that you run! Who, honestly, could believe this ongoing farce? Your face should be bright red from the lies you dish out. I guess it is all part of Universal Studios' entertainment group that you work under.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 12 years ago

    NO!!! Mitt has lied in so many of his ads & speeches since the beginning of the campaign. His bs has not worked against the President till now. His fear-mongering & scare tactics w/n work now. Mitt is desperate & the American ppl know it.

  • Donna - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not. Stick a fork in him, He's Done!

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Romney can hang it up. I think his wife knows he's already lost. She was crying earlier getting off the plane. Nothing Romney does from this point on will help him. He's lost his own compaign from all the lies he's told, and false ads. Voter suppression definitely didn't help him either.

  • Kayk - 12 years ago

    The more Romney talks the more he looks helpless and desperate i n this election

  • Kathy Story Reams - 12 years ago

    No, the attack ads won't work. I am quite certain we will know the result of the election earlier than expected on November 6th

  • Georgene Metz - 12 years ago

    It is just another in the long line of attacks since the beginning of the campaign. He is continuing to give his audience exactly what they want to hear. How sad for America.

  • Rlagunas - 12 years ago

    No. Because he is a cheater. His son Tag is going to get caught cheating those poll machine he owns. They all are a bunch of bullies and don't forget Tag wanted to hit the President. He thinks he will punch him by cheating the poll machines. Yet if that Tag gets caught cheating....He will be put in PRISON.

  • gm - 12 years ago

    Romney doesn't work! He can't even tell the truth.

  • mariah - 12 years ago

    Romney is chasing shadows. He might catch one in 2016.

  • Nelly - 12 years ago

    I am glad Obama used "voting is the best revenge" in his stump speech. I thought it was awesome.

  • Kathie Rogers - 12 years ago

    Voting IS the best revenge against liars and missogynists

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    Not in the least! God will prevail in this election! What Romney has done in the dark will come to light! Better for him not to be elected when it does.

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