Who will win the 2012 presidential election?


  • craig - 12 years ago

    congratulations to president obama,,congratulations to america

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    OBAMA WE WON!!!!!! The poeple SPOKE & were Heard Loud & Clear OBAMA WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

  • Robert Modica - 12 years ago

    We are suppose to be the number 1 democratic nation in the world. But our election system sucks. We are like some Third World country, were the people with the most money can control the election. The elections should be held on a Sat , Sun or the day should be a election holiday, so all persons can be allow to vote without being subjected to company problems. The voting process should be mandatory, and if you do not vote you will be fined. Any person found to inhibit the voting of any individuals should be charged with a felony w/ jail time.

  • Anthony P.Zannoni - 12 years ago

    For all Americans of Italian descendent:"Svegliatevi e ricordatevi che Romney e' "Persona Non Grata" in Italia,a causa delle truffe perpetrate da Bain Capital a scapito degli Italiani con la compra-vendita delle "Pagine Gialle"!

    For all the American of German descendent: "Mann muss unbedingt sich Heute errinern dass Obama,den liebling USA President ist und dass Romney ein Luegermaul ist"

  • Jim Wodke - 12 years ago

    Should Romney win; seniors, working class and the poor will rue this day. With Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid at stake I will never understand why seniors would vote for Romney and any republican who are all adamantly opposed to the wonderful programs.

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    Fired Up & Ready To Go!!!!!! Today I will cast my VOTE for Pres. Obama I am proud because I truly believe he our Pres. Is leading us out of the terrible & horrendous situation that he inherited from the previous republican. The one who took us into war with a Blatant Lie!! Fire Up & Ready To VOTE 4 more yrs Pres. Obama!!!!!!

  • Shelia Berry - 12 years ago

    I just want to say 4 MORE YEARS!!!! FIRED IT UP AND GET READY TO GO!!!!!!! forward. I just want to say last nights last speech in Iowa, OMG!!!! Had me in tears as I watched a tear roll out of President Obama's eye, I'm telling you He is Gods chosen one. He and his wife are two most spiritual leaders Americans can every have. Like he said, some people may not agree with him all of the time, but he has done just about everything he said he was going to do in the 1st three years and it's nto over YET!!!!!! I would also like to add, Thank you Me. Ed for all of the support you have shown the President and allowing us to put our story out there as well.

  • Sandra andrews - 12 years ago

    I voted for Obama this morning. Forward

  • Sandra andrews - 12 years ago

    I voted for Obama this morning. Forward

  • Breauna S - 12 years ago

    Firstly I just want to say Thank You to MonaLisa for your eloquent, insightful, and inspirational words. I don't even know you but I wish that I did and I feel more confident than ever knowing that there are people like you making this world and country a better place. Everything begins with a thought. Speaking of thoughts, I just randomly wrote the following down on paper and I wanted to put it out there into the world. Even if no one reads it, the energy will be out there and intentions, thoughts, and hope all have wings.
    2am Election Day: Please America! Lets' reelect Barack Obama. Let this be the biggest landslide victory of all time! Let us be moving towards open-mindedness and open hearts. Truth, compassion, fairness, unity, and love. Those are the things at stake today. Let this be a light that helps us find our way out of the darkness.
    I admire and respect you, Obama. You give me hope that there are people who want to work in service of their fellow men and women. And not just Americans but for human kind. Americans are no better, only luckier. Let us lift each other up for as we do, our own burdens are lighter.
    Thank you so much to all of those people in Ohio and Florida who are standing in line for five hours to vote because republicans put laws in place to cut early voting days in half. You are showing your determination and resolve because you know how important this election is for us all. Thank you with all of my heart, you are heroes in my eyes.
    Let's win this thing today and show the people that voted for Romney that Obama cares for them too and wants only the best for all of us. We know how the story ends. The good guy always triumphs!

  • Monalisa - 12 years ago

    I am most move and humble by the experience I will undertake today where my voice to paper will count. I have watched our politics navigate into a toxic web and rape the very core of our identity as a people, our common sense and our conscience. This has both ignited me and given me pause. I will vote for the very 1st time today. As a woman and a mother there are many essentials that trouble me about this election.

    We can disagree in theory and still agree in the ultimate goal of fundamentals. We must move forward and not retreat to the poison that stifles progress. We must invest in America's future for the betterment of all not just those that can independently afford one. We shouldn't however, scold those that have worked hard and build a fortune or inherited the same. We must not nonetheless, punish those that weren't fortunate enough to be bless with such fortunes. We must bridge our gaps, not tear each down because of our differences. After all, it's the richness in our diversity that shines as a beacon and summoned those like me to migrate to this land to seek the prospect of a better tomorrow. This potent era of politics have fueled my desire to partake in this extraordinarily momentous endeavor that will dictate the direction of our country. For the very aspirations, hopes and promises once gleaming are now fogged and crippled by the latent ambiguous reality that surfaces through every distorted and non-inclusive proposed agendas.

    I was an immigrant until recently that worked hard and earned the benefits that resulted from the persistent sweat and tears shed. Much has transpired as is usually the case with us immigrants. But we are a proudful people, pay taxes, stimulate the economy, actively engaged in the building of America, rejoice when America make strives and weap when she falls. Our children look like your children and play with them. We are Americans in practice and in every sense your imagination allows. We should fight to preserve not destroy. May God bless us all as we voice our opinions today and may God bless our President in this new wave of battles as he embarks upon his 2nd term.

    My family love you Ed-keep fighting an amazing fight.


  • rhoda kealoha - 12 years ago

    It's not just because I'm from Hawaii that I believe that President Obama will win it's because of WHAT he has done and WHAT he believes that should be done that he gets my vote.
    REMEMBER, We are always having to bail ourselves out of situtation that the previous Rebuplicans put us in. Aloha from Hawaii Obama will win.

  • Demetris Brown - 12 years ago

    I'm Obama all the way. They're cheating already limiting the polls,smh. If Romney just so happens to win, I'm out the country.

  • Lora Dean - 12 years ago

    With this poll showing 97% for Obama and CNN's "I'm Voting" poll showing 62% for Obama and even the Facebook pages of the candidates show Obama clearly has an almost 3x higher lead than the other guy...why then are we continuously seeing headlines reading "Dead Heat for Candidates"? But the polls cited for THOSE headlines are only using a 150-600 some odd sampling. Something's not adding up here.
    Just sayin'.

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    FIRED UP & READY TO GO!!!!!! Willard's lies didn't work & he is for the elite & rich, how said that people follow Willard like hungry Zombies. Pres. Obama will be re-elected because he is a President that has been a positive thing that this great country has needed in a long time. The repubs had their chance & almost ruined & devided the nation! FIRED UP & READY TO GO!!!!!! VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN!!

  • still undecided....NOT! - 12 years ago

    thats what I thought...brainless freaks. No one has an answer. GO ROMNEY!!!!!!!!!!

  • still undecided - 12 years ago

    Someone help me out here...... I am still undecided......Benghazi, fast and furious, 6 trillion more debt, millions more on welfare, higher unemployment, less take home pay, lower home values, no help with Sandy, the list goes on.....tell me why you all are in for Mr. Obama.

  • Johnnymac - 12 years ago

    How can so many poor souls be fooled. Obama has ruled like an arogant despot.. No compromise..all insults..name calling and lies. Bengazi-gate will unfortunately show he knew there was danger there long ago, did nothing about it causing 4 American deaths. He lied about the cause claiming it was over a anti Muslim film.. Even one of the fathers of a murdered Seal claims he is a lying phony.
    He promised a balanced budget and failed even when he had control of both houses. The true unemployment rate is over 14% not 7.9. Many poor folks have simply given up looking for work. He has run up the deficit and has no desire to stop spending. He has the nerve to blame the slow economy on Bush instead of his incompetence. Scandals, where he gave his campaign contributors such as the Solyndra, went bankrupt wasted $800 million taxpayer dollars , and "Fast and furious" where his administration supplied guns to drug lords who killed Americans hardly get a mention in the press.
    Wake up voters. Stop listening to Mr. Ed.Obama has no clue how to run this faltering economy. Growth has slowed down more as each year that goes with him as president. He will put us into a recession for sure and continue to divide this nations people.

  • joe - 12 years ago

    watching bill maher what an idiot but archie was right rob renier is a freckn meat-head

  • Cindy DeHague - 12 years ago

    Who is this Dick Morris that says Romney will win by a landslide? Is he NUTS!!!! OBAMA ALL THE WAY!!!

  • joe - 12 years ago

    im watching pres hussan lie in iowa now i no why all those people are corn farmers lol

  • Kenn Wester - 12 years ago

    President Obama has done a poor job for four years, I can't wait for a new competent president, only two more days. Let's get Romney in office and restore success & respect to the office of the president and the United States.

  • JOE - 12 years ago

    how can there be so many people fooled again this time.

  • Clara Lawrence - 12 years ago

    Nina Turner for Govenor of OHIO!!!!!!! You have my Vote! You have worked so Hard! You make me so Proud to live in OHIO! You care and people can see your concern! I have voted Republican in the PAST but never will again! I am full blown Democrat due to all the ugliness I have seen during this Campaign! Romney LIES and Does not give a HOOT for women YET! This man has high poll counts. This is scary! What are people thinking? He will hang us all! Obama will continue to help us! I am so shocked Romney is so close to Obama in OHIO POLLS> Obama will win this thing or we ALL may as well put our head between our legs and kiss our butt Goodbye. We are all screwed.

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    TO ALL THOSE WHO IS VOTING FOR ROMNEY : DO wake up man , your IQ must be higher than this.....or does it ??? Do you honestly in your right mind believe for one minute that this very rich guy is truly qualified and competent to be the LEADER of America ?????!!!!! This guy , a rich bully , running this presidential campagne in the same manners like any businessmen closing a deal ...doesn't matter what it takes , just close the deal and when it is a done deal , nothing else matters .
    In a difficult time like this , America needs a leader who honestly and trufully cares for his fellow countrymen , who knows what is it like to be poor , who knows what is it like to be underpriviledged ,but NOT somebody who never have to eat with plastic forks ! Think hard , and make a right choice !

  • Clara Lawrence - 12 years ago

    There is Voter Supression going on in Ohio. My Niece registered and was told she could not vote because she was not registered. She registered with the OHIO BMV when she got her drivers license and also registered when she enrolled in College at Hocking . She is Black and registered as a Democrat. Somehow or someone threw away her registrations. Also my sister and her husband are Caucasion. Daughter is adopted, Were asked to show photo ID in order to vote. Ohio law does not require Photo ID to vote! Tell me they were not suppressed. That's ok. Mitt and the PUBS can play dirty but there is such a division in this Country because of the dirty PUB deeds. Jesus himself won't be able to fix this mess. Pray for our Country People UNITED we Stand DIVIDED we FALL! VOTE! DO not get out of line to VOte if you have to stand there all NIGHT! Don't let their dirty deeds pay off. Polls show Romney will win if DEMocrats don't stand strong and STAY IN LINE AND VOTE! We have fought for the right to be free. Do not let this right go. Many people have died and suffered to give us ALL the right to vote! The PUBS have turned our Voting into a 3rd world Country! IT all makes me sick to my stomach!

  • Mary Vaughn - 12 years ago

    What is it about this president that has everyone so hypnotized into thinking he is the saviour of our land??? I listen to him, see the results of his non existent budgets, read between the lines and I come up with a man I cannot trust. Mitt Romney has more character and integrity than Obama will ever have. Do the research on these men. Don't just listen to what you want to believe.

  • John - 12 years ago

    It's very sad and makes you think that the greatest country on earth is loaded with people who are easily convinced by a fool.
    It should have been a no brainer because anyone who can't relate/care for others less fortunate (the 47% comment video), who don't care about science, the environment (rising sea level/global warming is hoax believers), who is using faith to capitalize on people while violating the greatest commandment of the founder (...love thy neighbor as thyself), who lies as freely as he breath to try to attain a personnel goal in detriment of others (flip flopping, lying, non fact ads); that person doesn't even deserve to be in public affairs no need to even consider the highest office.

    I'll sleep with peace tonight because if America makes the absurd mistake of voting Romney they'll learn that something worst than 8 years of republican Bush does exist, it's not republican, surely not democrat, it's "shameless, careless, lying, no position, flip flopping, greedy, outsourcing, hidden agenda Mitt Robme". I'll sleep at peace because they'll learn a lesson, again: "whoever deny history is only setting up to re-experience it".

  • Mjest - 12 years ago

    What if a man could have a baby, they would never have sex..... :-)) The GOP want women to get out of the work force and stay home, but no mother wants to see her children hungry, so she works for less. There are men out there killing women because they don't want to pay child support. Women should get a license to carry and men would think before attempting to rape them; then, men would make it against the law for a woman to carry weapons.

  • Theodore Lane - 12 years ago

    Ed, Neal Boortz on National Radio called President Obama a BIG BLACK DOPE. These attacks against the President should be handle like a threat. Boortz' plan was to awaken some radical white person to attempt to kill the President. Boortz, Hannity, Limbaugh, Morning Joe, FOX NEWS and other pundits hate the President and speaks hatefully to the people who listen to them to insite a race war in America. Jim Crow is alive and well in the GOP.

  • Anthony P.Zannoni - 12 years ago

    The majority of Europeans do love Obama and the Italians do hate Mitt Romney.Reason why?
    Romney is "Persona Non Grata" in Italy for Bain's Deals Skirting Taxes". This is the reason why Mitt skipped Italy,early this yr.on his swing through Euyrope.He was prudent indeed!
    12 yrs ago Bain Capital under CEO Romney,made 1 billion $ in a leveraged buyout.Bain bought a phone directory company from the Italian Government and then sold it 2 yrs later,at the peak of the technology bubble for about 25 times what it paid.Bain funneled the profit through Luxembourg a strategy for avoiding income taxes.This at the expenses of the Italian Tax Payer..The buyer,Italy's biggest phone company,now has a total market value less than what it paid Bain for the directory business.Because of the shady deals and laundering of money through Luxembourg Bain made a fortune at the expenses of the Italians and the company was not charged of any wrong doing. 12 yrs later,Romney ties to the deal is hurting his image in Italy.This deal is confirming again that many politicians cheat the system and enrich themselves and they do not serve the public good,but they serve their personal interest.This is the story of the Italian "Pagine Gialle" or "Yellow Pages" a dark chapter in Italy's privatization history,one that has hurt Italians deeply,a mistake from the start,damaged by lack of transparency and the use of off shore funds.
    Not many Americans are aware of this!!!

  • sharon - 12 years ago

    Mr. President, You Are The Man, if You Can't do it, Nobody Can...4 more years

  • James Collier - 12 years ago

    We have a good president and that is President Obama. But there is something that puzzles me? It has never been a time in history a President has been treated like this by a party. President Obama needs 4 more years to clean up the mess the Rebublican party had made. Finally, this Republican party and G.O.P has lost their way and need to go back to the old school and their values. The real values , is it of the creed of America that was stated in Constitution or is it of racism or hatred?

  • Cliff Moore - 12 years ago

    If you were to go by this survey it would be a landslide! I believe that it should be a landslide due to the fact that Romney has made it clear that he would put the burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor. He would pluck the feathers out of Big Bird and have him for Thanksgiving dinner. That being said, I think it will be close but The President will prevail!

  • Mjest - 12 years ago

    If I take eight years to dig a big hole, and i expect you to fill it up in four years; you better pray, that their is no wind, rain or other exception that effect the contents that you have to put back in the hole, because you will always comeup short. And with the GOP trying to tie one hand behind the Pres back, I like to see anyone try to accomplish what the Pres has and keep smiling. I am looking Forward and paying my fair share.

  • Theodore Lane - 12 years ago

    We're on the move now. No political party can stop us from voting, we're on the move. Many went to jail and died in the prejudice south of the late 50s and 60s to gain equality for all people in this nation. We're on the move now. Despite the hate of the GOP for President Obama, placing party ahead of the American people, we will not be denied the right to vote ever again. Dr. King led groups of blacks, whites and Latino on non violent marches to get America to treat everyone equal and secure the right to vote. We're on the move. White supremacist can cut early voting days, allow long lines to grow, we'll not give up our rignt to vote. My great grand parents could not vote, My grand parents could not vote and I can now vote and I will not give up what they sacrified for me. We're leaning forward and will not go backward. This is my country too!

  • Rehan - 12 years ago

    This Time i am praying only for Mr. President to win this election, if mr. bluff master (mitt) win then our troops have to go on lots and ruin so many troops again in Iran War and i don't think so any of us is ready for other war this time or next 100 years, mitt friend all ready put us in 2 war and that's enough for us now no more war as well no Liar's in rose garden Republican please wake up and say no to other war this last few hour in hand to stop the war, GOD BLESS United State of America

  • Roger Thomas - 12 years ago

    Willard thought the American people were blind people he could walk into a door like he did to his teacher when he was 18 . Mitt will find out tomorrow that the American People were able to SEE through all of his lies when President Obama heads back to the White House and he runs to the Cayman Islands to hide the embarrassment of his defeat.

  • Cassandra - 12 years ago

    I think there will be a vote-counting scuffle, the GOP will attempt to steal the election, but it will be too obvious, and people are too alert to the possibility. It will fail and the attempt will be exposed. This is the year deceit will no longer fly.

  • Cassandra - 12 years ago


  • Ed - 12 years ago

    How can Willard (Mitt) Romney believe for one minute he can be the Commander and Chief of the United States when his entire family (four generations of Romney’s) has evaded or ran from military service/conflict. History lesson; In 1912, Romney’s grandfather and family fled Mexico to avoid the Mexican Revolution, Romney’s father George believed he was brainwashed by the military during his run for the 1968 Republican Presidential Nomination, his brainwash comments and his flip flopping stance on Viet Nam ended his presidential run. Mitt, himself ran to France to avoid military service in Viet Nam, and of course all of Mitt’s five sons who hid behind their Mormon religion and like their father only performed missionary work. How can anyone whose entire family blood line seems to be a bunch of cowards (running and hiding from military service) ever command respect as Command and Chief?

  • Theodore Lane - 12 years ago

    The GOP and their pundits tried to suppress the vote to steal the election. The American people would not stand for it. Long lines in Ohio and Florida shows how much the American people (Middle Class, Black, Latinos, and poor) will stand in long lines for hours after hour to vote. Many died and/or went to jail to get the right to vote and today's GOP is trying to take it away. America was built on the backs of the Middle Class and the GOP shows it does not care about the Middle Class, only the top 1 percent. Romney and Ryan's lies and deceipt will not fool the American people in this election. We can not return to the policies that almost destroyed America and that is where Romney and Ryan will take us. President Obama brought this country from the edge of financial destruction and now we're moving on the right track. 4 more years will prove how great of a President is truly is.

  • Mjest - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney will go down in history as a man that has no values. When the history of this election is written it will show Mitt Romney as a untruthful being. If he has a soul he must confess every night to be able to get up each morning and face himself, not to mention the good lord.

  • Karen Zwerling - 12 years ago

    Obama must win if this country is to remain whole and wholesome. The Romney ticket and all his cohorts have tried to destroy all that we stand for, all that I have taught my children and our grandchildren. I am 73 and I have seen evil try to infiltrate our government, but these men have gone beyond boundaries of lies and deception that are unbelievable. Obama must win!

  • Charlene - 12 years ago

    Go abama give them hell we do need a president that can fight for the middle class workers also for women rights to choose health reform. It's time that wc need to go forward as one counrty and one nation and that's USA.

  • Boxer J - 12 years ago

    Getting up early to vote for Obama, then volunteering @ Dem HQ wearing my donkey shirt and a huge smile!!

  • Deb C - 12 years ago

    President Obama will win because he is for the people, all the people.
    Jon Husted does not represent the citizens of the great State of Ohio. This is 2012, voter suspression, we are better than that.

  • Susan Williams - 12 years ago

    Why doesen't the whole country use the ( Home Ballot) , as we do in Washington State? We have early voteing, but there are no long lines, bcause you just fill it out and either put a stamp on it and mail it, or you got to your nearest Library and put it in the voteing box.. This Republican suppression has been going on for year's and it has to STOP...

  • Gloria - 12 years ago

    For those who are the president "sack of crap", did you forget everything he has done for us so far. He killed Osama Bin Laden for God's sake, he signed the Lilly Ledbetter act, he gave us the payroll tax. He has done more for us and Mitt Witt says, when we are laid off, we ask for food, shelter, how dare we..... Well like I said before, it's Mitt Witt that is the psychopath, his looks are evil, he shows his wife, hardly any affection, he is a very cold man. Like they said "birds of a feather flock together. Especially when he had Glenn Beck and Dick Cheney at a dinner party, come on..... Glenn Beck is another psychopath and Dick Cheney is a cruel, evil monster. People who are voting for the president have love in their hearts for this country and for every human being, whether what color you are, or who you are married to, or what city you live in or how much you make. The president has a soul and Mitt-Witt has no soul.

  • RRRhds - 12 years ago

    I trust and believe that President Barack Obama will remain our president for 4 more years. Mitt Romney know that he is going to win as well. This is why he is lying continously and deliberately mis-quoting what our President is saying and trying to mislead the american people...... After this election, he and Ryan both need to check in a mental institution and get some help. They are both sick dementated liars......

  • Mahealani - 12 years ago

    Four MORE years! 2012 Obama/Biden - Mahalo nui loa !! Mr. ED for your hard work to keep your viewers inform of TRUTH!!!

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    How can anyone in their right mind vote for and possibly elect Romney, the biggest liar in political history? No time in recent history has out right lying been so rampant, are Americans so blind? How are we going to move forward and prosper by lying about everything important? Republican’s newest ploy is lie, lie, lie and when confronted, lie some more. If we allow this behavior to continue we will end up voting for corporations (“corporations are people too” according to Mitt) instead of humans for president. We made considerable progress under what’s his name…”Honest Abe.” Back when the Republicans were known as the party of Lincoln, now they are the party of “HATERS” Bachmann (government/gay hater), Akin (women/science hater), and Romney (truth/tax hater). God help us all!

  • Mjest - 12 years ago

    Taking a way someones right to vote shows the fear the GOP has; Let America Vote. No other country should let the US give them voter advice. Most of the GOP members that want to restrict a women's right to choose, because they can put their family members on a private jet and send them to other countries no matter what laws they pass for other women. They won't tell you that.

  • Laura Haley - 12 years ago

    People please vote like our lives depends on it. Don't buy into thhe lies and falacies that the GOP is promoting. Lets vote for truth, lets vote for equality, lets keep moving our ccountrry forward vote for Barac Obama!!!

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 12 years ago

    President Obama! The Republicans' persistent effort to steal the votes and voices of millions of Americans will fail. The fight to protect the vote will go on. Americans will find out just how destructive the Republican plan really is. Americans will also learn how much President Obama really loves this country. Americans know how much he has done and will continue to do to help women, people of color, the poor, the middle-class and working people. That is why he will win tomorrow's election.

  • Charleen Schuster - 12 years ago

    I am so sick of looking at Romney's face! I voted the day my ballot came in the mail! Everyone should be able to vote by mail! I voted a straight democrate ticket! I will be on my knees tonight praying that Obama wins! I can't imagine what will happen if Romney should get in! Why anyone would vote for someone you can't trust. Women should all vote for Obama, why any women would want to go back to the "50's". Romney and Ryan thinks women are second class citizens! The Mormon Church is not a Christian religion. Romney will run the government just like the Mormon church does!! Romney and the Mormon Church lie all the time! Romeny will say anything to get into the White House and what he will do to us after he gets in is very scary!!!

  • dorothyalleyne - 12 years ago

    where else but in America could a liar like Willard (Mitt) Romney grow up and have a chance at becoming the President of the United States? Very proud knowing as a teenage Mitt bullied teachers and fellow classmates, holding one kid down on the ground and cutting off his hair, just because Mitt consider the kid to be different, WOW very proud. Proud knowing that during this country’s time of needs i.e. Viet Nam, Mitt cowered behind his Mormon Religion running off to France and hiding out until it was safe to come back, very proud indeed. Proud to know as a businessman, Mitt’s company (Bain Capital) forced dozens of companies into bankruptcy, eliminating thousands of jobs, while draining these companies for every dollar to include workers pension funds then sticking the government to clean up afterwards, so very proud. Proud knowing as the major stockholder of Bain Capital, Romney continues to this day to pillage American companies like Sensata in Freeport, Illinois’ where he is out-sourcing hundreds of jobs to China, all in the name of profit, while at the same time campaigning how he will get tough on China, can you feel the pride? Where else but in America can a lying, blood sucking, tax dodging bully like Mitt Romney have any chance of becoming President? Republicans you can feel proud knowing you were once the party of Lincoln, which meant something, yet now you’re the party of Bachmann, Akin, and Romney, keep drinking the Kool-Aid folks, keep drinking. God bless Obama and the United States!I COPIED THIS BECAUSE I ENDORSE EVERY WORD!!!!!!!

  • Vacha Girl - 12 years ago

    Obama is going to win tomorrow.And that's a fact.Romney will be crying himself all the way to China.

  • Toochie - 12 years ago

    God knows the heart of this servant. Obama. He will win because it will be God's will that he does...I wish no evil on Mitt Romney , but he has sold his soul to the devil and he will reap what he sowe. Florida's Governor Scott and SOS Husted of Ohio, will suffer in their lives for the evil that they are imposing on human beings...No good can come from such evil...America wake up and see these people for who they are.. Get up, go out and vote, no matter how long it takes. Don't let them win...I have already voted for
    Barack Obama our President...

  • Tom - 12 years ago

    I should mention that I will of course not vote for President Obama. The economy is in horrid shape. Benghazi is a cover up and not being covered well at all. Clearly we hired someone that failed to learn how to lead on the job. We need a new path.

  • veronica batten - 12 years ago

    I just don't understand my fellow sisters.Are they not hearing what Mitt the liar is saying,his plan is to surpress women rights,just like his party is attempting to surpress voting in ohio and florida. You will burn in HELL for your action here on earth. People get out vote vote vote show Willard the power of the people.

  • Carol Martin - 12 years ago

    It frightens me that intelligent, grown folk would even consider anyone other than Barack Obama for president of the United States of America.
    Signed: "You people"

  • bryan vance - 12 years ago

    New Romney/Ryan Campaign theme song: Jethro Tull's "Living in the Past" !!!

  • Jackson Nanje - 12 years ago

    I sincerely believe that President Obama is morally believable than Gov. Romney on many issues. It is not just because Obama and the Democrat party have positioned themselves on many issues that majority of the population believe the country should move towards, the population (voters) believe that he sincerely believes these issues ought not to be legislated upon anymore. He comes across to be a very sincere human being.

  • Doug - 12 years ago

    U.S. Air Force Core Value #1; Integrity First. Mitt Romney is no Commander-In-Chief. He lacks integrity.

  • jane feinstein - 12 years ago

    If mit romney was so interested in creatingjobs why hasn't he done so before now. If he had and not been so spiteful and cunning he would have been a more viable candidate. He has shown his true color ait wasn't to help the middle class. Only benefitting his 47 percent. Obama we got your back and we are proud to e-elect.

  • chestnut55 - 12 years ago

    mitt romney cares for no one but him and his rich friends and the rest of us can go to hell.

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    I've already put my early vote for President Obama on the day he went to Chicago to cast his votes.

    President Obama has proven over and over again to the American voters that this country can achieve and succeed where the middle class can rise again. President Obama has prove that this presidency is not about him, it all of us: poor, middle class, rich, black, hispanics, white, young and old, where we should achieve the American dream and success comes within.

    This is a moment where you have a former and current president campaign together, where they know what's in stake, and especially when you have a former president (Bill Clinton says that he campaign for "my president") say those words, well, I had tears in my eyes. It was a rare moment.

    President Obama will win re-election. For a current who turn this country from falling from the cliff of Wall Street greediness, two wars according, ecomony falling where jobs is lost, sign the Lilly Ledbetter of Equal Pay Work on his first day in office, and a long list of accomplishment, next to President Bill Clinton while being nagged by Republicans who didn't give a crap nor the respect to the President, he must keep going.

    To have Willard Romney elected to office (NOT!!!) will ruin all the work that President Obama has accomplish, and the President is right about one thing: "Our work is not done!!!"

    It will not happen. Willard can go home in defeat and put his money in his mouth and keep it there. Go to the Cayman Island and run for President.

  • Anthony P.Zannoni - 12 years ago

    Americans!....Lets do not suffer from AMNESIA when voting tomorrow!!

  • @borntocount - 12 years ago

    Just like Sandy, when a big wind blows, destruction is left behind. Romney is a big wind. Obama will win.

  • Ruth Milcarek - 12 years ago

    Obama is the only one we can vote for and I will vote for all democrats also so that Congress will not be able to keep Obama from doing good for our country. Romney is only for the 1% and they will be the ones to run the country if he gets in. No longer a free country. When Bush was incontrol and got Cairo Egypt to have a democratic election, The one who was in charge there had his pictures all over the place. But if anyone was strong enough to run against him, their pictures and posters were taken down by the one in office. And there were guards at the voting places to antagonize the ones who came to vote for the minority. And of course the one in office kept the office, and he said he was so happy to have a democracy and a vote. It was all fixed. I know because I talked to someone there daily and knew what was going on. And that is exactly what Romney is trying to do now to surpress the vote. I am very glad that I am not Mormon if that is how they act, by lying everytime he opens his mouth. I am Catholic, and I don't agree with everything Obama stands for, but I feel he is a honest man and a good husband and father. He gets my vote 100%/

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    Of course President Obama is going to win. What I would like to see however, is when these Republican governors from Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and every other state come up for re-election, that they be kicked out of office so fast they won't know what hit them. The nerve they have to try and stop people from voting is disgusting. People over the years have fought and given their lives to be able to vote in free elections and here we have these nutball governors trying to suppress people's rights to vote. They should be ashamed of themselves, of course, I forgot they have no conscience. Anyway, President Obama will win hands down, Mitt can go back to one of his 6 houses and know that we didn't want him to run our country.

  • Tom - 12 years ago

    This poll is crud along with MSNBC. This might as well be the DNC news network. Ed is as biased as Carl Rove just different sides of the aisle.

  • Diana Wangsness - 12 years ago

    Never in my life time has an election been so critical!! If Romney win I will go into mourning---But I believe in the American people and Obama will win!!!

  • Gloria - 12 years ago

    The President will WIN!!!!, mark my words. I looked up the word Psychopath and the Mitt-Witt has so many characteristics of a Psychopath... it's not funny, he is a very strange man with many issues. Do you really want this man to run our country. One ambition of a psychopath is to rule the world. A psychopath changes his personality to those around him. He knows he lies and doesn't care about it. This man scares me and what scares me the most if he gets the presidency. Please, if you are thinking about voting for Mitt-Witt, think about how many personalities he has shown us, how many lies he has told and didn't care about it. How he said he likes to fire people. If he is president, he will make us work like the people in China, in sweat shops, making very little. This man is not to be trusted, the president is the only sane choice. Please think seriously before you cast your vote for this man, your choice could be the end of our country, democracy and the 99% of human lives.

  • Sue Wallace - 12 years ago

    I understand what you're saying Bernadetta Thomphason and feel many of the same things but I have one more thought; if "the sack of Crap" wins, the entire country and world will be in trouble. That includes those of us who have diligently supported Obama all along and not one of us will deserve that!!! ~:/

  • linda moore - 12 years ago

    i am from massachusetts and our business is a victom of romney.2 lies from him...massachusetts schools were no. 1 and no. 2 since 1963.massachusetts has always been a state that stayed above water.he did not create jobs .he lied to us in massachusetts to get gov.and hes telling lies again to american people he sold us out by closing his bussiness,so many people were out of work.massachusetts went from no.3,to no.46 on his watch.

  • Paige - 12 years ago

    I LOVE my President...and want him to have another 4 years. But can we say "ED for 2016"?

  • Bonnie Ayers - 12 years ago

    I have already voted for President Obama. I do not want a chronic liar for my president.

  • Mary Coates - 12 years ago

    I am voting a straight Democratic Ticket, why? Because my family and friends have served the military and have even died for the right of freedom in the United States. Any party that tries to restrict the right to vote is no longer a party for the American People!!

  • Candy - 12 years ago

    Obama will win, at least with him we know that he supports women and we have an idea what his plan is!!!!!!!, Romney's comments give me a headache!!!!! on all issues..

  • Stephanie KALU - 12 years ago

    It will be Pres. Obama!!!! All Bros. & Sis. get out your Votes on Nov.6th, 2012 - Tuesday.

  • Chukwudi Nwokoye - 12 years ago

    I am a disabled veteran and among the 47% denigrated by Gov. Romney as people that do not want to take responsibility for ourselves. He would lose, and he would lose big. President Obama would win convincingly.

  • Krissy B - 12 years ago

    President Obama, we believe in you and that you are true
    to your word! You are a very good role model for our children
    in today's world! God Bless, You!

  • tipp96 - 12 years ago

    voting privilage has been paid, for with blood remember alabama,three little angels.

  • Guy Benson - 12 years ago

    In Doc. Kings' words..." The Moral Arch Of The Universe Is Long, But It Bends Towards JUSTICE!"

  • tkatkins - 12 years ago

    When its time to vote for state secretary of state pick a Democrat to STOP voter serpression !

  • Sue B. - 12 years ago

    All of the ugliness will not win out. I live in Delaware county in Ohio and early voting has been no lines, no waiting. More polling places should have been opened for Columbus. You don't see the heavily Republican counties waiting in lines, even on election day. There should be national election reform. States should not be able to steal a person's vote. Go Obama

  • Gidget White - 12 years ago

    Obama deserves 4 more years to continue growing the country! Mitt Romney just wants the title of President of the United States. I truly believe he will not and can not do the job that our current Commander and Chief is doing. Mitt is passionate about him and his family only, not the American people! Mitt wants the title not the job!

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    Republicans, you must be very proud of your party’s nominee, where else but in America can a liar like Willard (Mitt) Romney grow up and have a chance at becoming the President of the United States? Very proud knowing as a teenage Mitt bullied teachers and fellow classmates, holding one kid down on the ground and cutting off his hair, just because Mitt consider the kid to be different, WOW very proud. Proud knowing that during this country’s time of needs i.e. Viet Nam, Mitt cowered behind his Mormon Religion running off to France and hiding out until it was safe to come back, very proud indeed. Proud to know as a businessman, Mitt’s company (Bain Capital) forced dozens of companies into bankruptcy, eliminating thousands of jobs, while draining these companies for every dollar to include workers pension funds then sticking the government to clean up afterwards, so very proud. Proud knowing as the major stockholder of Bain Capital, Romney continues to this day to pillage American companies like Sensata in Freeport, Illinois’ where he is out-sourcing hundreds of jobs to China, all in the name of profit, while at the same time campaigning how he will get tough on China, can you feel the pride? Where else but in America can a lying, blood sucking, tax dodging bully like Mitt Romney have any chance of becoming President? Republicans you can feel proud knowing you were once the party of Lincoln, which meant something, yet now you’re the party of Bachmann, Akin, and Romney, keep drinking the Kool-Aid folks, keep drinking. God bless Obama and the United States!

  • Ruth Milcarek - 12 years ago

    I will stand in line to vote for Obama tomorrow. If I have to pee while standing in line for an extended amount of time, I will just keep my place and pee. Then I will go in to vote with wet pants. I am a senior woman, and it could happen, but I will not get out of the line until I vote.

  • Linda H - 12 years ago

    I voted for the winner thats on the right side of history, again the president will won for all people.......

  • jb14621 - 12 years ago

    Is the glass half empty- or half full? I'm on the net all day & MSNBC all day and they am't of Election Fraud and Voter Repressions has me feeling...half empty, I'm Sorry. I even voted that Romney will win due to the supression. Ohio won't even let the UN in to monitor. I really started crying after turning in my absentee ballot because Romney's world for us is serfdom and our AG Holder isn't stepping in. OK, got to be half full now....GO OBAMA GO!!

  • Sharon Williams - 12 years ago

    I do believe that our President will win another four years, IF the voting is fair and if the GOP's effort to win the election by voter suppression doesn't happen. The GOP has become the party of cheating and lying, and that makes me sick. The Republicans today, are not the party of the past...that stopped with George W. Bush, not Nixon. However, Nixon's pardon opened Pandora's box.

  • Mary Anne Cox - 12 years ago

    The Republicans are calling from Virginia to solicit funds for Ads "a money ball" to defeat Pres Obama "and his war on women. " this is disgusting and deceitful. They are intentionally lying and trying to confuse voters. Don't let this happen. Mac

  • Valerie - 12 years ago

    Although I stood in the early voters line for more than 3-hours with Ohio and Florida early voters standing in lines for more than 4 to 8 hours, the GOP has encouraaged the Middle Class to get out and Vote and not become discouraged. President Obama has clearly won 4 more years. The Final Push Forward, Yes!

  • Mary I - 12 years ago

    A vote for Barach Obama is a vote for a better future and a real plan that's working! Does Mitt even have a plan for the future--other than an etch-a-sketch plan?

  • NJD - 12 years ago

    I just can't, in good conscience, vote for a person who would blatantly lie to get elected and have so many of the SOS trying to suppress the voters. We have to win if anything to prove power to the people instead of the dollars.

  • Team Obama - 12 years ago


  • lukewrmwatr - 12 years ago

    RR...we like our gov't just small enough to fit inside your uterus

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